Studia Gdańskie, 2007, T. 21
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Przeglądaj Studia Gdańskie, 2007, T. 21 wg Autor "Grulkowski, Bronisław"
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Pozycja Armando Favazza, Religia i psychologia, tłum. z wł. B. Stokłosa, Świat Książki, Warszawa 2006, ss. 399Grulkowski, Bronisław (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)Pozycja Celibat – sublimacja czy relacja?Grulkowski, Bronisław (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)The main purpose of the article is discussion with psychological conception of understanding the celibacy as a form of sublimation. This interpretation is connected with the psychoanalytical view of personality and sexuality. The personality is there seen as a “closed” system existing for its own purpose; its energy is originally biological and sexual. In such vision the religious and spiritual values are secondary ones. Such interpretation of the celibacy is incorrect. Therefore the author of the article proposes to interpret the celibacy in the light of the relational concept of personality, originated mainly by Joseph R. Nuttin (author of “Psychoanalysis and Personality”). Personality is seen in this concept as a part of connection “I – world”. The personality is based on the relations with the world and creates them. The sense of life and its quality depends here on self esteem, kind of relations and the interpretation of the world. There are therefore many possible situations and configurations. The relational interpretation of celibacy corresponds very well with religious understanding. It helps to understand much better the nature of the celibacy and the priest’s personality in its dynamic perspective (for example development or overcoming the crisis). This turn is free, what is especially important, from the danger of egocentrism and unclear terms such as unconsciousness, sublimation etc. So it seems very important to understand and interpret the celibacy in terms of the relational concept of personality.Pozycja Podstawowe zagadnienia psychologii religii, red. S. Głaz, Wydawnictwo WAM, Kraków 2006, ss. 672Grulkowski, Bronisław (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)