Scriptura Sacra, 2004-2005, R. 8-9
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Pozycja Sprawozdanie z VIII Ogólnopolskiego Dnia Judaizmu ‒ Katowice 2005Pisarek, Stanisław (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)Pozycja Spotkanie uczonych od Nowego Testamentu na Uniwersytecie Marcina Lutra w Halle-WittenbergPisarek, Stanisław (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)Pozycja Jan Kochel, Katecheza Królestwa niebieskiego. Studium biblijno-katechetyczne Ewangelii Mateusza (Opolska Biblioteka Teologiczna 74), Opole 2005, ss. 377.Czerski, Janusz (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)Pozycja Problem struktury Ewangelii św. Marka we współczesnej egzegezieZiaja, Krystian (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)Pozycja Bóg jako źródło prawodawstwa w świetle Kodeksu Świętości (Kpł 17-26)Kułaczkowski, Jerzy (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)One of the most important collection of the rules of law included in the Bible is the Code of Sanctity in the Book of Leviticus. These rules have their own features. Of course law included in the Old Testament has some common features with law in The Ancient East. But undoubtedly it has also its own specific. First of all, the Code of Sanctity shows God, as a source of law. It is why, law can not be understood as a typical code of rules, but rather as indications of a proper behaviour concerning human’s life. It was inclined a human being to correct attitudes and in this way to help in creating good relations between people. Thus the law should be the foundation of social order. More over, this order was supposed to be a sign of God’s wil. Thanks this a human being was situated in a space of God’s salvation. This aspect of the law seemed to be the most accurate for the law in present times created by people in order that all regulations would not make social mass but make peace.Pozycja Antoni Paciorek, Ewangelia według świętego Mateusza, rozdziały 1-13. Wstęp ‒ przekład z oryginału ‒ komentarz (A. Paciorek, R. Bartnicki, T. Brzegowy, A. Tronina, J. Warzecha [red.], Nowy Komentarz Biblijny 1/1), Edycja Świętego Pawła, Częstochowa 2005, ss. 608s.Pisarek, Stanisław (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)Pozycja Z dziejów postaci Kaina, Barabasza i Judasza w literaturzeSzladowski, Marek (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)Author’s primary intention is to show a layer of coexistence of three biblical villains: Kain, Barabash and Judash. Characteristic for F. Nietsche’s philosophy formula of ‘death of God’ became a space that joins these three figures. Showing in synthetic and shortened way a literary evolution of Kain, Barabash and Judash, author revealed, characteristic for all of them, stages of this process (they didn’t proceed evenly and with the same intensity). First stage portrays them according to biblical interpretation; second stage is a kind of a discussion with tradition and attempt at changing it’s value; stage three is an adoption of a new interpretation. The last level is especially characteristic for XXth century, where biblical villains became figures of evil and cogito of nihilism. W hat makes them different from original context is that they don’t become reason of evil but their victim.Pozycja Das Gebet Jesu im Markusevangelium im Licht der jüdischen ÜberlieferungRosik, Mariusz (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)Powyższy artykuł ukazuje teologiczne znaczenie modlitwy Jezusa w przekazie Ewangelii św. Marka. Autor realizuje zamierzony cel przedstawiając najpierw modlitwy w środowisku judaistycznym: modlitwa w świątyni, w synagodze, modlitwa prywatna oraz modlitwy Jezusa w Ewangelii św. Marka: w miejscu osobnym, na górze, w ogrodzie, na krzyżu. Modlitwa Jezusa na krzyżu, która zamyka cykl modlitw Jezusa w Ewangelii św. Marka ma tu znaczenie decydujące. Ewangelista relacjonuje, że po modlitwie i śmierci Jezusa na krzyżu: „zasłona przybytku rozdarła się na dwoje, z góry na dół.” (Mk 15,38). Wydarzenie to posiada symboliczne znaczenie. Wyraża ono prawdę, że wraz ze śmiercią Jezusa świątynia i istniejący w niej kult utraciły swoje dotychczasowe znaczenie. Rozerwanie zasłony dzielącej Miejsce Święte od Najświętszego (Wj 26, 33) oznacza, że dostęp do Boga zastrzeżony dotąd wyłącznie kapłanom zostaje złamany. Wraz ze śmiercią Jezusa dostęp do Boga mają wszyscy (także poganie). O ile dotąd miejscami gdzie szukano obecności Boga i Jego bliskości były: świątynia, synagoga, miejsca osobne, pustynia, góry, czy ogród, to zbawcze dzieło Jezusa przypieczętowane Jego męką i śmiercią sprawiło, że Bóg jest obecny wszędzie. Zasłona oddzielająca Boga od ludzi już bowiem nie istnieje. W ten sposób zostaje zrealizowana także zapowiedź Jezusa dana w rozmowie z Samarytanką: „Wierz Mi, kobieto, że nadchodzi godzina, kiedy ani na tej górze, ani w Jerozolimie nie będziecie czcili Ojca... Nadchodzi jednak godzina, owszem już jest, kiedy to prawdziwi czciciele będą oddawać cześć Ojcu w Duchu i prawdzie, a takich to czcicieli chce mieć Ojciec.” (J 4,23).Pozycja Problem struktury Ewangelii św. Jana we współczesnej egzegezieZiaja, Krystian (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)Pozycja Opowiadanie o dwunastoletnim Jezusie w Świątyni (Łk 2,41-51) w aspekcie lingwistycznymStyra, Waldemar (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)Pozycja Więzień, imieniem Barabasz (Mt 27,16)Hergesel, Tomasz; Pasionek, Edward (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)Pozycja Symbolika krwi w świecie Bliskiego Wschodu i BibliiWitkowska, Katarzyna (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)The comparative analysis of use and symbolic of blood in ancient civilizations of Near East and in the Bible leads to the following conclusions. In practice of everyday life in all civilizations of Near East and in Israel the human attitudes towards blood always oscillated between fascination and aversion. The blood was perceived either as the symbol of life or the symbol of death, it included cultic purity and at the same time was the source of contamination. Moreover, this duality is the key to presentation of characteristic religion and cultural customs of mentioned civilizations. It becomes the basis of two practical social attitudes towards the blood: positive and negative. In the symbolic of blood it is also possible to indicate specific two-plainness. The activity itself, for example a sacrifice has its original element – an essential element and an element diversifying this activity – ritual, relation with gods or the comprehension of the sacrifice. Though those elements seem to be very similar they differ a lot. M an’s sexuality shows the highest point of convergence. For all cultures it was both intimate and incomprehensible. Concerning the symbolic of blood in civilizations of Near East and in the Bible we can indicate original analogies and secondary divergences.Pozycja Dwie interpretacje cierpienia w homilii na drodze do Emaus (Łk 24,19b-21.25-27)Szymański, Piotr Florencjan (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)Pozycja Przegląd tekstów qumrańskich w aspekcie świątynnymSkrzypczyk, Alfred (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)The Qumran community definitely broke with the temple cult practised in Jerusalem regarding it as impure and desecrated by the priests from the Hasmonean royal family, as they bluntly explain in their work “Some Precepts of the Torah” (4QMMT). They replaced blood sacrifices with prayer, study of the Law and communal meals with elements of sacred rites. It does not mean at all that they ceased to believe that the temple as such, had been established by the will of God, who wanted to live in it amongst His people. W hat is more, the theme of the temple frequently recurs in the manuscripts and their authors regard it as absolutely fundamental for the entire community. The texts distinguished by means of the key motif of the “temple” are concerned with four formal categories of the temple: historical, eschatological, spiritual (human) and heavenly. It has to be noted that just as the texts dealing with the eschatological temple are interpreted in the texts in the light of the historical temple, so is the historical temple evaluated in the texts devoted to it and expressing opinions about it from the angle of the one and only eschatological or heavenly temple. Therefore, it seems that inclusion of texts in particular categories is to some extent only conventional. Still, the dominant theme legitimises such classification. Considering the attitude of the community to the Temple, the very fact that the problem itself was dealt with in their manuscripts means that the texts concerning the eschatological, heavenly or spiritual temple and putting them in place of the historical temple, express a critical attitude to the latter. On the other hand, the texts dealing with the issues of the historical temple itself, can be divided, depending on the time they were written, into those expressing a positive or negative attitude. The temple motif appearing 137 times in 39 texts seems to reflect objectively the historical truth concerning the attitude of the Qumran community members to the Temple. The existence of texts parallel, at least in fragments, is not an obstacle to forming opinions, the more so that parallel texts are preserved in different fragments and thanks to that they seem to give in their context a more complete picture of the writers’ views. Moreover, the importance and popularity of a particular idea is undoubtedly evidenced by the circulation of the preserved documents. The Qumran scrolls are fascinating read giving profound insight into the ideals, desires and aspirations of the people living so close in time to the beginnings of Christianity. It appears that God’s Chosen People, from the historical point of view fighting constant wars and in the biblical aspect ‒ notoriously breaking the Covenant with God, also had their ideals, desires and aspirations.Pozycja Wartość Królestwa Bożego w przypowieści o ukrytym skarbie (Mt 13,44)Jaromin, Joanna (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)The chief purpose of Jesus Christ’s teaching was the propagation of Kingdom of God. He mainly did that by means of parables in order to win as large group of people as possible, especially those who were ordinary and uneducated, often from the dregs of Jewish society. Jesus presented various aspects of Kingdom of God, in particular ‒ its value. Among the parables that deal with this subject, we can find in St. Matthew’s Gospel one of the shortest parables ‒ about the hidden treasure. By means of linguistic method we discover many aspects of this parable. Its purpose is to make the audience aware that the Kingdom of God is not, in fact, distant nor impossible for them to achieve. Nevertheless, some measures are needed and one's own commitment, but not beyond human abilities (the founder of the treasure possesses just enough money to buy the land in which he found and hid again this treasure). However, the emphasis is put on presenting the great value of Kingdom of God (the treasure) for which a man is ready give all what he has got in order to take part in it. What is more, by means of these linguistically exegetic considerations, we come to the conclusion that this ability of renunciation does not only refer to material goods, but, above all, it refers to changing one's own life, denial of sin, in general to reformation. The most characteristic feature of this parable is also the fact that the value of the Kingdom is quite accidental (a chance discovery of the treasure), but when it is finally understood, it becomes the most important goal in the life of a human being. Thanks to other methods of interpretation of the biblical text, such as the narrative or diachronic ones, it is possible to present more thorough and comprehensive analysis that, in turn, enables us to look at this parable from a different perspective.Pozycja „Dlaczego szukacie żyjącego wśród umarłych? (...) On żyje” (Łk 24,5.23)Szymański, Piotr Florencjan (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)According to Lukas text 24,5.23 it is seen that the main statement was included in the problem of recognition of resurrected Jesus Christ. Probably it was a problem of Christian communities. The author of perycopy indicates necessary elements which lead us to recognition of Jesus. Probably the scheme contains the thought connected with Eucharistic liturgy, which could be a base of tradition of this story. The main premise is followed by a deep interpretation of human existence, having doubts in faith around Messiah’s suffering and death topics.Pozycja Znaczenie imienia w najstarszych cywilizacjach starożytnego Bliskiego WschoduRybol, Dominik (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)Pozycja Implikacje formuły samookreśleniowej Ap 1,17c. 18 dla interpretacji Baranka w Ap 4-5Sieg, Franciszek (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)Pozycja Terminologia Świątyni w pismach ŁukaszaStyra, Waldemar (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2005)