Polonia Sacra, 2001, R. 5 (23), Nr 9 (53)
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Pozycja „Święta wojna” w islamie. Historyczno-teologiczne aspekty dżihaduKościelniak, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Cet article présente une analyse des aspects historiquesthéologiques du jihad dans l'islam. Dans l'aspect historique on peux constater, que l'islam est née dans la guerre. Muhammad imposait ses idées aux habitons de l'Arabie à l'aide d'actions militaire. Les premiers musulmans ont conquéri les pays chrétiennes: Syrie (636) et Égipt (641), le developement de l'empire musulmane se passait ensuite aux dépens les territoires chrétiens de l'Afrique, de l'Espagnol, du Proche Orient et de la Byzance. Alors, on ne s'étonne pas que l'islam développe une théorie de la guerre dans un contexte religieux. Dans le Coran il y a tant de textes differents et ambigus qu'on peut fonder sur eux chaque opinion. À côté des fragments qui parlent de la paix et de la dignité de l'homme il y a relativement beaucoup de textes qui propagent l'idée de la guerre. La tradition musulmane développait cette pensé dans les traites sur la guerre sainte. Aussi aujourd'hui, sur cette base théologique les extrémistes islamique enveloppent le théorie de la guerre sainte et ils justifient le terreur pour propager l'islam. Ces idées sont accteptées par les millions de musulmans. Les chrétiennes contemporains attendent du côté musulmane de respecter dans les pays islamiques les droits égaux pour les chrétiens que pour les musulmans (c'est évidante que les chrétiennes y sont souvent persécutés) et que les théologiens musulmans commencent avec grande force à propager parmi les musulmans le jihad suelement dans l'aspect spirutelle (c'est à dire jihad comme l'effort spirituelle pour l'islam), qui n'est pas liée avec ime destruction l'homme, sa dignité et sa liberté. Ce sont les conditions nécessaires pour l'islam afin qu'il soit digne de la foi – en harmonie avec les declarations des musulmans – comme une religion de la paix dans le monde contemporain.Pozycja Osobowość katechety w perspektywie oczekiwań uczniów – próba diagnozyMastalski, Janusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Molti catechisti e didatti sottolineano l'importanza della metodologia dell'insegnamento nel processo educativo, ma affermano anche che le predisposizioni e le qualità' personali dell'insegnante condizionano l'atteggiamento degli allievi verso una data materia. Gli studenti affascinati della personalità' di un buon insegnante vedono in lui un modello da sequire e, in consequenza, fanno proprie molte delle sue doti. Sulla base delle ricerche condotte nelle scuole di Cracovia fra le qualità' piu' richieste hanno indicato: la comprensione, la giustizia e l'amichevolezza.Pozycja List do Galatów w świetle niektórych analiz struktury literackiejPindel, Roman (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)A survey of publications which undertake an analysis of literary structure of the Epistle to the Galatians suggests a few conclusions. Firstly, there is no standard nomenclature relating to various elements of composition, e. g., for some authors the ABA construction is concentric symetry, for others, chiasmus. The ABB'A' construction is described as chaismus or reversed symetry. A coherent suggestion regarding nomenclature – having considered the history of the problem first – is given by R. Meynet in his textbook publication on literary structures, which distinguishes at the same time the level of “relations between linguistic elements” from “composition figures”. Secondly, it seems that it is necessary to establish principles of considering some regularity in the construction of the text as an actual composition figure, to eliminate optionality. Principles relating to chiasmus formulated some time ago (N. W. Lund) are now being discussed. Thirdly, in addition to establishing the steps of creating a method of discovering composition figures, it is necessary to define a method of interpreting die discovered structures – so that they are coherent with the procedures of exegesis.Pozycja Znaczenie teologiczne koncepcji cierpliwości u św. Hilarego z PoitiersKasprzak, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Il carattere peculiare del presente lavoro è dato dal tentativo di affrontare, in modo globale e monografico, la questione della valenza teologica ed etica del concetto di pazienza nella opera di Ilario di Poitiers. La ricerca eseguita ha evidenziato che Ilario, riguardo ai suoi predecessori, nel campo teologico ha sviluppato certi aspetti sulla dottrina della pazienza. L'uomo credente quando avrà la preoccupazione costante nel vigilare, collaborando con la grazia divina, potrà ottenere dal Signore la gloria di Dio. Ilario sviluppa anche i temi tradizionali riguardo alla „patientia Christi”, quando dimostra che essa esiste come sopportazione del Messia, come la paziente sofferenza di Cristo. Il contenuto di questa dottrina ilariana della pazienza corrisponde all'ύπομονη, neotestamentaria, orientata verso la sopportazione delle persecuzioni che soffre il Messia. Q termine „patientia” ha ottenuto un certo sviluppo e arricchimento nel evolversi dell'opera di Qario. Nel Commentarìus in evangelium Matthaei, scritto prima dell’esilio, cioè circa il 355, il vescovo di Poitiers ha fatto qualche accenno al termine, ma la stia presentazione dell'idea di „patientia” era qui molto limitata e generale. Invece scrivendo tra il 365 ed il 367 il Tractatus super Psalmos possiamo notare uno sviluppo riguardo al significato del termine „patientia” che il vescovo propone.Pozycja Społeczne obowiązki własności prywatnejZwoliński, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)The right to use and administer property, which results from the fact of ownership, is not unlimited. The Church has been standing on guard of private ownership: all violent actions against ownership such as theft, arson, etc. have been treated in the category of sin and severe ecclesiastical sanctions are imposed on those who commit these actions. It does not mean, however, that the Church has been of an opinion that there should be complete freedom of administering property, especially when it comes to individual consumption. Gluttony and drunkenness have been considered as sins, regardless of social position of an individual. Although ownership of material goods is the right of an individual, it is conditioned in multiple ways by the structure of human personality and by the arguments of social good. Material goods ownership is then a social function as well. A person who owns material goods and administers them is called upon to contribute to the welfare of others and to the welfare of the community in which he lives. Social dimension of human nature makes us ponder over man's role in constructing the best possible community, also by means of owned property. This concern expresses at the same time the deepest theological truth about man, who is the “likeness of God”. Man becomes this likeness not only thanks to his gift for a personal dialogue with God but also thanks to the gift for interpersonal community within human family and for controlling the world. Owing to his carnality man is substantially connected with the world – cannot improve himself without simultaneously improving and transforming the world. Yet, possessing inner spirituality he crosses the limits of the world and lives in personal solidarity with others.Pozycja La preghiera comunitaria nelle persecuzioni e i suoi risultati (Atti 4, 23-31)Rosik, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Pozycja Nędzne ziarno. Ciało, płeć, małżeństwo w myśli św. Grzegorza z NyssyZarębski, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)The subject matter is in the case of St. Gregory of Nyssa, a 4th c. theologian and philosopher, so vast that a bulging volume might be written on it. In a short paper it is necessary to treat the issues under discussion in a rather general way drawing a general sketch of the great theologian's reflections on the subject of human carnality. Touching on the issue of carnality in St. Gregory's theology we will remain within the exegesis of the first chapters of the Book of Genesis. It is on the basis of these Biblical details that Gregory creates his own theory, interpreting in a very specific way the creation of carnal man, the creation of a man and a woman and the calling for marriage.Pozycja Dydaktyczne zasady nauczania związane ze strukturą materiału kształcenia i jego przekazem w katechezie biblijnejStypułkowska, Beata (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)The content of the presented paper is centered around the one group of didactic principles of teaching and their significance in biblical catechesis. Here are assigned the principles of: gradation of difficulties, pictoriality, employing examples, correlation, relating theory to practice, knowledge permanence, and knowledge efficiency. Applying these principles helps a teacher to analyse the educational material correctly and makes the communicated subjects clear and well arranged from the point of view of his/her pupils. After all, the results of education depend strongly on teacher's action and his/her didactic skills. Didactic principles of teaching can be truly helpful to the catechist in planning of education process and its subsequent realization, as well as in checking effects of teaching in the field of biblical catechesis. As opposed to catechetical principles of teaching and biblical principles of interpretation of the Holy Scriptures in catechesis, the didactic principles of teaching are of universal character. They are helpful in teaching various school subjects. Moreover, the catechist can select or prefer certain principles without detriment to the correct proceeding of a didactic process.Pozycja Tadeusz Panuś, Główne kierunki katechetyczne XX wieku, Kraków 2001, Wydawnictwo „M”, ss. 167Marczewski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Pozycja Eutanazja – współczucie czy barbarzyństwo?Orzeszyna, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)With no doubt if it's wonder, that the euthanasia is treating as a way out from the problem of human pain and suffering especially now in the time of incredible progress of medicine and techniques making human life longer. Is not it a tragic irony that killing people is a way out from „curing” people? The side man needs a professional care, not the euthanasia. When he is unhappy and he suffer it means that he needs help, not the death. Therefore, we see that today the will of bringing people help is not the most important thing. The doctor does not want to accompany patient in the suffering, but he wants to have a successes. It is against the ethics of Hipokrates. When the doctor cannot have the successes, he wants to liquidate the problem. Euthanasia is not the problem of sick, but healthy people, who are afraid of their own suffering and death. They want to kill old and ill people, because they unmask their powerlessness and they want them to get out from their egoism.Pozycja Posługa kapłanów w postanowieniach duszpasterskiego Synodu Archidiecezji Krakowskiej 1972-1979Dyduch, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Secerdoti partecipano al triplice servizio della Chiesa: profetico, sacerdotale, regale. Il programma di questo servizio della Chiesa? incluso nell'insegnamento del Cocilio Vaticano II riguardante triplice missione della Chriesa. Il rinnovamento della vita religiosa nell'Arcidiocesi di Cracovia consisteva allora nel mettere in pratica le indicazioni del Concilio. Il Sinodo di Cracovia era strumento del rinnovamento secondo insegnamento del Vaticano II, pure nel campo del servizio pastorale dei sacerdoti.Pozycja Ćwiczenia z teologii pastoralnej i duszpasterskie praktyki – wymóg chwiliOstrowski, Maciej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)The paper was written on the basis of a task of a team of Polish Pastoral Section to draw up a class curriculum in pastoral theology for Faculties of Theology and Higher Seminaries in Poland. In the light of recent Church declarations, especially the new “Ratio studiorum” for Higher Seminaries in Poland a necessity has appeared for a more dynamic introduction of practical classes in the course of theological studies. Theological faculties should put more emphasis on classes whereas Seminaries should devote more attention to organising ministerial practices. Co-operation of all practical courses at theological faculties, seminaries and bodies responsible for ministration in dioceses is necessary for pastoral preparation of students. The paper discusses basic assumptions in the construction of practical classes such as: forming ministerial judgement and love as well as intuition of the Church, introducing into lively local ministerial tradition, preparing for co-operation of the clergy with lay Catholics. It then reflects on the selection of class subject matter, among other things the establishing of limits of universality and specialisation, taking into consideration local needs. It briefly discusses possible methods and forms of classes and their number.Pozycja Piotr Biliński, Żywoty biskupów krakowskich, Wydawnictwo Unum, Kraków 2000Jachna, Artur (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Pozycja Wolność liberała, wolność chrześcijaninaDrzyżdżyk, Szymon (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)The article discusses an original conception of freedom developed by Mirosław Dzielski: existential and metaphysical freedom, the latter fitting within the limits of the former. The article shows the difference between liberal and Christian understanding of freedom although freedom itself is shown as the ground where the great liberal tradition and Christianity meet and communicate. The article shows the route a Christian must follow in his thinking to be able, at least to some extent, to accept liberal freedom, but it also shows the route a liberal should follow to perceive the insufficiency of a negative conception of freedom and accept the reasons of Christian argumentation. One way or another the meeting of a “liberal” and a “Christian” always takes place within an area of freedom.Pozycja Biblijne ujęcia KościołaKubiś, Adam (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Der Verfasser stellt zuerst die methodologischen Hinweise für die skripturistiche Ekklesiologie dar. Der folgende Abschnitt des Artikels formuliert die Verbindungsideen zwischen dem Alten und Neuen Testament, die der Kirchenlehre betreffen. Anschliessend fast der Artikel die skripturistische Ekklesiologie in den Äußerungen des Magisteriums mit ihrer Besichtigung auf dem II. Vatikanischen Konzil. Es gibt unter den Theologen eine allgemeine Überzeugung, daß die vielschichtige Natur der Kirche, d.h. „die mit hierarchischen Organen ausgestattete Gesellschaft aber und der geheimnisvolle Leib Christi, die sichtbare Versammlung und die geistliche Gemeinschaft, die irdische Kirche und die mit himmlischen Gaben beschenkte Kirche” (LG 8), ist durch keine einzelne biblische Kategorie zu definieren; weil Alle zusammen nur Imstande sind, ihre ganze Realität vorzustellen.Pozycja Ks. Tadeusz Zasępa, Media – człowiek – społeczeństwo (doświadczenia europejsko-amerykańskie), Edycja Świętego Pawła, Częstochowa 2000, ss. 360Ligęza, Kazimierz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Pozycja Znaczenie mistycznej tradycji żydowskiej dla chrześcijańskiego rozumienia Biblii na tle nauczania kościelnegoJelonek, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)The question which interests us is to what extent Jewish tradition can help us follow the content of Biblical revelation. The clearest statement, which is the answer to our question, can be found in a document of the Pontifical Biblical Committee “On Interpretation of the Bible in the Church”, published in 1993. Before we come to the statement itself we will find a wide background of the searched for answer in the presentation of the Pontifical Biblical Committee, the nature of its activity and two Church documents on the anniversary of whose publication the document which interests us was written. The Church documents are: Leo XIII's encyclical Providentissimus Deus and Pius XII's Divino afflante Spirita. 1993 was the year which marked full anniversaries of these two important Church documents on researching and teaching of the Bible. On April 23,1993 at an anniversary audience the Pope delivered an address and presented the Church with a document, drawn up by the Pontifical Biblical Committee, on interpretation of the Holy Scriptures in the Church. In this document we will find an answer to the question about the legitimacy of dealing with Jewish mysticism in Bible studies. The first part of the document presents a short description of methods and formulations and points to their possibilities and limitations. Among the formulations considered to be based on Tradition the document mentions two which justify the advantages of dealing with Jewish mysticism, one referring to Jewish interpretational traditions, the other to the history of the influence of the text.Pozycja Udział świeckich w nowej ewangelizacjiBorutka, Tadeusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Our times are ones of deep crisis but also of intensive evangelisationl effort, which is defined as a programme of a new “new civilisation”. Participation in evangelisation requires that – in the light of new challeges – the flame of faith and charisma, individual and collective should be lit anew. It calls for new methods and forms of activity, new means of expression. It also demands unity. Evangelisation is a broad and far-reaching cause. It consists in the change of life styles, relations among people, social structures; the change of life of nations.Pozycja Fatih Cimok, A guide to the Seven Churches, Istanbul 2000, ss. 95Zbroja, Bogdan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Pozycja Tajemnica Matki Pana w tajemnicy Przymierza. Symbolika i teologia J 2,1-12Życiński, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Traditional interpretation uses this text as a Biblical proof confirming the doctrine of St. Mary's mediation. Nowadays, however, this rendition is being abandoned since interpreting Mary's asking for a miracle as a manifestation of Her interceding power does not seem justified. Exegetes point at a close connection between the description of the Cana marriage feast and the description of the Covenant made on Sinai (Exod. 19,10- 11.16). The Protagonist here is not St. Mary but Jesus, who is beginning His public activity and showing His messianic glory. On the third day the glory of God was revealed on Sinai, on the third day the marriage feast in Cana was held and on the third day the Resurrection of Christ took place. St. Mary, as a MotherWoman-Betrothed, carries on a mission in the Church; the mission which She initiated in Cana.