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Pozycja „Ale pozostawię wam przy życiu tych, którzy ujdą miecza pogan”: Ez 6 w świetle retoryki hebrajskieBosowski, Jerzy (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2023)The text under study has been worked on many times by exegetes who have used diachronic methods. The application of the method of Hebrew rhetoric, which belongs to the synchronic methods, raises the hope of making new coverings. The study uncovered the structure of the studied text as parallel-centric with mirror composition. It has also been possible to discover number systems. The image of God that emerges from the passage (pericope) is God Almighty, but also God Merciful.Pozycja Atti del settimo convegno RBS. International Studies on Biblical & Semitic Rhetoric, E. Graziano ‒ R. Meynet ‒ B. Witek (ed.), Seria: RBSem 30, Leuven: Peeters 2021, ISBN 978-90-429-4586-9, 314 s.Bosowski, Jerzy (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2021)Pozycja Diaspora żydowska w Egipcie w czasach biblijnychBosowski, Jerzy (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2015)Deportations of Jews into the Babylonian captivity began a period of diaspora, because a part of the inhabitants of Judea took shelter in Egypt. In the fifth century BC, on the island of Elephantine ‒ an island in the Nile, near the First Cataract ‒ a colony of Jewish soldiers, who served in the army of Pharaoh, was created. Moreover, a temple following the temple in Jerusalem was built there. After the conquest of Egypt, made by Alexander the Great, the Jewish Diaspora intensively developed. Jews were invited to settle in the newly built port city ‒ Alexandria, which became the capital of the whole Egypt, as well as the scientific and artistic centre. The Judaic literature in Greek language, which was used every day, developed mainly in this city. The establishment of the Septuagint, the Greek Bible translated from Hebrew, was the most significant result of this development. Successive waves of emigration of Jews in the second century BC resulted in creation of the Jewish settlements in Leontopolis, where the temple of the Highest God was also built. During the reign of the Ptolemies, there were also the situations of the persecution of Jews. One such event was successfully completed, and it is called a “miracle of the hippodrome”. Since the conquest of Egypt by the Romans (30 BC), the situation of the Jewish Diaspora was gradually getting worse. In 38 AD, the first defeat of the Alexandrian Jews took place, and the next one occurred. The Jews, dissatisfied with their position, both in Egypt and the surrounding lands, started an armed rebellion, which was brutally suppressed by Romans in the 115-117 AD. It was the end of the Jewish Diaspora in Egypt, the history of which lasted over VII centuries.Pozycja Dorobek naukowy o. prof. dr. hab. Andrzeja Sebastiana Jasińskiego OFM. Monografie – rozdziały – artykułyBosowski, Jerzy (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2017)Pozycja Kocioł Ezechiela (Ez 24,1-14) w świetle retoryki hebrajskiejBosowski, Jerzy (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2021)The context of the research was that different commentators propose different structures for the text under study. The aim of the research became to work out the structure that the ancient inspired author inserted in the text. For this, the method of Hebrew rhetoric, which was developed by Roland Meynet, was used. It was possible to discover the structure of the studied text. It is a parallel structure with the scheme: A (v. 1a) ‒ B (v. 4ab) ‒ C (v. 6b) ‒ C’ (v. 9b) ‒ B’ (v. 11abc) ‒ A’ (v. 14a). The conclusions that were drawn are the picture of God that emerges from the Book of Ezekiel is God Almighty. The God of Israel can do anything, even make Nebuchadnezzar the instrument of punishment, both of Israel and Egypt. In addition, the study of Hebrew Rhetoric in the Book of Ezekiel should continue, as most of the oracles and visions are still undeveloped.Pozycja Niegodziwi pasterze i Dobry Pasterz. Ez 34 w świetle retoryki hebrajskiejBosowski, Jerzy (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2020)The context of the research undertaken was the different description of the structure of the Ezek 34 text by different commentators of Ezekiel. The aim of the research was to discover the structure that the ancient author planned and wrote down. The method of Hebrew rhetoric, developed by Roland Meynet, was used. The following research results were achieved: a fragment of Ezek 34,1-10 has a parallel-concentric structure with the scheme: A, B, C, B’, A’. Fragment Ezek 34,11-31 also has a parallel-concentric structure with the same scheme A, B, C, B’, A’. The conclusion that can be drawn from the text under examination is that the Book of Ezekiel is current today.Pozycja Patrick Pullicino, The Science of Ezekiel’s Chariot of YHWH Vision as a Synthesis of Reason and Spirit, Richmond (UK): Tiger of the Stripe, 2023, ISBN 978-1-904799-74-0, 290 s. (Recenzja książki)Bosowski, Jerzy (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2023)Pozycja Promocje doktorskie i recenzje habilitacyjne w dorobku o. prof. dr. hab. Andrzeja Sebastiana Jasińskiego OFMBosowski, Jerzy (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2017)Pozycja Trzy poziomy struktur i kompozycja w wyroczniach przeciw Egiptowi. Księga Ezechiela rozdziały 29-32 w świetle retoryki hebrajskiejBosowski, Jerzy (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2022)The context of the research was that different commentators on the Book of Ezekiel propose different structures for the texts under study. Most of them worked (still work) with diachronic methods. Typically these authors arrange the verses into groups and give titles to these groups. Therefore, the aim of the research became to discover structures based on the verses of the biblical text. It is then possible to identify the specific verses (or parts of verses, headings) that the ancient inspired author used. Therefore, the method of biblical Hebrew rhetoric was applied, which has 3 stages: bottom-up analysis, top-down analysis and theological interpretation. As a result of the research at the first two stages, it was discovered that the texts of the oracles against Egypt in the Book of Ezekiel are written in structures. Both at the level of bottom-up and top-down analysis. These texts can be read linearly (line by line), but they can also be read by members (A + A’, B + B’...) and this makes sense. The third level of structure is an analysis of the 4 chapters (29-32) of the Book of Ezekiel, which contain the oracles against Egypt. The conclusion, as can be drawn from the study, is that Ezekiel did not write oracles against Egypt. Ezekiel composed these oracles into 2 systems of 3 oracles each. In the first system, the destructor of Egypt is the king of Babylonia (parallel structures), In the second system, the destructor of Egypt is God (parallel-concentric structures). The inclusion that binds the whole oracle together is the double-seven number system, occurring in the first and last oracle.