Studia Paradyskie, 2021, t. 31

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  • Miniatura
    Powstanie i rozwój archiwów diecezjalnych w Polsce
    Zegzuła, Weronika (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    Polish church archives began to develop along with the restoration of independence in 1918. Until the outbreak of the war in 1939, there were 6 diocesan archives. After the World War II, Poland found itself in a new political reality. The so-called „people‘s authority” treated archives, including church archives marginally. The Church and its resources looked through the lens of the remnants of feudalism, which had to be destroyed. In order to achieve that, the authority sought complete confiscation of church archives, which were to depend solely on state officials. The Church had to find its place in a new political reality and face the actions of the authorities to annihilate the ecclesiastical administration. Among the administrative activities of the church authorities, maintaining an autonomous structure and providing personnel for pastoral activities were undoubtedly more important. It is understandable that in such a situation, as a priority, the Church could not deal with archival matters. Despite incredible difficulties, after 1945 the Archdiocesan Archive in Wrocław resumed their activities. Archives were created in Pelplin and Włocławek. In 1974 there were 7 archdiocesan archives and 20 diocesan archives. In 1989, the number of diocesan archives increased to 24 and in 2002 to 32. Establishment of the Association of Church Archivists (SAK) in Warsaw on 17 June 2004 was a breakthrough event for diocesan archives. The main task of the Association is to organize, provide access to, and inventory church archives. Its members continue the Polish archival tradition and „the great service to ecclesiastical and national science”.
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    Subiektywna jakość życia dzieci a skłonność do martwienia się i poczucie własnej wartości
    Zalewska, Oktawia (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    The subject of this article was to present the results of empirical research on the relationship between the tendency to worry and self-esteem and the subjective quality of life in children aged 8-13. The first two parts of the article discuss the theoretical basis and describe the variables studied. The second part presented the research group, the research tools used and the results of the research obtained. The postulated hypotheses about the existence of a relationship between the tendency to worry and subjective quality of life in children and between self-esteem and subjective quality of life in children have been confirmed. The research was conducted before the pandemic, which severely disturbed the everyday life of children, hence the increased scientific exploration of the biopsychosocial condition of schoolchildren by scientists from various fields in the near future is expected
  • Miniatura
    Dziecko jako podmiot praw. Ku filozoficznym podstawom praw dziecka
    Walczak, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    The aim of the article is to analyze one of the most important issues in the field of philosophy of law, which is the problem of determining the foundations of children’s rights. The consequence of divergent interpretations of the essence of children’s rights are attempts to undermine the legitimacy of creating this category of human rights, especially in the context of possible conflicts of children’s rights with other types of human rights, as well as towards of apprehensions that emphasizing children’s rights may pose a threat to family. The author of the article, referring to the basic documents of international protection of human and children’s rights, argues in favor of interpretation of these rights referring to the concept of human dignity. Starting from the conclusion that children’s rights are part of human rights on the basis of philosophy, it is justified that the source of rights is the fact of human being and the dignity attributed to the human existence. The author recalls the thought of Janusz Korczak, who already in the interwar period presented the concept of a child as an autonomous person, having his own natural rights, separate from an the adult one. At the same time, he pointed to the child as a person endowed with a right, both in the family, in society and in the state. This thought was at the heart of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
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    Sylwetka biskupa Wilhelma Pluty z lat 1962-1965 w relacji i działaniu twórców teczki operacyjnej ministerstwa spraw wewnętrznych kryptonim „Kruk”
    Śmierzchalski-Wachocz, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    After taking power, the Polish communists initially concealed their true attitude towards the Catholic Church. Therefore, in the years 1944-1947, an open fight with the clergy was avoided. After achieving the first goal, already at the beginning of 1949, a massive attack was launched against the Catholic Church. This fight was carried out in many ways with varying intensity, the main executor of the party‘s directives in this regard was its „armed arm“, i.e. the Security Office, and then the Security Service. The bishop was treated by the management of section IV of the Ministry of the Interior as a very high priority. In the fight against the Catholic Church, surveillance or possible investigation of bishops was of particular importance. From 1963, the basic tool of this fight was - both as a collection of necessary information about the bishop, as well as a record of plans and a chronicle of actions taken by the security services - the Bishop Operations File (TEOB). A mutation of TEOBs, i.e. a file for the bishop, is the file entitled „Control case - Pluta Wilhelm. 1962-1986. Code name“ Kruk ”, archive number 5446 / K. In the description of the resources of the archive of the Institute of National Remembrance, it received reference number IPN BU 0608/241 and was declassified on June 18, 2009. Until the establishment of the Institute of National Remembrance, the file was in the state of the Central Archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The two-volume folder contains a total of 280 pages. The boundary years of the established case, i.e. 1962 - that is, the efforts made by Bishop Wilhelm Pluta to obtain a passport to travel to Rome and participate in the deliberations of the Second Vatican Council, and its closure on April 5, 1986, is a consequence of the bishop‘s tragic death in a car accident. In the plans of the communist leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the cryptonym. „Kruk“ was to be handed over to the „C“ Office, that is the Central Archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, only in 1989, and was to be scrapped, that is, destroyed in 2005. The operating file of the Ministry of Internal Affairs entitled „The case of control - Pluta Wilhelm. 1962-1986 „is a testimony to the hostile actions that the security apparatus of the People‘s Republic of Poland carried out against Bishop Wilhelm Pluta, the bishop of first the huge Gorzów Ordinariate, and from 1972 the Gorzów diocese. The activities carried out by the Security Service, and described in this file, were not only a passive observation of the attitudes, behavior and pastoral ministry carried out by the bishop of Gorzów, but an active, conscious, purposeful and, above all, harmful interference in the activities of this hierarch and, above all, of a man and citizen of the Polish state. The profile of Bishop Pluta outlined on the pages of this file confirms that his words to his faithful were confirmed in his life. Of course, Bishop Pluta had his vices, weaknesses and imperfections, but his flaws did not diminish his uniqueness as a tireless, prayerful pastor of the Gorzów Church, which did not make a deal with the communist regime fighting against the Catholic Church and faith in God.
  • Miniatura
    Bytowa niewystarczalność jako egzystencjalne doświadczenie człowieka
    Radkiewicz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    Man as a personal entity is not a necessary being (like God), he is merely an accidental being. This accepted formula explains why man is an imperfect person. Death takes away from him the existential dimension; what is left is the spiritual dimension. The philosophical- theological language creates real elements of human existence. Fear, as a fundamental experience of human existential insufficiency, is a manifestation of his response to annxiety- generating stimul (wars, disastens, pandemics) which is he records in interior experience. Since he is a transcendental being, he is capable of registering in memory phisical and spiritual suffering which is not easily accepted. Whereas the hierarchy of values is an element of man,s intellectual and moral formation. Facing anxiety, man has to find an answer because his nature is holistic. Man is haunted by an irresistable pressure to improve the world. He feels self-sufficient, despite his dependency on others. However, the fear in the face of fate, void, lack of meaning, death, paralyses our vital dynamism and limits our freedom. Physical and spiritual sufferng brings man the imperfection and helplessness. Illness brings about a sense of loneliness. Death is an experience of man’s insufficiency.
  • Miniatura
    Natura ludzka w ujęciu Rogera Scrutona w kontekście wniosków etologicznych Jerzego Chmurzyńskiego
    Perz, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    The article presents Scruton and Chmurzyński‘s views on human nature. Scruton‘s philosophical analysis and Chmurzyński‘s methodological compositionism in ethology lead the authors to similar conclusions, in opposition to the reductionist approach of sociobiology. The authors underline that the human being – as a result of biological evolution – has achieved the level unattainable even for most advanced animals. Humanity takes structure of behaviour, in which fulfilling biological imperatives is not sufficient, as there appears space for free will with ethics and aesthetics. A human being is a person who cannot be described only in biological terms. This shows that the vision of humanity presented by Scruton gains a new argument in the form of classical ethology research and conclusions formulated on the basis of it by Chmurzyński.
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    Kanoniczne środki zapobiegawcze w przypadku oskarżeń o czyny contra sextum Decalogi praeceptum z osobami małoletnimi
    Mazurkiewicz, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    The attitude of the ecclesiastical authority towards crimes „contra sextum” against children and adolescents committed by clergy should be characterized by faithful implementation of canonical norms indicated by both the general and particular legislator. Methods of responding to allegations of sexual misconduct against minors under canon law also include remedial measures. These are not a punishment in the strict sense of the word, as thesecan be applied at various stages of the proceedings against the accused. These include, first of all, dismissal, the tasks and offices of the Church, the order or prohibition of staying in a place or territory, the prohibition of public participation in the Eucharist, and their purpose is to prevent scandal, protect the freedom of witnesses and guarantee justice. These should be imposed in the form of a written order. These are administered by the ordinary. These may change in the course of the proceedings, these should be annulled when the reason for their imposition ceases to exist, but they always cease at the end of the criminal or administrative-criminal trial. In applying them, the Church superior must take into account both the interests of the alleged victims and their relatives and the rights of the accused.
  • Miniatura
    Penuria sacerdotum a powołanie diakona stałego. O pewnej fałszywej argumentacji
    Łapucha, Jarosław (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    This article constitues the voice in discussion concerning legitimacy of introducing permanent diaconate in Poland. The service of permanent deacons has been reinstated into Roman Church after ten decades. Such a decision has been taken during Second Vatican Council’s deliberations. The Council then, defined permanent diaconate as congruent and enduring hierarchic level of the Church. In Central and Eastern Europe – as well as in Poland – the service of permanent diaconate was almost entirely unknown, until the polish episcopal Conference in 2001, due to which the service of permanent deacons was introduced on the territory of Poland. Several years old presence of permanent deacons arose the discussion regarding the desideratum of implementing the office of permanent deacons in polish Church. Nonetheless, the arguments that emerge within conversation, wrongly represent the essence and character of permanent diacons service, mainly focusing on the lack of calling to ministry or the claim stating a sufficient number of the abovementioned deacons. Thus, this perspective is marked by pragmatic -functional approach disregarding theological aspect, which should be in the first place.
  • Miniatura
    Moraltheologische Überlegungen zum Umgang mit der Sünde in der Bibel
    Kuźmicki, Tadeusz (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    The moral-theological relfection on the issue of a sin in the Holy Scriptures reveals the rich semantics of the biblical understanding of human weakness and of the response to it. In the Old Testament, there is not a single concept reflecting the reality of a sin, but there are five concepts. Among them, the four most common Hebrew roots can be distinguished: ḥṭʼ (negligence of something towards God or another human being), pšʽ (the commitment of crime), ʽwn (the consequences of a sin) and ršʽ (the commitment of an offense). These variegated concepts concerning the human weakness are connected with forgiveness (salaḥ in Hebrew) as God‘s activity, with reconciliation (kpr, a Hebrew root) done thanks to the commitment of priests, as well as with the testimony of sins (jādāh in Hebrew). In the New Testament, the theme of a sin is expressed by two Greek concepts: hamartịa and adikịa. God’s forgiveness (aphesis in Greek) connected with the confession of sins (exomológesis in Greek) is the response to a sin. Both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, a sin can be committed towards God as well as towards another human being. In the New Testament, the salvific work of Jesus Christ implements a new dimension in overcoming a sin. In order to help a sinner in overcoming weaknesses, the community of the original Church introduced the practices of excommunication, as the means towards the improvement of a believer, and of the reconciliation, as the ritual of reinclusion of the penitent in the believers’ community.
  • Miniatura
    Szkic do dziejów formacji filozoficzno-teologicznej w Kościele gorzowskim w latach 1945-2020
    Kufel, Robert (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    The article is an attempt to cross-section scientific and educational activities in the Catholic Church from the beginning of its existence through the lens of scientific and educational institutions that existed in the local Church in the Regained Territories from the end of World War II to the present day. Today, the scientific tradition in the Diocese of Zielona Góra and Gorzów is nurtured by, among others, The Edith Stein Institute of Philosophy and Theology in Zielona Góra. On March 24, 2003, at the request of the Director of the Institute of Catholic Formation, Fr. Dr. Eligiusz Piotrowski, Diocesan Bishop A. Dyczkowski moved the Gorzów university to Zielona Góra and changed its name to: Institute of Philosophy and Theology (IFT) at 30 Bułgarska Street in Zielona Góra. Thus he established St. Teresa Benedicta of The Cross (Edith Stein) as the patroness of the university. The Institute was successively suborditated to: The Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wrocław, the Faculty of Theology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the Faculty of Theology of the University of Szczecin. Since May 2, 2013, IFT has been cooperating in conducting joint studies in theology with the Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wrocław.
  • Miniatura
    Zasady wspierania rodzin w posynodalnej adhortacji Amoris laetitia papieża Franciszka
    Szpoton, Szczepan (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    The purpose of this dissertation was to present the way in which the message of the exhortation Amoris laetitia helps to accompany a family on the way of its vocation. The reflection consisted of three issues. At first, the phenomenon of the crises connected with the levels of the development of the marriage bonds has been scrutinised; the personal crisis, the crises of external nature, and so called the crisis of the invincible non-sacramentality – widely discussed in the exhortation of Pope Francis. Secondly, the rules of delivering support to the families burdened with crisis arising directly from the text of the exhortation have been discussed. As the most important we admitted to be: giving the first place to the sacraments, tenderness and respect, accepting suffering, respect for the God’s autonomy, awareness of the dynamic od the evil, and the principle of the humble deriving from the people of what God had implemented in them. All these rules make us aware of diversity and complexity of the problems of married life in a broad sense. Thirdly, the role of three groups called to accompany the families on their way of “taming their crisis” has been exposed. They are: pastors, experts and other experienced married people. Their task is to deliver pastoral and professional help with growing in faith. That requires from them a skilful discernment, listening and showing that what married families struggle with is an opportunity to a more aware and mature married life. Those who undertake the task basically try to lead the families experiencing difficulties to reconciliation with themselves, with their close relatives and with God.
  • Miniatura
    Obecność tekstów biblijnych zawierających przemoc (Rdz 4-11) w wybranych podręcznikach do nauki religii
    Lemek, Katarzyna (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    The article attempts an analysis of selected religious education student textbooks and of methodology guides for teachers published after 2001 based on their interpretation of the biblical verses from Genesis 4–11. The pericopes under consideration describe the process of the spread of evil, which is manifested in subsequent acts of violence perpetrated by men, as well as reveal God who comes to rescue. The analysis of religious education materials is conducted from the perspective of the following three hermeneutic principles: historical/literary, theological, and existential.
  • Miniatura
    „Ten krzyż reprezentuje nas wszystkich”. Wolność i solidarność według Natalii Ginzburg
    Lange-Henszke, Magdalena (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    In 1988, in the pages of the left-wing daily „L’Unità”, the writer Natalia Ginzburg, an atheist of Jewish origin, involved on the side of the Italian left, speaks in defense of the presence of the crosses in classrooms. In an essay entitled Non togliete questa croce: è il segno del dolore umano, she refers to the supra-religious and supra-ideological meaning of this symbol. It reminds that it is the Christian revolution that humanity owes to the ideas of equality and solidarity, previously absent. Ginzburg recalls a catalog of values, such as tolerance and generosity, which consists in leaving another human being freedom in searching for answers to fundamental questions. What were the reasons why the writer decided to intervene in the matter of the cross? How does the defense of the Christian symbol in public space fit in with the intellectual project that she has been consistently developing since her literary debut? The article aims at answering these two fundamental questions. Moreover, it offers a Polish translation of one of the famous texts by Ginzburg, whose excellent essays remain practically unknown in Poland.
  • Miniatura
    Znaczenie i potrzeba posłuszeństwa prawu Bożemu w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II
    Król, Remigiusz (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    Autor niniejszej publikacji zwraca uwagę na fakt, że wobec szerzenia się groźnych form niesprawiedliwości społecznej i gospodarczej oraz korupcji politycznej, w naszych czasach jawi się pilna potrzeba radykalnej odnowy jednostek i społeczeństw, która byłaby zdolna zapewnić sprawiedliwość, solidarność, uczciwość i jawność. Rozwiązanie najbardziej złożonych problemów może się dokonać tylko na fundamencie prawdy w której się spotykają: najwyższe Dobro i dobro moralne. Na tej to płaszczyźnie człowiek zdobywa swą pełną tożsamość przez posłuszeństwo prawdzie transcendentnej. W tym wymiarze autor eksponuje argument, że nowoczesny totalitaryzm rodzi się z negacji transcendentnej godności osoby ludzkiej, która jest widzialnym obrazem Boga niewidzialnego i stąd, z samej swej natury, podmiotem praw, których nie może łamać i lekceważyć jednostka, grupa, klasa, naród czy państwo. Dlatego też człowiek powinien przestrzegać normy moralnej w każdej nawet najtrudniejszej sytuacji życia, „aby okazać posłuszeństwo świętemu przykazaniu Bożemu i postąpić zgodnie ze swą osobową godnością”. Ponadto autor podkreśla fakt posłuszeństwa prawu Bożemu, które ukazuje Kościół swoim wiernym oraz wszystkim ludziom dobrej woli w postawie licznych świętych mężczyzn i kobiet, którzy głosili prawdę moralną i bronili jej aż do męczeństwa bądź też woleli umrzeć niż popełnić choćby jeden grzech śmiertelny. Godnym uwagi jest fakt, że Kościół wyniósł tak wielu ludzi do chwały ołtarzy, potwierdzając tym samym ich świadectwo życia i publicznie uznając za słuszne ich przekonanie, „że miłość Boga każe bezwarunkowo przestrzegać Jego przykazań nawet w najtrudniejszych okolicznościach i nie pozwala ich łamać nawet dla ratowania własnego życia”.
  • Miniatura
    Religijność adolescentów uzależnionych od substancji psychoaktywnych, odbywających terapię w ośrodku katolickim
    Kozak, Igor (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    The topic of this article is religiousness of addicted people. It is based on a survey research, carried out in a Catholic addiction therapy centre for people aged 14 to 18. Patients of the facility, mainly boys, were examined with three tests measuring religiousness in the following aspects: emotions towards God, personal relationship with God and the consistency of religious beliefs of the addicted adolescents. The theoretical part of the article discusses the issues of the specificity of adolescence, including the development of religiosity at this stage of development and the specificity of addiction to psychoactive substances in adolescents.
  • Miniatura
    The Liberal Capitalism and the System of „Real Socialism” in the Context of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński’s Personalist Concept of Socio-Political Life
    Ficek, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    The presented article depicts the didactic and pastoral legacy of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński in the context of liberal capitalism, as well as the ideology of „real socialism”, imposed on Poland in the post-war period, and their impact on the contemporary understanding of the Christian concept of socio-political life. The exploration of the above research will be based on the analysis of source texts and, consequently, the reconstruction of Cardinal Wyszyński’s social teaching and its reinterpretation using the inductive-deductive method. A more detailed analysis of the above doctrines and their critical reinterpretation allow not only to expose their shortcomings and defects. It also enables better awareness of the endangerments of ideologically motivated promotion of extreme, often distorted concepts of the human person in the modern world’s particular realities.
  • Miniatura
    Mądrość a preferencja wyboru aktywności zaradczej u osób w późnej dorosłości
    Falewicz, Adam (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    The purpose of this article was to demonstrate the role of wisdom in explaining the preference of coping strategies to deal with daily stressful life events in late adulthood. According to Ardelt‘s research, wisdom, understood as a composite of cognitive, reflective, and affective (compassionate) components, may be a resource that empowers adults to cope proactively. A group of 86 individuals in late adulthood was studied. The following research methods were used: Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale (3D-WS) by Ardelt, adapted by Steuden, Brudek and Izdebski and The Proactive Coping Inventory (Polish Adaptation: PCI) by Sęk, Pasikowski, Taubert, Greenglass and Schwarzer. The results of the study confirm the explanatory role of wisdom for the preference of coping strategies in late adulthood. Wisdom in the affective dimension proved to be a predictor of proactive, reflective, and preventive coping and strategic planning. The affective dimension explained variability in the use of instrumental and emotional support-seeking strategies.
  • Miniatura
    Perspektywy skuteczności prawa
    Derlatka, Marek (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    Observance of the law depends more on internalization of moral and religious norms consistent with legal norms than it is a merit of binding force of the law. There is an urgent necessity to take into account the potential law effectiveness in the law – making process. The legislator‘s glaring error is the illusion of a possibility of changing each life sphere by passage next act or its amendment. In reality the law influence is more inconspicuous than it seems to the legislator. It is necessary to reconcile that law effectiveness is limited. The natural barriers of law efectiveness and human anxiety to maximization of profit, pleasure and happiness cause the overproduction of legal rules, which not always let to achieve the legislator‘s expected results.
  • Miniatura
    „Droga Synodalna” w Niemczech w dobie koronawirusa. Bilans roczny
    Chojnacki, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    The „Synodal Path”, launched in 2019 in the Catholic Church in Germany, as a forum for discussion and reflection of clergy and lay people, representatives of the hierarchy and associations, carries out detailed work on four areas of the Church’s life and activity. Established synodal commissions (forums) work on-site and online, depending on pandemic conditions. The pandemic, on the other hand, showed even more the internal and pastoral problems that the Catholic Church in Germany has been struggling with for a long time. Pope Francis is a supporter of a synodal process in the universal and local Church, in order to diagnose individual issues concerning faith and morality, so that the Church community could be more vital, with a better outlined mission and awareness of presence in the modern world. He points out, however, that the synodality of the Church cannot mean some form of parliamentarism, but must mean a common journey and listening to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. Using all methods of cognition and reasoning, discourse and dispute, the Gospel should be made more understandable, and its implementation should be aimed at seeking and finding more and more appropriate approaches to universal and permanent moral norms, so that they would better correspond to different cultural contexts, so that they would be able to better express their invariable timeliness in every historical context, so that they would allow the correct understanding and interpretation of the truth contained in them.
  • Miniatura
    Pytanie o Boga w „Pasażerce” Zofii Posmysz. Od powieści do inscenizacji operowej
    Buganik, Katarzyna (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    In the article the novel and the text of libretto written by Aleksander Miediwediew were compared in terms of the plot and narrative. The similarities and differences between the original (the novel) and its adaptation (the libretto) were discussed. The attempt of analysis of adaptive treatment done by author of the libretto, the composer and the two directors of the opera was made. The text tells about new subjects, for example: national and religious diversity of the prisoners or the theme of prayer in the camp, which were put in the libretto by the author, and which were pictured by the directors of both opera stagings (the Warsaw and the Jekaterynburg ones). Issues relating to questions about the presence of God at Auschwitz as well as moral dillemas concerning guilt and punishment for the commited evil were addressed. Itʾs a memento of the presence of religion in extreme conditions and observing oneʾs faith in a concentration camp. The comparative analysis and interpretation of both works allows for the discovery of meanings included in the works and the universal message of the texts.