Studia Ełckie, 2009, T. 11

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  • Miniatura
    Obraz człowieka w doktrynie Świadków Jehowy
    Uchan, Jacek (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
    This article shows the image of man in the Jehovah’s Witnesses doctrine. They believe that man don’t have immortal soul, but he’s all a soul. At the moment of death he stops to exist but he is in hope of the resurrection. They single out two classes of delivered people: heavenly class and earthly class. The heavenly class counts 144 thousands of delivered. Countless numbers of people who belong to earthly class after the armagedon will be live forever in the paradise on earth.
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    Ks. Wiesław Taraska, Sanktuarium maryjne w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II, Sandomierz 2008, ss. 343.
    Lipiec, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
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    Model administracji podatkowej w Polsce w latach 1934-1939 jako wzorzec budowy efektywnej administracji podatkowej
    Teszner, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
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    Prawnofinansowe aspekty Funduszu Kościelnego
    Tyrakowski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
    The Church Capital from the very beginning had been very controversial. It was founded in 1950 by a lawful amendment. It emerged an realisation of communist ideology and intent to replace the existing fund. The main objective of the capital was to support clergy and priesthood. Until 1989 the capital had not fulfilled its basic tasks. Not before 1989 the fund had started to accomplish its crucial scopes. The support conduced the church charitable and educational aims as well as renovation of sacral buildings. Moreover, it concerns in assurances of all the priesthood. There are various capabilities of solving the church capital’s problems, hence e.g. eviction- if it is possible, or indemnification- assuming it is not. I believe the most reasonable would be the introduction of the reprivatization law, but yet the most complicated one by all means.
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    «Osoba» jako kryterium badawcze
    Tarasiewicz, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
    The article undertakes a well-founded attempt of tracing the philosophical interpretation of human being, as well as the methodological status of such interpretation in a perspective of investigating the culture. Undertaken considerations present methodological advantages of the realistic conception of human person. They embrace the genesis of thought which elucidate the man with a category of “person” (here: Greek, Roman, and Christian approaches). Then they concentrate on inalienable parameters of the human personal life, which are elaborated in a light of the philosophical realism (here: cognition, freedom and responsibility, love, agency in law, ontological wholeness, and religious dignity). The further step is to show what predisposes the realistic notion of human person to carry out methodological functions (here: its integrity, realism, and universalism). Finally there are determined conditions of applying the realistic conception of human being as a neutral investigative criterion (here: its negative character).
  • Miniatura
    Konceptualizacja doświadczenia wojny i okupacji w twórczości reportażowej Krzysztofa Kąkolewskiego. Świadectwo – pamięć – gest etyczny
    Szydłowska, Joanna (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
    The basic question of this work concerns the ways of conceptualism of wars’ and occupation’s subject in the reports of Krzysztof Kakolewski which arised in the first decade of 20 century. The authoress situated the analyzed texts in the context of huge literature’s stream and reckoning. She researches, in what way the report penetrates the realities which are chronologically distant from each other. First of all, this work concerns supplying incessant topicality of war and its endurance in the heroes’ psyche (psychological report). Secondly, the dimension is realized in the ethic surface and it concerns old questions about responsibility of Nazis for crimes against a background of political relations in Europe (report – interview)
  • Miniatura
    Tęsknota za utraconym rajem? Kilka uwag na temat fenomenu „Heimat”
    Supranowicz, Radosław (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
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    Reforma szkolnictwa zawodowego w „Gazecie Wyborczej” w latach 1992-2002
    Skawiński, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
  • Miniatura
    Sankcje we współczesnym czeskim i polskim prawie podatkowym
    Czudek, Damian; Orłowski, Janusz; Šramkova, Dana (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
    The legal responsibility in the tax law and its corresponding legal sanctions could be researched from many different points of view. The main purpose of the paper is to point out the sanctions which can be imposed on the tax subject (taxpayer, tax collector, etc.). In the system of the financial law it mainly concerns sanctions regulated by the Tax Administration Act (typically e.g. fines, tax subject activities suspensions, penalties) in the Czech Republic and by the Tax Code in Poland, but it's also indispensable to describe the regulation included in the special tax laws (especially in VAT Act), and sanctions included in the Penal Code (the Czech Republic) and in the Fiscal Penal Code (Poland). The comparative legal character of this paper is based on the tax taw analysis of the in both countries current state of affairs.
  • Miniatura
    Pojęcie instrumentu finansowego
    Lemonnier, Mariola; Kisiel, Szymon (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
    Considered article describes the problems with defining the term of a financial instrument. It has to be noted that the term of the financial instrument requires to be updated very often. Dynamic changes occurring the financial market are forcing the legislator to change the existing law frequently in this matter. The article shows the width of the described term and the importance of the right understanding. Authors are pointing that even though the lawgiver is making some changes frequently it is always one step behind the existing state of things. There is no doubts that practice comes before the law. Article is also divided on two parts. The first part accords to the economical meaning of the financial instrument and the second part is devoted to the juridical aspects of this. Article is mainly based on the polish binding statutes, directives of EU, Polish and French law literature.
  • Miniatura
    Uporczywa prokreacja
    Orłowski, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
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    Podstawa opodatkowania w podatku od nieruchomości – problemy praktyczne
    Pahl, Bogumił (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
    The main purpose of this article is to present the problem of establishing real estate tax base. In Polish legislation in the case of buildings it is usable area understood as an area measured according to internal length of walls on all floors that constitutes the real estate tax base. The area of staircases and lifts are not included in this usable area. However, as far as constructions are concerned, this is the value, which functions as amortization base calculated in the case of income taxes, or the market value that constitute real estate tax base.
  • Miniatura
    Tajemnica zawodowa dziennikarza i jej ochrona w polskim systemie prawnym
    Mrozek, Jacek Janusz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
    This article deals with the issue of journalist secrecy, which within the legal system is treated as professional secrecy. Journalists' professional secrecy is not to be viewed as this professional group's prerogative but rather as its duty. Regulations concerning journalist secrecy are included (including without limitation) in the press law, code of civil procedure, code of criminal procedure, petty offences procedure code and administrative code. In the deliberations one states that a journalist cannot free himself/herself from journalist secrecy. This may only be licensed by a court and solely in the case where it is necessary to secure the benefit of justice administration, and a circumstance may not be ascertained on the basis of other evidence. The licence may relate to the circumstances of certain events but it may not include any data which would enable an identification of the author of press material, letter to the editor or another material of such character if these people reserved their right to anonymity (the so-called right of anonimat). The regulations are not applicable in this context, if the acquired information are relating to most serious crimes against the interests of state and against human life. If a court exempts a journalist from the professional secrecy, he/she may not refuse to testify. In the case of his evasion of this duty, he/she however shall not stand trial for the offence of criminal support. The case is quite different when a journalist appears in court as a defendant. He/she may then breach the journalist secrecy as the exercise of his/her right to be defended.
  • Miniatura
    Prawo do kultywowania pamięci osoby zmarłej a działalność prasy
    Mrozek, Jacek Janusz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
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    Pedagogika Jacka Woronieckiego i Feliksa Wojciecha Bednarskiego jako egzemplifikacja etyki tomizmu tradycyjnego
    Krasnodębski, Mikołaj (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
    In the following article there are discussed philosophical presuppositions of Woroniecki’s and Bednarski’s theory of education, which are principally determined by the moral philosophy of traditional Thomism. The traditional Thomism is one of earliest interpretations of Thomas Aquinas’ thought. That current was entirely formulated on the turn of XIX and XX century, though its origins went back to Aquinas and his commentators. Presently the traditional Thomism has been displaced by more integral approaches to St. Thomas’ philosophy, i.e. by the existential Thomism (the Lublin Philosophical School) and the consequent Thomism (the Warsaw School of Consequent Thomism). Nevertheless, Woroniecki’s and Bednarski’s pedagogics is still an inspiration for theoreticians and practicians of education. Their theory of education is an up to date proposition. Among its atributes there are realistic apprehension of human acting and education, theory of efficiencies and virtues, and – refering to it – education of intellect, will, emotions, inpulses, what embraces the formation of human character. In this way, these two authors’ approach to the human education is what used to be called “paedagogia perennis”.
  • Miniatura
    Św. Jan Nepomucen jako katolicki bohater kulturowy
    Hochleitner, Janusz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
    In ethnography some figures are defined as cultural heroes. Such a hero, in view of the features of his character, plays the role of a mediator between the sacred and the profane. For me, numerous saints of the Roman Catholic Church are such heroes. Certain saints carried in them “cultural” content, which could be well perceived by local communities. This concerns in particular the saints, who could be considered as guardians of an existential character. Peasants of many European regions found in St. John of Nepomuk an effective advocate against the dangerous element of water. This was also the case in the Prussian – Lithuanian border area, which is of particular interest to me. Historians associate the popularity of his cult as a result of the Saint’s connection with the dangerous element of water. St John of Nepomuk was first of all the patron saint against drowning, but also against ill-fated accidents. People earning their living from water had an advocate in him. An increasing number of folk art examples constituted an attempt to transfer the image of the saint from temples to the vicinity of a daily used river crossing or to a village roadside shrine. In Poland peasants believed in the saint’s guardianship over, i.a., meadows, fields and crops.
  • Miniatura
    Orędzie bpa Stanisława Łukomskiego do diecezjan z 16 sierpnia 1947 r.
    Guzewicz, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
  • Miniatura
    List biskupa Stanisława Łukomskiego do wojewody białostockiego z 13 października 1945 r.
    Guzewicz, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
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  • Miniatura
    Implikacje kwartetu metafizycznego Leszka Kołakowskiego. Glossa humanistki
    Frankowiak, Anita (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009)
    Leszek Kolakowski was a Polish philosopher and historian of ideas. He discussed about the history of philosophy, the philosophy of culture and the philosophy of religion. He died on July17, 2009. The author of the article concentrates on the concept of metaphysical quartet: God, mind, love, and dead. Mind looks for eternal true apart from thinks, knows, remembers and feels things. Above all is time. We are not sure that we will have enough time to do it. Leszek Kolakowski to stress that unlimited, uncertain and unclear decisions which always demand precise answers. His philosophy overcome difficulties and negate univocity of consideration. Professor said, that philosophy must fights with deep thinking and with established philosophical systems. The aim of the article is difficult conception of metaphysical quartet which is a pillar of changes in European culture in 21. century.