Veritati et Caritati, 2016, T. 7

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    Zarys historyczny obrzędu Mandatum i jego teologia w świetle dekretu Kongregacji Kultu Bożego i Dyscypliny Sakramentów In Missa in Cena Domini
    Młynarczyk, Adam (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)
    The article presents a brief history of the formation of the rite of Washing of the Feet, which is called mandatum in the Roman liturgy. It analyses and interprets the text of the decree In Missa in Cena Domini, in which the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has changed some elements of the celebration of the rite mentioned above. The article also outlines the theological aspects of the mandatum for the theological significance of the rite can become an inspiration to instruct the faithful, aimed at a fuller experience of the liturgy of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
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    Intellige ut credas i crede ut intelligas? Kilka uwag o rozumności wiary w nauczaniu św. Augustyna
    Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)
    The teaching of St. Augustine about the relation between faith and reason should be considered in the intellectual context determined by ancient philosophy. For Plato faith is in it the beginning stage to cognition, in the Plato’s system it is crucial element relating mind and oversensual world; where Manichaeism reduces faith to mind, but scepticism questioning the value of every cognition, deprives mind of meaning and faith closes in sensual world. A point of departure for St. Augustine’s discussions is the analysis of human existence, of person who is immersed in sensual world and is blind to the light of God, which is determined by J. Ratzinger as “the situation of nonsalvation”. Faith leading a human to invisible things wakes the mind from being dulled and lets it think by giving confidence. The support which is given by faith is authority. Aspiring to understand, faith needs strengthen authority on solid because judicious bases. The reasoning of faith consists in searching God, in thinking which following the faith authority is still aspiring to understanding. That is why St. Augustine underlines that the understanding is the crowning the faith. However the situation of nonsalvation makes the faith authority leading the mind to invisible truth, order it to search using some visible things and basing on sensual forms, which are determined by St. Augustine as miracles of Christ and all Saints and especially the universality and enormity of Church. Because of it, faith in the area of St. Augustine’s teaching, a formula: intellige ut credas is unjustified, and only a thesis: crede ut intelligas can be right, because the necessary faith has to follow the understanding and to direct a person who needs salvation to the way of judicious searching God.
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    Posługa duszpasterska ks. Adama Skrzypca w parafii Krzepice w latach 1952-1966
    Kostrzewski, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)
    Fr. Adam Skrzypiec was a parish priest in Krzepice parish in 1952-1966. His initiative was to renovate bells, to buy organ, to renovate the church elevation, to found radio broadcasting and central heating, to renovate three alters. He was the main organizer of 600th anniversary of town Krzepice foundation. In spite of repressions of the national authorities, he organized the education of faith for children and youth, he let the pastoral work of the sick and organized pilgrimages and processions. The religious life of Krzepice parish was at a very high level.
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    Świętość mistyczna ludzi świeckich
    Urbański, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)
    Every Christian should aspire to perfect love and should give their testimony of holiness in the world. The essence of Christian life consists in possibly perfect obeying the Greatest Commandment. It is the communion the soul with God, which enables the person to take new way of reference to God, to a person themselves, neighbours and all creations and provokes the process of spiritual life which leads to holiness, so to mystical communion with God in love. The original love is the God’s gift instilled in Christian’s will during the Sacrament of Baptism and expresses the yearning for love. Jesus helps in this process of growing the love by enabling Christian to love Him, to devote to Him. The Christian by cooperation with Divine mercy makes love of desire perfect in aspiring to perfect love which is expressed in total devotion to God. God is the only one who person can be devoted to fully, perfectly, without existing for a person themselves. Love is a bridge between a human and God. Hence the communion with Him in love is the normal state of Christian, in which God becomes the inner source of human life and action. This total communion in love happens thanks to love cooperation with Divine mercy in the faith field. Every Christian person should approach to this communion because they are given in the Sacrament of Baptism, the gift of Love which directs all his power to Him. Mystical holiness, which is the result of love communion a human with God is achieved by the trial of cleansing. This process of love development has got two dimensions: sacrifice and communion. The result of cleansing which happens in the senses and powers is the communion of love. The mystical holiness is fulfilled in the spiritual nuptials, where the enormity of holiness is expressed in the agreement of human will with God’s will. In this devotion, the soul becomes overdivinited. It is the achievement of mystical holiness.
  • Miniatura
    Od eklezjologicznej idei do formowania wspólnoty Kościoła lokalnego. Rozdział dotyczący świeckich w uchwałach II Synodu Archidiecezji Katowickiej (2012–2016)
    Strzelczyk, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)
    The Second Synod of the Archdiocese of Katowice was held from 2012 to 2016. The second chapter of its main final document Listening to the Spirit. Resolutions of the Second Synod of the Archdiocese of Katowice concerns the lay faithful and it is a deliberate attempt to translate communion ecclesiology into practical demands relating to the life, formation and the service of the lay faithful in the Church of Katowice at the beginning of the 21st century. Firstly, the article examines how the chapter was developed (methods of the Synod’s work) and then it gives an analysis of this chapter in reference to the ecclesiological concept of the role of the lay faithful in the Church developed especially in theology in the second half of the 20th century.
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    Kościelne Dobra Kultury jako narzędzie formacji Christifideles laici przy Archiwum Diecezjalnym w Kielcach
    Kwaśniewski, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)
    In 2010-2016 the recommendations worked by Pontifical Commission for Cultural Heritage of the Church (Pontificia Commissione per and Beni Culturali della Chiesa) were used. These recommendation concern the theme determined as cultural heritage of the Church. This term determines mainly the goods kept in the Church organisations: archives, libraries and museums. Cultural heritage of the Church of Kielce includes archive materials from 13th century, liturgical manuscripts (13th-16th century), theological manuscripts (14th-15th century), sacra pieces of art from Roman times and the others. The Wincenty Kadłubek’s society of Diocesan Archive Friends in Kielce established in 2012 was used in research. There was the group of Catholic intellectuals and Catholic intelligence, 60 people in total, in this society. It realised the scientific program “The Church role as form teacher and cultural heritage guardian”. As a part of this program a lot of papers in archive studies, bibliology, the history of Kielce diocese and the Church history were presented. The School of Kielce Diocese History came into existence in 2013. The program of three – year (Kielce) and two-year (Miechow) studies gathered the group of 150 people – the history lovers. The participants of studies got involved in prayers connected with shrines of Kielce diocese: Nowy Korczyn, Szczaworyż, Grodzisko near Skała, Miechów and others. The action in the fields of shrines concerns the transmitting the historical knowledge and practising the Christian prayers and participating in the liturgical service. The pilgrimage movement was led by priests – ministers of sanctuaries. Developed model of conducting research let 200 people gathered at the archive society. Cultural heritage of the Church became the tools of laypeople formation.
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    Świeckość społeczno-polityczna w perspektywie teologicznej
    Królikowski, Janusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)
    This article, falling within a category of political theology, presents several theological introductory remarks dealing with the concept of secularity. The goal of these remarks is to highlight the necessity for active participation of theology in contemporary debate on the appropriate shaping of the concept of secularity. It depends on theology whether this notion will develop the appropriate essential shape and will become “efficient” in socio-political sphere, that is in the “place” for which it is crucial. It is also significant in terms of defining the character of Christians’ involvement into politics. Taking this into consideration, we point out to the concept of secularity in the context of contemporary emphasis on demand for political neutrality or in other words for independence of religious influence. Reason is supposed to be the only political criterion. That is why the mission of theology is to point out that such understanding of the matter is totalitarian in character and it may lead directly to the dictatorship of relativism. Reason which wishes to remain faithful to itself cannot reject its personal relation to faith. When reason acts according to its proper assumptions and rational code of conduct, and when it is an inquiring mind, it cannot be closed to faith. The dictatorship of relativism leads to the dictatorship of technocracy and finally to the fall of man and to pushing him into nihilism. It shows that it is impossible to maintain laicism without transcendence. It is confirmed by the fact that relativism and technocracy result in destruction of the concept of the fundamental human rights. On-going events show that the true secularity not only accepts or tolerates transcendence but also feels the need for it and in real terms refers to it in political and cultural choices.
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    Adwokat stały w procesie o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa
    Najgebauer, Sonia (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)
    Since the position of the stable advocate has been established, various have been used to identify the person of the lawyer who becoming settled by the court and is rewarded by the same court. Regardless of the nomenclature, what has been marked differently, was exactly the same office and the same tasks and functions were determined for it. The need of the existence of stable advocate has been recognized. The role of the stable advocate is to be support for the process party and to guarantee the right to defense. The right to defense is entitled to everyone by his natural rights. The issue of existing and importance of this role should be considered on multiple levels. Implementation of tasks and effectiveness is subject to both, the positive evaluation and criticism. The attention should be paid to the problem of a possible unprofessional approach of the people who offer help with the processes concerning marriage cancellation.
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    Pozycja obrońcy węzła małżeńskiego w kanonicznym procesie małżeńskim o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa
    Wieczorek, Michał (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)
    Benedict XIV decided that the Defender of the Bond has to be the compulsory participant of matrimonial nullity trials. Since that time, the Defender i san active participant during such trial and has to show the arguments for the validity of marriage. The article is dedicated to the position of the Defender of the Bond in the canonical matrimonial nullity trial after publishing the Pope Francis’s new motu proprio reforming the Canon Law in this matter. The study directs the reader’s attention to practical aspects of position of the Defender of the Bond.
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    Władze PRL przeciw działalności wydawniczej Instytutu Prymasowskiego Ślubów Narodu na Jasnej Górze
    Durka, Jarosław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)
    The article describes the attitude of the party and state authorities towards the activities of the Primate’s Institute of Jasna Góra Vows of the Polish Nation during the communist regime in Poland. Institute’s publishing activities were particularly repressed. The communist authorities deemed the issued materials harmful and inconsistent with the applicable law. Search and seizure of the institute’s property were done in the atmosphere of assault and forceful pacification of protestors – the faithful gathered at Jasna Góra Monastery. Persons involved in the publishing activities were finally convicted.
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    Reforma Wyższych Instytutów Nauk Religijnych
    Duda, Marian (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)
    This article shows the process of reorganisation theological studies for laypeople in The Catholic Church. It was started by the Pope Benedict XVI The Politics of Catholic Higher Religious Education (June 13th, 2008) prepared by The Congregation for Catholic Education at The Holy See. As the result it should have put into practice necessary regulations, connected with functioning this type of college on academic level. Current action of institutes, directed to the needs of the faithful aspiring to gain the theological education Has been changed Since the academic year 2011/2012. New reforms concerned among others, competence of academic authorities, academic teacher’s status and studies organisation. They included Theological Institute in Czestochowa as well, which faced to change of fitting its activity to the recommended requirements. The enclosed appendix informs about the stages of introducing these reforms to theological college. There are also 6 more import ant documents. The effeorts of scientific environment in Częstochowa were finally finished on May 3rd 2012, when the Congregation for Catholic Education (Institutes of Study) found in Czestochowa The Blessed Virgin Mary, The Seat of Wisdom’s Theological Institute.
  • Miniatura
    Kształtowanie dojrzałej osobowości religijno-moralnej jako fundament misji Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie
    Olczyk, Arkadiusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)
    The Theological Institute, and since 2012 The Blessed Virgin Mary, The Seat of Wisdom’s Theological Institute in Czestochowa, celebrates the fiftieth anniversary. This celebration is the perfect occasion to show its mission in Czestochowa Archdiocese, in Church, and in Poland. The process of teaching and formation realised for ages in TI, is based on the Christian and Personalist vision of human. The aim of formation in the institute is the promotion of morally and religiously mature Catholics, owning theological knowledge and ready to be involved in different fields of social and Church’s life: in religious education, social- formation groups, in media. Moreover, it concerns the transmitting of proper moral axiology, in order to teach students to follow in life a system of Christian values and not to give in to moral relativism propaganda. For fifty years Theological Institute in Czestochowa has remained faithful to the rules veritati et caritati, is the lively part of history of the Church of Czestochowa and fulfils the last will of its founder bp. Stefan Barela, his successor bp. Stanislaw Nowak and present bishop of Czestochowa Archdiocese, abp. Waclaw Depo.
  • Miniatura
    Ksiądz profesor Stanisław Urbański – twórca polskiej szkoły duchowości
    Kapuściński, Jacek; Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)
    Born in 1947 in the village of Kamyk, near Czestochowa, Poland. In the years 1967-1973 studied at the Czestochowa Spiritual Seminary in Krakow. 1970-1974 studied at the Pontifical Department of Theology in Krakow. 1967-1969 underwent compulsory military service at the clerical unit in Szczecin. 1973-1975 studied pastoral theology at the Pastoral Institute of the Catholic University in Lublin (KUL). 1974-1979 studied spiritual theology and moral theology at the Catholic University of Lublin. 1979-1980 he took a scientific journey to the United States. 1975 masters; 1976 theological licentiate; 1979 PhD; 1989 postdoctoral habilitation; 1989 docent; 1994 professor position; 1996 title of professor; 1998 full professor. He received numerous scientific awards, departmental and Provost. Church awards: Canon, prelate, canon of the cathedral chapter in Czestochowa; State awards: Silver and Gold Cross of Merit, the Order of Polonia Restitute. Poland’s first PhD, postdoctoral habilitation qualification and professor of spiritual theology. Since 1980 lectures at the Częstochowa Spiritual Seminary; from 1980 at the Higher Theological Institute in Częstochowa; since 2000 at the School of Christian Spirituality in Czestochowa; 1982-1986 at the Catholic University of Lublin; 1992-1996 lead the scientific seminary at the Salesian Higher Spiritual Seminary in Ląd. 1996-1997 lectured for priests of the Łomża diocese; 2007-2014 at the Primate’s Institute of Inner Life in Warsaw; 2000-2014 at the Institute of Consecrated Life and the Institute of the Apostolate of the Laity in Ołtarzew (Pallottine Priests); since 2010 at the Postgraduate School of Spiritual Leadership at the University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski (UKSW); 1992-2000 lectured at the Major Spiritual Seminary in Grodno (Belarus); 1996-2006 at the Institute of Theology in Vilnius (Lithuania); from 2011 at the Open University of UKSW; 1996-2006 at the Missionary Center in Warsaw; 2005-2006 at the Spirituality Center „Honoratianum” in Zakroczym; 2006 at the Center of Apostolate Sobriety in Zakroczym; since 1997 occasional lectures at the Bogdan Jański Academy in Warsaw; since 1982 at the Academy of Catholic Theology / University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski in Warsaw. 1980-1984 Provost of the Spiritual Seminary at the Diocese in Czestochowa; Director of the Theology Department of Spiritual Life at UKSW; acting chair of the Hagiography Department; acting chair of the Christian Mysticism Department at UKSW; Director of the Spiritual Theology department at the Higher Theological Institute in Częstochowa; 1984-2013 director of the boarding school for student priests of UKSW; from 1997 spiritual leader and member of the Senate Convention at the B. Jański Academy; member of numerous departmental, university and Senate committees of UKSW. First Dean of the Theology Department at UKSW (two terms) from 1999 to 2005; Departmental organizer during the university restructuring; 1996-1999 Deputy Dean of the Faculty. Initiator, organizer, vice-president and Committee member of the Theological Academy of Sciences (PAN); initiator and co-founder of the Section of Polish Spirituality Theologians; ordinary member and co-founder of the Spiritual Theology Association; member of the Organizing Committee of the Second World Congress of Divine Mercy (Kraków 2011); ordinary member of the Academy of God’s Mercy in Cracow; consultant for the scientific council at the Polish Bishops’ conference; member of the Częstochowa and Warsaw Branch of the Polish Theological Society; Polish Association of Theologians. As Dean of the Faculty awarded honorary doctorates to Cardinal John Paul II, Cardinal J. Glemp, A. Kozłowiecki (Zambia) and Cardinal J. Korcow (Slovakia); He established doctoral studies of spiritual theology at UKSW and at the Higher Theological Institute in Częstochowa; Postgraduate School of Spiritual Leadership (UKSW); journalism studies at the Theological Department of UKSW; School of Christian Spirituality in Częstochowa, Kalisz, Łódź, Hrodna (Belarus) and Iwano-Frankowsk (Ukraine); first in Poland to establish the Cathedral of Christian Mysticism and the Cathedral of Bioethics and Ecotheology (UKSW). In 1999 he established and chaired the first in Poland Institute of European Spirituality (UKSW) which collaborates with the Catholic association “Christian’s Civitas” in Warsaw and with a branch in Elbląg. Organized lectures, international and nationwide conferences, promoted books. In order to conduct research the Institute has established contacts with foreign centers, including “Communio in Christo” (Germany); the scientific journal “Religion and Society” Mohilev State University in Mogilev (Belarus); Catechetical Institute in Grodno (Belarus); the Franciscan Center for Eastern Europe and Northern Asia in Warsaw; the seminary in Gródek Podolski (Ukraine); the University of Cluju and Timisoara (Romania). A pioneering research on European spirituality of the West and the East are being conducted on the level of master’s and doctoral theses by students from Belarus, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Slovakia, Slovenia, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Italy, England and Austria. Especially broad pioneering research of studio and experiential mysticism of the West and the East, including experiential mysticism of Maria Theresa Linssen, published in German; mysticism of the Rhine, Spanish studio mysticism and mysticism of the East. The Institute conducted wide research among others: spirituality in the United States, spirituality of St. Teresa of Calcutta, views of A. de Mello (India), of mystic experience of blessed Mariam Baouardy (young Arab girl) from Bethlehem, mysticism of Islam. These are pioneering studies not only for the Polish science arena but in Europe and beyond. Rev. Professor S. Urbanski took several scientific trips to the former Soviet Union after the fall of communism, conducting research based on the method of “history story telling”, which consists of recording testimonies of people of faith, who lived in difficult times of persecution. The first alumni of local spiritual seminaries were there to assist him with this project. These are priceless testimonies because with the departure of these people, die vivid testimonies of their spiritual life. These studies also concern building of the European Union based on Christian values; its integration and building unity. During the first year, 19 bishops gave speeches. For the first three years, monthly lectures were organized. In cooperation with the Institute for Scientific Research, Institute of Spirituality of the Resurrection at the B. Jański Academy, Rev. Professor has organized 41 conferences in the field of spirituality in Europe, 51 conferences on European spirituality of a wider range;18 conferences on European spirituality at UKSW; he delivered 15 presentations on European spirituality; 36 presentations on European spirituality of a wider range; 19 lectures; he participated in 19 other conferences. The research resulted in the release of 8 books, 84 articles, and 12 introductions for books. It formed 26 doctoral theses, 54 master’s theses at the UKSW. Moreover, Rev. Professor initialized the book series of UKSW “European Spirituality”. He founded and chaired as director the “Study of Formation for Teachers and Catholic Educators” “Augustianum” (1999-2003) with the collaboration of the foundation of St. Augustine high school in Warsaw. The goal was among others to train teachers and educators in the pedagogic-education scope on the basis of Christian values. 146 graduated from this program. This program continues to collaborate with the Institute of Spirituality of Resurrection at the B. Jański Academy and with the Institute of Spiritual Theology of UKSW, and had released books: “Upbringing in the teachings of John Paul II, Warsaw 2000; “The teachings of John Paul II and the contemporary pedagogical axiology”, Warsaw 2008; “Paths of Christian education”, Warsaw 2008. In addition, in cooperation with the AMF Foundation “Our Way” released books: “I’m just a wanderer ... searching spirituality in the John Paul II generation”, Warsaw 2010; “The generations are ascending there” (Ps 122, 4). “In search of spiritual pilgrimage to the Holy Land”, Warsaw 2011; “Man, I’m learning about you” (J. Liebert). “In search of human spirituality”, Warsaw 2012; “Sapere Aude. Dare to be wise”(Horatio); “In the search of spiritual humanism”, Warsaw 2013. Rev. Professor also in cooperation with the AFM Foundation of “Our Way” organized 8 conferences, he wrote 7 articles, gave 2 presentations and 4 lectures. He founded and chaired as director the “School of Spirituality of Polish Communities living abroad” at the B. Jański Academy in Warsaw (2002). The activities focus on researching the Polish communities in California and the spirituality of Poles in areas of the former Soviet Union (Belarus, Lithuania, and Ukraine). This research collaborates with the Institute of Spirituality of Resurrection. They organized a number of conferences: Polish-Belarusian, Polish-Lithuanian and especially Polish-Ukrainian in Chełm. Cooperation with research centers in Belarus, Lithuania and Ukraine. For this work he received numerous awards. Especially rich are the activities of Rev. Professor among the Polish community in California. He wrote articles for Polish community magazines. In the years 1992-2000 he was the co-organizer and co-worker for the monthly magazine “Courier of Poland” established by the Polish American Congress of Southern California. He broadcasted numerous speeches on the Polish Radio station “Our Radio”. For the members of the polish community he released a few books about Polish saints, about John Paul II, about Saint Faustina (in English). In Yorba Linda he foun ded the Movement of the Knights of Devine Mercy and “Faustinum”. He wrote 77 articles for magazines in the Polish communities, had 31 radio broadcasts, and 83 lectures. He received numerous distinctions and prizes for his activities and research from the Polish American Congress and the consul of Poland in Los Angeles. Rev. Professor is the first Polish theologian who became interested in Polish spirituality and started research. Pioneering discovery of the Polish school of spirituality: School of Resurrection started the largest study of Polish spirituality. Therefore Rev. Professor founded and chaired as director the Institute of Resurrection Spirituality at the B. Jański Academy (1998). The Institute is conducting pioneering very intense and creative exploratory research activities in the field of the discovered school. Additionally a wider scope of research is being conducted like Christian values, the ethical attitude of entrepreneurs, work ethics, issues of the philosophy and axiology etc. In addition, as the spiritual supervisor he leads a broad spiritual formation for staff and students; every academic year he develops a formation program, for example: Year of National Service, Year of Jański, Year of the Community, Year of the Family, Year of Evangelization of Scientists, Year of Politician Responsibilities, etc. Several School staff members, in the amount of 40 participated in these studies. They researched at the school of resurrection, covering about 82 topics. The research is published by the established magazines: “Emmaus-2000”, “Emmaus”, “Management and Education”, outside the School: “Holy Places”, “Collegiate Signature” (Pułtusk). Employees of the School have published 108 articles in the field of spirituality of the School of Resurrection. They established 13 theses. Research of Rev. Professor in the field of spirituality of the School of Resurrection is published in: 26 books, 57 articles, 9 encyclopedia entries, 16 introductions, 80 popular scientific articles, 109 different formation studies for the School, 18 interviews, and 39 reports. Rev. Professor organized and co-organized 111 conferences, delivered 57 presentations and 70 lectures; participated in 17 other conferences, he is the scientific consultant of 10 books, and substantive editor of 20 books. Rev. Professor is the co-founder of the scientific journal “Management and Education” and popular science: “Emmaus-2000” and “Emmaus”. He established a series of publications: “Education in the teachings of the Church”, which consisted of 18 books and “Jański – into the future” – 6 items. It should be mentioned that under the guidance of Rev. Professor there were developed teachings of John Paul II about universities, edu cation, politics, science, for managers, for Polish scholars (8 volumes). Co-founder and member of the Scientific Council of the first scientific journal in Belarus; “Studies Grodnensia” and member of 14 scientific councils of other magazines. Co-initiator of the appointment: “Christianity and Ecological Education” (UKSW) and “Theological Studies of the Academy of Sciences – PAN” (Warsaw); co-founder: “Management and Education” B. Jański Academy. He established a series of publications at UKSW: “The Polish Mysticism” – 150 books; “Spirituality of Europe” – 5 books; at the B. Jański Academy: “Education in the teaching of the Church” – 18 books; “Jański – into the future” – 6 books; co-editor of the series “Foundation AMF Our Way” – 6 volumes. The pioneering discoveries of Rev. Professor, as already known in the first place, relate to the discovery of the Polish school of spirituality: school of Resurrection. In addition, he discovered the Polish school of the congregations of Blessed Honorat; Marian school (Saint S. Papczyński); Capuchin school of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century; school of Benedictine nuns (M. Mortęska).These are the first innovative researches relating to the source. These schools have played an important role in the spirituality of the Polish nation. Extensive pioneering research on Polish mysticism. Rev. Professor discovered five periods of the Polish “golden mystique”. I. From the twelfth to the seventeenth century; II. The seventeenth century; III. During the eighteenth century and the first half of the nineteenth century; IV. The second half of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century; V. XX interwar period. He conducts extensive pioneering research about the mysticism during those individual periods, of the mystics, about the mystical study and experiential mysticism. To say, that mystic experience aims to the total unification with God, means that he is ready at His disposal in an act of love in response to His love. Pioneering and innovative research on the Polish experiential mysticism, of Polish mystics. He discovered numerous groups of Polish mystics: of nuns and lay people. He developed experiential mysticism based on the 400th anniversary of the Bernardine sisters. He developed a pioneering and highly original description of the mystical life of Saint Faustina. Two editions were translated into Russian and English. Also excellent is the development of mysticism of mercy according to Saint Faustina. For these studies he received the prize of Skowyrów at the Catholic University of Lublin. He developed for the first time, the socalled experiential mysticism of women. In this experiential mysticism courageously he paid attention to the supernatural action in the psyche of man. Therefore, he is analyzing nights of darkness in the life of in dividual mystics, as the crucial element of the process of mystical life, preparing for accepting Gods action. He is dedicating a lot of attention to this issue. Even though he is giving examples of mystics, however, it is not dry referencing, but he provides his own original interpretation. So he isn’t dealing with the theology of the report. He discovered for the first time mystique message (message of), that is the message that Jesus passes through the mystics. He created a new concept of spiritual life. The spiritual life is not only an ascetic life, religious and moral. It is the basic foundation of spiritual life. Therefore, he developed the concept of dynamic spiritual life. It is a process and development of theological virtues from the moment of baptism until the mystical union with God in love (holiness).The development of the love of God and neighbor is the process of spiritual life. Therefore, spiritual life has a mystical dimension. We are dealing here with deep bond which exists between the bridegroom and the bride. Maximum love of God and love flowing from the love of neighbor is the process of holiness and Christian purpose of life. Because Homo Novus knows that God is Love, is Communio Personarum, which is why we can suggest that the mystical life of the new man, with his mystical experience is a constant penetration in the history of God’s love and the love of man to God. It is only in love, which is a personal relationship, it manifests itself the reality of the true God; the adventure of this amorous reality deliver the confessions of saints; the experience of experiential mysticism. That is why mystic and mystical experience is a specific area of action of the Holy Spirit; is the sacramental formation, which is not possible by only human forces. Such a mystique, a mystical experience is called by Rev. Professor “mystical fullness of the new man”. The task of man is not gaining of heroic virtues, but the achievement of an internal state of holiness. Therefore, it is giving an innovative definition of mysticism, the first in the theological literature. Courageously and rightly he writes that the mystic should take the helm of the civilization process and guide it so that each “new” mystical man could create a new type of mystical environment on the Earth, a new civilization of love on earth. Mystics are the best ministers of finance, will not embezzle any cent. Mystics are titans of work and prayer. The mystic does not complain about work, they do not know any fashionable today in the psychology of “burnout”. Hence, he devoted much attention to the studio mysticism, to show the development of the mystical life from the moment of spiritual baptism. This is an innovative concept, underpinned on the mystical tradition of the Church. It expresses the spiritual transformation of the Christian as an entity that develops his spiritual life until the mystical union with God in love. It is about the process of the sanctity, which is reached by mystical union with God, which is done through cooperation with supernatural gifts. Ignorance of this process brings to the mystical life to devotional practices that are designed to help in this process, and not be a target for the purpose. He draws attention to the danger of therapy, psychology, which completely rejects the spiritual formation of Christians. Spiritual life takes place in a constant voltage of mysticism and mystery, the rejection of the mystery leads mysticism to false tracks, it means: far away from the teaching of the Church. Mystical life must be the development of supernatural gifts, is a life in Christ. The highlight of Christian mysticism is open to Christ, because only in Him and through Him man recognizes True God and the dignity and value of itself as individuals. That love is the reason infinitely perfect life, which is in God because the most a perfect definition of God is Love. Such an understanding of love grips to perform works of charity. Mercy is expressed in three terms: attention in relation to needy, in compassion and in action. Fr. Professor originally developed the mystical experience that differs from religious experience. You could say that it has an open attitude to Christ and, therefore, must be widely open to the love of neighbor. You have to love Christ in every person. It has also a very real insight into the lived joy and suffering. You cannot follow Christ without a cross. He created a so called. “Method of content”, that is, research that relies on the analysis of content sources, especially on experiential mysticism and allows you to explore the development of the spiritual life of individuals and their personal way of holiness. You can talk about “supernatural phenomenology”, or phenomenological induction and deduction, which allows you to capture the process of man’s spiritual life based on the experiential mysticism in light of studio mysticism. Rev. Professor at first was dealing with the innovative study of Eco theology of the spirituality. The ecological spirituality is regarding the conservation of nature, the forming of the environment, as the place of the development of the spiritual man. It is a pioneering spurt of research because a man cannot exist or create beyond the natural world. He established the first Cathedral of Bioethics and Eco theology (UKSW). The scope of research is much broader, e.g. it covers the issues of formation, different stages of spirituality, prayer, spiritual leadership, sects, religion groups, false spiritual ideas of God, spirituality of Caritas, of soldier, of scout, spirituality of religious movements, of ecumenism, of culture, of politics, of media, of globalism, of communion, of education, of university, of entrepreneurs (a businessman), of the poor, spirituality of women and of fatherhood. Rev. Professor created a school of spiritual theology. Pioneering and innovative research portrayed above in the large outline are representing the concept of this school. This is confirmed by tremendous achievements. Some items have been translated into foreign languages. 84 books – author, co-author, editor; 427 scientific articles; 134 entries and biographies; 146 introductions; 4 scripts; 365 articles of popular science; 157 scientific reviews; 112 publishing reviews; 53 reports; 3 announcements; 170 different studies; 104 interviews; 40 broadcasts and speeches on the radio. 6 beatification reviews at the diocesan level; 40 reviews for the position and the title of professor; 16 reviews of postdoctoral habilitation work; 106 reviews of doctoral dissertations and 635 master’s theses. The promoter of 70 doctoral dissertations; 111 master’s theses 53 promotion of books; organizer, co-organizer of 103 conferences at UKSW;117 conferences at the B. Jański Academy; He participated in 87 different conferences; co-organized 6 Weeks of Christian Spirituality in Czestochowa; gave 228 presentations; 282 occasional lectures; scientific consultant to 18 books; content editor of 58 books.
  • Miniatura
    Osiągnięcia naukowe wykładowców Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie
    Kapuściński, Jacek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)
  • Miniatura
    Stan badań nad dziejami Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie
    Kapuściński, Jacek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)
    Theological Institute in Czestochowa celebrates in 2016 the 50th anniversary. Throughout the years 10 historical studies have been written to present the history of this college. After reading these works there is a picture of complicated legislative way which the authorities of diocese should have overcome to create from the scientific organisation (Secretary of Ecumenical Council Documentation) the college using the following titles one by one: Study of Ecumenical Council Documentation, Institute of Ecumenical Council Documentation, and finally Theological Institute. The first historical study was written by fr. prof. Stanisław Grzybek in 1991. Throughout the years fr. prof. Jan Kowalski (2000), fr. phd. Paweł Wolnicki (2006 and 2011) and fr. prof. Jan Związek (2009) took the research on this matter. All these works are very valuable in historical respect, because they are based on source materials and were used as a base by writing the next studies of this type, both scientific: fr. Jerzy Duchniewski, fr. Jan Walkusz (1997), fr. Władysław Piotr Wlaźlak (2014), fr. Jacek Kapuściński (2015), and scientific for the general public: fr. Mariusz Frukacz (2008), Beata Stypułkowska (2016). The publishing initiatives showed above reflect on extended historiography of Theological Institute in Czestochowa, despite the fact that they appeared in last 25 years.
  • Miniatura
    Wykaz prac magisterskich napisanych na seminariach naukowych w Wyższym Instytucie Teologicznym w Częstochowie i obronionych w latach 1981-2016
    Stypułkowska, Beata (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)
  • Miniatura
  • Miniatura
    Andrzej Kubicki, Z przeszłości Mstowa. Notatki kronikarskie od średniowiecza do 1939 roku, Częstochowa 2016, ss. 204.
    Związek, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)
  • Miniatura
    Ks. Leszek Misiarczyk, Egzorcyzmy w Kościele starożytnym od I do III wieku, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Warszawa 2015, ss. 407.
    Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)
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