Roczniki Teologiczne, 2008, T. 55, z. 10
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Pozycja Depresja – ujęcie integralne dla rodzin i duszpasterzy. Epidemiologia, symptomatologia, etiologia oraz terapia zaburzeń depresyjnychDudziak, Urszula (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)Depression is a disease occurring in 17% of the world’s population. Depressive symptoms constitute a certain continuum from a lasting dejection and sadness, through pessimism, a sense of hopelessness and a feeling of being redundant, to suicidal inclinations. Psychological symptoms are often accompanied by numerous somatic ailments. Depression is induced by psycho-social reasons connected with experiencing an actual difficult situation, and biochemical ones that include organic changes, neuro-transmitter disturbances, disturbances in the functioning of the axis limbic system - hypothalamus - pituitary glands - suprarenal glands. Attention is also paid to genetic predispositions and social inheritance. There is a connection between depression and diseases causing pain, use of psych-active substances, drinking alcohol, chronic stress, disability, decrepitude and advanced age. A long depression contributes to numerous illnesses, disturbs memory processes, worsens the mood, increases low self-appraisal, intensifies the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness, disturbs sleep and eating, makes proper psycho-social functioning impossible and sometimes is the cause of suicides. Patients suffering from depressive symptoms need other people’s positive attitude in an exceptional degree. In the therapy of depression, besides medicines, psychological influence is mentioned, as it brings psychological support and help in solving difficult situations. Also pastoral counseling is necessary.Pozycja I nonni: la loro testimonianza e presenza nella famiglia. XVIII assemblea plenaria Pontificio Consiglio per la Famiglia. Città del Vaticano, 3-5 kwietnia 2008 rokuJęczeń, Jarosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)Pozycja IV Światowy Kongres Rodzin, Warszawa 11-13 maja 2007 rokuDudziak, Urszula (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)Pozycja Jacek Krzysztofowicz OP, Mężczyzną i kobietą stworzył nas. Czy nie mógł prościej?, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Fides 2007, ss. 91.Brzeziński, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)Pozycja Ks. bp Stanisław Stefanek w służbie małżeństwu i rodzinieKalinowski, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)Pozycja Luigi Ghia, ABC małżeństwa. Pomoc w rozeznaniu duchowym dla małżeństwa i rodziny, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Salezjańskie 2008, ss. 184.Brzeziński, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)Pozycja „Miłość ojca jest miłością warunkową”. O możliwych psychologicznych następstwach przyjęcia pewnego założeniaGosztyła, Tomasz; Trubiłowicz, Elżbieta (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)In his work The Art of Loving E. Fromm writes that father’s love is conditional; you have to deserve your father’s love and you may also lose it unless father’s expectations are fulfilled. This concept has often been referred to in the literature about fatherhood issues and in our opinion, it is still widely accepted as a psychological fact. That is why a reader may be inclined to draw the following conclusions: 1) such love is the norm resulting from the nature of a man-father; and/or 2) in principle, it is beneficial (desirable) for the development of a child. In our opinion, both conclusions may have great impact, basically negative, on the whole family structure. Our article will discuss some consequences of father’s conditional love on the child development and the functioning of a family system observed in the course of our psychological internship programme.Pozycja Miłość społeczna w posłudze hospicyjnejKalinowski, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)The principle of love is the most critical aspect of a caring society. It impels social responsibility on each individual to care for other members of the community. Such love is a cornerstone of civilized society which perceives itself in wholeness and forces all the groups and local communities to work together toward common good. The contribution of the hospice movement in ministry to the dying and their families is taking shape in hospice ethos. The most important goal was to study the principle of social love and charity exercised in hospice facilities. The opening part is focused on theory and succeeding parts show practical aspect of the topic based on practical implementation in the field of hospice movement.Pozycja Model kołowy systemu małżeńskiego i rodzinnego w opracowaniu D. H. Olsona i współpracowników oraz narzędzia jego pomiaruLachowska, Bogusława (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)The aim of the present paper is to present The Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems compiled by D. H. Olson and his co-workers that is his operationalization of the scale The Flexibility and Cohesion Evaluation Scales (FACES IV). The model allows to characterize relations within a married couple and within a family in the aspect of three dimensions: cohesion, flexibility, communication. Cohesion refers to emotional bonds between the members of the family, and flexibility to managing the family, its organization, division of roles, rules of relations and negotiations. Communication is a dimension that makes it easier for the family to maintain or to change the desirable level of cohesion an flexibility. With the help of the Polish language version of the FACES IV scale a research was conducted that included 224 parents from families in whose functioning no disturbances were found, and 44 parents coming from dysfunctional families. The obtained data point that the FACES IV scale may constitute a valuable tool for measuring the family viewed as a social system and it is important to continue validating work on it.Pozycja Narzeczeni są wśród nas – dzień patronalny Instytutu Nauk o Rodzinie, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, 17 kwietnia 2008 rokuKravchuk, Myron (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)Pozycja Partnerstwo w małżeństwie i rodzinie – geneza, zakres, warunki i zagrożeniaLachtara, Magdalena (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)The 20th century and the beginning of a new millenium are for the family a time of huge conversion concerning both fulfilment of its basic functions and forms of coexistence on its own ground. Leaving the patriarchal model of fundamental roles towards partnership among spouses, parents and children occurs as an essential symptom of changes which relate to this social group. These changes exist in the awareness of rights and duties of its members, the issue of the equality of women in the right of taking up a job beyond home, pro-creative family functions in moving the pressure from its institutional to personal forms. The present article is trying to find a suitable answer for the question of reasons, ways and conditions of realization of the partner family model and concerning the dangers.Pozycja Postawy psychologów w rozwiązywaniu podstawowych problemów moralnych i zawodowychStepulak, Marian Zdzisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)Every psychologist who undertakes a variety of tasks, always has to assume different attitudes towards the moral and occupational problems that he or she will have to cope with. Thus we can distinguish between many attitude pairs which are completely opposite in their meanings. For instance, the alarmist and balanced attitude, poli-pragmatic and adequate attitude, demonstrable and discrete attitude, nihilistic and realistic-optimistic attitude, over-involved and empatie attitude, conceited and humbling attitude. The importance of moral education for a psychologist results from every human imperfection. Hence, the onus is on a psychologist to learn about the ethics and develop knowledge in the field of morality. It can be concluded that a psychologists must be a tutor of his or her own. According to a research, which I performed among 311 psychologists, the most problematic moral and occupational issue for them was to maintain a professional secrecy. The most significant attitude is assumed by those psychologists who are commissioned to do a certain research. Therefore, in this context we can distinguish between the following types of attitudes: evaluative, interpretative, nourishing, in vestig ative and understandable.Pozycja Prawa człowieka w rodzinie. Prawa rodziny i ich ochronaMazurek, Franciszek Janusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)In the created world the innate reason and freedom are the highest values. A person’s very dignity is a fundamental moral principle. The conception of life that is promoted by the Church is not „conservative”; on the contrary, its is absolutely modem, as it is confirmed by the latest research on the human genome. Human life is a universal, sacred, personalistic, moral, humanist value, and not only a biological one. The right to live is not conditioned by the degree of development of a human being, by certain features acquired only with time, or by the so-called social-economic conditions. John Paul II emphasizes: ‘hence it is necessary that a man should be really loved if human rights are to be fully protected’ Anyway, both all the moral norms and the proclaimed human rights have the same aim. Marriage is a natural value and it is also a sacrum. The family is a multidimensional value, the place where personal development takes place and the place of all its members’ happiness, to which they have inalienable right. Both the family and marriage are natural institutions and this is why they are not going to lose their values. Reliable research done by responsible sociologists, and not by ideologists, indicates that in young people’ awareness a peculiar renaissance of the value of m arriage and the fam ily has appeared, although a plague th at claim s its victim s reigns in this field.Pozycja Przyjaźń narzeczeńska i małżeńskaKiereś, Barbara (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)At present friendship is juxtaposed to love. This is contrary to the meaning of friendship that has been worked out by the classical (Latin) tradition, which has always pointed to friendship as the highest level of love. The essence of friendship between the fiancé and fiancée is cooperation in morally perfecting each other, and of friendship between the spouses also in perfecting their children in the process of raising them. Basing the two kinds of friendship on utility goods or on pleasure only is a threat to them. Only spiritual friendship perfects people in their attitude of service, which is a condition for building up sanctity in each other.Pozycja Rodzina a zagrożenia medialneKnyżewski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)Family is the subject of specific interference of the mass media in emotional, ethical and social dimention. The media are sources of many dangers among which you find: violence, moral relativity, lack of genuine and objective information, manipulation, improper outlook of family. Multilateral and deep input of mass media into family life brings different consequences. It mainly refers to shaping in-family relations, stating what is bad and good, promoting leisure activities and defining what is called „political correctness” Family ought to defend itself against all kinds of dangers caused by the presence of the mass media in family life by choosing appropriate contents and creating a positive choice against incorrect patterns of behavior prefered by TV, press and the Internet. Family, in its efforts, should be supported by the state and school.Pozycja Rodzina w mass mediach. Opinie studentów Instytutu Nauk o Rodzinie o polskich czasopismachJęczeń, Jarosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)The people who work for the media and also the people who benefit form their work should feel the special responsibility for each media message, especially the one related to the basic community constituted in society by the family. The decree about the means of communicating ideas Inter mirifica, stresses the fact that „in order to use these means properly, there is a special need that the ones who use them know the basis of moral order and introduce them into the life” (nr 4). In order to fulfil this direction of the Second Vatican Council on the one hand a special media education for the family is needed, and on the other the observation and assessment of mass media and the way they treat the family. The article attempts to discuss two questions: the mass media in the family and the family in the mass media. The latter was based on the students’ of The Institute of Family Studies observations. In three successive years (2004-2007) they were forming their opinions on the pro-family or anti-family politics in so called full-colour glossy periodicals: weekly magazines, fortnight magazines or monthly magazines present on Polish market.Pozycja Rodzina w świetle psychologii pastoralnej, red. Borys Jacek Soiński OFM, Łódź: Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie 2007, ss. 269.Stepulak, Marian Zdzisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)Pozycja Roger Silverstone, Media and Morality. On the Rise of the Mediapolis, Cambridge: Polity Press 2007, ss. 215.Jęczeń, Jarosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)Pozycja Samotne rodzicielstwoPyźlak, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)Parenthood is connected with conceiving the child by the husband and wife, the birth of the child and its upbringing. In contemporary times a new model of lone parenthood is imposed on people. Lone parenthood results in the absence of one of the parents in the process of upbringing of the child. Single-parent families consist only of the mother and the child or the father and the child. Lone parenthood leads to a situation in which all the duties connected with the child upbringing are shifted onto the lone parent who is taking care of the child. One of the most unfortunate results of such a situation is the heavy mental burden of the single parent, who is condemned by the society. Many threats in such a way of treating parenthood originated from the transformation of the political system. Families experience the fear about the future of the children, and this results from the degradation of norms and values. Lone parenthood is being influenced by the new social norms, discussions, films, television programs or books. Young people, unlike the previous generations, treat relationships among peers, falling in love and friendship, in a different way. They look at marriage and family as too heavy a burden. Young people have difficulties with taking decisions which will influence their whole lives. Most of them come from families where the relationships between the members are distorted, the families which lack love, the sense of safety and tenderness. They, therefore, doubt whether love exists, whether it can bring happiness and whether it is possible to lead a harmonious life in a marriage. Nevertheless, it is commonly believed that life in a marriage or in a family is the best environment to bring up children, and any other forms, different from these, pose an important problem for the society and impose a heavy burden on the state.Pozycja Sens cnoty czystość w kontekście powołania do małżeństwaWieczorek, Włodzimierz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)The source of chastity and unchastity is the human heart, in which the selection of motives for acting takes place. The heart remains chaste when the man perceives himself and his neighbor as persons gifted by God, and he wants the same good for everybody as God wants to give to man. Thanks to maintaining this truth chastity means a new criterion for humanity itself; a new perfection. Christ becomes the measure of humanity, as it is in Him that the fullness of life is revealed. Here the meaning of chastity is also revealed as Christ’s bodily revelation – also in the body of humanity. In the subjective relation “towards oneself’ chastity conditions the inner integrity. Owing to it a person, conscious of being a man or a woman, and in a way that is free from the dictate of lust, intensifies the sense of his or her sexual identity. In the vertical relation chastity is expressed in assuming the attitude of a person that is gifted and responsible for the gifts. Cognizing God with his or her pure heart, thanks to the work of grace, he or she deepens the self-awareness and self-determination. On the other hand the bodily dimension of the individual, marital and ecclesial life is transformed into the place where God reveals Himself. In the context of marriage chastity is revealed as connecting the personal bond with the mission – of love with fertility. Connecting these elements elevates marriage to the level of a genuinely and fully human act. Chastity is a necessary condition for joining these two elements and thanks to it responsible parenthood is possible, as the process of transmission of life, tending it and raising the offspring is permeated with love. Moreover, owing to this synthesis we may say that the marital bond was created by God.