Communio, 2013, R. 33, nr 1 (181)
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Pozycja Drogi rozwoju duchowego w rodzinieParzyszek, Czesław (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2013)The future of humanity, as John Paul II wrote, goes by the family (FC 84). The article refers above all to the rich teaching of the Church on marriage and family. Also shows the path of spiritual development family indicated by Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI during the World Meeting of Families (1994-2012). Author discusses at some length the family’s spiritual growth through evangelism. The family is evangelizing community. The family must go beyond the threshold of the family home with the testimony of the gospel values, in spite of the many difficulties encountered.Pozycja Kardynał Stefan Wyszyński Prymas Tysiąclecia i Ewangelizator, red. M. Kowalczyk, Cz. Parzyszek, Biblioteka Instytutu Teologii Apostolstwa, t. 12, wyd. UKSW, Warszawa 2012, ss. 419.Góralczyk, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2013)Pozycja Katolicka nauka społeczna a polityka rodzinna państwaKietliński, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2013)Marriage and family is one of the most valuable assets of mankind. Operation and development of the state, or society depends on the family. The family is not only a legal institution, social, or economic, but it is first and foremost a community of love and solidarity. It should be noted that the Catholic Church supports the state family policy model, which is for the good of man and the family. Family policy is in the best interests of the state. Family policy should primarily support such legal solutions that protect the institution of the family, as well as introduce specific mechanisms of direct aid. A family policy must be the basis and driving force of all social policies.Pozycja Kościół a wyzwania genderyzmuPater, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2013)Tożsamość płciowa to nasze własne poczucie przynależności do danej płci. Ponowoczesność jest kontynuacją świata nowoczesnego, który miał swój początek na przełomie XVII i XVIII w. Współcześnie rozróżnia się płeć biologiczną oraz kulturową. Tę ostatnią narzuca krąg społecznościowy. Typizacja generuje stereotypy, które często są krzywdzące dla obu płci biologicznych i należy je z życia usuwać. Kościół katolicki jest zaniepokojony działaniami wymierzonymi w tradycyjny model rodziny. Przyznaje, że nie zawsze doceniał rolę kobiety, ale nie akceptuje zjawiska gender, uważa również, że małżeństwo to kobieta i mężczyzna.Pozycja Ks. Cz. Parzyszek SAC, Znaczenie nowej ewangelizacji dla odnowy współczesnego świata, Wyd. Apostolicum, Ząbki 2012, ss. 381.Zabielski, Józef (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2013)Pozycja Ks. Ireneusz Mroczkowski, Natura osoby ludzkiej. Podstawy tożsamości człowieka. Płocki Instytut Wydawniczy. Płock 2012, ss. 366.Dziuba, Andrzej F. (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2013)Pozycja Mężczyzna, kobieta i małżeństwo w myśli św. AmbrożegoMarchio, Giorgio (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2013)Autor artykułu Giorgio Maschio przedstawia istotne punkty refleksji św. Ambrożego na temat małżeństwa. Przede wszystkim wykazuje, że Ambroży, wbrew niektórym opiniom, choć wychwalał życie w dziewictwie, nie był przeciwnikiem małżeństwa. Jego komentarz do słów Chrystusa na temat rozwodu z Ewangelii św. Łukasza, przyczynił się w dużym stopniu do obrony nierozerwalności węzła małżeńskiego oraz do jego opisania w kategoriach miłości. Mówiąc o małżeństwie, Ambroży opisuje je, jako „tajemnicę”, której zrozumienie staje możliwe tylko w świetle boskiego planu zbawienia. Ambroży, na tle swojej epoki, wyróżnia się również przez to, że broni godności kobiety i łączy ją z macierzyńską tajemnicą Kościoła. Tak jak pierwsza kobieta Ewa, była pomocą dla mężczyzny, tak dziś Kościół, jest pomocny Chrystusowi, swojemu Oblubieńcowi, w dziele zbawienia.Pozycja Obrona rodziny w programach duszpasterskich Kościoła w PolsceSkreczko, Adam (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2013)Pastoral programmes in Poland have always supported a family. The article weighs the problem, focusing on the first initiative of this kind, which was the Great Novena of the Millennium (1956-1966). It was when Cardinal Stephen Wyszyński and the Episcopate of Poland gave the priority to married and family life. The analysis done shows that further pastoral programmes also dedicated much space to family problems. The Christian idea of married and family life proposed by Catholic Church in Poland still has to struggle with different concepts of the problem, formerly a Communist approach, and today with a liberal one.Pozycja Problematyka rodzinna w BibliiGoliński, Rafał (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2013)This article focuses on an issue of family in the Bible. It tries to make a general synthesis of this matter. Most of the information about the family is located in the Old Testament. It is gathered in two main parts: the family’s place in the nation and the internal structure of the patriarchal household. This view is supplemented by the historical and social influences on the family in the times of the Old Testament. In the New Testament there is less information associated with family. It is gathered in two parts. The first one shows Jesus’ attitude to the family in the Gospel, the second one presents this matter in other writings of the New Testament. The last part of this article contains a short draft of the theological reflection of the family in biblical thought. The-most important in researching of following topics is to remember that the Bible does not show a holistic view of family. Holy Scripture mainly opens some ways for recognizing the situation of biblical family and some ways for the theological reflection of it.Pozycja Rodzina Kościołem „domowym”Przybyłowski, Jan (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2013)The article portrays the Christian family as a home and school of communion. Such understanding entails that the Christian family is a “home” church. The term “ home” church may also refer to a family community, formed without a sacramental relationship of the spouses, provided that they respect the obligations arising from the marriage vows and remain in close contact with the Church. Communion conjugal love combines the family vocation as well as ecclesial vocation, which means that every Christian family forms a saving community and can be compared to God’s house. The organic perspective of family pastoral care sees each family as „home” church.Pozycja Rodzina nadzieją ludzkości. Studium religioznawczeMarkowski, Rafał (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2013)Marriage and family are communal and universal institutions. They are not connected with any pattern of religious life in any significant way. Nevertheless, religious systems pay considerable attention to marriage and family reminding that they are forms of living together and giving them a religious dimension. Facing present day tendencies and threats, religions guarantee stability of marriage and family while at the same time they confirm that it is in the bond of the family that the human being experiences love, matures and learns the responsibility to transmit life. In tribal religiosity, an emphasis is put on the fact that the family life is deeply rooted in the community.Pozycja Rodzina wspólnotą ewangelizującą – apostolat rodzinnyTomasik, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2013)The author defines two pairs of concepts: family-community and evangelism-apostolate. Preliminary analysis leads to the conclusion that apostolate and evangelism overlap. Therefore, according to the article’s title, the equal placement of family who evangelizes with family apostolate results from teaching of the Church. After clarifying the issues that are the subject of reflection, it is possible to determine what the family apostolate is, what theological and pedagogical grounds it has, what opportunities and limitations it presents, and what forms it has in the context of the Church’s situation in Poland.Pozycja „Stili di vita” della famiglia tra lavoro e festaBrambilla, Franco Giulio (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2013)The author of the article, Franco Giulio Brambilla, refers to the 6th World Encounter of Families in Milan (28.05-3.06.2012), whose subject was: ‘The family, work, and celebration’. From the very beginning the author stresses that each family has its own lifestyle, often written into the context of social attitudes functioning in its surroundings. He mentions threats to the family connected with work. First of all, professional ambitions of Westerners prolong work and thus contribute to the lessening of family relationships. In poor countries, however, lack of permanent occupation makes the fate of families uncertain and contributes to their material impoverishment. According to the author, such a situation is a challenge to greater solidarity and responsibility. The author concentrates on the way of celebrating Sunday, which in postmodern times lost its festival glare in the West. It is just Sunday time off work, which is to make an opportunity for a family to deepen relationships, and to enable common celebration of the Eucharist. The Eucharist tells us that God, despite our differences, opens up and accepts us all. Therefore the Sunday table differs from the everyday table. Following the pattern of the Lord’s table, it becomes the table of a mutual meeting and opening to everyone, place of deepening mutual relations in the light of Christ.Pozycja Współczesna rodzina między sacrum a profanumKawecki, Witold (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2013)Family and marriage, which should be considered as the very basic institutions of every human society, are going through a crisis. It is primarily cultural in nature and it is caused by a variety of changes – economic, legal, psychological, social, ethical, religious, etc. The crisis constitutes a manifestation of replacing the institutional model of a family by the personal one. It is based on a fallacious concept of families that prefer individualism and consumerist growth. The article presents an attempt to break the crisis by implementing the conciliar vision of marriage and family founded on an intimate community of life and love, fidelity, humanization of sexuality and fertility understood as a dynamism of interpersonal love.Pozycja Współczesny ateizm – nowe pogaństwoGóralczyk, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2013)