The Person and the Challenges, 2020, Vol. 10, No. 2

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  • Miniatura
    COVID-19. A Catechetical-Experiential Reading
    Sultana, Carl-Mario (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2020)
    This article seeks to give a Christian understanding to the reality of COVID-19 which the world has gone through in the past months. This is done in a catechetical way by elaborating upon what truly transforms a lived event into an experience and into a Christian religious experience through a catechetical process. This implies seeking to understand any lived event by reflecting upon it and then applying the results of one’s reflection to one’s life. This theoretical framework is then applied to the reality of COVID-19 with the aim of rendering the lived event of the pandemic into a Christian religious experience which leaves a positive effect on the lives of believers through a catechetical process of understanding it in the light of the Word of God, and then applying the outcomes to one’s life afterwards.
  • Miniatura
    Review: Adam Bujak, Waldemar Cisło, “Tragedia Aleppo” (“Tragedy of Aleppo”), Biały Kruk 2017, pp. 207
    Pokrywiński, Rafał (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2020)
  • Miniatura
    Young People and Discernment of Vocations According to the Teachings of Saint John Paul II
    Kamau, Karanja Peter; Ikpe, Remigius; Kitonga, Daniel (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2020)
    Many young men and women are often confused when it comes to choosing their vocations and careers. According to Pope John Paul II in PastoresDaboVobis, “Each Christian vocation comes from God and is God’s gift. However, it is never bestowed outside of or independently of the Church. Instead it always comes about in the Church and through the Church a luminous and living reflection of the mystery of the Blessed Trinity.” What churches are doing with youth is commendable. Pope John Paul II earned the confidence of young people because he took them seriously. They sensed that he understood their concerns. He challenged them to give their lives to Christ. He appealed to their high ideals, inviting them to take a lead in the New Evangelization. Amidst the contemporary challenges facing young people, it would be appropriate to find ways of helping youth discern God’s call in their daily struggles. This implies learning to discern God’s voice hidden in the chaos of other worldly voices. The worldly allurements seem to have a great impact amongst youth. They therefore require some guidance from their parents and spiritual leaders in order for them to make the right decisions. This article looks at how Pope John Paul II treated the issue of vocational discernment among young people.
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    Stefan Wyszyński’s Personalistic Vision of Upbringing
    Gruca-Miąsik, Urszula; Parzyszek, Magdalena (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2020)
    The personalistic concept of man, especially the one based on the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas, underscores the full autonomy of the human person, his freedom, the gradual discovery of the truth and good, and choices in accord with this cognition. The key issue in Stefan Wyszyński’s personalism is the integral vision of the human person. This personalism is a system of upbringing that respects the nature and value of man who ‘humanizes’ the world and expresses himself while constantly evolving. He gives a personal, social and dynamic character to the community in which he functions. He has a right to be brought up in keeping with his nature and ultimate destiny.
  • Miniatura
    Lauda Sion, Salvatorem Sequence and its Polish Translations in the Source Songbooks
    Garnczarski, Stanisław (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2020)
    Research on the sequence Lauda Sion, Salvatorem dedicated to the Corpus Christi ceremony, allowed us to find and analyze over a dozen translations into Polish of this 13th century Latin pattern. It consists of 12 pairs of stanzas, with their parity – according to the poetics of the sequence – is emphasized by the conformity of a sound of the final verses of each pair of the stanza and the remaining verses are connected by adjoining rhymes, usually feminine, accurate, with aab + ccb scheme. We know most translators by name: Stanisław Grochowski, Jan Białobocki, Stanisław Serafin Jagodyński, Father Ignacy Hołowiński, Father Tadeusz Karyłowski, Jadwiga Gamska-Łempicka, Leopold Staff, several translations are anonymous. All Polish translations agree with the original on the content. However, differences appear in the form, structure of the poetic sequence, number of stanzas and in metrics. The common knowledge of the sequence Lauda Sion, Salvatorem, was probably the fruit of the great Eucharistic devotion in Poland, which was marked already in the 13th century, when the Church introduced the feast of Corpus Christi and lasted for the next centuries, up to the 20th century.
  • Miniatura
    Persecution of Christians
    Cisło, Waldemar (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2020)
    The situation of Christians in Iraq and Syria has been problematic for many years. The article first deals with the issues of social tensions caused by religious diversity. The repercussions of these conflicts are presented, with an emphasis on the problems of immigration from regions affected by the war. The article then describes the forms of aid provided in Iraq and Syria, with an emphasis on medical and humanitarian aid. The work also includes reports from these places and outlines the problems of Christian clergy in persecuted communities.
  • Miniatura
    Remote Teaching of Religious Education in Polish Schools as a Form of Evangelization and Catechesis during the Epidemic Threat
    Chrzanowska, Renata (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2020)
    This article discusses the current situation of the Church resulting from the epidemic threat of the coronavirus. It indicates how we can teach religious education online, using particular platforms and educational websites, as well as instant messengers and other internet services, to make them tools of catechesis and evangelization. The author emphasizes the spiritual contact of the faithful who, through the media, can participate in Holy Masses and receive the Spiritual Communion. She underlines the role of the proper use of mass media in the work of catechesis and evangelization. The author encourages people responsible for catechesis to be creative in the remote proclamation of the redemptive message, and to use all the available didactic resources and methods.
  • Miniatura
    Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński Prize of the Primate of the Millennium for 2019
    Boguszewski, Mariusz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2020)
  • Miniatura
    Objectivity as the Fruit of Authentic Subjectivity
    Oko, Dariusz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2020)
    One of the most important problems of philosophy is the “critical problem”, the problem of bridge between the human mind and the world, the external reality. It is the question of relations between the subject and the object. The interesting solution for this problem is given by Bernard Lonergan SJ (1904–1984), one of the most important Catholic English- speaking thinkers of the twentieth century. It would be difficult to point to someone who influenced the American Catholic philosophy and theology from the inside out more than he did: that is why he is called the “American Rahner”. He tries to connect the great tradition of Thomism and Augustinianism and, on the other hand, classical and modern philosophy, German idealism and English Empiricism. At the heart of his thinking is the theory of the human mind. With the help of transcendental and phenomenological methods, Lonergan demonstrates that the mental structure of man consists of five levels: the empirical level, the intellectual level, the rational level, the responsible level and the level of religious experience, which together create a cumulative process that leads to knowledge and decision. The most important point here is he act of understanding, the insight, which always has a creative moment, especially on the second and third levels, as an effect of the subject’s work. The correct understanding of this moment enables a mediation between the empirical, rational and idealistic understanding of the knowledge process. Correct action on all levels, faithfulness to the nature of the subject, leads to truth – according to Lonergan’s very apt maxim: objectivity is the fruit of the authentic subjectivity.
  • Miniatura
    Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto – the imperative of the principle of humanitas in views on slavery derived from natural law. M.T. Cicero’s views on the subject of slavery and slaves
    Nowak, Olgierd Sebastian (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2020)
    The phenomenon of slavery existed throughout the entire period of the ancient world and met with interest from both Greek and Roman philosophers. Despite the emerging views of various philosophers criticizing slavery as a social phenomenon, no theory of slavery was formulated then. The philosopher who-, in both his works and correspondence, included numerous references to the situation of slaves and the institution of slavery was M.T. Cicero. Searching for humanism in Cicero’s views on the abovementioned issue, attention was drawn to the principles of the Stoic doctrine, within which the concept of human freedom was formulated, and to the essence of natural law. These concepts made it possible to analyse the discussed problem in the context of the words of Terence Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto. And as regards humanism in Cicero’s views, it is evident when he recognizes a human being in a slave; when he says that the principles of justice must be observed towards people from the lowest rank, which is the rank of slaves; when he firmly states that slavery is among the worst things that can happen to the human being. On the other hand, we see Cicero’s completely different views on slaves when he talks about punishing slaves, „keeping a tight rein on them,” or „destiny by nature for the best to rule others, and with great benefit for weaker beings”; also when he emphasizes his negative attitude towards the liberation of slaves. To conclude it should be emphasised that this characteristic feature of Cicero, namely his lack of uniformity of views on various philosophical doctrines, which we can also find in his views on slavery and the rank of slaves, does not prevent us from seeing a humanist in Cicero who, with his sense of justice, advocating the stoic doctrine and the principles of natural law, moved very slowly towards the stoic moral philosophy and all the ethical principles that Christianity would bring.
  • Miniatura
    Accusation of Sin or Tolerance? From Christian Thought on Tolerance
    Zwoliński, Andrzej (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2020)
    The Catholic Church is very diverse. This is its beauty and value. However, this can also be a cause of trouble. Where there are differences, conflicts may also arise. Some are open and want dialogue and conversation with everyone, about everything and in every possible way. They are always on the border. They try to understand the world and reach out to it and read the teaching of the Church in a modern way. They advocate reform and radical change. Others are conservative – they care more about preserving the most valuable things in the Church along the way. They care about tradition. They trust the wisdom of time. They do not want to make sudden changes. They look at the past with respect and draw wisdom and inspiration from it, in order to act today. There are different sensitivities, different spiritualities, and even different needs. Can conflicts be avoided? It is certainly not easy and also requires mutual tolerance.
  • Miniatura
    Pastoral Communities Based on a Model of Self-Help Groups as a Response of the Church to the Contemporary Social Changes
    Wąchol, Grzegorz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2020)
    Dynamic changes in modern society generate new situations in the lives of believers, which require pastoral care. The Church should respond to the spiritual needs of all those in need, but with the decreasing number of ordained priests in Europe, organizational capacity in this part of the world is becoming increasingly limited. This article is an attempt to respond to the above problems and, using the example of the Catholic Church in Poland, shows the possibility of instilling a model of self-help groups for specialist pastoral care involving people experiencing life crises and wanting more intense religious development.
  • Miniatura
    Vulnerability in Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Light of Relational Trauma
    Simonič, Barbara; Gostečnik, Christian; Repič Slavič, Tanja; Poljak Lukek, Saša; Cvetek, Robert; Pate, Tanja; Valenta, Tanja (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2020)
    Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed different ways individuals react to frustrations they have experienced. Many times we have witnessed an increased level of aggression in interpersonal relationships and in the general social context. We find that there are some differences in coping and responding according to gender, with men showing a higher level of vulnerability and risk of inappropriate regulation and expression of anger when frustrated. To a certain extent, the answer to why this happens is provided by neuroscientific research, which shows that already at an early age, boys’ brains develop differently from girls’, as it takes more time to develop their stress-regulating mechanism; consequently, due to slower development, boys are more vulnerable to early stressful situations and have more problems with self-regulation of affective states at this early age. Together with the possibility of relational trauma in the family, to which many children are exposed from the earliest period of their lives and which plays an important role in providing a context for the development of affect regulation, that means that boys and men are even more vulnerable and sensitive to stress, aggression and trauma later in life. It makes sense to take these neuroscience findings into account when building an understanding of responses to stressful challenges, such as coping with a pandemic, as well as when planning appropriate models to help individuals cope with different types of stress.
  • Miniatura
    Repetition and not Parallelism as the Determinant of Poetry in the Hebrew Bible. A Case Study of Biblical Story of Creation (Gen 1)
    Majewski, Marcin (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2020)
    The article points to new research on the subject of poetics in the Bible and argues against the thesis that the basic indicator of poetry and poetic texts in the Bible is parallelism. According to the author, repetition is such an indicator. An analysis of the biblical story of creation of the world was used as the case study (Gen 1).
  • Miniatura
    Professional Advancement of RE Teachers in the Context of the Challenges of the Information Society
    Bilicka, Beata (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2020)
    In the first years of political transformation in Poland starting in 1989, one of the crucial issues was the reform of education, including changes in the procedure of professional advancement for teachers. At that time, it was also important for the Catholic Church to restore Religious Education in schools, which returned to the state education system in the 1990–1991 school year. Since then, RE teachers have had the same rights and obligations as teachers of compulsory subjects and undergone the same professional advancement procedure. Twenty years have passed since the new procedure of career progression for teachers was introduced in Poland. Therefore the author of the article attempts to answer the following questions: To what extent does the procedure meet the challenges of the information society and in what direction should it evolve due to the rapid development of information and communication technology in the world?