The Biblical Annals, 2024, T. 14, nr 1
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Pozycja “You Were Strangers in the Land of Egypt” (Exod 22:20): Notes on the Attitude(s) towards Foreigners in Ancient EgyptTaterka, Filip (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2024)The article discusses various attitudes towards foreigners that can be perceived in ancient Egyptian material. It is argued that there was no single and unchangeable attitude towards foreigners throughout ancient Egyptian history, but instead that Egyptian attitudes to foreigners changed over time due to various historical and social factors. It is also argued that these attitudes reflected aconstant negotiation between the traditional and stereotypical perception of foreigners as enemies of the Egyptian state and more nuanced approaches in which foreigners could have a number of roles to play in Egyptian society, which often led to significant transformations of Egyptians’ self-identity. Therefore, the traditional image of ancient Egypt as a highly xenophobic culture is called into question.Pozycja Numbers 5:11–31 as the Old Testament Background for Revelation 8:11Siemieniec, Tomasz (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2024)The article examines possible links between the ritual of bitter water, described in Numbers 5:11–31, and one of the aspects of the plague, described as the event following the third trumpet in the Book of Revelation (Rev 8:11). Such aconnection has not been analysed by scholars so far. The ritual described in Numbers 5 not only has alegal meaning but it is also the starting point for atheological tradition of understanding adultery as a metaphor for Israel’s unfaithfulness to YHWH. The prophetic texts of the OT use motifs taken from Num 5 to depict the lawsuit that YHWH brings against the unfaithful people. According to the author of this article, the use of the motif of drinking bitter water in Rev 8:11 falls into asimilar pattern. This is aritual performed to reveal the guilt of the sinners described in Rev as hoi anthrōpoi.Pozycja Ben Sira’s Idea on the Role and Tasks of the Physician in the Process of Healing the Sick (Sir 38:12–15)Piwowar, Andrzej (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2024)The last part of Ben Sira’s reflections on the activities of his contemporary physicians and the medicine of the time contained in Sir 38:1–15 is devoted to the attitude of the medical practitioner when healing the sick person (38:12–15). The pericope has aconcentric structure with the attitude of the physicians towards God at its centre (38:13–14). The frame verses are devoted to the attitude of the sick person (38:12) and the sinner (38:15) towards the physician. According to the sage, it is not enough for asuffering person to turn to God alone asking to restore their health (Sir 38:9–11), but they should call on a doctor to help them recover (38:12a). The sick person needs a doctor’s help (38:12b). The Greek text emphasises that one should not be afraid of a doctor because God created them (the Hebrew version omits this argument; see 38:12a). Therefore, physicians are desired by the Lord and, like all creatures, God has also assigned them aspecific task. However, physicians cannot rely solely on their knowledge and skills while healing asick person. They should ask (pray to) God to allow them first to make the correct diagnosis (as explicitly stated in the Hebrew version), and then to heal their patient. The last verse of the pericope (38:15) poses many difficulties, which are reflected in numerous interpretations of its content. According to the analysis made in the article, it does not contain a negative image of a medical practitioner because its main message is the link between the cause of illness and sin (traditional perception of illness expressed in the Old Testament based on the principle of retribution). In Sir 38:12–15, as well as in the entire reflection on the contemporary medicine (38:1–15), Ben Sira made an excellent synthesis between this field of science and Israel’s faith in the divine Physician.Pozycja The Question about the Hypertextual Relations in the Book of Genesis Still OpenPikor, Wojciech (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2024)The article is acritical review of the commentary by Bartosz Adamczewski – Genesis. A Hypertextual Commentary. After presenting the theses put forward by Adamczewski in his commentary on Genesis, the criteria of sequential hypertextuality implemented by Adamczewski and his method of delimiting literary units that remain in hypertextual relations are critically reviewed. The methodological weakness of the hypertextual commentary on Genesis cannot be covered up by the creativity of the commentator.Pozycja Józef T. Milik (†), Livres des Patriarches. Edition des textes, traduction et commentaire. I. Testament de Lévi (ed. H. Drawnel) (Études bibliques NS 95; Leuven: Peeters 2022). Pp. XXIII+485. ISBN 978-90-429-4932-4Tronina, Antoni (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2024)Pozycja Foreign Women Transforming Elijah into the Prophet of the Lord (1 Kgs 17–19)Dubovský, Peter (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2024)This paper analyses the different versions of the Elijah cycle (1 Kgs 17–19) as witnessed, in particular, in the Masoretic text (MT), the Codex Vaticanus (GB), the Codex Alexandrinus (GA), and the Antiochian text (GAnt.). The comparison of the manuscripts shows that the MT adds and omits certain words and expressions. The author explored whether the additions and omissions are scribal mistakes or rather an intentional redactional intervention. Arguing for the latter, the author proposes that the MT presents not only the great deeds of the great prophet Elijah but also how Elijah became such a great prophet. Based on this analysis, the author proposes five stages of Elijah’s formation process: 1. the transformation of a man into alistener (1 Kgs 17:2–6); 2. Elijah’s transformation into a man of God’s word (the Cherith episode and the Zarephath episode in 17:7–16); 3. the transformation from a man of God’s word into a man of God (the resuscitation of the dead son in 17:17–24); 4. the transformation from a man of God into a prophet (the Carmel episode 18:1–40); 5. the transformation of azealous prophet into a man standing before the Lord (19:1–18).Pozycja Archanioł Gabriel w piśmiennictwie qumrańskimDomka, Natalia (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2024)The article presents the figure of the angel Gabriel in the context of the seven Qumran manuscripts in which it appears, namely in three Hebrew manuscripts (1QM, 4Q285, 1Q19) and four Aramaic texts (4Q201, 4Q202, 4Q529, 4Q557). The undertaken analyzes are an overview of the texts with elements of exegesis, i.e. a historical and literary characterization and astudy of the source text and the Polish translation of the mentioned manuscripts. On the one hand, it is possible to note the different ways in which the archangel is depicted – he plays different roles, appears in relation to other supernatural figures or as an individual character. On the other hand, this study shows the similarities between the texts under discussion in terms of vocabulary and expressions concerning angels, as well as the guiding theme of the texts.Pozycja Critical Edition and Philological Analysis of Isa 51–52 based on Coptic Manuscript sa 52 (M 568) and Other Coptic Manuscripts in the Sahidic Dialect and the Greek Text of the SeptuagintBąk, Tomasz Bartłomiej (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2024)This article constitutes acritical edition, translation and philological analysis of Isa 51–52 based on Coptic manuscript sa 52 and other available manuscripts in the Sahidic dialect. The first part outlines general information about the section of codex sa 52 (M 568) that contains the analysed text. This is followed by alist and brief overview of other manuscripts featuring at least some verses from Isa 51–52. The main part of the article focuses on the presentation of the Coptic text (in the Sahidic dialect) and its translation into English. The differences identified between the Sahidic text and the Greek Septuagint, on which the Coptic translation is based, are illustrated in atabular form. It includes, for example, additions and omissions in the Coptic translation, lexical changes and semantic differences. The last part of the article aims to clarify more challenging philological issues observed either in the Coptic text itself or in its relation to the Greek text of the LXX.Pozycja The Translation of the Septuagint by Rev. Prof. Remigiusz Popowski. History, Editions, Significance and an Analysis of Translation Strategy and TechniquesSzela-Badzińska, Monika (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2024)Newer and newer Bible translations from original languages tend to appear regularly. Their authors pursue a plethora of strategies, from interlinear to philological to dynamic ones, taking as the source text not only the Hebrew, but also the Greek canon. Since the 1980s, the books of the Greek Bible have been translated into German, English, Italian, Spanish and French; ten years ago, this group was complemented by the Polish rendering made by Rev. Prof. Remigiusz Popowski. Though enthusiastically received, the text was not much researched. This article is intended to make up for this paucity and present the Polish text of the Septuagint from the perspective of its bibliological process and that of descriptive translation studies: a brief account of its historical background, the author of the translation, arecord of editions and the significance for the Polish biblical milieu is followed by acloser analysis and exemplification of strategies and techniques adopted by the author.