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Pozycja Comprehensive activation of students during education classes on family life in Polish schools. Theoretical assumptionsZellma, Anna (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2016)Family life education classes in Polish schools are carried out on the basis of theoretical assumptions included in the core curriculum, programmes, handbooks and didactic materials. They indicate not only the objectives and the content, but also the methods of achieving them. It is rightly considered important to activate students in multiple ways in the fifth and sixth form of the primary school, first to third forms of the lower secondary school and in upper secondary schools. This principle assumes stimulating the comprehensive activity of students by arranging situations that serve the purpose of learning about issues concerning marriage and family, discovering family-oriented values and experiencing and acting in a responsible manner. Therefore, it requires the application of appropriately selected, varied forms, methods and didactic means in the family life education classes. This will help to individualise the process of education and to efficiently implement curriculum objectives and contents, thus enhancing the scope of students’ knowledge and experiences, as well as developing family-oriented attitudes.Pozycja Cooperation between religion teachers and police psychologists in the prevention of domestic violenceZellma, Anna (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)This article aims to show the importance of cooperation between religion teachers and police psychologists in preventing domestic violence. The method of analysis of the literature and state documents (e.g. the law of education) is used. The conclusions were presented in a synthetic way. It has been noted that the cooperation of religion teachers with police psychologists serves to eliminate risk factors that can lead to domestic violence. The parties must therefore remain open towards one another, be ready to engage in dialogue and share knowledge and experience in the area of the prevention of domestic violence.Pozycja Edukacja dla bezpieczeństwa w kontekście zmian programowych nauczania religiiZellma, Anna (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)Edukacja dla bezpieczeństwa zajmuje ważne miejsce w holistycznej koncepcji nauczania i wychowania. Jej zakres merytoryczny wiąże się z jedną z podstawowych potrzeb człowieka: potrzebą bezpieczeństwa. Dobrze zatem, że edukacja dla bezpieczeństwa znalazła właściwe miejsce w systemie reformowanej szkoły, o czym świadczą ramowe plany nauczania oraz dokumenty programowe kształcenia ogólnego w ośmioletniej szkole podstawowej, w branżowej szkole I stopnia, w czteroletnim liceum i w pięcioletnim technikum. Sytuacja ta stawia nowe wyzwania przed nauczaniem religii. Podejmując wyżej zasygnalizowaną problematykę, w niniejszym opracowaniu zwrócono uwagę na potrzebę integrowania w nauczaniu religii wiedzy i umiejętności z zakresu edukacji dla bezpieczeństwa. Za istotne uznano uzupełnianie tej wiedzy o wymiar etyczny oraz udzielanie uczniom wsparcia w rozwijaniu umiejętności społecznych i kształtowaniu właściwych postaw, niezbędnych w przeciwdziałaniu różnym zagrożeniom w zakresie bezpieczeństwa. Wskazano na potrzebę zrewidowania tradycyjnego podejścia do korelacji w nauczaniu religii, wyrażającego się w kopiowaniu wszystkich treści z podstawy programowej kształcenia ogólnego. Postulowano zwrócenie większej uwagi na aksjologiczny wymiar edukacji dla bezpieczeństwa. Przedstawiono też innowacyjne sposoby realizacji korelacji nauczania religii z edukacją dla bezpieczeństwa.Pozycja Edukacja o zdrowiu i dla zdrowia w szkolnym nauczaniu religii ‒ konieczność czy chwilowa moda?Zellma, Anna (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)Interest in human health has been growing in recent years and increasing attention has been devoted to public health. This has resulted in campaigns to benefit environmental hygiene, control contagious diseases, propagate the principles of personal hygiene and to organise medical services in order to diagnose, prevent and treat diseases of civilisation. Issues related to prevention and care for individuals and groups have come in for much attention. Moreover, a healthy lifestyle is promoted among children and adolescents. As a consequence, edu cation on health and for health and education of issues sometimes regarded as identical to health and health-promoting education, is developing rapidly, both in theory and practice. This study analyses whether the implementation of the principles of education on health and for health in teaching religion is a necessity or just a fad. The paper briefly explains the term: “education on health and for health”. An assessment is made of the correlation between teaching religion and education on health and for health. The opportunities and threats of education on health and for health in teaching religion are also described.Pozycja Edukacja religijna młodzieży gimnazjalnej w świetle znowelizowanej „Podstawy programowej katechezy Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce”Zellma, Anna (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2010)The topic discussed in the article is an up-to-date issue as it is inspired by the amended text of the Core curriculum of the Catholic Church catechesis in Poland, approved by the Polish Episcopal Conference in March 2010. The aim of the article is an analysis of issues related to the religious education of pupils at lower secondary schools in Poland, i.e. the description of theoretical foundations, defined in the abovementioned curriculum of the Catholic Church in Poland. Accordingly, firstly the term “religious education” shall be analyzed and the Core curriculum of the Catholic Church catechesis in Poland, amended in 2010, shall be characterized. Secondly, catechetic aims shall be described – general requirements, the tasks of catechesis and of religious education (RE) teachers, and the content defined under specific requirements categories. Recommended conditions and ways of carrying out the assumptions of the curriculum will follow as well as the assumptions concerning the correlation of RE and other courses at lower secondary school as defined in the curriculum. Next, an attempt shall be made to analyze the cooperation between upbringing environments, i.e. above all the family and the parish. The analyses shall be completed with an attempt at evaluating religious education proposed under the Core curriculum of the Catholic Church catechesis in Poland.Pozycja Edukacyjne i społecznościowe portale jako nowe przestrzenie w warsztacie pracy i doskonalenia kreatywnego nauczyciela religiiZellma, Anna (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Development of information-communication technologies determines new educational tasks a religion teacher faces. They are connected, among others, with using the computer and the Internet in the process of teaching religion. Along with these tasks the range is widened of social demands from religion teachers who, apart from the knowledge of the subject they teach, from the knowledge of methodology of teaching, and the testimony of faith, should be competent as far as using the information-communication technologies available to their students, is concerned. These technologies include the information in social networking services. With reference to this issue, in the article first the terms are defined: „educational web portal” and „social networking service”. Next, the most important web portals, which can be used by a religion teacher, are characterized. In this context the role is shown of educational portals and social networking services that should be used by religion teachers both when preparing and when conducting classes, as well as in their work on improving their workshop (mainly in the process of self-education). Also, the reader's attention is drawn to a creative use of modern information-communication technologies, and to the resulting educational challenges.Pozycja Empirical Research as an Area of Research Activity of Polish Catechetical ExpertsZellma, Anna (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2015)Contemporary Polish catechetical idea takes into account various issues of teaching and Christian education in the family, at school or in the parish. A lot of attention is paid to concepts and models of teaching religion in schools. Polish catechetists from various academic centers (eg. Lublin, Poznań, Olsztyn) make attempts to verify the existing catechetic theories through empirical research. Significant here is the contribution of Fr. prof. Stanisław Kulpaczyński from the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. The article focuses on methodological and substantive aspects of empirical research in the Polish catechetics. First there have been described methods, techniques and research tools. It has been shown that Polish katechetetics usually employ quantitative and qualitative methods using a questionnaire. They select different groups of respondents. Most often they conduct empirical research in schools – among young people and among catechists from different dioceses. From the merits they are interested in their issues such as catechesis in schools, the formation of catechists, religion teaching methods, giving marks on catechesis, conflict solution, cooperation with parents, parish catechesis. The results of empirical research are presented in articles and monographs as well as in doctoral dissertations. On this basis the Polish catechetists work out new catechetical solutions.Pozycja Fenomen autorytetu w perspektywie kultury „instant”Zellma, Anna (Instytut Teologiczny Diecezji Ełckiej, 2002)Pozycja Innowacyjne inicjatywy pedagogiczne w środowisku szkolnym i parafialnymZellma, Anna (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2017)At present, innovative initiatives pose a serious pedagogic challenge, which is also faced by catechists and priests. Therefore, it is worth verifying traditional activities in school and parish environments and seeking new, creative organisational and methodological solutions. This requires creativity of ideas and actions from catechists and priests, since not every initiative deserves to be called innovative. Only introducing better, alternative, reality-changing solutions can be referred to as innovative actions. On the basis of the term “innovative pedagogic initiatives”, as understood in the analyses, the article highlights good practices in the organisation and methodology of initiating various creative activities. They were presented as models for innovative initiatives in the school and parish environment. Also presented were characteristics of catechists and priests – innovators in the school and parish environment, who are open to the “signs of the times”, able to think creatively, to act outside the routine and to cooperate. This was the context in which barriers were described which limit the implementation of pedagogic innovations by catechists and priests and the methods of overcoming them.Pozycja Kompetencje emocjonalne nauczyciela religii jako warunek skutecznej katechizacji młodzieżyZellma, Anna (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2005)A religion teacher has the leading place among the factors conditioning efficient catechization of young people. His personality and pedagogical competence determine realizalion of the assumptions of religion teaching at school, at the same time determining the quality of his relations with the pupils. In the area of this educational-didactic influence a special place is occupied by the teacher’s ability to have insight into his own emotions and to express them in a mature way, as well as to understand affective States of the educated youths. The analyses undertaken in the article attempt obtaining an answer to the question: what kind of emotional compétence of a religion teacher conditions effective catechization of young people? In connection with the study problem formulated in this way the author tried to show the following items: 1) psychological-pedagogical characteristics of a religion teacher’s emotional competence; 2) usefulness of this competence in catechetic work with young people; 3) the influence of a religion teacher’s emotional awareness on efficiency of the process of catechization of young people. Attention was also paid to the possibilities of using emotional competence in the course of a religion lesson by the catechist.Pozycja Korelacja nauczania religii katolickiej z wiedzą o społeczeństwie w szkołach ponadgimnazjalnych. Ujęcie teoretyczneZellma, Anna (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2012)Successive curricular reforms in general education have been implemented in Polish education since 2009/2010. In connection with it, the authors of catechetical curricular documents of Catholic Church in Poland planned new areas of correlation of religion teaching with school education. They also introduced new contents in correlation with subjects of general education such as civic studies. The aim of this article is to analyse correlation of catholic religion teaching with civic studies in post-secondary schools: in secondary school, technical college and vocational school on the basis of new curricular documents on religion teaching and general education. The issues included in binding documents: Catechesis curriculum and General education curriculum are consecutively disscussed. Being aware of the fact that new civic studies curriculum is just being created, the analysis of correlation of religion teaching with civic studies in post secondary schools is omitted. However, the range of correlation in catechesis and general education curriculum is mentioned. The evaluation of analysed aims, tasks and contents is also made. In the summary a few didactic and educational postulates, significant to catechetical practice, are introduced.Pozycja Kształtowanie wrażliwości sumienia katechizowanej młodzieży w kontekście współczesnej aksjologiiZellma, Anna (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2016)Kształtowanie sumienia wiąże się bezpośrednio z formacją moralną. Jest to jedno z podstawowych zadań katechezy. Zadanie to zasługuje na szczególną uwagę w odniesieniu do współczesnej młodzieży i preferowanych przez nią wartości. W artykule podjęto próbę ukazania problematyki kształtowania sumienia katechizowanej młodzieży w kontekście współczesnej aksjologii, określonej na podstawie wtórnej analizy wybranych wyników badań empirycznych. Najpierw opisano rozumienie kształtowania sumienia z perspektywy katechetycznej. Następnie dokonano w sposób syntetyczny (i jedynie w formie egzemplifikacji) przeglądu autodeklaracji młodzieży na temat preferowanych wartości. Odwołano się przy tym do konkretnych badań i najważniejszych publikacji, w których zostały przedstawione wyniki badań empirycznych. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na opinie młodzieży dotyczące sumienia i wyborów moralnych. Na tej podstawie wyprowadzono wnioski dotyczące zmian w programowaniu wychowania religijnego i działalności pedagogicznej nauczycieli religii.Pozycja Miłość jako wartość moralna w pracy edukacyjnej nauczyciela religiiZellma, Anna (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)The religion teacher performs a significant role in religion teaching at school. One of the meaningful elements of this service is love understood as moral value. Hence, answers have been sought to the following questions: what role is played by love in the religion teacher’s educational work? What factors condition the religion teacher’s educational work that is inspired by love? Answering these questions first the author tried to explain the terms that are key ones for the issue addressed in the present article, i.e. “love”, “value”, “the religion teacher’s work”. She refers here to personalistic philosophy and pedagogy as well as to theology. Against the background of these concepts the questions that are fundamental for the catechetical service are shown, as they are based on Christian axiology. It is shown that love understood first of all as an encounter with another man, affirmation of his person, being a gift for him, showing kindness to him, appears as a significant moral value in the religion teacher’s educational work. It is in the center of catechetical service and protects one from pragmatism or instrumentalism, contributing to building genuine bonds with God and with another man.Pozycja Nauczanie religii wobec zadania wspierania młodzieży w poznawaniu i doświadczaniu wiary w świetle założeń programowychZellma, Anna (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2009)The teaching of religion in schools is an integral part of the catechetical activity of the Church. Its role is to support the pupils in their interpersonal and Christian relations. It is essential that, in order to fulfil oneself, a person needs to learn about and experience faith. This is the element that has a great impact on the quality of the relations of the young people with God and on becoming an actual and trustworthy student of Christ in the community of Church, in the family and in the world. The aim of this article is to search for the answer to the question: to which extent and in what way does the educational activity designed in programme documents of the teaching of religion in elementary schools and high schools relate to the issue of learning about and experiencing faith by the young people. This is the reason why the issues of ‘learning about and experiencing faith’ will be discussed first. Later this will serve as a setting to the programme guidelines directly or indirectly referring to the support of the youth in elementary schools and high schools in their learning and experiencing faith. Bulk of the attention was drawn to the issues of the religious knowledge to be passed on the young people and on generating the chances for the implementation of the faith in personal life.Pozycja Nauczyciel religii jako animator kultury w środowisku wiejskimZellma, Anna (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2015)Praca nauczyciela religii ma charakter eklezjalny i społeczny. Jako osoba posłana przez wspólnotę Kościoła ma wypełniać zadania dydaktyczne i wychowawcze oraz składać świadectwo wiary wobec uczniów, rodziców i innych nauczycieli. Dyrekcja szkoły wyznacza mu określone zadania edukacyjne, które wynikają z obowiązków zawodowych określonych w „Karcie Nauczyciela”. Ich specyficzna forma i sposób realizacji zależy od środowiska lokalnego. Analizy podjęte w niniejszym artykule wiążą się nie tylko z działalnością dydaktyczną i wychowawczą nauczyciela religii, ale także z aktywnością społeczną i kulturalną. Zmierzały do ukazania nauczyciela religii jako animatora kultury w środowisku wiejskim. Aktywność ta ma ścisły związek z działalnością ewangelizacyjną, w której uwzględnia się wartości kulturowe. Najpierw opisano kim jest animator kultury, a następnie zaprezentowano kontekst społeczny środowiska wiejskiego. W powiązaniu z tymi zagadnieniami ukazano zakres aktywności społeczno-kulturalnej nauczyciela religii w środowisku wiejskim. Zwrócono też uwagę na strategie i kompetencje niezbędne w aktywności społeczno-kulturalnej, akceptując nie tylko katechetyczne, ale także pedagogiczne aspekty problematyki. W środowisku wiejskim szkoły często są jedynymi instytucjami publicznymi, spełniającymi, obok funkcji edukacyjnych, również funkcje kulturowe. Stąd też od wszystkich pracowników szkoły, a więc także od nauczycieli religii, oczekuje się zaangażowania w rozwój i integrację społeczności wiejskiej.Pozycja (Nie)kwestionowana rola pedeutologii w kształceniu przyszłych nauczycieli religiiZellma, Anna (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)Preliminarytraining of religion teachers includes different areas of theological, humanist, pedagogical and catechetic education. To be qualified to teach religion, theology students are required to gain knowledge in pedagogy, didactics, psychology and to develop their practical skills and social competences. Among these general issues, knowledge of the teaching profession is worth particular attention. Analyses carried out for this paper aimed to present the unquestionable role of pedeutology in training future religion teachers. It has been observed that multi-aspect knowledge about the teacher, different concepts of teacher training and socio-cultural factors that affect a teacher’s work correspond with the guidance provided in documents of the Church. Moreover, it allows a better understanding of one’s professional role and the ethical dimension of one’s educational work. It also favours developing responsibilityfor othersin teachers, especially for students. While pursuing these objectives, it is worth paying attention to a proper understanding of the detailed issues of pedeutology and to developing the ability to think and act creativelyin different teaching situations. Preferred methods include those based on dialogue and team work. They stimulate future religion teachers and reinforce the endeavours to achieve one’s own educational maturity and style of catechesis.Pozycja Osobowość jako determinant interakcji społecznych młodzieży w toku katechezyZellma, Anna (Instytut Teologiczny Diecezji Ełckiej, 2001)Pozycja Pedagog szkolny jako realizator procedury „Niebieskie Karty”Zellma, Anna (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2016)Pozycja Pedagogiczne aspekty adhortacji papieża Franciszka Amoris laetitiaZellma, Anna (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)Amoris laetitia, an apostolic exhortation by Pope Francis, shows the problems related to marriage and family in a new light. The Pope, just like His predecessors, devotes a lot of attention to parental responsibility for the holistic development of children. He reminds us that the passing on of values and ideals, development of social and religious attitudes and sexual education should occupy an important place in the process of upbringing in the family. In the opinion of Francis, such an upbringing requires the involvement of the mother and the father, who consciously and responsibly participate in the holistic development of their children. In the accomplishment of educational tasks the parents are entitled to receive proper support from the state, the school and the Church. Other aspects regarded by Pope Francis as important include the preparation of future spouses for marriage and parenthood, and support for married couples in performing their tasks resulting from motherhood and fatherhood. Consequently, Francis devotes much attention to proper methods of upbringing in the family, which is important not only in theory, but also in practice. All of these aspects are investigated in the article and analysed from the perspective of Christian pedagogy.Pozycja Pomoc katechezy w rozwiązywaniu przeżywanych przez katechizowaną młodzież konfliktów (na przykładzie badań empirycznych)Zellma, Anna (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)The paper takes up the problems of conflicts experienced by the catechized youth, and justifies their significance on the basis of Ogólna Instrukcja Katechetyczna (The General Religious Instruction) and the adhortation Catechesi tradendae. First it shows the problems of conflicts contained in the catechetic materials for adolescents, edited by Rev. J. Szpet. It has been stated that the materials contain three catecheses directly devoted to this issue. There are, however, catechetic units in which it is possible to draw on to various states of conflict. Then, on the basis of empirical research, the conflicts discussed at the religious instruction have been shown (family, religious, moral, generational, sexual and the like conflicts). The valuable part of the paper is that it shows the ways in which the catechist could help in solving conflicts. 75 per cent of the subjects think that the catechist is of no help for them in this respect. According to the young people, what makes this question more difficult is the curriculum of religious instructions, the attitude of the catechist, schoolgirls and schoolboys, and a large number of pupils at the catechesis. The author adds authentic statements of the subjects, and their postulates concern the need for a new curriculum, more catecheses about the conflicts and their solutions and more methods that activate people. The important questions are well illustrated by the enclosed tables (with the test Chi square). The final conclusion says about the need to include the opinion of the youth when forming new curricula.