Studia Gdańskie, 2009, T. 25
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Pozycja A Polish Oedipus. On the Situation of the Polish Community in Great Britain in the Context of the TV serial “Londoners”Romejko, Adam (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)Dzieje społeczności polskiej w Wielkiej Brytanii obejmują ponad 150 lat. Dla wielu Brytyjczyków Polacy – nie licząc krótkiego okresu II wojny światowej – nie stanowili interesującego tematu. Polonią brytyjską zajmowała się wąska grupa badaczy. Sytuacja uległa zmianie na skutek przyjęcia Polski do Unii Europejskiej (2004). Ponieważ Wielka Brytania jako jeden z nielicznych krajów otworzyła rynek pracy dla nowych członków UE, na Wyspach Brytyjskich pojawiała się znaczna ilość „nowych Europejczyków”; większość z nich stanowili Polacy. Imigrantami zaczęto interesować się intensywniej niż dotychczas. Poświęcano im nie tylko opracowania naukowe, artykuły prasowe, lecz także utwory literackie oraz filmy. Jednym z nich jest wyemitowany przez TVP 1 na przełomie lat 2008/2009 serial pt. Londyńczycy. W kraju został on przyjęty pozytywnie, czego potwierdzeniem była wysoka oglądalność. Inaczej oceniano go w Wielkiej Brytanii, szczególnie w środowiskach działaczy polonijnych. Krytykowano go, że prezentowany w nim obraz społeczności polskiej jest kłamliwy. Oceniano go jako sabotaż, który niweczy działania podejmowane w obronie dobrego imienia Polaków. Postrzegano w nim postawę typową dla mitologicznego Edypa, który przyznawał się do „grzechów”, których nie popełnił. Przy okazji krytyki ujawniała się tendencja do zawłaszczania praw do decydowania o tym, który obraz „brytyjskiego Polaka” jest słuszny. Dla działaczy polonijnych jest nim osoba wyjątkowa – w przeszłości bohaterski żołnierz walczący „za wolność waszą i naszą”, obecnie robiący karierę w londyńskim City. Nie ma tam miejsca na przeciętność, a tym bardziej na miernotę, na którą za to znalazło się miejsce w serialu Londyńczycy. Problematycznym okazał się sposób reklamowania serialu – w ramach kampanii reklamowej promowano go nie jako serial mający dostarczyć rozrywki, lecz – co stanowi zdecydowane nadużycie – jako „kronikę najnowszej emigracji”.Pozycja Andrzej Anderwald, Teologia a nauki przyrodnicze. Rola wiedzy przyrodniczej w dociekaniach teologicznych, Redakcja Wydawnictw Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, Opole 2007, ss. 306.Krauze, Filip (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)Pozycja Arkadiusz Modrzejewski, Uniwersalistyczna wizja ładu światowego w personalistycznej optyce Karola Wojtyły – Jana Pawła II, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2009, ss. 221.Romejko, Adam (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)Pozycja Boża odpłata według KoheletaSzamocki, Grzegorz; Pietkiewicz, Dominika (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)The writers of the Old Testament expressed in a lot of places an idea of the recompense of God for good and bad deeds of a man. In principle the recompense should have to have a worldly character. The comprehensive conception of the recompense expressed in the texts of the Old Testament does not present itself however as homogeneous. Testimonies of a development of this conception and of changes in understanding of it are some statements of Koheleth. According to this Israelite sage God recompenses for deeds of a man, but that does not happen automatically. God, who has power over every man, decides himself, if he recompenses, or how and when. A man yet should act well not for fear of the recompense of God, but because of the fact, that he is created in God’s image and according to God’s likeness.Pozycja Działalność i funkcjonowanie Polskiej Misji Katolickiej w HolandiiLeska-Ślęzak, Joanna (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)Religious matters have always played an important part in Holland. Polarization of social life in Holland has led to the situation where besides the „Catholic” pillar there are also Protestant, Muslim and Secular, called humanistic, ones. The Polish Catholic Mission has existed in Holland since 1947, however, already in 1910 there was the Polish apostleship there, called „harbour” when people from Poland came to the Rotterdam’s harbour on their way to emigrate to the USA. Now the Polish apostleship is situated in three districts: Brabant and Limburg, North-East and South. There are five parishes working there. Polish priests in Holland not only minister to a parish, but they also propagate Polish culture and education and are of any help needed.Pozycja Działanie komunikacyjne sposobem istnienia systemów społecznych – Jürgen HabermasSzulist, Janusz (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)Pozycja Epilepsja jako przyczyna stwierdzenia nieważności małżeństwa w orzecznictwie rotalnymKraiński, Wiesław (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)Pozycja Gerhard Gnauck, Marcel Reich-Ranicki. Polskie lata, Wydawnictwo W.A.B., Warszawa 2009, ss. 312.Romejko, Adam (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)Pozycja Heinz Nussbaumer, Odkryć w sobie mnicha. Pielgrzymując na górę Athos, tłum. z j. niem. T. Sotowska, Instytut Wydawniczy Pax, Warszawa 2009, ss. 120.Cichosz, Wojciech (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)Pozycja Henryk J. Sokalski, Odrobina prewencji: dorobek dyplomacji prewencyjnej ONZ w Macedonii, Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, Warszawa 2007, ss. 328.Stankiewicz, Wojciech (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)Pozycja Katolicki model cywilizacji uniwersalnej w listach pasterskich biskupa Perugii Gioacchimo Pecciego (1810‒1903)Modrzejewski, Arkadiusz (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)This paper is devoted to the universalistic model of civilization presented in the pastoral letters Gioacchimo Pecci, the bishop of Perugia that later became pope Leo XIII. It is an original type of universalism that we can call “catholic exclusivism” due to his belief that only Christianity created real civilization, which is based on love and human dignity. Pecci argued that the Catholic Church is the power of civilization and progress. He formulated his thesis in the opposition to antagonists of Catholicism that contrasted development with Christianity and the Catholic Church. Pecci emphasized that belief and progress are not two mutally exclusive concepts. Moreover, only the Church created conditions to a holistic development in its materialistic and spiritual aspects. His considerations lead him to excluding other cultural and religious traditions from the civilizational system. But it is still universalism, however in potential sense, thanks to the affirmation that absolutely every person can be a member of the Church. Even though, the Christianity is a source of universal values, especially love that concerns all humankind, also followers of other religions and non-believers. The thought of Pecci enriches philosophy of history as well as the theory of civilization. For their historiography the pastoral letters are a source that shows an interesting idea that is almost completely unknown and undescribed.Pozycja Locutio mundi – znaczenie i zakres określenia „sakramentalność świata”Dańczak, Andrzej (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)The aim of the article is to analyse the legitimacy of the use of the term sacramentality in the case of the world as well as its meaning and possible range. Nature that surrounds man has an ambiguous character: on the one side it provokes fright because of its destructive power, on the other side – and this is probably a much more common experience – it is an object of admiration which can lead to the experience of transcendence and subsequently also to faith. In a way the world speaks to rational man and this quality is described very often in theology as the sacramentality of the world. The term requires today more precision, particularly concerning its relation to other commonly accepted sacramental dimensions in modern theology: sacramentality of Christ, sacramentality of the Church and of course that of seven sacraments-rites. Its relation to a widely understood sacramentality of the history of salvation must also be considered. As a result of the reflection, usage of the term sacramentality of the world seems to be totally justified. It fulfils the necessary aspects which refer to the phenomenon of sacramentality present in modern theology, maintaining its own character: the world is sacramental a priori. Its sacramentality does not require an act of institution. The world needs much more its reader who is human being. In all the other three cases (Christ, the Church and seven sacraments) a previously neutral dimension (human nature or matter) is transformed into a new quality by God’s decision (although each of the above mentioned cases is very different from the others). The meaning of the sacramentality of the world is associated with personal experience: nature can lead the thought of man very far. It is able to provoke existential questions but also suggests answers thus becoming a stage of a particular experience in which the world speaks to man. Such locutio mundi means that the material world is a medium by which in reality God speaks and the world may become a dimension of the encounter with the infinity. The question of the range of the term requires a distinction between the knowledge of the world which comes from the natural sciences and personal experience. The latter can also be partially based on scientific knowledge but at the same time it remains always a subjective phenomenon. The concept of sacramentality of the world embraces a wide ambit of possibilities which direct human thought towards the transcendence. Today’s theological reflection indicates also that not only the Universe or the world as a whole can be witnesses of the transcendence; also some particular internal processes like evolutionary development may provoke existential reflection.Pozycja Michał Heller, Podglądanie Wszechświata, Znak, Kraków 2008, ss. 213.Wdowczyk, Łukasz (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)Pozycja Mniejszości narodowe i etniczne na Wybrzeżu GdańskimChodubski, Andrzej (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)According to the data of census in 2002, national and ethnic minorities form 0,26% of the society of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. They are among others: Belarusians, the Romani, Greeks, Karaims, Lithuanians, Lemkos, Macedonians, Germans, Armenians, Russians, Turks, Ukrainians, Jews and (since lately) Vietnamese. Their position underwent a positive change after 1989. In the past decades they experienced all sorts of restrictions. The activity of the particular minorities centers around matters such as: using and teaching the languages of the minority, keeping names and surnames written in the minority language, practising their religion and organizational activity. The basis for the national and ethnic minorities living on the Gdańsk Coast form largely the newcomers from the widely understood frontier lands. The Greeks and Macedonians who came to Poland in the years 1949‒1952 form an interesting exception. People coming to the so-called recovered lands, as a rule, hid their real origin. It was the result of the two facts: 1. the policy of the Polish government, the aim of which was to create a uniform state as regards nation and ethnics. 2. fear of being recognized as the citizens of the USSR due to the risk of deportation. The first decade of the post war period was especially unfavourable for the minorities. Since 1956 the situation has loosened – organizational and religious life start to develop. Up to the present time national and ethnic minorities have been the subject of scientific research.Pozycja Możliwości i bariery osiedleńcze imigrantów w Gdańsku po 1989 r.Ślęzak, Jarosław (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)Geopolitical location of Gdańsk, in the borderland, involves the presence of strangers and this creates favourable conditions for populist approach to cultural and social processes connected with the migration. One of elements in favour of settlement in Gdańsk are churches and religious congregations which enable emigrants to take part in religious life. What unites emigrants and enables them to settle down in Gdańsk are organizational structures of different kinds, and also appointed in 1993 the Forum of National Minorities. However, emigrants also encounter a lot of barriers in Gdańsk, among which we can mention: stereotypes, „historical discrimination”, and also language and educational barriers.Pozycja Neuer Wettstein. Texte zum Neuen Testament aus Griechentum und Hellenismus. Band I/1.1. Texte zum Markusevangelium. Herausgegeben von Udo Schnelle unter Mitarbeit von Manfred Lang und Michael Labahn, Walter de Grutyer, Berlin – New York 2008, ss. I-VI, 1‒879.Nowak, Dominik (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)Pozycja O dwu sposobach pozyskiwania organów do transplantacjiHołub, Grzegorz (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)The technical possibility of carrying out transplantations of different human organs is usually associated with their scarce availability. Two solutions are put forward in order to deal with the issue: acquiring organs via a free market or sensitizing people to donation of organs as gifts. In the article these two proposals are considered with a special emphasis on the philosophical concepts of the person and his/her body which are presupposed in them. Critical examination reveals that a human body is an integral part of the person, hence cannot be treated as a commodity. Bodily organs can be treated, however, as a gift of one person to another. The logic of gift, then, is more adequate to who the person is, and it should influence people’s attitudes concerning organ donation.Pozycja O konwergencji kultur polskiej i żydowskiej. Przysucha jako studium przypadkuPater, Dariusz (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)The religious heritage and millenary common history unite the Jews and Poles. Throughout the centuries, Jewish religion and culture have emanated from Poland all over the world. Plenty of phenomena of the contemporary culture have at least partially Jewish and Christian roots. In the 18th century, Chasidism – a very important religious current in Judaism – appeared in Poland and has lasted till today. It developed under the influence of tradition, mysticism and Slavonic folk culture. The religious and cultural life of the Jews flourished in Poland especially in the interwar period (1918‒1939). Three million one hundred and thirteen thousands of Jews lived in Poland before the World War Second. The assimilated Polish Jews belonged to cultural and intellectual elites of Poland. It was the biggest Jewish community in the world. There were even cities with a Jewish majority such as presented herein Przysucha, where Jewish community played a significant role in economic, business, cultural and educational spheres. The past mutual merging of Jewish and Christian cultures contributes again nowadays to the rapprochement between Christians and Jews and gives a chance to write another awesome chart in the history of our country.Pozycja Początki pisma i książki. Rekonesans historyczno-kulturowyCichosz, Wojciech (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)The development of a nation’s culture cannot be fully understood without at least a rudimentary knowledge of its past. Culture does not evolve separately from a country’s history and social and political relations. Ancient civilizations, such as those in Egypt, Babylonia, Assyria, India or China had an amazingly highly-developed culture. These countries formed between 4,000 to 3,000 BC and their inhabitants knew how to use a calendar and calculate the course of celestial bodies, they used their knowledge in practice for irrigation and to channel rivers, they built roads and ships, and they also knew various systems of writing. These countries were slave monarchies in which priests played the dominant role. They wielded enormous influence on science and culture, including writing. That was, however, a practical solution necessary to retain power. Numerous elements of the book culture that we know today emerged as early as these ancient times. Some systems of writing that had appeared in the previous era, including ideographic and verbal ones on the one hand (e.g. the Chinese system of writing), and on the other alphabetical ones (Latin), have survived till the present day. In ancient times people knew several types of writing materials, such as stone, metal, wood or clay tablets, papyrus, parchment and even linen. Scribes created texts using a stylus, a brush, or a bird’s feather. Three basic book forms developed in ancient times: a scroll, a codex and an epigraph (statues and tablets). There were standards defining the linguistic, writing and publishing techniques. Because of the interest that books attracted, there was a trade dealing with this aspect of life at that time, and books were gathered in libraries for the sake of the contemporary people and their descendants. In the then existing libraries, which belonged to temples, palaces, schools or which were public, books were catalogued, and theoretical studies were written about the regulations concerning the functioning of book collections. As it entered the Middle Ages, the book had a clearly defined shape and it was becoming a more and more desirable object.Pozycja Posługa biskupa we współczesnym KościeleDrews, Krzysztof (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2009)One of the important tasks in the Church is the office of Bishop. Office, which is a service, which ranks first among the various ministries in Church. This article is devoted to this subject based on the teachings of Second Vatican Council and the post – concilior, Church documents, and particularly the teaching of Pope John Paul II as well as Pope Benedict XVI. This reflection makes it possible to observe newly what a great gift for the Church is a ministry of the Bishop who fulfills three main functions: teaching, sanctifying and governing. Observing the mind of the Church teaching gives us a picture of the bishop. Who has to be, in the Church, primarily a good Shepherd, and always on the model of the Good Shepherd – Jesus Christ.