Roczniki Teologiczne, 1995, T. 42, z. 2
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Pozycja Bibliografia publikacji ks. prof. dr. hab. Mariana Ruseckiego(Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)Pozycja Chrystus jako pełnia objawienia i zbawienia w ujęciu René Latourelle’aLedwoń, Ireneusz S. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)Pozycja Pozadoktrynalne uwarunkowania postawy ekumenicznejBartnik, Czesław S. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)Pozycja Rozważanie o metodach w teologii dogmatycznejBartnik, Czesław S. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)Pozycja Teologia „literacka” (cz. II)Szymik, Jerzy (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)Pozycja Teologia w aspekcie „ukrzyżowanej Miłości”Góźdź, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)The author presents in an original manner the Souvenir Book of Michael Seybold, professor of dogmatic theology at Eichstätt University in Germany. This university is the only Catholic academy in the German-speaking area which remains in a friendly relationship with our university. The study pictures the state of research and seeks to grasp Catholic dogmatics along the lines of the classical scholar of German dogmatics, Prof. M. Schmaus. A thorough study of the Book under analysis has conferred on this theology a new aspect, that of the "crucified love", is a theology "pursued" in respect of the love of Christ and the gift of His Holy Spirit.Pozycja Wcielenie jako fakt eklezjotwórczy w nauczaniu Jana Pawła IIKrzyszowski, Zbigniew (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)Pozycja Ziemia w rytuałach dożynkowych u ludu Konkomba z północnej GhanyZimoń, Henryk (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)Beliefs and rituals of the primitive people in Africa and other continents testify to the sacred character of the Earth, its fertility and vital power. The Earth cult of the agrarian people of Konkomba from northern Ghana ist mostly connected with the agricultural economy. The guinea corn harvest feasts belong to the important agrarian rituals of the Konkomba. The present article analyses and interprets the rites performed in Earth shrines in the villages of Kukuln and Nakpando. Those rites constitute the initial part of harvest rituals associated with the harvest of guinea corn and which are principally performed in homesteads. The source basis was provided by the author’s fieldwork conducted among the Konkomba people in the area of Saboba from September 1990 till August 1991. The feasts of guinea corn harvest in the villages of Kukuln and Nakpando took place on 25th and 26th December, 1990. The concurrence of the date of the ritual in the Kukuln village with Christmas is not accidental but it is explained by the influence of Christianity and the economical reasons. On the other hand, the guinea corn harvest feast in the village of Nakpando was performed according to tradition, that is on the day called lafe. The rites in Earth shrines were performed by an old man chosen by the oldest member of the major lineage (Kukuln) or by the oldest member of the major lineage who held the function of an Earth priest (Nakpando). Representatives of both segments of the major lineage participated in the celebrations. On the other hand, there were no representatives of the major lineage Kaasiini from the Kukultiib clan and of the major lineage Botatiib from the Nakpantiib clan. The feasts of guinea corn harvest and the analysed rites had a lineage range. Besides the social character, the rites presented here had also a religious dimension. This is manifested in the addressess of the prayers and sacrifices (Earth spirits, god Uwumbor, protective spirits of the clan, ancestors), the content of propitiatory prayers as well as the sacrificed beer, blood, meat pieces and poultry intestines.Pozycja Zwyczaje i obrzędy adwentowe w regionie opoczyńskimKupisiński, Zdzisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)The present article describes the customs, rites and beliefs of the Advent period among the inhabitants of the Opoczno region. The author worked up this subject on the basis of his own ethnographic field studies carried out in that area in the years 1990-1993. Besides the customs and rites characteristic of this region, the atmosphere of the period is also presented. The period of Advent begins a new ecclesiastical years and at the same time closes the calendar year. When a man came into the new year, he faced the unknown. He tried to satisfy his curiosity in this respect through different kinds of divination. In that period, the dominating ones concerned matrimonial and meteorological fortune-telling. The youth most often practised divination on the eve of St. Catherine’s and St. Andrew’s days. Divination practices or customs of secular character constituted a marginal part of Advent customs and rites. The Advent atmosphere in the Opoczno village was created by two events, i.e. eschatic and Christmas ones, that is why the period of Advent is characterized by clearly religious character. When a man thought of his ultimate aim to which the adequate preparation for the coming of Christmas led, he was willing to participate in religious practices known for ages. Hence, Advent was given a penitential character and the people were fasting and took part in retreats or Advent services. In the Opoczno area, the rural population kept a number of old Advent customs to this day. Nowadays, experiencing Advent is not manifested as it was before. The inhabitants of the village prepare themselves for Christmas more individually and within their families.