Studia Gdańskie, 2007, T. 21
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Przeglądaj Studia Gdańskie, 2007, T. 21 wg Autor "Krauze, Filip"
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Pozycja Czy w cuda trzeba wierzyć?Krauze, Filip (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)The article attempts to address the question of obligation to believe in miracles. The question defends its validity in a wider context of criticism, risen against miracles as motives of faith’s plausibility, which took place in theology of reformation, in scientistic mentality on the break of 19th and 20th centuries and in a narrowed theological vision of the same time. However depiction of faith as the Revelation’s correlate, along with description of miracles as belonging to the structure of the Revelation as personalizing signs of God’s presence, taken up at the 2nd Vatican Council, expressed a suitable climate to overcome intellectualistic concepts in theology, that formerly reduced faith to intellectual approval of a doctrine. Then in a miracle, as well as in the whole Revelation, the point is about personal sharing of God’d presence with the human, to which the proper response is faith. In this special case, the faith in miracles is conditioned on manifold objective and subjective factors. Nevertheless it is impossible to remove miracles from the area of Christian faith, because the Resurrection is the very miracle, which leads the faithful to the mature faith. Particularly, the faith in miracles is ultimately the faith in selfrevealing God. Mostly in this context the answer to the title question is: yes, one should believe in miracles.