The Person and the Challenges
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Recenzowane pismo naukowe The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II powstało w celu upowszechniania międzynarodowych badań w zakresie teologii, edukacji, prawa kanonicznego i studiów społecznych, inspirowanych osobą i nauczaniem papieża Jana Pawła II. Podejmuje dyskusję dotyczącą zagadnień z zakresu powyższych i innych zbliżonych dziedzin. Periodyk wydawany jest na Wydziale Teologicznym Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, Sekcja w Tarnowie, od 2011 roku. Czasopismo publikuje rocznie ponad 20 artykułów o charakterze naukowym oraz przeglądowym.
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Pozycja Seliger Johannes Paul II. Sohn Polens und Vater des Vereinigten EuropasBiel, Robert (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)Pope John Pauls II is the most famous person in Polish history. He has been acclaimed as one of the most influential leaders of the 20th century. It is widely accepted that he was important in ending communism in Poland and eventually all of Europe. He also helped Poland to enter European Union. After his death the Church in Poland feels like an orphan, but sees chances in the heritage, which John Paul II left for the Church in his own Homeland.Pozycja Pope John Paul II’s Significant Gestures for Interreligious Dialogue An Attempt of InterpretationMichalik, Andrzej (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)One of the important tasks of pope John Paul II pontificate was interreligious dialogue. Twenty-seven years lasting pontificate, was full in that matter of extremely important words and many still important spectacular gestures. The article reminds those more and those less known pope’s gestures, and it is an attempt of interpretation. The brave gestures of the Pope speak stronger than words, are better remembered and are a constant inspiration to those, who take up the task of interreligious dialogue.Pozycja Catechesis Inside Out A Hermeneutical Model for Catechesis in ParishesDillen, Annemie; Didier, Pollefeyt (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)Parochial catechesis in Belgium, especially in Flanders as the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium, is confronted with a lot of challenges. This text deals with three main thematic clusters. The first cluster centres on the relation between ‘Christianity’ and ‘culture’ and its consequences for the content and the method of the catechesis. In a context where Christianity and culture are no longer intrinsically linked to each other, new models of catechesis have to be found. The authors propose a ‘hermeneutical model of catechesis’, whereby many elements of the surrounding culture and of the faith tradition(s) are confronted with each other in a multidimensional way, challenging each other. In this vision, religious truth is not a set of dogmas that should be transmitted, but an open and ‘utopian’ search process that asks for new questions time and again. From a didactical as well as from a theological perspective this hermeneutical model offers new opportunities for catechesis. The second cluster can be summarized as ‘life-long’ and ‘life-wide’ learning. The authors argue that is it necessary to create vertical (intergenerational) and horizontal (among a generation or a specific group) networks dealing with religious communication. Thereby they propose a specific church organisation with lots of possibilities for cooperation between different parochial groups. The title of the article, catechesis inside out, refers to the vision that religious communication is not only a task inside church communities. The authors argue for open church communities daring to speak with people that hold to different world views. The second thematic cluster also deals with the organisation of the catechesis and more specifically with the question of the target group or the age of those who are catechised. In a third movement the article deals with questions about finding ‘good’ catechists. At the end of the text the authors offer a summarizing reflection on the artwork ‘Daughters of Eve’, which contains the main arguments they have dealt with.Pozycja Wayfaring and Seafaring A Theological Reading of the “Mediterranean Journey”Scerri, Hector (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)The article dwells upon the theme of the journey in the Mediterranean, the cradle of the three great monotheistic religions. Taking some paradigms for the journey from mythology, history and from Revelation, the physical journey is taken as a metaphor for the pilgrimage of life, an experience marked by maturation and conversion. This spiritual pilgrimage ultimately consists in the individual’s search for the Divine.Pozycja Velasio De Paulis, La vida consagrada en la Iglesia. Madrid 2011, p. I-XL; pp. 531, ISBN 978-84-220-1508-6Kantor, Robert (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)Pozycja Religiosität als erwünschte Anregung in der HermeneutikVodičar, Janez (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)Paul Ricoeur insists on some kind of philosophical agnosticism although in everyday practice he is consciously bound to Christianity. That said, his poetical approach in Biblical hermeneutics when he confronts his position with his no believing contemporaries, very clearly shows that religious dimension of man, especially in its openness to new meanings, makes the understanding more prolific. This opens the way for new attempts of repeated search for human need for religious dimension also at Luc Ferry and Gianni Vattimo. It is not necessary that there is a very certain form of religiosity; the important thing is openness for these questions. In this way we liberate the science, to seriously confront with religious dimension of man. This is especially important in a globalized world where religiosity on one hand can be a cause for the clash of civilizations and on the other it can be a possibility of a common search for a world ethos.Pozycja Socjalizacja – wyzwanie współczesności (Socialización – reto contemporáneo) bajo la dirección de J. Stala. Ed. Biblos, Tarnów 2010, pp. 464, ISBN 978-83-733294-0-9Kantor, Robert (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)Pozycja Konferenzbericht „Współczesna katecheza i edukacja religijna w wybranych krajach Europy” IV międzynarodowa konferencja katechetyczna, („Katechese und Religionserziehung in ausgewählten Ländern Europas – die gegenwärtige Situation”, Vierte Internationale katechetische Konferenz), Tarnów (Polen), am 25. Mai 2010Stala, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)Pozycja The Impact of the Status of Religion in Contemporary Society upon Interreligious LearningLombaerts, Herman (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)The author analyses the growing importance of IRL against the background of a changing European society. Based on sociological research, the traditional status of the Christian religion ‒ and the monoreligious education that normally accompanies it ‒ is seriously being challenged by the process of secularisation and the growing plurality or religious attitudes and beliefs among people in the West. Europe has become a complex network of influences that constitute the actual symbolic field employed by people in their search for truth. The interest for religion is still very much alive. People are not endlessly indifferent but still hope to find (religious) truth and meaning, even if this process has become much more complex today. In this context, interreligious dialogue itself becomes a religious act. The status given by a religion to other religions is of crucial importance for its ultimate credibility. In this line of thought, religious education should transcend both a purely monoreligious approach and a purely objective-comparative (multireligious) approach, and instead should cultivate in the pupils ‒ at the very borderlands of the different religious, cultural and geo-political territories ‒ an attitude of practising interreligious dialogue as a religious event.Pozycja La Unción de los enfermos – sacramento de alivio y salvación según el c. 998 del Código de Juan Pablo IIKantor, Robert (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)The Code of Canon Law of John Paul II sets forth in can. 998 as follows: “The anointing of the sick, by which the Church commends to the suffering and glorified Lord the faithful who are dangerously ill, so that he may support and save them, is conferred by anointing them with oil and pronouncing the words prescribed in the liturgical books”. Through this sacramental entrusting of a sick person, the Church shows redemptive action taken by the Christ himself, who shall support the sick person with the power of God’s grace in suffering, impatience, fear, and above all in physical and spiritual weakness as well as in experienced doubts and weakening in faith. A family and persons ministering the sick (priests, hospital chaplains) should earlier take care of proper instructing about the nature of anointing of the sick and adequate preparation of the sick to receive this grace from the healing Christ. This may take place through conversation, catechesis, supporting with words of faith and common prayer, arousing a wish to receive the Christ in the mystery of anointing. This article consists of seven points: 1. The letter from James as the starting point of the discussion; 2. Several historical facts; 3. Catechism of the Catholic Church concerning the sacrament of the anointing of the sick; 4. Sacramental grace; 5. Who should and can receive the sacrament of the anointing; 6. People responsible for the better reception of the sacrament by the sick; 7. Conclusion.Pozycja Typological Usage of the Old Testament in the New TestamentŁabuda, Piotr (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)The typological reading and application of Hebrew texts deserve the greatest attention among the numerous ways of reading and applying the Old Covenant ideas, traditions and texts. Through the typological reading and application of the text, the text is given broad latitude for its typological application. Treating the Bible from the typological point of view is not only restricted to quoting the books of the Old Testament. Instead, numerous allusions and references to events, characters, places and descriptions are made. The interpretation of these analogies leads to the understanding of the whole truth of the Old and New Testament. “Christians therefore read the Old Testament in the light of Christ who died and rose from the dead. Such typological reading reveals an inexhaustible part of the Old Testament” (CCC 129). Therefore typological thinking is necessary in order to interpret the Bible messages appropriately.Pozycja L’educare e il credere tra vecchie e nuove utopiePajer, Flavio (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)The article focuses three problematic knots. The first one underlines how the modern utopias are not dead, but they have strikingly moved: the modern ideal of freedom, for example, changed into the post-modern ideal of security; the monism of values shared in common turned into a pluralism of personal, discontinuous and fragmented choices. The second knot identifies education itself as an evolving utopia: from the post colonial dream of education for all to the present priority to educate ex novo the social links in a globalised world; from the society of knowledge (instrumental good) to a pluralistic society of living together (structural good). The third knot calls to mind the classical eschatological hendiadys of the “already and not yet” that the theology of Christian Hope propose once more as the paradigm of the human living. In the ‒ political and at same time mystic ‒ dynamic of the historical present, dissuading in this way the believers from looking for the salvation in easy and utopian projections beyond this world.Pozycja Ausrichtung der Forschungen der akademischen Mitarbeiter an der Theologischen Fakultät, Sektion TarnówStala, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)The 21st century brings new challenges for the society and every human being. Although today’s Europe is in the process of strengthening and enlarging its economic and political union, it seems to suffer from a profound crisis of values. Therefore, it is very important to have a proper perception and understanding of contemporary challenges for education and pedagogy. This might results in going through the effective learning processes, which enable a human being to function properly in his/her private and professional life. For all these reasons, the author of this article shows various aspects of scientific and didactic activities undertaken by the academic staff of the Faculty of Theology, Section in Tarnów, which is an integral part of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow. A short historical sketch of establishment of the Faculty of Theology, Section in Tarnów enable to embed the academic work of this Faculty in specific realities and conditions.Pozycja Call of Lay People to the Mystical LifeZyzak, Wojciech (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)The subject of this article is the call of lay people to the mystical life. The topic under consideration indicates two poles, around which the main reflection revolves: the mystic and the lay state of life. The call of lay people to mysticism is not just a hypothesis, but a real experience, researched and decribed by theologians. So reflecting on the call to the mystic life of lay people is not so much a matter of ‘whether’, but of ‘how’. In the light of the above, four issues are fundamental: the impossibility to provoke the mystical experience, its dependence on the spirituality of the baptism, the relation of contemplation to action and the relation to the world. It occurs however, that every Christian, together with God’s life of grace bestowed in baptism, receives the basis for the mystical life. Neither an active life in the world, nor work or marriage, hinders the development of this gift.Pozycja Die Person und die Herausforderungen der Gegenwart im Licht der Nachfolge und der Lehre des Heiligen Vaters Johannes Pauls II. „The Person and the Challenges“ – ein internationales wissenschaftliches PeriodikumStala, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)The teachings of Holy Father John Paul II constantly remind us of the importance of human dignity. The anthropological focus of John Paul II is an essential element of his thoughts. The human being in the image of God, has a unique, inherent value. It was always God’s plan that men, despite being creatures, would freely participate in God’s inner life – in Love. The dignity and value of humanity is established in creation, but is fully realised and expressed in the redemption of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the author of this article presents the person who faces modern challenges, but in the light of the ministry and teaching of Pope John Paul II. This is a direct introduction to the new international scientific journal “The Person and the Challenges: The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II”. This journal is being published at the Theology Faculty, Section in Tarnów of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow since 2011 – the year of the beatification of the Holy Father John Paul II, which also implies and guarantees, that it will become a platform for exchanging ideas, evaluations, reports and studies on the person and contemporary challenges in the light or having regard to the teaching of John Paul II.Pozycja Recension du livre Stanko Gerjolj, Živeti, delati, ljubiti, Ljubljana 2009 (Stanko Gerjolj, Vivre, travailler, aimer, Ljubljana 2009)Prijatelj, Erika (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)Pozycja Rezension Stanisław Sojka, Contemplatio et imitatio Christi. Chrystologiczny wymiar kontemplacji i naśladowania w duchowości chrześcijańskiej według współczesnego nauczania Kościoła, Kraków 2006 (Stanisław Sojka, Contemplatio et imitatio Christi. Die christologische Dimension von Kontemplation und Nachfolge im christlichen Geist nach der kirchlichen Lehre in der Gegenwart, Krakau 2006), Verlag der Unbeschuhten Karmeliter, 525 Seiten, ISBN 83-7305-186-4Stala, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)Pozycja To Educate in a Diversified EuropeOsewska, Elżbieta (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)One of the main tasks of the EU is to create a European identity. This is a complex matter because of some lasting consequences of many divisions, conflicts and wars of the past. There are many national boundaries and various ethnic and cultural identities, regional interests. This paper refers to a whole range of aspects, which may be identified as crucial for education in a diversified Europe. After presenting the divisions and emerging changes occurring in Europe, the author of this article examines varies parameters / challenges related to the shift in interaction between the levels of society. This dynamic shift introduces a different kind of diversity / plurality and new challenges for education. The fundamental and historical differences can not be easily eliminated; they may deserve to be deepened and analysed. The diversity is a constructive dimension for education in Europe.Pozycja Sozialarbeit als zielgerichtetes HandelnMłyński, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)Social work since the beginning of the history of science has been interesting for many representatives of various scientific disciplines. It is so, because both the subject and object of its activity is man ‒ an individual who does not always cope with proper functioning in his own environment and society. In this context, social work is a purposeful activity in favour of an individual, a group, a family, society. Social work possesses a wide spectrum of fields and as a purposeful and professional activity is not only needed, but also necessary for supporting a human being.Pozycja Modern Media PhenomenonPrijatelj, Erika (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2011)Contemporary media culture is defined by the logic of the victorious spectacle expanding to all areas of life. Post-modern capitalism has turned everyday life and culture into entertainment with the help of the spectacular. In fact, such entertainment results in a fake sense of happiness, pop mainstream, the swallowing up alternatives and therefore the creation of a passive consumer society. The media today have a unique power of overwhelming a person with information. They enable a modern person to know much, but understand little. This discussion has cast some light on very popular reality shows, the body and sports. It concludes with a reflection on modern media, which leave a person of this age with a patchwork identity.