Polonia Sacra, 2014, R. 18, Nr 4 (37)
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Pozycja Biblijne modele małżeństwa w perspektywie społecznych ról mężczyzn i kobietAdamiak, Elżbieta (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2014)The article ask questions especially on this dimensions of the biblical traditions about marriage which are result of the historical context of their arise and today they seem hardly to receive. First the article shows basic data about the situation of women and men in the patriarchal socio-cultural context of the Bible. In the next step on the example of the history of Jacob and his family polygamy is presented as an accepted model of the marriage at least in some biblical traditions. In the next past the article analyzes the first three chapters of the Book of Genesis and their anthropological and theological content. In the last part the theological-ecclesiological dimension of the marriage symbolic is presented, related to Christ and Church, especially asking for the pre-assumptions about the role of women and men.Pozycja Biblijne podstawy teologii zaślubin z Bogiem – punkt wyjścia dla teologii małżeństwaKnotz, Ksawery (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2014)The article presents the outline of the theology of marriage between God and man. Italian theologian, Giorgio Mazzanti, introduces the theology of marriage through an interpretation of the symbol of man and woman on four levels of meaning. Each of those levels is revealing more and more of God’s reality. The foundations for theology of marriage created by Mazzanti include: definition of symbol, selection of appropriate events from the Holy Scripture, and presentation of relations between them according to the meaning of the defined symbol. These three elements enable Mazzanti to introduce the theology of marriage synthetically, joining it with christology, mariology, sacramentology, eschatology, and biblical anthropology. Mazzanti does not interpret the particular biblical pericopes inventively; still, the context itself; created thanks to the symboljoining the love of God with human love, introduces a certain innovation into the interpretation of the redemptive events. According to Mazzanti, the symbol, which enables one to take the path of initiation into the mystery of God’s presence in a human life, is a relationship of man and woman. The history of redemption consecutively shows new meanings of the symbol hidden in the first, literal meaning. These reveal the mystery of God’s presence in a human life. A new couple appears – Jesus Christ, Son of God and Maria, Mother of God, second Adam and second Eve. Thanks to this couple, one is able to interpret more profoundly the mystery of God in a life of man and woman. The next level of interpreting the symbol of man and woman is Christ and Church as the betrothed couple, who invite one to the marriage feast in Heaven in a love relationship of all the saints married to God. A love relation between man and woman understood as a symbol revealing a more profound reality might be interpreted on new, deeper and deeper levels of meaning. This message can be found in the following symbols: man-woman; Adam-Eve; God-People of God, Jesus-Maria, Son-Mother; Betrothed Groom-Betrothed Bride, Christ-Church, God-the Redeemed.Pozycja Duszpasterska opieka i głoszenie Dobrej Nowiny Chrystusa rodzicom dzieci zmarłych przed urodzeniemSławiński, Henryk (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2014)The article describes the changes in the pastoral care of the Church based on the change in Catholic Theological Opinions concerning the fate of infants who died without being baptized. It was just impossible to preach the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ in the time in which the prevailing opinion about the fate of infants who died without being baptized saw them in hell or at least away from God’s presence. The Second Vatican Council gave decisive impulses to theological opinion which now tends to spread the deep hope about the mysterious plan of God who, in a way known only to Him, might save unbaptized infants. The main reason for that hope are: the will of God who wants to save all the people, the love of Jesus for children proved in the Gospel, the salvific death ofjesus for every human person and the unlimited mercy of God. In addition the changes in the Cannon Law and in the liturgy based on the teaching of the Second Vatican Council now allow the burial of unbaptized infants and the celebration of the rite of Christian funeral as well as the Holy Mass. All those arguments allow the preachers of the Word of God to deliver the Good News to the parents bereaved by the death of their unbaptized child.Pozycja Duszpasterstwo specjalne na przykładzie duszpasterstwa niesłyszących a II Sobór WatykańskiHałucha, Artur (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2014)The article presents the situation of the specific pastoral service after the Second Vatican Council with focus on the pastoral deaf service. At the beginning, the differences between the specific vs specialist pastoral service are clarified, classifying the deaf persons as for the specific pastoral service. Subsequently, referring to the history of the pastoral deaf service, the influence of the Second Vatican Council on the pastoral deaf service formation is analysed, with a particular emphasis on the situation in Poland. The performed analysis of the Council documents concerning the pastoral deaf care has proven carelessness rather than care for this group of people, attending them only with the poor and the sick. The Council has not been also a breakthrough moment for the pastoral deaf service as well as the activities in this field have been a bottom-up process, initiated by dedicated priests and consecrated or secular persons.Pozycja Freski o tematyce maryjnej z katakumb św. Pryscylli jako zapis wczesnochrześcijańskiej pobożnościWitos, Barbara (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2014)Malarstwo katakumbowe stanowi najstarszy przekład rzymskiej sztuki chrześcijańskiej. Na freskach z rzymskich katakumb Maryja była ukazywana albo jako Matka Jezusa, albo jako orantka. Najczęściej spotykany obraz z Maryją w roli głównej to scena przedstawiająca Hołd Magów vel Mędrców ze Wschodu. Fresk o tej tematyce znajdujemy na ścianach kilku katakumb, w tym m.in.: Pryscylli, Piotra i Marcelina, Domicylli, Agnieszki, Kaliksta. Innym powtarzającym się motywem jest Madonna z Dzieciątkiem - spotykamy go m.in. u Pryscylli, św. Walentyna i w Cimiterium Maius (znanym jako katakumby św. Agnieszki). Umieszczony na suficie podziemnego korytarza w katakumbach Pryscylli fresk ukazujący Maryję z Dzieciątkiem uznawany jest za najstarszy wizerunek Maryi z katakumb rzymskich. W katakumbach spotykamy także sceny obrazujące wydarzenia z życia Maryi, stanowiące ilustracje wybranych perykop Nowego Testamentu. Do najbardziej znanych należy obrazowanie sceny zwiastowania z katakumb Pryscylli oraz sceny nawiedzenia z katakumb św. Walentyna. Dzisiaj uważa się, że najstarsze freski maryjne pochodzą dopiero z końca II wieku. Do IV wieku Maryja była przedstawiana zawsze w towarzystwie Syna. Sztuka wczesnochrześcijańska łączyła postać Maryi z tajemnicą wcielenia Jezusa. Obrazowano Maryję, by podkreślić ludzką naturę Syna Bożego. Kult Maryi był zależny od kultu Jezusa, nie istniał jako samodzielny.Pozycja Grzech pierworodny a obraz Boży w człowiekuKunka, Sławomir (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2014)The addressee of the biblical texts speaking of Adam’s sin and its consequences for humanity, are the people living already under its influence. In the beginning the Revelation sets the perspective of the Redemption of man afflicted with original sin. Precisely speaking, such perspective is the key to interpretation of the revealed reality. The prospect of Redemption leads to Christ. Through Adam’s sin human nature was deprived of sanctifying grace, and certain gifts involved the original state. Man still is the image and likeness of God, original sin however limits its clarity of that fundamental attribute of humanity created by God, and it puts man on the waiting road for the coming of his Redeemer. The Christian concept of death is not limited merely to its inevitability and universality, and to strict relationship with sin and disobedience. Christ shed new light on its mystery. In that light death appears to be an instrument of salvation, and a commitment to life as the execution of the will of God in the name of obedience. Human nature determines the “order of creation” and it forms close relationship with the reality of the image of God. That “Trinitarian understanding” of His image involves a category of gift, by which man and woman become one in communio personarum. The original sin has not destroyed that structure. The history of man and woman is a record of the saving completion of “spousal” meaning of the human body. The principle of that record is the image of God in man, and its depth affects the secrets of the human heart.Pozycja Marcin Bucer jako pionier reformacyjnego pojednaniaMedwid, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2014)The article concerns the life and work of Martin Bucer, protestant reformer based in Strasbourg. His life was a great attempt to heal the growing rift between the two leading reformers - Martin Luther and Huldrych Zwingli, especially in the Eucharist, and the reconciliation of Protestants and Catholics. He influenced Lutheran, Calvinist, and Anglican doctrines and practices. Bucer was originally a member of the Dominican Order, but then he began to work for the Reformation. He became an ardent admirer of Erasmus, and soon an enthusiastic disciple of Luther. He believed that the catholics could be convinced to join the Reformation. In Strasburg his activities included many sphere of action. He became the chief reformer of the city and was connected with many important religio-political events of the period. Bucer took a new rite of Mass and church discipline. In England, he helped with the reform of the local Church and the new prayer book. He depended more on dialogue and gaining their opponents, rather than fighting for the theoretical issues of doctrine. For a clear statement of doctrine he was always ready to substitute vague formulas in the interest of unity. His ministry did not lead to the formation of a new denomination. He is remembered as an early pioneer of ecumenism.Pozycja Nostra aetate – stages of creation, with a particular focus on paragraph no. 2 and the people involved in its developmentDupuche, John (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2014)Nostra aetate began as an important statement concerning the relations of the Church with the Jews but soon developed into a highly significant text on the relationship of the Church to all the religions of the world. While there been many works on the theology of Nostra aetate, there are few studies that present in detail the major personages and stages, the crucial issues and opposing forces surrounding this prophetic document. This article seeks to address this lacuna.The article also gives special attention to key phrases from paragraph 2 that show an extraordinary shift from millennial attitudes, among which “the Church does not reject what is truly and holy in these religions” Finally it goes on to show how the wholesale rejection of Nostra aetate by the Society of St Pius X has led to schism.Pozycja Recenzja: Wiesław Block, Vivere il Vangelo. Temi e figure della fraternità minoritica, EDB, Bologna 2013, ss. 382Kasprzak, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2014)Pozycja Rola ojca na podstawie XX homilii św. Jana Złotoustego do Listu do EfezjanJackov, Dominik (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2014)The division of family responsibilities, which are designed for each household member and harmonious family relationships are one of the most important keynotes of St.John’s Chrysostom preaching. In order to explain this issue he wrote homily on the Epistle to the Ephesians. According to it, the role of father in household is based on following Christ. Husbant’s relationship to his wife, especially respect for her, should be built by analogy to the relationship between Christ and the Church. The author calls the family a “small church”, comparing it to the Church as the Mystical Body. Living of the “small Church” is permeated with prayer and Holy Scripture reading. Firstly husband - the head of the family, performs the following Christian actions: reads inspired texts, strengthens himself by the sacrament of the Eucharist (that is, he takes the Holy Communion). And thanks to that going to church and celebrate the Lord’s Day, are the usual practice of all members of the parva Ecclesia.