Polonia Sacra, 2001, R. 5 (23), Nr 8 (52)
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Pozycja Apostolskie korzenie celibatu kapłańskiegoGryz, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)A discussion on celibacy, and especially the justification for its existence in Church has constantly been a burning issue inspired by various, frequently diverse, motivations. On the one hand pastoral care about the Church makes some people ask a question whether the demand of celibacy is not too difficult a barrier, often impossible to overcome by candidates for priesthood, especially that celibacy is not essentially connected with the Sacrament of priesthood and the history of the Church knows priests who were married. For others, imbued with modem culture which glorifies carnality of a human being, it is difficult to understand and accept the fact that a voluntary resignation from married life – which for many people constitutes the only space of love between man and woman and a basic form and manifestation of man's social life is possible. Most varied opinions appear in the discussion, from the ones that celibacy comes straight from God's establishment to the ones which perceive it as a disciplinary resolution introduced by an ecclesiastical institution which started no earlier than 4th century, and some claim that only since Lateran Council II, i.e., since 1139. Still others see it as a concession on the part of the Roman Church in favour of gnosticism or manicheism and these movements in Church, which, supporting strict spiritualism, actually depreciated marriage. Finally, there are some, who, trying to reconcile in some way several hundred years of the functioning of the Church with the demands of present times, suggest that celibacy should be treated as a voluntarily accepted charisma, which, however, should not be the subject of ecclestiastical discipline obligatory for all candidates for priesthood. It is characteristic that all these opinions refer to the practice of the early Church, yet interpret the same facts in a different way. The arguments are constructed on the basis of history. A need therefore arises to once again investigate the origins of celibacy. Is its present form in any way connected with the teaching of the Apostles and the practice of the Church of the first centuries, or is it rather an autonomic creation of the late institution?Pozycja Biblijna nauka o wolności i wyzwoleniuJelonek, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Freedom and liberation are among much focused on entries and yet they are constantly missing from the life of human community. This results from an erroneous notion of freedom, which appeared in modern times and gave rise to social structures of captivity. We therefore turn to Revelation to learn how we should properly understand and build freedom Christ instructs us that the only liberating factor is His Truth. The Church, which – especially in the context of the so called theology o f liberation – issued two significant Instructions showing dangers and developing positive knowledge of freedom and liberation, has been teaching it. The article focuses on a Biblical notion of freedom as shown through the history of Israel and the instruction of the New Testament. In the Bible freedom is primarily a matter of being free from sin. Historical experiences of Israel show that God Himself is the guarantor of freedom and mending one's ways is a means to achieve it. The main form of captivity and the source of its various kinds is sin. Prophets heralded the instruction in freedom, and Trito Isaiah's texts are especially informative. The New Testament shows that the basic liberation takes place within a person, and the most important principle is the commandment of love. True liberation takes place in the Death and Resurrection of Christ, which is also good news of freedom. The way to liberation is therefore evangelisation, i.e., preaching the good news of freedom. This should also show the importance of God's commandments on the way to freedom and demonstrate the relevance of their message, though here it is most important to accept with confidence the gift of God's Wisdom. In conclusion three subjects are developed: the commandment of love is the way to freedom, as is the cross, and because people need a genuine example, St. Francis of Assisi is shown as an evangelically free man.Pozycja Błogosławione, choć trudne czasy. Siedemdziesięciopięciolecie Kościoła Częstochowskiego, praca zbiorowa, red. Jan Kowalski, Częstochowa 2000, ss. 432Orzeszyna, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Pozycja Bp Antoni Długosz, Beata Stypułkowska, Wprowadzenie do dydaktyki biblijnej, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PAT, Kraków 2000, ss. 253Tronina, Antoni (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Pozycja Budda czy Jezus? Religijny pluralizm jako relatywizacja jedyności i powszechności zbawienia Jezusa Chrystusa w świetle Deklaracji Kongregacji Nauki Wiary Dominus IesusNapiórkowski, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Die neulich erschienene vatikanische Erklärung Dominus Iesus (06.08.2000) hat in der Öffentlichkeit viel Kritik hervorgerufen. Es ist erstaunlich, dass diese heftigen Proteste und die Empörungen vor allem in ökumenischen Kreisen zu hören sind. Man muß leider vermuten, dass dem Inhalt des römischen Dokuments nicht genug Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet wurde. Denn die Erklärung der Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre befaßt sich hauptsächlich mit dem interreligiösen Dialog und nicht mit dem Ökumenismus, wie das von den Kritikern behauptet wird. In den christlich geprägten Gesellschaften von heute bewirkte die pluralistische Religionstheologie, dass die Gleichheit der einmaligen geschichtlichen Gestalt Jesu von Nazareth mit der Wirklichkeit Gottes, mit dem lebendigen Gottes selbst, nicht mehr klar erkannt und sogar abgelehnt wurde. Infolge des religiösen Relativismus verbreitete sich die irrige Auffassung, dass die Anhänger aller Religionen das Heil auf gleichwertigen Wegen erlangen können und dass die Religionen der Welt gleichwertig zur christlichen Offenbarung sind. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Heilsangebote der verschiedenen Religionen erinnert dieses wichtige Dokument Dominus Iesus daran, dass Jesus Christus allein der Messias ist. Nur er ist „der Sohn des lebendigen Gottes” (Mt 16,16), „in ihm allein wohnt wirklich die ganze Fülle Gottes” (Kol 2, 9), er ist der Einzige, durch den wir gerettet werden (vgl. Apg 4,12).Pozycja Chrystus jako Oblubieniec Kościoła w świetle Nowego TestamentuPiekarz, Danuta (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)In diversi libri dell'Antico Testamento Dio viene presentato come Sposo del suo popolo – Israele, uno Sposo sempre fedele e pieno di amore malgrado l'infedeltà della sposa che seguiva i suoi amanti bruciando i profumi ai Baal (cfr. Os 2,15). Quando viene la pienezza dei tempi, l'amico dello Sposo – Giovanni Battista prepara la Sposa - popolo all'incontro con Cristo. Gesù stesso solo ima volta si presenta come „Sposo” (Le 5, 34s e par.), ma nel suo insegnamento (soprattutto in diverse parabole) e attività (Cana) il Regno di Dio viene paragonato ad un banchetto nuziale. Nella Lettera agli Efesini l'amore di Cristo per la sua Sposa – Chiesa diventa modello per ogni coppia cristiana. Cristo non solo ha dato la vita per la Chiesa, ma anche la purifica e nutrisce – ci si può scorgere ima chiara allusione ai sacramenti, soprattutto al Battesimo e Eucaristia. Per rispondere all'amore dello Sposo la Chiesa deve rimanere salda nel suo insegnamento. Perciò S. Paolo, preoccupato per la fedeltà dei Corinzi lusingati dai falsi apostoli, deve ricordargli: provo per voi una specie di gelosia divina, avendovi promessi ad un unico sposo (2 Cor 11,2). Nella logica dell'Apocalisse il tempo presente è dato alla Chiesa affinché possa preparare il suo abito da sposa, per essere pronta alle Nozze dell'Agnello. Lo Spirito aiuta la Sposa e con lei invoca lo Sposo perché venga il momento quando, conforme alle usanze nuziali giudaiche, la Sposa potrà entrare tra i canti di gioia nella casa dello Sposo e ci rimarrà per sempre.Pozycja „De imitati o ne Patris” u św. PawłaMisztal, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)„Imiter le Christ”, „suivre le Christ”: on peut de cette manière définir l'oeuvre du salut. Mais le Christ n'est jamais sans le Père. Nous ne pouvons jamais imiter le Christ, suivre le Christ sans vivre dans la communion avec son et notre Père. On a dit du Christ: „II est l'Image du Dieu invisible” (Col 1, 15). Si nous imitons notre Seigneur, si nous le suivons, cela signifie que nous imitons et suivons aussi le Père. Est-ce vrai? Dans la Lettre aux Ephésiens nous pouvons lire cet appel: „cherchez à imiter Dieu, comme des enfants bien-aimés” (5,1). Voilà notre vocation chrétienne, notre spiritualité définies d'une façon originale et en même temps originelle. Cet appel et programme se situe dans l'économie étemelle de la création et de la nouvelle création. „Dieu dit: Faisons l'homme à notre image, comme notre ressemblance” (Gn 1,26). „C'est ainsi qu'il [c'est-à- -dire le Père] nous a élus en lui [dans son Fils], dès avant la fondation du monde, pour être saints et immaculés en sa présence, dans l'amour” (Eph 1, 4). Le Père est saint et immaculé. Il désire ime chose pareille pour ses enfants d'adoption, pour nous tous. Prenons en considération par ex. La Lettre aux Ephésiens. Essayons de cette manière de mieux comprendre le message contenu dans les paroles „cherchez à imiter Dieu” Nous pourrons voir qu'il s'agit d'un thème fondamental pour la théologie, pour la spiritualité chrétienne, pour notre salut étemel et pour la vie de tous les jours d'ici-bas de chaque disciple du Christ, de chaque enfant adoptif du Père. Nous y trouverons en abondance aussi bien la nourriture „théologique” de qualité ainsi que les indications „pratiques” précieuses (si tout fois il est possible par ex. séparer l'un de l'autre).Pozycja Javier Hervada, Studi sull'essenza del matrimonio, Giuffrè Editore Milano 2000, s. 390Rozkrut, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Pozycja Johann Baptist Mezt, Teologia polityczna (Zum Begriff der neuen politischen Theologie), przekł. A. Mosurek, Wydawnictwo Apostolstwa Modlitwy, Kraków 2000, ss. 337Zwoliński, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Pozycja Johna H. Newmana teoria rozwoju mariologii i jej wymiar ekumenicznyŻyciński, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)The issue of the development of Christian doctrine was not a subject frequently researched by scientists in 19th century. J. H. Newman's quest for the true Church of Christ forced him to fathom the problem. The result of this quest was Newman's theory of doctrine development presented in 1845 in his Essay on the Development o f Christian Doctrine, which distinguishes seven criteria of validity and authenticity of developmental form. These criteria, characterised by Newman in a general way, find their detailed extensions and application in an analysis of specific problems of Mariology and allow a final statement that contemporary Mariology is the result of the development of the Mariological doctrine of the Church in the first centuries.Pozycja Józef Mélèze Modrzejewski, Żydzi nad Nilem. Od Ramzesa II do Hadriana (Biblioteka Zwojów. Tło Nowego Testamentu, tom 3) z francuskiego przełożyła Joanna Olkiewicz, The Enigma Press, Kraków 2000, stron 352, 32 tabliceJelonek, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Pozycja Katechizm Kościoła Katolickiego o świecie duchów złychŁukaszuk, Tadeusz Dionizy (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Auctor articuli, post vestigia Catechismi Ecclesiae Catholicae gradiens, de spiritibus malignis utpote in universo a Deo creato existentibus et in fontibus revelationis apparentibus agit. In prima parte articuli thema terminologiae venit et quia bonum ordinem terminologicum in textu Catechismi auctor deprehendit, eundem universis disputationibus theologicis ut normam rectam servandam commendare censuit. In terminologia enim a Catechismo usurpata bene distiguuntur nomina et obiecta nominibus istis signata, specialiter Satanas, graece dictus diabolus, in sua singularitate visus, nomine proprio in singulari, et maiuscula scripto, notatur, daemones autem generali denominatione describuntur. Satanas dux daemonum esse videtur, numquam cum eis identificandus. In parte altera articuli quaestio de reali existentia spirituum malignorum, eorumque origine ac potestate hominibus nocendi evolvitur. Ex analisi textus Catechismi sequi videtur supradictos aspectus quaestionis ad doctrinam catholicam pertinere et ideo gradu theologicae certitudinis gaudere. Doctrinae catholicae, theologice certae, mente nostra adhaerere debemus, attamen assensu non irreformabili quem veritati tantum de fide definita praestari opportet. Veritates huiusmodi in materia demonologiae probabiliter non adveniunt, una definitione Concilii Lateranensis IV excepta de diabolo et aliis daemonibus a Deo natura creatis bonis e per se ipsis factis malis. In definitione ista, directe et per se de Deo, imo Creatore omnium rerum agitur, de diabolo autem in obliquo et secundarie, per modum exempli aliati et ad oculos positi.Pozycja Korynt w epoce Pawła ApostołaKic, Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Paul visited Corinth times in the fifties of the first century AD. At that time the town prospered. It was the capital of the Roman Senatorial Providence of Achaia, boasting the rank of one of the largest Greek towns and one of the leading metropolis of the Roman Empire. Thanks to the long-lasting archaeological research the layout of the city, its infrastructure and the life-style of the inhabitants of Corinth at the time of the Apostle have been well reconstructed. The large number of excavated monuments include numerous objects, directly or indirectly, connected with the Apostle of the Nations. The first category includes a stone platform for the accused, upon which Paul stood during so-called Gallion Court, as well as bema, on which Gallion presided in his capacity as a judge. Equally important are the architectural in Corinth took place, particularly its threshold with the fragment of the identification inscription and the pavement, discovered near the Muncipal Theatre, with the name of Erastus, its founder, who was probably the Apostole's friend and the host of the Corinth church. The remains of workshops in which Paul the Apostle worked during his Corinth mission to earn his living as a maker of tents, testifying to the conditions of his work, as well the remains of butchery place of the so-called Northern Market, where meat, sometimes of the sacrificial origin was sold, which sheds a new light upon the problem of consumption of this kind of meat by Christmas. Considerable interest are the uncovered relics of the villa in Anaploga, providing a stunning example of a wealthy Corinthian house, which might canstitute the model of the layout had been produced and the Municipal Theatre, which explain the trem of sounding brass used by Paul in his „Hymn to Love”, as a bronze acoustic vase used for amplifying the voice in Greek theatres. On the other hand, the scant remains of the famous love goddess Aphrodite, which had been discovered, point at a controversial opinion about a more limited influence that previously thought, of the so-called sacral prostitiuton on the sexual promiscuity of the Corintians, deplored by Paul.Pozycja L'Apocalisse. Corsi Accademici n. 1, (oprac.) Adinolfi M., Niccacci A. Parma 1996, s. 62Zbroja, Bogdan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Pozycja Naturalny charakter instytucji małżeństwa i rodziny – przemówienie Jana Pawła II do Roty Rzymskiej (1 lutego 2001)Rozkrut, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)In his address delivered this year to the Roman Rota John Paul II presented a picture of the institution of marriage and family in its basic, i.e. natural, form inscribed in human nature. The address can be perceived as a monition to the modem world, in whose mentality and laws the foundations of its very existence and vocation have been lost. Another reflection on natural character of the institution of marriage and family, which is shown today in the light of canon law, is not so much a reminder that ecclesiastical judges have to defend these values in their verdicts as a challenge to the whole community to defend basic values. The subject should be brought up particularly during catechesis and pastoral courses which prepare young generations for marriage and starting a family. Each annual address to the Roman Rota as well as every issue raised in it, whether it refers to substantive law or the rules of the court, is a great event for the whole ecclesiastical jurisdiction. Simultaneously, a great concern John Paul II shows for the Roman Rota Court remains an example for all the bishops who preside over ecclesiastical courts of first and second instances to constantly support this specific and extremely delicate aspect of the activity of the Church, both in local and universal dimension.Pozycja Nauka Biblii o własnościZwoliński, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Biblical instruction in ownership has its origins in the basic truth shown in the book of Genesis that God created heaven and earth (Gen 1 .1-2 ; 4a; 4b-25). It thus emphasises the fact that God is an absolute beginning of all creation and that everything belongs to Him. At the same time, the description of Creation includes the truth about an aim of the existence of the world, which is to serve man who has been called to have a dialogue with God. God enabled man to live and develop, to carry out a plan to transform the earth and create his own world of culture. Economy, including private ownership, the way of possessing and its range were termed a mirror aim as opposed to an aim that is major in the life of every Christian – redemption. „Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world but loses his life?” (Mt 16.26).Pozycja O etykę w turystyce. Kodeks Etyki w Turystyce ogłoszony przez Światową Organizację TurystykiOstrowski, Maciej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)The article does not aim to exhaustively discuss the issues brought up in the Statute of Ethics in Tourism edited by the World Tourism Organisation. The author wishes – as was the intention of the editors – to join in the discussion showing the advantages as well as disadvantages of the document. Without doubt the Statute emphasises the essential truth that tourism does not stay outside the sphere of ethics. It therefore deserves appreciation on the part of a theologian. The document opens new chances of co-operation between various subjects responsible for tourism, including the Church. Accepting common regulation will constitute the ground for a dialogue and positive solution to ethical problems in this sphere of human life.Pozycja Obowiązek ochrony środowiska naturalnegoBorutka, Tadeusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)The truth of the World creation, bringing of everything what exists from nonentity into existence, is closely connected with God. Work of creation is the revelation of omnipotence, love and wisdom of God-Creator. Man was called by God for being a Master of the World, not for its devastation. Man is responsible for keeping of order in the World. So, bad state of environment we live in, is the expression of deep moral crisis of man. It is urgently necessary to create the attitude of ecological responsability.Pozycja Odtwarzanie poetyckiej struktury 1 Kor 1,17-2, 2 Studium tekstu i komentarzBailey, K. E. (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)Paul of Tarsus has been called „artisan, scholar, traveller, leader of men”, and above all, but rarely if at all, poet. In this study we intend to demonstrate that Paul is in fact a highly skilled poet and that this aspect of his genius is brilliantly demonstrated in 1 Cor 1,17 - II, 2 which is a single poem whit a number of editorial comments and changes which fall into five types. These comments and changes can be clearly identified because of the precise nature of poetic from which the text preserves intact. The poetic from is here seen as new evidence for a wide range of questions relating to the text and its interpretation, it will be suggested that St. Paul is most probably the author of some of the editorial expansions and, if so, he is re-using older material. The overall structure of the poem will be examined first and then the individual sections. The editorial changes will be discussed as they occur. Finally, some summary of the significance of the poetic from will be attempted.Pozycja Post w BibliiZbroja, Bogdan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)L'article presente avait dans Tintention de mettre en evidence la pratique biblique du jeûne. La première partie nous a mis en point la terminologie liée au jeûne laquelle nous retrouvons dans la Bible grecque. Celle la deuxiemme parlait des textes biblique qui traitent du jeûne. Cette activité a été sanctifiée dans le Nouveau Testament par l'acte de Jesus Christ qui lui – même s'est mortifié pendant quarante jours et nuits sur le desert. La signification teologique du jeûne consiste à affliger son corps par des austérités et â faire offrande au Dieu de son renoncement. Tout cela est fait en vue de confirmer sa demande, sa supplication auprès du Seigneur, pour être exaucer. On le supplie qu'il enleve nos pérchés.