Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 2018, T. 38, nr 2

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  • Miniatura
    Versöhnung „per Post”. Kurt Reuters Wirken zwischen Deutschen und Polen
    Reinhardt, Anna (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)
    Exactly after the end of World War II Germans and Poles were deeply separated due to guilt, blame, enmity and hatred. The massive destruction of the war in Poland had brought forth hate and suspicion against anything related to Germany. Meanwhile both – the expulsion and the shift of borders – also fueled a hostile atmosphere towards Poland in Germany. The so called “Border of Peace and Friendship” at the Oder-Neisse line, proclaimed by the Treaty of Gorlitz in 1950, failed in terms of rapprochement and restoration of trust, as it did not allow any unrestricted mutual social interaction between both nations. There were a few people, however, who tried to overcome the rivalry between Germany and Poland. The present article focuses on the catholic priest Kurt Reuter (1908–1965) who was born in Berlin. Despite the given situation, he started some initiatives of reconciliation between Germans and Poles after the Second World War. He studied Theology in Breslau and Poznań, where he grew fluent in Polish, started off with pastoral care for Polish seasonal workers right after his ordination as a priest and took care of foreign prisoners of war in the diocese of Berlin till 1945. After receiving his first pastorate in Eberswalde he began his ministry of reconciliation with his Polish neighbors. Soon, Reuter was in contact with a majority of the Polish episcopate, many priests, and professors of theology and seminary deans, to whom he wrote letters. His heritage of over 1000 polish letters emphasizes his strong connections to this country. One of his main means for reconciliation was the shipment of books. Within five years he had sent hundreds of books across the border, which resulted in a parcel every second or third day. It is questionable, though, whether his acts of reconciliation still had an impact, even after his early death in 1965. Were his books in Poland still in use? Did they serve their liturgical, catechetical and theological purpose? Did his initiatives lay the ground for further academic, Christian, sympathetic interaction?
  • Miniatura
    Konferenzbericht „Theologie in der Öffentlichkeit”
    Prokop, Adam R. (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)
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    Otfried Höffe, Andreas Kablitz (Hg.), Religion im säkularen Europa, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Paderborn 2018, 204 S., ISBN 978-3-7705-6298-5.
    Szaniszló, Inocent-Mária V. (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)
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    Imperatyw modlitwy za ojczyznę i rządzących w liturgicznej euchologii wybranych Kościołów wschodnich
    Potoczny, Mateusz Rafał (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)
    The liturgical prayer of the Church should include all the areas of human life. One cannot restrict it only to spiritual dimensions but it should also contain different social factors. The problematics of this paper deals with one of those factors: the prayer for homeland and for those who govern it. The analysis begins with the presentation of terminology and of its devaluation. After that some fragments of the liturgical prayer of two eastern traditions (Byzantine and East Syriac) have been presented. The texts show unambiguously that prayers for homeland, nation, rulers and army are a real imperative based on the apostolic teaching: we have to pray for those realities “that we may live peaceful and quiet lives” (cf. 1 Tim 2,1-3).
  • Miniatura
    Vom Ambo in der Kirche zum Cyberambo in den Medien. Auf der Suche nach der Sprache der Verkündigung vom Evangelium in der Gegenwart am Beispiel der Aktivität von Adam Szustak OP
    Pawiński, Sławomir (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)
    The phenomenon of Domincan Father Adam Szustak lies in the fact, that he speaks to people, especially the young ones. He uses their language figuratively and lively, although the topics are serious. He can link the sacred and profane like no one else, drawing richly from the everyday world and translating it into spiritual matters. When we add to it his ability to speak about the most difficult matters in a very simple, witty and understandable language, it is not surprising where his popularity among young people comes from. Szustak’s Cyberpulpit on YouTube is unrivalled by others in terms of usage by Polish internet users. The increasing number of hits on his channels in the virtual world, as well as the crowds attending his meetings in the real world show that a sense of new community and communication with people’s own religious language and the place of this communication, which is the internet, is born. Assessing the current activity of Father Szustak, we can say that we are dealing here with a broad understanding of pre-evangelization, which may or may not lead to evangelization and to entering into a living and real community of the Church. New media is an opportunity for interactivity and integration of people of faith, but whether it happens depends on the participants of this communication.
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    Rola nowożytnych parafii w transformacji industrialnej górnośląskich miejscowości
    Olszar, Henryk (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)
    The Catholic Church in Upper Silesia did not neglect its salvific role in the period of change to the social, economic and cultural life in the years of expansion and industrial concentration at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Its representatives – clergy and laity – intensified religious life in parallel with the demographic and economic development of the Upper Silesian Industrial District, which was related to the construction of new places of worship and the creation of new parishes. The parish communities somehow stopped visitors and integrated them with the locals through a framework of devotions or the construction of temples.
  • Miniatura
    Liturgie anlässlich der Staats- und Nationalfeierlichkeiten in Polen. Geschichte, Probleme und Herausforderungen
    Mateja, Erwin (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)
    The history of Poland since its Baptism in 966 A.D. shows how certain social events were combined with liturgical celebrations. This paper aims to show not only the history of this phenomenon but also some related problems. The combination of some religious motifs with the national celebrations used to be related to both internal and/or external threats. One example is the case of the so-called “Lwów Oath” of King John Casimir, who on April 1st, 1656, with a solemn religious and state act, consecrated the Republic to the protection of the Mother of God and whom he proclaimed as the Patron and Queen of the Kingdom of Poland and of all its people. This fact contributed decisively to the fact that Jasna Góra became a national sanctuary in which Polish people had the chance to define their identity, especially during the period of the Partition of Poland. This process, originated in 17th century and led to the formulation of a famous principle: a Pole – a Catholic. During the interwar period this stereotype supported the attempts to unite Catholicism with nationalism, and after the Second World War it gained an anti-communist character. An interesting phenomenon became the so-called “Masses for Homeland” celebrated by Blessed Rev. Jerzy Popiełuszko, the chaplain of “Solidarność”; the liturgies gathered crowds of the faithful. Although Popiełuszko always emphasized the religious dimension of those gatherings, from the social point of view they were, indeed, “prayer-patriotic meetings”. The final part of this study shows how the liturgical celebrations were incorporated into patriotic and national celebrations after 1989. This process grew stronger due to the number of Catholics who are citizens of this country. A certain problem arises here from the dissatisfaction of the people who do not make any links between religious and secular events. A common sense of purpose seems to be indispensable for organizers of such celebrations: they can neither irritate their opponents nor harm the Church. And more, the Liturgy itself cannot be used instrumentally. Another problem to be solved is to bring together the liturgical rules and the norms of the uniformed, which take part in the ceremonies discussed. It seems, however, that with a little goodwill and reason it is possible to overcome these problems for the benefit of those who need these kind of celebrations.
  • Miniatura
    Theologie und Öffentlichkeit aus der deutschen Perspektive
    Kranemann, Benedikt (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)
    In the face of present-day pluralism, theology must re-examine its importance in church, society, and university. It must be understood as a theology in public and as a “cultural laboratory” (Pope Francis). As a scientific discipline, it must face the challenges of the present. University research questions are also of theological significance. The university must have a genuine interest in theology. If theology is part of public scientific discourse, it is profitable for (non-Christian) society like the church. It will change theology to its advantage, because it has consequences for questions, appearance and language.
  • Miniatura
    Diakonische Kirche unter den Bedingungen der Diaspora
    Knop, Julia (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)
    The Church is and must be the sacrament of salvation and the sacrament of the unity of mankind among each other and with God. The three dimensions martyria, diakonia and liturgia illustrate the sacramentality of the church, which continuously takes into consideration the precise social and religious conditions of Christians. In contrast to the life of the Church, in the position of majority, the religious Diaspora may on the other hand require particular forms which are principally concerned with a “diaconic” attitude of Christians living as a “creative minority”.
  • Miniatura
    Verkündigung des Glaubens oder Banalisierung der Heilsbotschaft? Eine Untersuchung der katholischen Jugendmagazine „PUR” und „theo”
    Klawitter, Martha (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)
    In the last fifty years the renewal of the Catholic Church, initiated by the Second Vatican Council, has been reflected in the Catholic media. A lot of attention was also dedicated to the theological discourse and interpretations of the teaching of the Council. But until now less attention was given to the empirical research in the implementation of the documents of the Council, especially those which concern new evangelization and reflection on it in the ecclesiastical or Catholic media. It has been indicated, that the Catholic youth magazines “PUR” and “theo” do not necessarily relate to the level of calling in regards to the new evangelization. According to the principle of modernity, they avoid sometimes the challenges connected with the transfer of content and implications coming from the faith, shaping their message in a way which is on the limits of trivialization of the Gospel message.
  • Miniatura
    Übel, Leid und Erlösung. Die existentielle Botschaft von Naturalismus und Theismus
    Kałuża, Krystian (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)
    Naturalism is currently the greatest challenge for theism. As a metaphysical thesis it proclaims that everything that happens in the world can be explained by natural causes (the laws of nature) and ghosts, God, gods, or other supernatural powers or forces do not exist. Consequently, naturalism identifies with materialism and atheism. In the article a question about existential consequences of naturalist and theist worldviews was raised. From the methodological point of view it was decided to use the weaknesses of naturalism in favour of theism. The issue of evil and suffering was made a moot point. The analysis of both attitudes led to the conclusion that naturalism is bad news for humanity. If God does not exist, there is no final justice, reconciliation, redemption, or salvation. Death is the end of everything. Defeated by life, victims of evil and violence will remain defeated forever. There is no hope nor rescue for them. From such a perspective theism appears to be good news for humanity. It proclaims that though evil and suffering exist they are not anything final. All the great religious systems maintain “cosmic optimism” (J. Hick). Christianity perceives the sign of the final victory of God over death and suffering in Jesus Christ, His death, and resurrection. The argumentation in favour of theism, presented in the article in the context of evil and suffering, is definitely not the evidence of its truthfulness the same way as naturalism does not prove the non-existence of God. How non-believers see evil is already determined by their disbelief. And inversely, believers see evil in the light of faith. For Christians, the last word of God in the face of evil and suffering is Jesus Christ.
  • Miniatura
    Die Relevanz trinitarisch verstandener Ewigkeit für die menschliche Zeiterfahrung
    Grimm, Martin (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)
    The author takes into consideration the daily experience of steady acceleration to save time, by promoting a theological understanding of time. Time shall be understood from through the Trinitarian concept of eternity. The author notices the human longing for rest, for a “time to live”. This often leads to strong acceleration of life because of the thought that we just can “live” after all our duties are completed. Probably there is the desire for a new feeling of time. This shall be endorsed in a theological way. In difference to the metaphysical meaning of eternity three theological possibilities of an understanding of time through the concept of eternity are shown: 1. Time as created by God in creatio continua is a continual gift – a gift of every moment. 2. The belief and certainty of God given to the future, the eschatological hope, the sharing of God’s eternity in our actual presence. A peacefulness in our handling of time should be the result of hope for the perfection of our time. 3. The eschatological hope and the meaning of time as God’s gift of creation both found in the Revelation of eternity in the time. In Jesus Christ eternity caves into time. In community with him we are already taken into the wealth of Trinitarian life, whose execution is eternity.
  • Miniatura
    Theology and the public arena from a Polish point of view
    Glombik, Konrad (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)
    One of the important and actually problems of theology is its place in the public arena. Concerning this matter are connected questions about experiences, problems and possibilities and challenges which have a contextual character. The present article discusses this issue from the point of view of Polish experiences and opportunities. At the beginning on the basis of reflections of Polish theologians is presented the connection in the public arena with the nature of theology and its tasks which are to be fulfilled in Church and in society. In this regard specific characteristics in an ecclesial dimension of theology are discussed. In the next step were showed kinds of public arena in which it is possible to study and teach theology and the work of its representatives. In Poland it is politics and the social sphere, culture and media and especially the academic world. In the next point were depicted the main experiences and problems of Polish theology and Polish theologians within the public arena. At the end are presented important challenges for theology and its presence in the public arena. The present article is not the complete presentation of a very complex problem but a depiction of it and will inspire research and studies about theology and its place in the public arena.
  • Miniatura
    Der Theologie im Dialog mit der säkularisierten Öffentlichkeit in Slowenien
    Globokar, Roman (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)
    The democratic Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia stipulates a strict separation of church and state. After the independence in 1991, a strong process of secularization is noticed. The number of people who declared themselves Catholic declined drastically in the last two decades. Some reasons both from inside the Church and outside of it are analysed in the first part of the paper. In the second part, the author presents from his personal perspective some ways to contribute as a theologian to the public ethical discourse in the secularized society. He emphasizes the need for the argumentative and understandable statements. Theological vocabulary should be translated to the language that today’s people could understand. Last the author presents his work as a theologian at the State University, in the National Bioethics Committee and in the field of education. Theological ethics is a bridge between the rich moral tradition of the church and the contemporary secular society. The theologian needs to be both humble and conscious of our social determinism, but also courageous to propose some alternative solutions in collaborating with other social agents for the common good in society. Christian anthropology is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for building a better world for everyone.
  • Miniatura
    Teologia rozumiana z perspektywy „laboratorium kulturowego”. Refleksje przy lekturze konstytucji apostolskiej papieża Franciszka „Veritatis gaudium”
    Glombik, Konrad (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)
  • Miniatura
    Die Gültigkeit der Prophetenbotschaft. Jesaja und das Problem der sozialen Gerechtigkeit
    Dziony, Marek (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)
    Is it possible to penetrate people’s minds, even those who lived several hundred years ago? Does the Bible exegesis have its place in public space? The prophetic message remains as current as it is today, even after fulfilling the messianic prophecies. It is noticed on many levels. First of all, the message of the prophets raises problems that humanity has been struggling with despite the passage of time. In addition, it conveys universal truths about God, man and the world. The biblical text can also be explored with new methods that reveal and confirm the message of the Holy Scriptures. It happens also with the conceptual metaphor – the method transferred to the exegesis from cognitive linguistics. It is the method that makes the so-called black box, or the human mind, becomes even more transparent for the researcher. And the results of the text analysis, carried out with the aforementioned method, complement and confirm the results of previous research.