Roczniki Teologiczne, 2016, T. 63, nr 9

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Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 15 z 15
  • Miniatura
    Sprawozdanie z XI Zjazdu Teologów Fundamentalnych w Polsce
    Pokrywiński, Rafał (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
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    St. John Paul II’s Ideas of Dialogue between the Church and Science
    Anderwald, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    This paper will analyse the teaching of Pope John Paul II with regard to the opening of the Church towards science. This is a relevant issue to the Christian faith. Its justification is made today in a climate of scientific thinking, in which scientific tools of recognising of the world, as well as the scientific picture of the world play an important role. This article will demonstrate in sequence: (1) the need for dialogue between the Church and science; (2) the methodological considerations, and (3) topics of this dialogue. Particular attention is paid to the papal indications on general criteria of dialogue between theologians, as the representatives of the Church and scientists, as the representatives of various fields of scientific exploration.
  • Miniatura
    Teologia w poszukiwaniu więzi z Biblią. International Congress „The Soul of Theology”. On the Role of Scripture in Theology. Leuven, 17-20 września 2015 r.
    Borto, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
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    Teologia Miłosierdzia Bożego według bulli „Misericordiae vultus” papieża Franciszka
    Dola, Tadeusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    Pope Francis in the bull Misericordiae vultus encouraged to reflect on the meaning of God’s mercy in human history and the practice of Christian charity in life. According to the papal encouragement this article reflects on the content of the notion of God’s mercy. It focuses on these aspects which proved to be essential in the papal bull. The analyses performed are made from a theological perspective; they are therefore an attempt of interpretation, justification, and systematization of the content of the papal statements about mercy. They focus on three main themes present in the papal reflection: God’s mercy is being considered in trinitological, christological and ecclesiological aspects. Mercy comes from the inner life of the triune loving God. Addressed to the man and the world the love of God is experienced in the history of salvation as mercy remedying the deepest needs of the human being afflicted with sin. God’s mercy reached its full and perfect shape in the teaching and activity of Jesus Christ, especially in his cross and resurrection, which were ultimately the overcoming of human sin. God’s mercy lasts in the Church and reaches of the world through the Church. The Church is the more Christ’s, the more is the mercy of God. Teaching about God’s mercy, and above all the provision of charity to the needy is ‒ according to Pope Francis ‒ the criterion for the credibility of the Church towards the world.
  • Miniatura
    Święty Kościół grzesznych chrześcijan
    Dziewulski, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    Frequent information in the media about offences of the Catholic clergy without mentioning similar misdeeds of laity makes one challenge the Church’s claim of holiness and demand expulsion of a sinner from her. This article shows a theological, i.e. the original understanding of the Church holiness, which consists in the presence of Christ in her and of his grace which sanctifies sinners. The requirement of highly ethical Christian behaviour is only the consequence of baptismal grace – and in its realism – means growth in grace and constant conversion. Fundamentality of this baptismal relationship with the Church lasts despite sins of the baptized but it implies their attitude of constant conversion. The notion “sinful Church” does not exclude her holiness as it expresses the truth that – like Christ – she is indeed burdened and carries the faults of her members. A derivative of the Church historical dimension is a constant and regular need to verify and renew her structures, taking into account pastoral fruitfulness.
  • Miniatura
    Sprawozdanie z ogólnopolskiej konferencji naukowej ,,Teologia i nauki przyrodnicze” w ramach Marian Rusecki Memorial Lectures (KUL, 30 XI-1 XII 2015 r.)
    Kaucha, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
  • Miniatura
    Damian Wąsek, Nowa wizja zarządzania Kościołem, Kraków: Wydawnictwo WAM 2014 (Myśl Teologiczna, t. 84), ss. 161.
    Kaucha, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
  • Miniatura
    Z metaeklezjologii
    Kaucha, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    Meta-Theology denotes a meta-theoretical description of Theology. Similarly, metaEcclesiology means a meta-theoretical description of Ecclesiology, and it encompasses all problems of meta-theological nature. Meta-Ecclesiology – like Meta-Theology – might be external or internal. This paper represents an internal Meta-(Catholic) Ecclesiology. It touches on some new issues in the area of Ecclesiology, types of Ecclesiology, trends in Ecclesiology, and models of the Church according to Cardinal Avery Dulles (the Church as Institution, Mystical Communion, Sacrament, Herald, Servant, Community of Disciples, and Sign of Opposition). Multiplicity and diversity of ecclesiological types and trends show a richness and complexity of Ecclesiology. Consequently, one holistic (total) Ecclesiology is impossible at present. Hence, a project of an integral Ecclesiology is feasible but only as (a very useful) way of uniting the results of Ecclesiology – uniting them on a base of main ecclesiological issues or problems faced by Ecclesiology. According to Rev. M. Rusecki (1942-2012) theology today is very much fragmented and it is quite impossible to make it integrated (see: M. Rusecki, Problematyka metody w teologii, in: Tożsamość teologii, ed. A. Anderwald, T. Dola, M. Rusecki, Opole: Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego 2010, pp. 44-47, 54-64. Rusecki presents Adolf Kolping’s idea of integrated theology – pp. 55-56). New theological disciplines and sub-disciplines arise and theologians’ specializations are becoming increasingly fragmented. They are to a lesser extent familiar with the work of their colleagues (native or foreign) and likewise with the history of Theology. The same holds true for Ecclesiology and ecclesiologists. Today in Theology (and in Ecclesiology) there are processes typical of contemporary sciences which are unstoppable. Despite negative consequences, there are some positive, too. Being so, Theology and Ecclesiology show their vitality and necessity. Theologians in their academic work explore new ways of research (including interdisciplinary ones) and have more scholar freedom than they used to, which develops their creativity.
  • Miniatura
    Koncepcje duszy i zaświatów w obrzędach pogrzebowych i zaduszkowych
    Kupisiński, Zdzisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    The article discussed the issue of the soul in the folk imagination during mortuary and funeral rituals in Poland. The topic has been developed based on both ethnographic field research of funeral and All Souls’ Day rituals conducted by the author in Radom and Opoczno regions in years 1995-2005, and the relevant literature. The article consists of three paragraphs: the first discusses beliefs about the soul in folk beliefs, the second – death and funeral rites, and the third focuses on remembering the dead in the annual rites. Most Polish people are Catholics, and they believe that the human soul is immortal. For them, death is not the end of life, but its continuation in a different reality. In the popular consciousness just after the death of a man, his soul appears before God the Judge for the so-called Particular Judgement. Depending on the judgment of the court, the soul can be send to the purgatory, heaven or hell. All folk rituals and prayer vigil at the dead are subordinated to this goal: to help the soul of the deceased to pass through the threshold of death and achieve a state of happiness in heaven. The memory of the dead continues throughout the year. This is evident in the annual folk rituals, where the souls of the dead are invited to family celebrations, their favorite food is prepared and people’s behavior towards them is defined by traditional canons of conduct. Nowadays evidence of the memory about the souls is given through the visits to the graves of dead, in order to decorate them with flowers and light the votive candles, signifying the light of the world. The souls of the dead are remembered in private and community prayers. Masses are also ordered in their intention to help souls in purgatory to attain a state of eternal happiness in heaven.
  • Miniatura
    Ludowa wizja życia pozagrobowego w parafii Miłosierdzia Bożego w Brzezinach (diecezja sandomierska)
    Siroń-Tałanda, Agnieszka (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    The article is based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in the Divine Mercy Parish of Brzeziny. The paper is about folks’ believes and views of afterlife. First part of paper is about relationship between the living and the dead. The people believe that the contact between souls and living is possible. The departed warn their loved ones of danger or death and beg for the conversion or seek prayer. In the subsequent sections we present people’s views about the particular judgment where a soul will go right after living the body, and about the Last Judgement which will occur after the Second Coming. The last part of paper describes places, where soul is going after the particular judgment. Heaven is described as a place of everlasting happiness and seeing God, whereas hell is described as a place of everlasting punishment, where the souls of condemned people go. Purgatory is an intermediate state where the souls undergo purification in order to be will God.
  • Miniatura
    Problem relatywizowania pojęć w Daisetza Teitaro Suzukiego anglojęzycznym opisie zenu
    Rucki, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    This article claims that the Western notions of religion, spirituality, faith and soul are originally reinterpreted by D.T. Suzuki. In this respect his work is a perfect example of the problem of relativization of the religious notions, which is specific to religious comparative studies. The relativization, which consist of shifting the meanings of the designations, goes in three directions in Suzuki’s texts. First, he uses the terms in their metaphorical senses. Secondly, he uses them in relation to zen in a very general and unclear manner. However, in these cases they seem to be reminiscent of their original shape. Thirdly, Suzuki gives new meaning to Western ideas by linking them, directly or indirectly, with the main problem of zen and Buddhism, which is called ignorance. Suzuki interprets ignorance in an epistemological frame as a false knowledge based on differentiation. The zen practice aims to overcome this kind of knowledge and zen goal (satori) is a realization of this overcoming. For Suzuki, religion and spirituality are closely connected to the problem of the Buddhist ignorance. Initially, religion means awareness of the differentiation drama and the will to overcome it. Then religion is the liberation from ignorance and the fruits which this liberation brings. Spirituality is also an aspect of the fight against ignorance. Everything that concerns overcoming of the knowledge based on differentiation is spiritual. Suzuki calls spirituality wisdom which does not distinguish. Suzuki also interprets the terms “faith” and “soul” in relation to the drama of ignorance or differentiation knowledge. He uses these terms in multiple and varied ways. This article shows that the relativization of the religious notions can be a grave weak point in religious studies. When Suzuki states that zen is a religion or spirituality, he understands these terms in the context of ignorance and overcoming ignorance.
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    Metoda „via ascendens” i jej znaczenie w badaniach eklezjologicznych na przykładzie Ameryki Łacińskiej
    Pietrzak, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    The article discusses the issue of research methodology in the field of fundamental ecclesiology. The author draws attention to the importance and need to update the via ascendens method, especially its variants, which examine aspects of the life of the Church. Taking Latin America as an example, he analyses five selected aspect of the Church’s life from within in relation to ecumenism and non-Christian religions, to religiously indifferent and atheism, and in relation to issues concerning social life and culture. By using SWOT heuristic tools, he discusses their exemplary strong and weak aspects, including opportunities and threats. In the last part, taking into account the Latin American ecclesial experience, the author, first, indicates the need to broaden the subject of fundamental theology concerning the problem of the unfulfilled expectations of those who leave the Church. Next, he stresses the importance of carrying out the mission as the source and purpose of theological research. Finally, he draws attention to the fact, that there are important questions in theology, which concern different social groups.
  • Miniatura
    Miłosierdzie w funkcji eklezjotwórczej
    Mastej, Jacenty (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    The aim of the article is to show mercy in its ecclesiogenic function. The analyses carried out lead to the conclusion that mercy determines the identity of the Church, since it conditions its existence, decides its shape in history and proves its credibility.
  • Miniatura
    Sobór Watykański II w piśmiennictwie łotewskim
    Tolstovs, Ilmars (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    The report briefly examines the historical situation of the period extending from the 13th century, when Christian missionaries arrived in Latvia and a planned evangelization of the population was organized, up to 1962, when the Second Vatican Council started. As the territory of Latvia was under the rule of different powers and different religious views dominated during different historical periods, there were periods when the ruling power favoured evangelization, but there were also such periods when this process was completely paralysed. The territory of Latvia was under the Soviet occupation regime also when the Second Vatican Council started, thus the progress of Second Vatican Council, as well as realization of ideas and thoughts expressed in the documents of the Council were either hindered or impossible in the Church in Latvia. Notwithstanding the difficulties, Latvia was represented by prelate Julians Vaivods in the fourth and fifth session of the Second Vatican Council. During the Council, J. Vaivods was also consecrated as the only bishop in the territory of Latvia. It should be stressed that there were bishops only in Latvia and Lithuania throughout the whole USSR, and bishop J. Vaivods was responsible for pastoral care of Catholic believers of all the USSR, except Lithuania. Research of articles on the Second Vatican Council published in the soviet press allows to conclude that soviet ideologists sympathized with the openness of the Church to the world and social ideas, because, in their opinion, in such a way the Church tried to modernize religion and develop as if its own Christian socialism. After regaining independence in 1991, the Church in Latvia gradually started to develop; more significant publications about the Council tackling the most necessary issues appeared in the press. However, taking into consideration the previous situation of the Church in Latvia, the work is still being continued. Documents of the Second Vatican Council have not yet been published in Latvian, thus they are not easily available for believers and it hinders them to become aware of the spirit of the Council and implement it in life.