Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 2014, T. 34

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  • Miniatura
    Spotkanie nad morzem: początki i rozkwit legendy o św. Augustynie w sztuce europejskiej
    Ożóg, Kazimierz S. (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)
    Text treated about the issue connected with St. August iconography which is medieval legend about the child encountered on the beach who is explaining to the Doctor of a Church the absurdity of his trial to understand the mystery of Holy Trinity. Analysis take over the earliest – generally of 15th Century painting from Italian area – images, as well as, engravings that contemporary belong to the British Museum, and originating mainly in German countries in 16th Century. Variety of possible frames according to this legend shows not only differences in a form of crafts, but also opposite ways of looking at the figure of August and a value of this anecdote in order to understand the meaning of all his achievements. Apart from literally correctness of illustrations from this story, there is also a image of a child being present in a study of the Saint, who accompanied him at work.
  • Miniatura
    Teologia ciała – koncepcja Jana Pawła II jako odpowiedź na wyzwania współczesnej rodziny
    Pielorz, Katarzyna (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)
    The aim of this paper is reviewing of John Paul II’s theology of the body in the context of preparation to the upcoming Synod about evangelisation within family. On the one hand papal teaching about marriage and sexuality is strongly based on biblical text and on the other reinforced by his personalist philosophical view. Concept of theology of the body was established by Pope in the series of catecheses, which was preached since 1979 till 1981. John Paul II comments biblical texts in regards to three key scopes: beginning (recalling to the moment of creation, God's plan and will for human as sexual person), heart (understanding of divine law in the intentional and spiritual way instead of only juridical interpretation and obedience), resurrection (eschatological perspective in which celibacy is viewed as the sign of the future meaning of body-soul human condition, not any more in need of sexual fulfilment, thank to real interpersonal communion and full community with God). As a result of this assumption one can understand deep and great meaning of sacrament of marriage as the sign of love within Trinity, as the sign of Christ's love to his Church and also as the great task to be done by Christian spouses, as testimony of this unconditional divine love. It is the most effective way of evangelisation in modem world, which needs hope and faith to be ready to love.
  • Miniatura
    Baptysteria rzymskie w „Liber Pontificalis”. Część I: Baptysterium laterańskie
    Ożóg, Monika (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)
    Undoubtedly, Liber Pontificalis is a biased and propaganda source, showing not really what happened but what the Lateran officials wanted to be recorded for future generations as the credits of one or another pope. Despite this, it is worth paying attention to the details described therein because they show us the hierarchy of the priority of given buildings and their significance from the perspective of the pope’s court. There, we find the data about baptisteries in 15 churches of Rome, which is obviously not a finite number. The objective of this paper is to show the contribution of particular popes to establishing and maintaining the Lateran baptistery founded by Constantine the Great and erected on the foundations of certain thermal buildings.
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    O. Teodor Sąsała SVD (1888-1940) – sługa Słowa Bożego. W setną rocznicę święceń kapłańskich
    Morela, Tymoteusz (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)
  • Miniatura
    Maryja w tajemnicy Chrystusa w nauczaniu św. Cyryla Aleksandryjskiego
    Sadlak, Robert (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)
    The incarnation of Jesus Christ is closely related with the Divine motherhood of Virgin Mary. She was chosen to bear the incredible dignity of Mother of God – Theotokos. The matter is reflected on very clearly in the teaching of St. Cyril, bishop of Alexandria. Mary and Jesus are bonded with mysterious ties of motherhood and filiation. Thus, it is the matter of appearance of God’s Word on Earth. Owing to Mary, God became a man and according to Fathers of the Church, her motherhood is rooted in and is the ideal sign of real faith. St. Cyril of Alexandria, who had a significant impact on the Council of Ephesus in A.D. 431, preaches about this matter in this teaching.
  • Miniatura
    Baptysteria rzymskie w „Liber Pontificalis”. Część II: Baptysterium w Bazylice św. Piotra
    Pietras, Henryk (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)
    This article about the baptistery in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome is — to a certain extent — the continuation of the paper written by Monika Ożóg about the Lateran baptistery. The source upon which this text is based is also Liber Pontificalis. We do not have the data about the founder of the analysed baptistery. Two inscriptions attributed to Damasus and known from the Mediaeval copies refer to it. What is also problematic is its exact localisation. There are some hypotheses holding that it was located behind the basilica complex as well as those, according to which it was situated inside the basilica, in its northern transept.
  • Miniatura
    Śmierć w wymiarze chrystologicznym w świetle współczesnej literatury teologicznej
    Nowak, Joachim (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)
  • Miniatura
    Mityczny feniks w służbie chrześcijaństwa – analiza zagadnienia na podstawie wybranych źródeł ikonograficznych
    Grzywa, Anna (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)
    The mythical phoenix bird was a symbol that was used by Christian writers as well. Consequently, it was used both in literature and the art. In the early Christian iconography the phoenix is usually portrayed on its own; relatively rare at the time of death in the flames or at collective scenes, mostly in the so-called tradition legis. For Christians, it was above all a symbol of resurrection of Christ, it likewise symbolised longevity and future happiness. The symbol of phoenix read in the catechumenal key pointed to the new life that catechumens commence through the baptismal mystery.
  • Miniatura
    Pamięć a tożsamość na Pomorzu w ujęciu papieża Jana Pawła II
    Górzna, Sylwia (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)
    The starting point for the considerations was the last John Paul Il’s work Memory and Identity. Conversations at The Dawn of a Millennium, which raises important issues, such as national, social and spiritual identity, homeland, nation, patriotism and freedom. The article presents the papal homilies and speeches delivered during the third, fourth and seventh pilgrimage to Poland. At that time the Pope visited the inhabitants of Pomerania – Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot, Szczecin, Koszalin, Pelplin. During the visits he dealt with issues of, among others, marriage, family, solidarity, freedom, love, suffering. He referred to the historical events important for Pomerania and Homeland historical e, i.e. those on the Coast in the seventies and eighties of the twentieth century, or the defense of Westerplatte in 1939. He also spoke to Kashubs, calling for the preservation of the Kashubian identity.
  • Miniatura
    Niedrukowany dokument księcia raciborskiego Leszka z dnia 9 kwietnia 1313 roku
    Kublin, Grzegorz (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)
  • Miniatura
    Nachlaß Tappert: o kopii tabulatury lutniowej z Biblioteki Schaffgotschów w Cieplicach dedykowanej cystersowi o. Hermannowi Kniebandlowi
    Joachimiak, Grzegorz (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)
    The article is devoted to one of the lute music manuscript which comes from the lute tablatures collection of Krzeszów (Gnissau) Cistercians from the 18th century. It is kept now at the National Library in Warsaw (call number: PL-Wn Mus. 396 Cim.) but until World War II it was placed in the Schaffgotsch’s library collection in Cieplice Śląskie (Bad Warmbrunn). There it was made available for the public as a lute tablature with the call number K. 44. This manuscript aroused interest of, among others, a famous bibliophile, lute music lover and researcher Wilhelm Tappert (19.02.1830 – 27.10.1907). He was of the Silesian origin because he was bom in Tomaszów Bolesławiecki (Thomaswaldau) in the Lower Silesia. During his research on this manuscript since July 10th, 1895 until April 8th, 1900 he stayed in neighboring Agnieszków (Agnetendorf) – since 1998 a district o f Jelenia Góra city (Hirschberg). He placed his own remarks, notes, transcriptions, copy of pieces and printed brochures in his notebook which now functions as a manuscript in the „Nachlaß Tappert” collection preserved in the Staatsbibliothek Berlin – Preussischer Kulturbesitz under call number D-B Mus. ms. 40277. This manuscript has not been a subject of a detailed research until now. It has been only mentioned by researchers that it exists in general. The research has shown that the manuscript D-B Mus. ms. 40277 does not contain a copy of all pieces from the lute tablature of the 18th century. There are only 46 works, moreover, the vast majority of their genres are minuets (13). The copy of the Silesian manuscript was also a pretext to reach for Wilhelm Tappert’s collection, what allowed to pay attention to his broad journalistic, scientific, artistic and especially bibliophile activity. Nachlaß Tappert is a collection which contains not only information which present a huge spectrum of Wilhelm Tappert’s work, but it is also an extremely valuable information source for doing research on the history of lute music. While making many copies of handwriting and printed sources Tappert used the collections which are unavailable now. His huge heritage appears to be a priceless information source about the lute music history and also about the musical culture of Silesia together with folk music.
  • Miniatura
    Stan badań nad dziejami klasztoru Kanoniczek Regularnych pw. św. Jakuba we Wrocławiu
    Heluszka, Joanna (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)
    This article deals with the resource literature and source materials for the history of the convent canonesses regular from Wroclaw. Although the women lived in the oldest part of the city is still not lived to see the complete monograph of the monastery. Previous studies due to the fact that important documents for the history of the monastery after the war returned to the country only in the eighties of the twentieth century, focused instead on the conduct of the work on the male monasteries. Women congregation popular among only the selected issues, mostly on economic issues. The source material preserved in the State Archives and Archives of the Archdiocese of Wroclaw to the history of the monastery canonesses regular permits to conduct more detailed studies on this topic. The team archive consists of 110 documents, most of which includes the modem period. Nearly 70 acts are documents of an economic nature. The Archdiocesan Archives whereas preserved valuable: protocols episcopal visitation in the monastery and secularizing the Commission’s file. Status of available literature on the subject is, unfortunately, a much more modest. We have several larger studies, which did not include all possible to develop for canonesses research problems. Listed in the content development work were written in the early twentieth century, so they are relatively old. Preserved source database, however, allows you to specify some research perspectives over which they can work. Firstly, it should be systematized information on the origins of the monastery’s founder, then you should describe the status of the salaries of the Convention. You can also bring the composition of the monastery, to describe the functions and tasks that filled the nuns. The image o f the inner life is also very important. At the end of the process can be approximated by the secularization of the monastery in 1810. Available materials allow to carry out further research on the history canonesses regular.
  • Miniatura
    Prawo i wiara a usprawiedliwienie człowieka w świetle „Homilii na List św. Pawła do Rzymian” Jana Chryzostoma
    Drygier, Mariusz (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)
    John Chrysostom, the author of The Homilies on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, polemicizes against the Jewish conception of justification. He criticizes both its superficiality and deceitfulness, as well as the blindness and pride of its followers. He has proven that all people are equal before God and no one could boast about their own merits. Everyone has sinned against the Creator. The preacher from Antioch disapproved of the conviction that Abraham’s justification had resulted from his own obedience to the Law and the circumcision. He teaches that justification was actually the main goal of the Law. Nevertheless, it is unattainable without faith. Abraham had been justified by faith before he took the sign of the circumcision. The bishop of Constantinople does not accept the belief that justification by Law is greater than justification by faith. According to Chrysostom, faith brings justification which people can not achieve by theirs deeds. This was a teaching of St. Paul, too. The theology of the Apostle of the Nations in regard to justification has made Christianity an universal religion which can unite nations.
  • Miniatura
    Tito všichni, které pozval uvedený Jošt. Znaczenie Wrocławia i biskupa Jodoka z Rożemberka w umacnianiu się katolickiej opozycji wobec króla Jerzego w latach 1465-1466. Studium polemiczne
    Czechowicz, Bogusław (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)
    Studies of the Catholic opposition against the Bohemian King George of Poděbrady have focused so far on the role of either Wrocław or the Confederacy of Zelená Hora set up by Catholic Bohemian lords on 28 November 1465. What these two groups had in common (from 1465 to Jodocus’ death in 1467) was the figure of Jodocus of Rosenberg, who was both the Bishop of Wroclaw and a member of a powerful noble family from South Bohemia. The extensive analysis of source materials unambiguously suggests that he was the instigator of the Confederacy of Zelena Hora. He was very active on the territory of the Kingdom of Bohemia in 1465. According to most of the Czech (Bohemocentric) literature, the Confederacy, which had the support of the Pope and the Emperor, was lead by another Bohemian noble, Zdenek of Sternberg. However, the historical sources quoted extensively in the article indicate that until his death Jodok was the leading figure of the movement. His prominent role was respected even by Protasius of Boskowice, the Bishop of Olomouc. One of the reasons the Confederacy was created was the fact that the Bohemian lords felt threatened by the city of Wroclaw. The capital of Silesia had rejected King George since the beginning of his reign (1458), claiming that the city had a right to participate in the decisionmaking about who ascended the Bohemian throne. Thereby Wroclaw challenged the privileges of the Bohemian nobility granted by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II in the Golden Bull of Sicily (1212), which gave the Bohemian gentry a right to elect their king. Therefore, the Confederacy of Zelena Hora was an attempt to strengthen the position of Bohemian lords in the Bohemian Crown not only against the king, who marginalised them, but also against Wroclaw, which was becoming too politically independent. In this way, the Confederacy seems to be a part of the traditional antagonism between gentry and towns. However, the confederates were forced to cooperate with Wroclaw for the sake of the common good — the rejection of the heretic king George of Poděbrady, whom the Pope deposed in December 1466, releasing his subjects from their oaths of allegiance. In the end, Wroclaw forced through the Hungarian ruler, Matthias Corvinus, as the candidate for the Bohemian antiking; while the option promoted by the Confederacy — the candidacy of the Polish king Casimir Jagiellon or one of his sons — foundered. At that time, Bishop Jodocus’ position began to weaken. He was one of the last supporters of a compromise with the king, while both Wroclaw and the Confederacy were getting more and more determined to provoke an armed confrontation with King George. The king himself had no choice at this point and had to use force to exact obedience. Jodocus lived long enough to see the defeat of the Wroclaw army at the battle of Ząbkowice Śląskie in 1467 but he died in December of the same year. Unpopular in both Bohemia (where he was deemed a traitor to the national interest) and Silesia (as a Bohemian, he was perceived as the king’s man, even though he opposed George), he has been marginalised in historiography.
  • Miniatura
    Udział i rola Cerkwi greckokatolickiej w Kongresach Welehradzkich (1907-1936)
    Babiak, Augustyn (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)
    At the time of the centenary of the Congresses of Velehrad, it seemed appropriate to describe briefly the activity of Metropolitan Andrew Sheptytsky (1865-1944), the Greek-catholic pioneer of Ecumenism. The gathering at Velehrad of the bishops and theologians of these two traditions, through their dialogue, brought many benefits and caused openness. Merit for the progress achieved is due to the vision and tenacity of Metropolitan Andrew Sheptytsky. Let us also highlight the very active participation of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, consisting not only of the hierarchy, but also of the priests, religious orders such as the Basilians and the Studites, seminarians, students, and the laity, showing by their presence the importance of these congresses. The union of both the Catholic and Orthodox Churches constituted one of the Metropolitan’s major concerns. At the age of 23 he declared that he “wanted to devote his whole life to the cause of the unity between the two Churches” During this time he was never discouraged by the difficulties he encountered. His goal was to found a real fraternity between the Churches. He encouraged a spirit of open dialogue, taking into account the historical realities and reasons for the separation, in order to eliminate division, and to establish a unity in diversity. This reaffirms that Metropolitan Andrew Sheptytsky was a precursor of the possibility of the unity between the two Churches. His efforts brought positive results. The Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church continues its ecumenical role in contributing to the union of the two spiritualities and the two cultures, so that the universal Church breathes with its two lungs. The Ukrainian Church plays the role of “a spiritual bridge” between both the Eastern and Western tradition. For the Metropolitan Andrew Sheptytsky, the union of the Churches was rather a divine work than a human project. Pope John Paul II was not mistaken by stating that the Congresses of Velehrad were “a true step towards modem ecumenism”.
  • Miniatura
    Relacja między wiarą a miłością w encyklice papieża Franciszka „Lumen fidei”
    Kulas, Angelika (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)
    Relationship between faith and love is direct. Pope Francis states that aforementioned theological virtues are one. Cognition, so characteristic to fate, reaches fullness due to perfect expression of love – redemption. The Bishop of Rome’s insights about divine grace and God’s love in relation between faith and mind are remarkable. Looking at Lumen fidei with personalistic view may reveal that Pope Francis presents faith as human’s answer for God’s invitation to internal metamorphosis. Repentance assumes donning in love by imitation of Christ. Cognition of fate is possible mainly due to love which is closely tied to mind. Following religious observances and love vastly contributes to increase in common good. Discovery of truth about love allows one to overcome relativism. In Christological dimension, the most important issue in relationship between faith and love is redemption which manifests God’s love for mankind and shows fullness of cognition of faith. Faith and love make possible for mankind to look at themselves and the surrounding world in the same way as Christ. Leading one’s live in spirit of aforementioned theological virtues is imitating Jesus. In ecclesiastic view, examining relationship between faith and love is an agape theological argument for Christian Revelation’s reliability. It is connected with testimonia vitae which shows in the best possible way the degree the practise of faith and love. The Pope emphasises sacramental aspect of fate.
  • Miniatura
    Osobowość, wolność i rozumność człowieka w świetle wybranych dzieł Jacques’a Maritaina
    Król, Bogusław (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)
    Jacques Maritain in such texts as Integral Humanism, Three Reformers, Philosophical writings and others shows the proper, according to him, concept of man. According to the French thinker a man is a person who is characterised by a freedom of choice and endowed with reason. Explaining each of these attributes, Maritain refers to philosophical ideas of St.Thomas from Akwin. The personality of man should be distinguished from his individuality, like the form is distinguished from the matter. Moreover, explaining the issue of personality, Maritain makes reference to the concept of love which is understood as the act of making the way towards the other person, in order to give oneself as a gift. To love this way freedom is necessary. The freedom is what the most characterises the man and does not go against the God’s omnipotence. However, the freedom cannot be a total autonomy but it must come under moral norms recognised by the mind. Analysing the issue of mind, the French philosopher shows that the process of cognition must be always associated with the existence. Thus, he polemicises with Descrates who separated the process of cognition from the existence and directed it to ideas of man. Accepting the Cartesian point of view causes that the cognition becomes uncertain and impossible to verify.
  • Miniatura
    Anthropological Topics in the Interreligious Dialogue. A Christian-Orthodox Perspective
    Boldisor, Adrian (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2014)
    Dialog międzyreligijny ma stałe miejsce w porządku obrad różnych organizacji, zarówno świeckich, jak i religijnych. W dialogu tym konieczność dyskusji na temat praw człowieka związana jest z faktem życia ludzi w multireligijnym świecie, w którym żyją obok siebie przedstawiciele różnych tradycji duchowych. Zagadnienia antropologiczne mają często za zadanie rozwiązywanie bieżących problemów, stawiając w centrum uwagi znaczenie ustanowienia pokoju na świecie i globalne poszanowanie równości międzyludzkiej. W związku z tym poszukuje się praktycznych i konkretnych rozwiązań dotyczących problemów społecznych, ekonomicznych i politycznych, które coraz bardziej niepokoją współczesny świat. Ponadto pytania o człowieka i jego prawa stanowią współczesny obiekt zainteresowania, niezależnie od tradycji religijnych. Wraz z uczestnictwem w spotkaniach międzyreligijnych Kościoły prawosławne aktywnie angażują się w dyskusje bilateralne dotyczące różnych zagadnień antropologicznych. Na przestrzeni lat prawosławni różnych narodowości próbowali wdrożyć wypracowane na nich rozwiązania, które obowiązywałyby nie tylko jakąś konkretną grupę wiernych, ale cały świat prawosławny.