Roczniki Teologii Dogmatycznej, 2011, T. 3(58)
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Pozycja Andrzej Derdziuk OFMCap, Aretologia w podręcznikach moralistów kapucyńskich w okresie między Soborem Watykańskim I a Watykańskim II, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2001, ss. 411.Góźdź, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Pozycja Pozycja Bóg Stwórca człowiekaKunka, Sławomir (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Pozycja Bogumił Gacka MIC, Znaczenie „osoby” w teologii Josepha Ratzingera – Benedykta XVI, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo UKSW 2010, ss. 421.Góźdź, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Pozycja Chrystologia pneumatologiczna w ujęciu Franciszka LambiasiegoSiwecki, Leon (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Pozycja Deus-caritas jako zasada chrześcijańskiego teocentryzmu w interpretacji J. Ratzingera/Benedykta XVISzymik, Jerzy (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)The meeting of the Biblical understanding of God as love and the Christian concept of theocentrism is an original feature of J. Ratzinger/Benedict XVI’s theology. The present Pope shows that in fact both these truths: about God as love and about God as the center of any reality, condition each other and explain each other. It is so because God loves as He exists (in relation, One in the Trinity), creates (all the world and man in it) and saves (giving Himself to the world in Christ, in overabundance). At the same time He Himself remains for man, created in His likeness, a model to be imitated and the only just measure of love of relation (fatherhood) and generosity. This is why it is just the theocentric (heading towards God) thought – and only this – that can give hope to the world and satisfy the desires of the human heart; it is only this thought, which is ultimately love that is more powerful than death.Pozycja Die Rolle der Enzykliken von seliggesprochenem Johann Paul II. Für die Gestaltung des ChristenlebensKowalczyk, Marian (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Artykuł zawiera pogłębioną refleksję teologiczną nad treścią encyklik, beatyfikowanego w Niedzielę Miłosierdzia, 1 maja 2011 roku, wielkiego Papieża Polaka, błogosławionego Jana Pawła II. W pierwszym paragrafie wykazano, że program Jego pontyfikatu zawiera przesłanie dwóch programowych encyklik: Redemptor hominis i Dives in misericordia, z którymi w sposób nierozłączny łączy się trzecią, mianowicie encyklika o Duchu Świetym Dominum et Vivificantem. Ojciec Święty akcentuje w ten sposób trynitarny charakter życia chrześcijańskiego, które koncentruje się na paterologicznym, chrystologicznym i pneumatologicznym usposobieniu całego ludu Bożego. Następnie został ukazany wpływ encyklik społecznych Jana Pawła II na systemy polityczne świata, a zwłaszcza upadek komunizmu oraz troskę o solidarność międzyludzką, kreacyjny i zbawczy wymiar pracy, sprawiedliwość i pokój. Kolejny paragraf skoncentrował się na encyklikach dotyczących zbawczego posłannictwa Kościoła, z wyakcentowaniem niezastąpionej roli Eucharystii i inicjatyw ekumenicznych. Konkluzje artykułu stanowi prezentacja życia wiary, nadziei i miłości na wzór Maryi, która doskonale łączy fides et ratio, a naszego Błogosławionego – oddanego całkowicie do dyspozycji Matki Najświętszej (Totus Tuus) – bezustannie upewniała w przekonaniu zaczerpniętym od sług Bożych kard. Augusta Hlonda i kard. Stefana Wyszyńskiego, że „zwycięstwo, kiedy przyjdzie, będzie to zwycięstwo przez Maryję”.Pozycja Ewangelia ludzkiej cielesnościKunka, Sławomir (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Pozycja Historia zbawienia według przypowieści o złych dzierżawcachKowalczyk, Mirosław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)The article is an attempt at an in-depth dogmatic interpretation, hermeneutics of Jesus’ parable about the evil vine-growers. The parable probably comes from the collection of the Lord’s Speeches. It is quoted in St Mark 12, 1-12, St Luke 20, 9-19 and St Matt 21, 33-45. According to the Biblical use of metaphors the vineyard is the Qahal of the Old Testament, its owner is God, and the evil vine-growers are evil religious superiors betraying the Divine Law and the Decalogue. The lord’s servants are prophets and the owner’s son is Jesus Christ, who the superiors want to kill. However, Jesus prophesizes that His death will be the corner stone of the New Vineyard, the New God’s People and the messianic Church, to which also pagans will be admitted. Jesus’ death for Israel and for all people will be redemption of sins, salvation and establishing God’s Kingdom, to which all nations will be admitted.Pozycja Jana Dunsa Szkota nauka o Osobie w TrójcyHuculak, Benedykt (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)The two main Christian truths, about the triune God and the incarnation of the Son, are deeply connected with each other, first of all because it is the Second Person of the Trinity, who assumed the human nature in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Also the question, who is Jesus Christ with respect to him, who for himself was the Father, and to him, whom he called Holy Spirit, marked out the way of the maturing of the doctrine about Holy Trinity. The key issue, how the trinity of these Subjects agreed with the unalterable truth of the unicity of God, was answered in distinct ways in Byzantium and in the Latin West, where the regula fidei was seized already by Tertullian about the year 200. The majority of the Greeks, devoted to Plotin and Origen, in the IV century rejected the teaching of the Council of Nicea, although later they accepted the word homo-oúsios (consubstantial), but explained it in the sence of homoi-oúsios (similar according to the substance); hence they are called „neo-Nicenes (Jungnizäner)”. Besides, in the Aristotelian current of the Western theology in the XIII century there apparered a coloureless essentialism and a concept of divine person as mere subsistent relation (relatio subsistens). Both these scarcities remedied blessed John Duns Scotus OFM, in whose footsteps – more than 300 years later – a large degree followed Francis Suarez SJ.Pozycja Jedność i różnorodność chrześcijańskiego powołaniaVillar, José R. (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Pozycja Ks. Ignacy Bokwa, Teologia w warunkach nowoczesności i ponowoczesności, Sandomierz: Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne w Sandomierzu 2010, ss. 544.Góźdź, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Pozycja Obecność Zbawiciela w Eucharystii w świetle prawdy o jego Zmartwychwstaniu i WniebowstąpieniuLekan, Janusz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Pozycja Osoba i personalizm w myśli ks. prof. Czesława Stanisława Bartnika. Sprawozdanie z II Lubelskich Dni Personalizmu – KUL 20-21 października 2011 r.Kosche, Michał (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Pozycja Parabola humanizmu naturalistycznego (I)Serretti, Massimo (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)In the first part of the article the Italian theologian and philosopher Massimo Serretti presents the stages of formation of two concepts: person and nature, the stages of connecting them, and the stages when they appeared separately. On the example of the presented history of thought the author shows that separating the concept of nature from the concept of person has caused, among others, separating anthropology from personology, and in this way has influenced the view of man and the differentiated ethical approach to man as part of nature and as a being transcending nature thanks to the power of spirit. The author of the article proves that for Christian thought based on Revelation anthropology is personology, as the nature of man is not similar to anything in the world of nature; it only has counterparts in the world of Divine persons.Pozycja Symbol nicejski w procesie kształtowania się wiary w Jezusa ChrystusaPyc, Marek (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Pozycja Teologiczne rozumienie zbawienia i jego znaczenie w życiu KościołaBarth, Grzegorz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)All attempts at describing the mystery of salvation are only partial. The idea of salvation, although it is considered a little archaic today, deserves being examined closely again as one of the concepts that belong to absolutely key ones. It appears as a “structure of our construction and of our future”, so it refers to the essence of man and is sort of “prophecy of his existence”. Theology of salvation appears to every man as a promise – or a suggestion – that a man is not alone and that he builds himself, exceeding himself and accepting the fact that God is different. Salvation is always visible where a certain “possibility”, a potentiality emerges in front of a human person; that is, where a being is not completed and has a perspective of being positively different. Salvation is where there is a meaning. Who utters the word “salvation”, says that nothing in his life of in the history of the world is subject to fatalism, nothing is inexcusable, impossible to mend, incurable. This truth testifies that although God has not liberated us from evil yet, He has liberated us from the tyranny of evil. Christ's salvation shows – and here it is exceptional again – what reality should be like for us and by us, and what it will be like through God's faithfulness to His promises and through faithfulness of our response.Pozycja Via Christi Est Virgo Beata. Elementy mariologii św. Tomasza z AkwinuMróz, Mirosław; Roszak, Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)St. Thomas Aquinas’s mariology is art of the considerations on Christ and His salvific mission. It constitutes, as it were, a natural introduction into the explanation of the mystery how the Son of God entered the world. Aquinas sees the mystery of the Mother of God in the context of Jesus Christ’s mission. Thus St. Thomas Aquinas’s Mariology is, as it were, a part of Christology. The relationship between Mary and Jesus is a key to understand His role in the history of salvation. In the teaching on Mary and Her role in the history of salvation, Aquinas emphasises several important elements. They are the following: 1. The true nature of Mary’s divine motherhood (Theotokos). Mary is the true Mother of God because She is the Mother of the Person of the Son of God; 2. The special dimension of Her vocation that She carries out by Her priviege to be the „Mediatrix of graces”, and that in turn determines Her special role in the history of salvation; 3. The Trinitary dimension of Mary’s mission. Mary collaborates (conducts a dialogue) with the Holy Trinity as it is best shown in the scene of the Annunciation, Cana of Galilee, Pentecost; 4. the holiness of Mary is understood by Aquinas as Her special (subjective) freedom from sin; 5. Mary’s mediation which – according to St. Thomas – is a mediation of mercy, for it expresses Her concern and care for the good of others. This does not collide with the redemptive mediation of Jesus Christ, but accompanies it.Pozycja Wiesław Dąbrowski, Trójca Święta w świetle komentarza św. Tomasza z Akwinu do Corpus Paulinum, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Stampa 2010, ss. 1184.Góźdź, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Pozycja Wniebowstąpienie Jezusa Chrystusa w świetle pisma św. ŁukaszaFlis, Jan (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)