Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2004, R. 12, Nr 2

Stały URI dla kolekcjihttps://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/19608


Ostatnie zgłoszenia

Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 20 z 59
  • Miniatura
    Możliwości wychowywania młodzieży w szkołach KEN
    Nałęcz-Sadowski, Leonard (Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2004)
  • Miniatura
    Teocentryczny wymiar łaski usprawiedliwienia w teologii Karla Rahnera
    Lipniak, Jarosław (Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2004)
    Rahner’s thought may be for modern theology an antidote for artificial, exaggerated, dangerous and destroying dualisms, is a continuation of universal catholic thought. His teocentric, transcendental theology expresses and creates general trend for modern theological studies to perceive nature and grace together as connected. This trend has found the best confirmation in documents of Vatican Council II, in which generally the contrasts of natural – supernatural, nature – grace type are avoided, instead speaking about the human being in his concreteness and unity. Thanks to it, today we can better understand that that what is more human is at the same time the most Christian, and this what is the most Christian is at the same time the most human and being in grace „is true, good and happy being a man” The more human being is penetrated, justified, cured and elevated by the grace, the more stately, and the more important is his each action, in a case of the justified being always an action of person but at the same time also of grace. This teocentric dimension of the justification grace was important topic of teaching of Karl Rahner, who thoroughly and broadly worked it out. Exploration of real human nature is designed for connection him with Jesus Christ. Rahner helps to start believing that justified man realizes his life if he is in deep, true connection with the Jesus. Discovery of this truth leads far into the very mystery of selfgiving God. Fascinating though difficult Karl Rahner’s theology helps with it.
  • Miniatura
    Znaczenie samotności mężczyzny w świetle Rdz 1-2
    Kułaczkowski, Jerzy (Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2004)
    According to analysis concerning the meaning of solitude of a man in the light of Gen 1-2 it is possible to discover some very important truth. First of all, a human being is created by God and is an image of Him in the whole creation. Second, in spite of having a common element with other creatures (a material body but not the same body) a man has his own dignity. The fact of man’s loneliness, which is strongly experienced by him, emphasizes his lack of self-sufficiency and the need of complementation by a suitable being. Thus, the main meaning of a man loneliness is to direct him to a creature who will be able to complete him in his humanity and to help him to develop his own manhood.
  • Miniatura
    Silna miłość
    Sroczyński, Piotr (Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2004)
  • Pozycja
    J.H. Newmana koncepcja religii
    Kucza, Grzegorz (Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2004)
    J.H. Newman is one of the most outstanding theologians of the XIX century. He was born in the bosom of the Church of England but he converted to Catholicism as a result of a deep intellectual search. His theological reflection is strictly connected with life. The subject of the article is an attempt at the synthetic way of expressing Newman’s teaching on religion. On the basis of analyses which have been carried out we become convinced that for Newman: religion is the form of a dialogue between a man and God. On the one hand, the dialogue consists in a special ability to find God in human existence, on the other hand – in the faithful fulfilment of any duties towards Him. The crucial components of religion which complement one another and allow to evaluate it properly are: faith, mind and conscience. Newman underlines the essential difference between natural religion and religion of revelation. The first one is the fundamental and preliminary “step” at the way towards God. Mind and conscience play the particular role here. The second one: religion of revelation is the religion of faith and obedience to the truths revealed by God – the ones which have been interpreted in the light of the Scriptures and which have been announced by the Church as the truths we should believe in. Besides, Newman points out the special connection between religion and theology. Religion without theology becomes fanaticism and bigotry – whereas theology stops being believable when it is studied or practised as it were “next to” religion. For that reason, religion and theology have to complement one another. Moreover, he also pays attention to the necessity of the steady development of religious ideas: it is undoubtedly to support the fact that Christianity is the common religion that corresponds with all periods and places. To sum up, we can state that J.H. Newman belongs certainly to those theology experts whose works become a great source of inspiration for the development of modern theology.
  • Miniatura
    Autorytet biskupa w Kościele lokalnym w ujęciu Cypriana z Kartaginy
    Dołganiszewska, Elżbieta (Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2004)
  • Miniatura
    Witając Nowy Rok Pański 2005
    Radecki, Aleksander (Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2004)
  • Miniatura
    Odwagi! Nie lękaj się!
    Rafałko, Julian (Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2004)
  • Miniatura
    Darmo otrzymałyście, darmo dawajcie
    Rafałko, Julian (Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2004)
  • Miniatura
    Wartości wychowawcze w Ewangelii
    Mitek, Eugeniusz (Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2004)
  • Miniatura
    Bóg jest nieskończoną miłością
    Lec, Zdzisław (Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2004)
  • Miniatura
    Misterium Trójcy Świętej w teologii feministycznej
    Ferdek, Bogdan (Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2004)
    Is it possible to express a mystery of God in female terminology? Theological grounds of attempt at doing it is a fact that woman like man has been created in image of God; she was redeemed in the same way by the Christ ; and in the same way she has been sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Because God of the Christians is triune God, that’s why E. Johnson tries to express mystery of the Trinity in female terminology. According to classical trinitology the only divine nature is fully owned by three divine persons. Therefore individual three divine persons have the same attributes. The persons differ between each other by relations, i.e. fatherhood, filiation and passive breath. These three relations constitute three divine persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. As result of female reinterpretation of individual three persons of the Holy Trinity E. Johnson tries to replace traditionally male names of three persons as follows: non born Mother, her loved Child - Wisdom, and Spirit of mutual love. Appreciating search of female metaphors of God in the Bible, one should pay attention to the fact that starting point for that search is a grammar. While, theology can be constructed based on grammar but on revelation. So, one should respect God’s revelation which to persons of the Holy Trinity give names: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The God has no gender and therefore his mystery can be expressed by male or female metaphors. One should respect the metaphors of revelation.
  • Miniatura
    Inicjacyjno-katechumenalny kształt nowej ewangelizacji kontynentu europejskiego
    Celary, Ireneusz (Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2004)
  • Miniatura
    Chcę raczej miłosierdzia niż ofiary
    Borecki, Krzysztof (Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2004)
  • Miniatura
    Dom zbudowany na skale
    Sroczyński, Piotr (Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2004)
  • Miniatura
    Dlaczego potrzebujemy innego Pocieszyciela?
    Wołyniec, Włodzimierz (Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2004)
  • Miniatura
    Alleluja, Jezus żyje!
    Dec, Ignacy (Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2004)
  • Miniatura
    „Jego słuchajcie”
    Biskup, Marian (Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2004)