Roczniki Teologii Fundamentalnej i Religiologii, 2012, T. 4 (59)
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Pozycja Andrzej Perzyński, Personalizm wiary według Jeana Mouroux, Warszawa: Wyd. UKSW 2011, ss. 158.Dziewulski, Grzegorz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja „Bóg bez granic”. Perry’ego Schmidta-Leukela koncepcja teologii religiiKałuża, Krystian (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)This paper presents Perry Schmidt-Leukel concept of theology of religions. Schmidt-Leukel is the most well-known representative of pluralistic theology of religions in German speaking countries. This paper consists of following parts: short biography of Perry Schmidt-Leukel and his large international scholar activity, main idea and tasks of theology of religions according to him, typologization of positions in theology of religions, his concept of religion, his understanding of the Transcendental Reality, backgrounds of pluralism in theology of religions and interpretational models of christological dogma. In the end of the paper there is some criticism of Perry Schmidt-Leukel ideas.Pozycja Człowiek nauki i Kościoła. Laudacja na cześć księdza prof. dr. hab. Mariana Ruseckiego z okazji nadania tytułu doktora honoris causa Papieskiego Wydziału Teologicznego we WrocławiuIrek, Waldemar (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja Czy grób naprawdę był pusty? Całun Turyński w teologii fundamentalnejKaucha, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)This article contains many information about scientific and theological research on the Shroud of Tourin which arouses interest of many people. Especially fundamental theology research, the discipline which so far was interested in it very rarely and today should make necessary revisions, allows to see it as the picture of Jesus Christ, the third sign – beside paschal christofanies and so called the empty (not really) tomb – of the credibility of Christ’s Resurrection (maybe for some people the most evident) and a special sign of the Divine Revelation, God’s economy and the credibility of Christianity. Fundamental theology allows also to treat it as the miracle.Pozycja Dialog międzyreligijny jako „życiowa konieczność” w nauczaniu Benedykta XVISłupek, Roman (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Benedict XVI, identifying himself as “the apostle of dialogue and the man of peace”, makes an important contribution to the interreligious dialogue. The Pope indicates, that this dialogue cannot be treated as a “temporary choice”, but the future depends on it, it is a “life necessity”. In development of this dialogue today there appear some obstacles. One of the main goals of the interreligious dialogue is to seek the truth together, and the essential source of numerous impediments preventing it is an erroneous way of approaching truth. It can take a form of relativism, which denies existence of any truth, or a form of religious fundamentalism that claims the right to impose it. In order to prevent interreligious dialogue from leading to religious syncretism and to confusion in those who participate in it, it is necessary to respect certain basic rules. Benedict XVI lists the following as the most important ones: rule of reciprocity, rule of keeping own identity and accepting identity of interlocutor, respecting every human person and uniting dialogue with proclamation of the Gospel.Pozycja Differentia specifica kabalistycznej kategorii Ein SofBrylla, Dorota (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)The present article deals with the fundamental concept in Kabbalah, i.e. the classical Jewish mysticism (Jewish esoterism) from the 11th century onwards, namely the Ein Sof category. Ein Sof – the term that indicates the status of Deus absconditus, Deus otiosus, the totally transcendent God – exemplifies the apophatic, ultra-negative way of thinking and talking about God. Ein Sof, literally “without end”, “endlessness”, refers to God in “his” unknowable, unthinkable, inaccessible, and non-revealing peculiarity. And yet, Jewish mystics did try not to leave this concept completely without any specifications. As a matter of fact, kabbalists, to talk about the manifested Ein Sof, use the conception of sephiroth that in developed kabbalistic exegesis means divine attributes, potencies, and emanations, through which – cause they are the immanent part of Ein Sof’s nature – God can be comprehended and even described. Jewish mystics treated the sephiroth as the divine “instruments”, “vessels” (kelim), and the question of great significance was how far the kelim were consubstantial, isomorfic with Ein Sof. The majority of kabbalists came to a conclusion that the sephirothic kelim are in fact identical with Ein Sof in their essence, with the assertion that in sephiroth Ein Sof, i.e. Deus absonditus, becomes Deus revelatus. Hence, sephiroth are simultaneously the substance of Ein Sof and the divine “instruments”, and it is only owing to them that God Ein Sof can be anyhow held forth on.Pozycja Dorobek naukowy ks. prof. dr. hab. Mariana Ruseckiego w latach 2007-2012Borto, Paweł; Kaucha, Krzysztof; Królikowski, Piotr; Pietrzak, Andrzej (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja Elementy teologii wiary w świetle listu apostolskiego «motu proprio» Porta fidei Benedykta XVIMastej, Jacenty (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)In all Benedict XVI’s teaching faith is understood in personalistic view and categories. The Pope pays attention especially to rational dimension of faith, its natural and supernatural foundations and obedience present insight it. For Pope Benedict XVI it is clear that Christian faith has got its rational motives and explanation – Christian faith is not ‘blind’. Because the Christian faith is inter-personal event, it is alive and dynamic and it has got fundamental meaning in human life. That’s why – according to Benedict XVI – the Christian testimony to the faith is necessary and should be always alive. This testimony helps to discover the power and beauty of faith. Doing so it invites Christians not only to exist strong in faith but also to live it deeply and joyfully.Pozycja Il senso cristologico-ecclesiologico dell’ammonizione rivolta a Pietro da Gesù (Mt 16, 23/Mc 8, 33)Borto, Paweł (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)The synoptic Gospel tradition of Matthew and Mark has passed on harsh words which Jesus addressed at Peter (Mt 16: 23 and Mk 8: 33). The First of the Apostles was reprimanded soon after he had professed his faith. Such a context as well as the overtone of Jesus’ words make them an interesting pericope both for exegesis and theology, allowing a theologian to draw important conclusions for Christology and Ecclesiology. Indeed, this moment of the Gospel more distinctly reveals the Christ mystery as well as the mystery of what it means to be his disciple. Therefore there is “something more” revealed about Christ himself as well as “something more” about the Church as the community of Jesus’ disciples. In this paper, the author analyzes the meaning of the admonition. In order to do it, he discusses the sense of Jesus’ words in the contexts of both Matthew and Mark, pointing to similarities and differences between their accounts. He also proposes a new translation of the analyzed words, different from the commonly accepted one. Finally, the author presents his most important conclusions and questions arising when reading the aforementioned pericopes, as well as their christological and ecclesiological consequences.Pozycja Kościoły afrykańskiej diaspory chrześcijańskiej w Europie – egzystencja na marginesie czy (re)chrystianizacja Europy?Grodź, Stanisław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Many Europeans are convinced that Christianity has entered its terminal phase of existence, “accomplished its mission” and unavoidably undergoes a process of withering away. Meanwhile, Christianity develops robustly in Africa and in the framework of migratory movement from the South to the North (according to Jehu Hanciles this movement has also a clear religious dimension) African Christians arrive in Europe, also those who consider themselves not so much as migrants but Christian missionaries. Religious organizations of the African diaspora in Europe drew researchers’ attention already in the 1980s. Opinions concerning the influence of these organizations on the Christians in Europe are divided. Some researchers think the influence is negligible because African Christian groups are unable to attract non-Africans to their activities and spirituality, and because of this they are meant to lead a marginal existence on the European Christian scene. Others point to the examples of the efficacy of the African Christians in reviving Christian communities outside African diaspora and to their missionary activity. An answer to the leading question will be presented in the light of the current state of research on the problem.Pozycja Ks. Andrzej Nowicki. Symbolika serca. Studium teologicznofundamentalne. Katowice: Księgarnia św. Jacka 2011 ss. 328.Ledwoń, Ireneusz S. (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja Ks. Marian Rusecki. Traktat o wiarygodności chrześcijaństwa. Dlaczego wierzyć Chrystusowi? Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL 2010 ss. 361.Pokrywiński, Rafał (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja Kult świętej Barbary w polskiej religijności ludowejKupisiński, Zdzisław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)The purpose of this article is to show the importance of Saint Barbara in Polish traditions and folk religion. The study is based mainly on the author’s ethnographic field research conducted in the regions of Opoczno and Radom in 1990-1993, and in 1995-2005, as well as on research about St. Barbara’s cult featured in master’s theses and doctoral dissertations written at the Institute of Fundamental Theology of John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. The article consists of three sections. First, the figure of St. Barbara is introduced with focus on her biography. In the second part, the role of this Saintly Woman in Polish folk religion is illuminated, and in the third section, the significance of the St. Barbara cult is presented through customs and folk proverbs. In Poland, the cult of St. Barbara has a very long and lively tradition, and can be traced to the Wawel Cathedral in Kraków. The first mention of this Saint in liturgy is found in the “Gertrude Psalter”, dating from 11th Century and belonging to a daughter of the early Polish King Mieszko II. St. Barbara is the patroness of a good death, virtuous brides and family life, and is the protectoress from fires, thunderstorms, and sickness of the plague, as well as cemetery chapels. She is venerated primarily by people who are exposed in their occupations to unexpected sudden death, such as miners, steel workers, sailors, fishermen, soldiers, masons, prisoners, bricklayers, gunners, carpenters, blacksmiths, and manufacturers of fireworks. Employees of these professions honor St. Barbara in their own specific ways. Placing the Feast of St. Barbara on December 4 has contributed to the fact that around her, as the Patroness of this day, there have arisen a lot of proverbs predicting the weather for Christmas. Some of these sayings have survived to modern times, and testify to the vitality of the cult of St. Barbara and her popularity in a folk religiosity in Poland.Pozycja Międzynarodowa konferencja „Dangerous Liaisons. Theology, Social Sciences and Modernity” (Niebezpieczne związki. Teologia, nauki społeczne i/a nowoczesność)Kaucha, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja Modlitwa międzyreligijna w perspektywie dialogu doświadczenia religijnegoLedwoń, Ireneusz S. (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)In context of interreligious dialogue development, especially the meetings of the representatives of different religions led by the Pope in Assisi and criticized by various ecclesiastical circles, an essential question appears concerning theological ground for Christians’ participation in interreligious prayer. The author of the article indicates the origins of the above mentioned criticism, refutes charges of syncretism and relativism aimed at Assisi, and gives the reasons for the possibility of such a prayer within the so-called dialogue of religious experience. The possibility is grounded, above all, on such facts as common origin and destiny of mankind, unity of God’s economy of salvation, uniqueness of Jesus Christ’s saving mediation, universality of the action of the Holy Spirit in the world and in religions, and uniting role of the Church toward mankind. The practical aspect of the problem resolves mainly to the necessity for taking into consideration the principle lex orandi – lex credendi and sensibly avoiding all appearances of syncretism and proselytizing.Pozycja Muzułmańskie przedstawienie zwiastowania Marii i narodzenia Jezusa według orędzia mekkańskiego (sura 19, 16-34)Maszkowski, Robert (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)The article presents the Quranic visions of the Annunciation to Mary and the birth of Jesus Christ according to sura nineteen. Their presence in the Quran and the quoted details mean that Muhammad knew the Christian contents in the beginnings of his activity and that they had an important meaning for his prognostication. Both scenes, composed together, were a kind of communication with the believers of Christianity in order to come closer and attract potential believers. This text includes lots of details and all characters shown. It gives the dialogue’s content, which took place between them. The message of Mary and Jesus proclaims their exceptionality, the distinction by God and endowment of many graces and privileges, which don’t have their precedent. On the other side it denies to the essential Christian truth about the incarnation of the Son of God, because it presents Jesus as a miraculously created human. His father isn’t Allah, or “Spirit- messenger”, or any other man. Jesus can boast only a mother, but a pure mother, innocent and perfect handmaid of God whose life was marked by great suffering, worn in some ways for her son, but also “for” and “because” of Israel. The award for her faith and obedience was the exceptional son, God’s servant and a prophet, who had a book and who, from the beginning of his life, was showing goodness for his mother, just like Allah wanted. Sura nineteen of Mecca includes many important terms and theological titles of Jesus which also Mary participates in. They emphasize their dignity, vocation and endowment. The Muslim identity of these two special characters show lots of similarities, but also significant differences from the message of the Gospel proclaimed by Christians.Pozycja Nauka wobec zjawisk paranormalnych. Red. K. Kaucha, J. Mastej (seria Biblioteka Teologii Fundamentalnej t. 6). Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2011Pokrywiński, Rafał (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja Paweł Sokołowski. Objawiona miłość. Agapetologiczna wiarygodność chrześcijaństwa. Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II 2011 ss. 315.Ledwoń, Ireneusz S. (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja Romano Penna. DNA chrześcijaństwa. Tożsamość chrześcijan. Tł. L. Rodziewicz-Doktór. Kraków: Wyd. OO. Franciszkanów „Bratni Zew” 2011 ss. 433 (tytuł oryginału: Il DNA del cristianesimo. L’identità cristiana allo stato nascente, Cinisello Balsamo 2004 ss. 464).Borto, Paweł (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)