Roczniki Teologiczne, 2021, T. 68, nr 11
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Pozycja Sobre el discernimiento eclesialIglesias, Ramiro Pellitero (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2021)The question of discernment, which has ancient roots both classical and Christian, is today particularly relevant for several reasons, especially in its ecclesial aspect: among them, the path of synodality, the renewal of Practical theology (Moral, Spiritual and Pastoral theology), the continuous references of the magisterial texts and the impetus to be given to the participation of all the faithful in the mission of the Church. For this reason, it seems appropriate, first of all, to explain the characteristics of discernment in a Christian and theological perspective. Secondly, it is necessary to explore the specific characteristics of ecclesial discernment and to dwell in particular on certain details or aspects of its dynamism, in order to distinguish it from other similar processes or those which claim, although with certian defects, to carry it forward in the service of evangelisation. It is also important to underline fundamental attitudes on the part of the people who exercise it. Finally, the text calls attention to the need for interdisciplinarity, i.e. the need to include the sciences, especially the human sciences, in ecclesial discernment.Pozycja Edukacja religijna wobec przemian kulturowych. Red. Paweł Mąkosa. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019, ss. 249. ISBN 978-83-8061-726-1.Kiełb, Dominik (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2021)Pozycja Rok Rodziny inspiracją dla katechezy parafialnejCzupryński, Wojsław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2021)The Year of Amoris Laetitia Family induces one to reflect on the family, its place and importance in the life of an individual and also of the whole of the human community. It encourages one to seek offers of parish catechesis for families. It provides inspiration to discover and live by the wealth of the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia through various spiritual, pastoral and cultural proposals offered by parishes, dioceses, universities, ecclesial movements and family associations. The family, as the paradigm of the entire pastoral service, deserves a year-round celebration so that it becomes the focus of commitment and attention of every pastoral and ecclesial reality. The pandemic experience particularly exposed the role of the family as the home Church and the importance of community bonds between families, which make the Church “the family of families”. Pope Francis mentions three main objectives of this unique time: (1) to propagate the contents of the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia in order to share with families “the experience that the Gospel of the family is a joy that ‘fills the heart and whole life’”; (2) to preach that the sacrament of marriage is a gift and that it has the power to transform human love; (3) to make families the main objects of pastoral family counselling. The Year of Amoris Laetitia Family should make a mark on the life of each parish community, especially at the level of preaching, preparing the liturgy of Sundays, celebrations and engaging whole families in it and efforts are made to aid those family members who are in a difficult life situation.Pozycja Aktywizacja młodzieży szkół ponadpodstawowych w nauczaniu religii – między tradycją a współczesnościąZellma, Anna (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2021)The analyses presented in this study focus on the quality of secondary school student mobilisation, which is recommended in the valid Core curriculum of the Catholic Church catechesis in Poland (2018). Attention was drawn to the obligatory set of catechetic objectives – general requirements, the contents of religion teaching – specific requirements, attitudes that should be developed in young people, correlation of religion teaching with school education, recommended conditions and methods of implementation of syllabus and cooperation of the educational environment (family, parish, etc.). The analysis of these issues attempted to prove that all elements of essence and methodology in the religion core syllabus can play an important role in the mobilisation of young people. It was pointed out that transmission of the theological and catechetical message and the theological language dominates. These solutions are enriched by correlation with school education, which can contribute to the mobilisation of youth. Unfortunately, little attention is often devoted to human experience and students’ personal knowledge, which does not favour mobilisation. The new information and communication technologies are also undervalued, as they are mentioned in very general terms. Meanwhile, dominant are proposals of applying traditional methods of mobilising young people, such as problem methods, seeking and exploring. Proposals of forms and methods of young people’s evangelisation are lacking. Such an approach to youth mobilisation oscillates between tradition and modernity. There are more traditional accents. Hence, the analysed proposals for mobilising secondary school students require supplementing at the level of developing syllabuses and textbooks for religion teaching.Pozycja Inspiracja biblijna „Dyrektorium o katechizacji”Kiciński, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2021)The article is an attempt to answer the question to what extent the new Directory for Catechesis is inspired by the divinely inspired Scriptures? The research has shown that the document is a further, dynamic development of the two previous texts, with which it maintains continuity, but it differs in a new systematic approach to the formation of catechists and, of course, in taking into account the work of catechists and the contemporary Church Magisterium. The wealth of quotations from the Holy Scriptures contained in the Directory not only confirms the biblical character of catechesis, but with a new dynamism indicates the possibilities of biblical animation of catechesis at each stage of its development. An important conclusion drawn from the question posed at the beginning concerns the fact that one should not merely repeat the listed formulations of the kerygma from the past. Not only is the catechist required to know the biblical expressions, but he is even inspired to embody the kerygma for the needs of contemporary individuals and communities. The elaboration of God’s pedagogy in salvation history in the Directory is thoroughly biblical. The Church’s magisterium on catechesis presents Revelation as God’s great educational work, which is permeated by the biblical narrative. Biblical analysis combined with catechetical reflection reveals God the Father as an ingenious educator who transforms the history of his people into lessons of wisdom (cf. Deut 4:36-40; 11:2-7), adapting himself to the age and situation in which the people live. It reveals God’s pedagogy in the mystery of the Incarnation. It shows the Holy Spirit, whom the disciples received and were led by the Comforter to the knowledge of the truth, „to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8) gave witness to the Word of life which they had heard, seen and touched (cf. 1 Jn 1:1; DK 162). The reflection of those responsible for catechization synthetically showed that the Gospel stories are a confirmation of the educative character of Jesus’ account and can also inspire the pedagogical action of the Church today. Summing up the presence of 187 biblical quotations in the main catechetical document of the Catholic Church, it should be emphasized that for catechists they echo the words of their vocation: „Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature!” (Mk 16:15). The echo of these words resounds in contemporary situations of transmission of the faith, and this means that the Word of God is transmitted in the living Tradition of the Church, which confronts the various challenges of digital culture, cultural globalisation and other contemporary challenges.Pozycja Oczekiwania młodzieży względem lekcji religii w szkole średniej – raport z badańZubrzycka-Maciąg, Teresa (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2021)Participation in Religious Education classes should supposedly facilitate the spiritual formation and development of young people’s personality, finding their own path to God, as well as understanding their purpose and meaning of life. Since spirituality is a significant factor in prevention of dependence and high-risk behaviours of adolescents, the decrease in the number of secondary education students who participate in Religious Education classes is most alarming. The purpose of this paper is to present the expectations of young people towards catechesis in terms of the curriculum, competences of the educators, and the working methods employed during the classes. The results of the survey carried out on a group of 70 secondary school graduates have revealed that young people are deeply interested in religion and spiritual growth. They have high expectations but are also full of questions and doubts. Therefore, they expect that catechists demonstrate sound knowledge and the ability to hold an open-minded discussion. This is, unfortunately, where Religious Education classes often fail them.Pozycja A Pastoral Reading of the “Directory for Catechesis”Sultana, Carl-Mario (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2021)The recently published Directory for Catechesis by the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelisation is the handbook for all those who are involved in the catechetical ministry, ranging from Bishops and Bishops’ Conferences to pastors, priests and lay catechists. This article seeks to take a pastoral glance at the Directory which offers a vision for catechesis which is founded on the theology of Evangelii Gaudium, with an openness to a more kerygmatic catechesis. Moreover, the Directory seeks to situate catechesis within the contemporary digital culture, whilst not neglecting traditional stances such as the Catechumenate and mystagogy. The Directory also taps into innovative methodological aids such as the value given to the way of beauty.Pozycja Ks. Andrzej Kiciński. Rola katechizmów w rozwoju nauczania katechetycznego. Kraków: Wydawnictwo „Scriptum”, 2020, ss. 200 (pdf). [Naukowa seria wydawnicza: Edukacja – Media – Teologia]. ISBN 978-83-66812-02-4.Chmielewski, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2021)Pozycja Wpływ kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego na duchową pedagogizację naroduZając, Marian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2021)The article aims to present the unique work of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, the Primate of the Millennium. A scholarly reflection on this topic was prompted by the fortieth anniversary of his death and his beatification on 12 September 2021. The modern history of Poland sees him as a prudent pastor of souls and teacher, a sensitive conciliar theologian, original social activist, exceptional writer, and relentless defender of the Catholic Church, which he headed as Primate of Poland. Wyszyński developed and indefatigably implemented Marian pedagogy of the nation, which became a category, method and motive of pastoral ministry in the time of communist enslavement, enabling the attainment of not only religious goals but also social, political, and cultural ones. On his initiative, the idea of commencing the Great Millennium Novena and committing the nation to the motherly slavery to Mary was developed, and the idea of Visitation of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Her image in all parishes in Poland. Ultimately, this strategy led to the purging of the nation’s memory of atheistic indoctrination and the re-establishment of the spiritual bond with the Christian tradition of Poland. His constant inspirations gave rise to a new programme of pastoral and catechetical and preaching work, which was a great success. And although Cardinal Wyszynski has been absent from the Polish socioreligious space for forty years now, his message can inspire greater concern for the religious pedagogy of the nation, since his methodological instruments are still available.