Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 2017, T. 37, nr 1

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  • Miniatura
    Pedagogiczne aspekty adhortacji papieża Franciszka Amoris laetitia
    Zellma, Anna (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    Amoris laetitia, an apostolic exhortation by Pope Francis, shows the problems related to marriage and family in a new light. The Pope, just like His predecessors, devotes a lot of attention to parental responsibility for the holistic development of children. He reminds us that the passing on of values and ideals, development of social and religious attitudes and sexual education should occupy an important place in the process of upbringing in the family. In the opinion of Francis, such an upbringing requires the involvement of the mother and the father, who consciously and responsibly participate in the holistic development of their children. In the accomplishment of educational tasks the parents are entitled to receive proper support from the state, the school and the Church. Other aspects regarded by Pope Francis as important include the preparation of future spouses for marriage and parenthood, and support for married couples in performing their tasks resulting from motherhood and fatherhood. Consequently, Francis devotes much attention to proper methods of upbringing in the family, which is important not only in theory, but also in practice. All of these aspects are investigated in the article and analysed from the perspective of Christian pedagogy.
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    Theologischer Paradigmenwechsel und neue pastorale Spielräume. Das Nachsynodale Apostolische Schreiben Amoris laetitia
    Schockenhoff, Eberhard (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    There are two different key interpretations on post-synodal exhortation Amoris laetitia. The first is based on hermeneutics of the continuation of Church teachings on marriage with the new language, and the second one is connected with a change in the moral message of the objective and static ontology to the theology that more fulfils the readings of the Gospel and are closer to a person’s real life. Pope Francis clearly expresses scepticism over the use of general rules for complex pastoral situations and the deductive method, which uses general truths to takes far-reaching proposals for every detailed situation. A change of paradigm in theology consists in the transition from the speculative-deductive method to the inductive method that attributes more value to the experience and the normative adequacy of single normative statements in the life of people. Amoris laetitia avoids the exaggerated idealism of marriage and demands a change of perspective which does not judge but inspires a direction towards growth, but does not substitute conscience, but rather shapes it. Encouraging personal evaluation of conscience is concerned especially with the problem of providing an opportunity to allow divorced people living in second partnerships to participate in taking the sacrament. The only way to answer this question is through the logic of mercy and integration, that orders discernment over complex situations. The crucial assertion of Amoris laetitia is: „it can no longer simply be said that all those in any «irregular» situation are living in a state of mortal sin and are deprived of sanctifying grace” (no 301). The Pope refers to the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas who emphasizes the circumstances of man’s activities that should be applied in the observance of norms. It is not the ethics of situations, in that the decision about good and evil conduct be left to the freedom of man, but about the resolution of the Neo-Scholastic morality of deeds in favour of the ethics of virtues. The vision of sexuality included in Amoris laetitia is not based on the hamartiology, but on the Thomistic vision of human passions that are itself neither morally bad nor morally good, but becomes the moral through the attitude and action of subject. The justification of the entitlement and the commitment to the pastoral discernment of the complex situations is the logic of mercy.
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    Amoris laetitia und die Frage wiederverheirateter Geschiedener
    Schaupp, Walter (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    Amoris laetitia does not expressly permit or demand in terms of a new binding regulation that remarried divorced persons be admitted to the sacraments. Instead, what is required is a new way of dealing with “irregular situations”, and the document mentions principles which are supposed to serve as guidelines for dealing with individual cases. On the one hand, the article seeks to show that in light of a long running doctrinal development which is now being continued in Amoris laetitia, the admission of remarried divorced persons will be inevitable for the Church. On the other hand, it provides an analysis of the pastoral and moral theological principles which ought to guide and legitimate the “distinction” in individual cases (attention and support; assessment of the situation; maximum inclusion; mitigating circumstances; distinction between the norm and its application). It is argued that from a systematic perspective gradualness can be considered as the key principle from which the other principles can best be understood and integrated.
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    Sakramentale Barmherzigkeit für Menschen in „komplexen Situationen”. Zutritt von wiederverheirateten Geschiedenen zu den Sakramenten nach Amoris laetitia
    Sandler, Willibald (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    For Pope Francis the triad see – judge – act means acknowledging mercy for people in complex situations before judging their case as irregular. In this way, moral judgement is still possible, but it has to function as a redeeming action of God. Accordingly, Pope Francis advocates an “operational understanding of mercy”: The Church acts mercifully to the extent that she opens up to ways of salvation for persons entangled in guilt. However, she can be merciless, if she “abandons” these people “to their own”, so that she “does not safeguard growth in maturity” for them. This approach leads to the “principle of sacramental mercy” according to which the Church in some special cases must not exclude divorced and remarried Christians from receiving the sacraments. According to Pope Francis, a polarised Church will be able to make such reforms to the extent that she exposes also herself to divine mercy as understood in this functional way.
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    Philippe Bordeyne, Juan Carlos Scannone, Divorcés remariés: ce qui change avec François, wyd. Salvator, Paris 2017, ss. 140, ISBN 978-2-7067-1535-8
    Falenczyk, Marian (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
  • Miniatura
    Die Entflechtung des Gordischen Knotens: Zur Stärkung der Moraltheologie durch Amoris laetitia
    Müller, Sigrid (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    Aż do synodów biskupów poświęconych małżeństwu i rodzinie w 2014 i 2015 r. relacja teologii, dogmatyki, prawa kanonicznego i teologii pastoralnej w kwestii osób rozwiedzionych żyjących w powtórnych związkach była podobna do „węzła gordyjskiego”. Wydawało się, że jego rozwiązanie nie jest możliwe na drodze argumentacji i logiki, a jedynie przez „przecięcie mieczem“. Niniejszy artykuł ukazuje, jak papież Franciszek rozpoczyna rozwiązywać „węzeł gordyjski” dyscyplin teologicznych nie przy pomocy miecza, ale przez odwiązywanie poszczególnych nici. Jego taktowne, ale wskazujące kierunek interwencje w sferze prawa kanonicznego i wskazówki o potrzebie rozwoju i refleksji w obszarze niektórych elementów nauczania dogmatycznego są pierwszymi krokami w tym procesie. Franciszek sięga przy tym po przygotowawcze prace swoich poprzedników i kontynuuje je w sensie Soboru Watykańskiego II, przez co także ujęcia teologii moralnej udaje się mu wyrazić spójnie i bez sprzeczności wobec innych dyscyplin teologicznych. W adhortacji apostolskiej Amoris laetitia papież wyraźne domaga się od teologii moralnej tego, co zostało rozwinięte już od Soboru Watykańskiego II. Posynodalnej adhortacji apostolskiej nie można jednakże interpretować jako potwierdzenia linii niemięckojęzycznej teologii moralnej po Soborze Watykańskim II. Różnice uwidaczniają się przede wszystkim w antropologii i zamiarze, aby teologia moralna silniej została ukierunkowana na praktykę życia i w ten sposób była w służbie duszpasterstwa.
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    Etos miłosierdzia a dylematy sumienia osób żyjących w związkach niesakramentalnych
    Mroczkowski, Ireneusz (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    The author of the article assumes that the ongoing discussion, which started in the Catholic Church after the Amoris laetitia exhortation by pope Francis, can enrich the form and meaning of pastoral work of persons living in irregular relationships. Pastoral accompaniment of such people should not provide any opportunities for minimalizing the requirements of the Gospel regarding the indissolubility of marriage. However, it should, to a greater extent than so far, take into account circumstances diversifying the burden of guilt for the sin of unfaithfulness. As a result of the equal treatment of the cheated and the cheating, people living in irregular relationships fall into two forms of sin against the Holy Spirit: impudent sinning in the hope for Divine Mercy and doubting in the possibility of receiving Divine Mercy. A fair judgment of the sin of unfaithfulness is provided by conscience presented in a triple role: a witness of objective truth about the sacrament of marriage, a guardian of the human being, acting in particular situations and a judge of individual human acts. Conscience as a witness cannot deny that remaining in a non-sacramental relationship not only creates, but also strengthens sinful situations, which prevents a person from full participation in the Eucharist, namely receiving the Holy Communion. In such a situation theologians should prepare varied forms and means of getting to the divorced who live in sin. Even though this prevents them – without meeting known conditions – from participating in the Eucharist, the cheating and the cheated found themselves in a different situation in view of Divine Mercy. Pastoral accompaniment of the former should consist in awaking their conscience to take responsibility for his/her wife/husband and children and opening the heart of the latter for the grace of Divine Mercy, especially that which is present in the Eucharist. There are no obstacles for this person to want to be in a spiritual union with Jesus and directly feel accepted by Him in his/her longing and zeal. For such a person the Eucharist is above all a remedy.
  • Miniatura
    Die Diskussion über die Unauflöslichkeit der Ehe im Zusammenhang mit dem nachsynodalen apostolischen Schreiben Amoris laetitia Einige offene Fragen
    Machinek, Marian (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    The indissolubility of sacramental marriage has been over the centuries the crucial point of the teaching of the Catholic Church about marriage based on the Jesus’ expressions about marriage and divorce. The indissolubility of marriage can be understood in a twofold manner. The first dimension is the moral indissolubility which means a serious moral obligation of being faithful towards the husband. Marriage should not be dissolved but in fact it is dissolved in an increasing number of Christian couples. But there is also the second dimension – the ontological indissolubility. Being a creation of God the sacramental marriage cannot be dissolved, even if the relationship breaks apart. Though Pope Francis emphasizes that the Church’s teaching about marriage remains unchanged, some passages of the Papal Letter cannot be interpreted clearly. As a result, the statements of the particular bishop conferences as well as the guidelines launched by some bishops concerning the pastoral care of divorced and remarried couples are ambiguous. The author of the article stands for the integral keeping of the entire teaching of the church about the indissolubility of the sacramental marriage in every new proposal for the pastoral care of people living in “irregular” situations.
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    Was wird sich in Ungarn nach Amoris laetitia ändern?
    Kovács, Gusztáv (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    Amoris laetitia is a crisis-document that was knowingly written in a crisis situation and in the search for solutions. However, it is on no account a document of pessimism or a prophecy of cultural downfall. It is much rather a document of hope. The text does not want to give clear and simple answers, but wants to motivate the readers to open up themselves for new visions. The document is characterized by attitudes which promote this opening: the attitude of the open arms and open eyes, acceptance of plurality, and sensitivity towards joy and suffering. Whether Amoris laetitia will change something in Hungary depends on whether these attitudes will also find a home in our church. For example, whether the question of gender is addressed as open as Pope Francis does, and whether the plural experiences of men and women are taken seriously under the conditions of disparate modernization. The second question is, whether we are creative and courageous enough to look for solutions in order to shape gender roles in a way that both sexes can grow in their lives and live under fair and just conditions. To this growth belong all abilities which enable them to live in a family in peace.
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    Dopuszczenie do sakramentów osób rozwiedzionych i ponownie cywilnie poślubionych. Stanowisko Konferencji Biskupów Niemieckich
    Grześkowiak, Jerzy (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
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    Moraltheologische Probleme der pluralistischen Gesellschaft nach Amoris laetitia am Beispiel von Oberschlesien
    Glombik, Konrad (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    The post-synodal exhortation about love in the family Amoris laetitia is fruit and inspiration for a deeper reflexion on the complex problems of marriage and family life. In theology this reflexion should be faithful to the tradition of the church and compactly connected with reality. It means the unanimity of the teaching and the understanding of modern marriage and family. It is also concerned with activities connected with research of specific pastoral solutions in this respect, and does not rule out a variety of different interpretations of some aspects of marriage or some of the consequences which follow from them. Insomuch as there are a variety of traditions and challenges in the particular countries and regions, Pope Francis demands research in solutions more closely connected with enculturation and sensitive towards variety. The subject of the present paper are moral theological problems that arise in connection with the document Amoris laetitia in a pluralistic society, of which an example is Upper Silesia. The characteristics of this region, connected with the penetration of the influences of Polish, German and Czech culture causes, that life, residency, work and the mentality of Silesian residences are not homogenous, but complex due to the point of contact between cultures. It is a special challenge for the Church and its message. The local church of Opole Silesia acknowledged that sensitivity be given to the cultural variety of its believers and confirmed it had the capacity to meet the challenges connected with it. One of them is the care for marriage and family today. Actually there are two especially complex questions: the living together before marriage and the situation of divorced people, whom live in second partnerships. Those questions are a large part of important pastoral challenges in a pluralistic society, in this case in Upper Silesia, and some new solutions to them are suggested in Amoris laetitia. The present article compares a variety of theological depictions and pastoral solutions to this problem in Poland and in Germany and shows new possible approaches and moral theological and pastoral dilemmas, which in this field are connected with statements included in Amoris laetitia the post-synodal exhortation of Pope Francis.
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    Zwischen Begeisterung und Besorgnis. Über die Rezeption von Amoris laetitia in Slowenien
    Globokar, Roman (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    Reactions to the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia by Pope Francis have also been fiercely divided in Slovenia as elsewhere. Initially, the official Church showed reluctance towards it. However, there has been more and more signs of a positive reception since towards the end of 2016. A great majority of the believers and pastoral co-workers understood this exhortation as an appropriate incentive for the renewal of the pastoral care of the family in Slovenia. The article discusses some of the reasons for the opposing reactions to the document and tries to further develop some parts of the document to be used in the pastoral care of the family in Slovenia.
  • Miniatura
    Eine begrenzte und herausfordernde Wirklichkeit Partnerschaft, Ehe und Familie im Nachsynodalen Schreiben Amoris laetitia
    Faber, Eva-Maria (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    The principle of apostolic exhortation Evangelii gaudium saying that “realities are greater than ideas” (No. 231) leads the post-synodal apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia to realize the complex challenge of partnership and family. Pope Francis encourages couples to develop a culture of “reconciled diversity” by freeing themselves from feeling that they have to be alike (cf. AL 139). He sketches the path of couples and families as a history of permanent development and growth. In view of this demanding reality, it is necessary to deal mercifully with difficult situations and wounded families. The Church has always to take into account the practical possibilities of real families and promote the good they are able to do (cf. AL 308).
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    Kłopoty z „Amoris laetitia”, „Więź” 59 (2016), nr 4, s. 101–145.
    Dziób, Julia (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
  • Miniatura
    Pastoral discernment, imagination and ekphrases in Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia
    Abram, Anna (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    Artykuł podejmuje próbę określenia pojęcia „rozeznania duszpasterskiego” w oparciu o ekfrazy (obrazy słowne, które mają na celu mobilizację wyobraźni i unaocznianie tego, co ważne) w adhortacji apostolskiej Amoris laetitia. Zawiera ogólną refleksję na temat języka adhortacji i kluczowych sformułowań na temat rozeznania jako praktyki osobistej i eklezjalnej. Praktyka ta w kontekście modlitwy ma na celu przybliżyć znaki, symbole, pomóc zrozumieć uczucia, myśli i spełnić rolę „wglądu” w poszczególne sytuacje osoby podejmującej decyzje. W zgłębieniu pojęcia „rozeznania” służą pomocą myśli trzech teologów moralistów: Williama Spohna, Jamesa Gustafsona i Edwarda Vacka. Główna dyskusja toczy się wokół relacji pomiędzy prawem i przepisami a rzeczywistością, której nie da się opisać w kolorach czarno-białych, a która jest często wieloznaczna. Przytoczone zostały podejścia papieża Franciszka, który w oparciu o zasadę „stopniowości” oraz cnoty miłości miłosiernej, przypatrywania i przywiązywania uwagi, nawołuje do „cierpliwego realizmu”, postrzegania rozeznającego Kościoła jako „szpitala polowego”, „schroniska” i rodziny, która nie waha się wyjść poza literę prawa.