Studia Ełckie, 2020, T. 22, nr 4

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  • Miniatura
    Relación entre la Santa Sede y el Estado Boliviano segùn los acuerdos bilaterales firmados por ambas partes
    Cimochowski, Sławomir (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2020)
    This article analyzes the relations between the Holy See and the Bolivian State based on the bilateral agreements signed between both parties. It also aims to mark the historical context of international treaties and their consequences for history, for bilateral relations and for today. It also investigates the new Bolivian state constitution of 2009 if it offers the faithful basic religious liberties to practice and manifest their faith publicly. It also shows us how we can use the basic human rights, subscribed in the international bilateral agreements, recognized by the state, to protect and preserve our rights to express and protect our faith.
  • Miniatura
    Jan XXIII. Papież odnowy Kościoła
    Rabczyński, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2020)
    The canonization of Pope John XXIII, which took place on the 27th of April 2014, caused many commentators of the Church and theologians to reconsider his life and work. The greatness of this Bishop of Rome shows particularly in his work on the renewal of the Church. Owing to the Good Pope, as he was often referred to, the Church opened itself to the contemporary world and started a dialogue with it, but also met with it and offered a clear answer to the problems of individual people and the whole of mankind. Throughout his short, nearly 5-year-long pontificate (1958-1963) the Bishop of Rome managed to transform the image of the Church and propose concrete projects of the new organization of the society. There are two characteristic and closely related elements of the ecclesial renewal in the papal teachings: the modernization of the Church and reading the signs of the times. Without permanent modernization the Church cannot effectively fulfil its mission of continuing Christ’s work and preaching the Good News of salvation. John XXIII looked optimistically on contemporary processes and perceived God’s intentions revealed through them – the signs of the times which are the characteristic features of an epoch transpiring in the course of history. Discerning the signs of the times is a necessary condition for the Church to understand the ever changing reality of the world to which it is sent. The most important event of John XXIII’s pontificate was the preparation and convention of the Second Vatican Council.
  • Miniatura
    The Transcendence of Love According to St. Thomas Aquinas
    Wright, Michael Mary (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2020)
    The writings of the saints speak against self-love as a hindrance to friendship with God, while Aristotle speaks of self-love as the basis for virtuous friendship. What causes this apparent discrepancy? Not only is there a difference between good and bad self-love, such that bad self-love must be eradicated, but there is also the cessation of the act of good self-love as the soul progresses spiritually. Then only the love for God remains in act within the perfection of charity and Union with God.
  • Miniatura
    New Man in the Teaching of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski
    Bednarczyk, Rafał (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2020)
    The times of the Second World War led to a deep degradation of human dignity. In addition, the communist decades in Poland also gave the humans lost their dignity, which was associated with numerous abuses of power and violations of human rights. The Primate Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, who headed the Church in Poland, proposed in the context of the program called ‘The Great Novena ’the religious and moral renewal of Poles. In that way in the years 1957-1965 it was the main aim to prepare people for the celebration of the millennium of the Baptism of Poland. The essence of this program The Great Novena was to rebuild the sense of dignity of the believers who is not afraid to profess and practice his faith, keeping the moral virtues. In this way, the Primate wanted to bring up a “new man” who had a sense of his own dignity, who respected the traditional national values, caring the family life and he is sensitive to other people and common good. In many points the program the Primate was against of the communist policy of that time which breaks the pillars of social life (such as freedom of speech, the right of association, the freedom of conscience, the values of truth and law) and building the new corresponding to the concept of an atheistic socialist state. Thanks to the wide response of the Polish society and the personal involvement of Primate Stefan Wyszynski, the Great Novena program allowed to be strengthen the Catholic Church in Poland, but also brought up the Solidarity generation.
  • Miniatura
    Pomocniczość jako zasada przyznawania świadczeń z systemu pomocy społecznej. Perspektywa pedagogiczna
    Regulska, Agnieszka (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2020)
    In our times by design a subsidiarity to which many fields of study are appealing, is fundamentals of the social order especially from the field of the social science and legal. On land of pedagogy categories of the subsidiarity and the help were also developed, their theoretical assumptions along with the practical implications. This notion was settled not only in the context of pedagogy, but also the social policy adjusting tasks and functioning of the system of the welfare. Exactly a subsidiarity understood as the prevention is nature of the contemporary welfare, and in the time withdrawal of situations justifying using from the welfare, supporting persons and families in efforts aiming at satisfying the essential needs and enables them to live in conditions suiting the human dignity. Therefore the kind, the form and the size of benefits should be suitable for the difficult situation of the practical person or the family which is justifying providing assistance.
  • Miniatura
    Duszpasterstwo miejskie w Polsce w kontekście nawrócenia pastoralnego i duszpasterstwa misyjnego
    Wielebski, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2020)
    In his apostolic exhortation Evangelii gaudium, in which Pope Francis wrote about some of the modern world challenges, he pointed out to the challenges for urban cultures emphasizing the fact, that “the new cultures (…) constantly being born in these vast new expanses where Christians are no longer the customary interpreters or generators of meaning” along with changes undergoing there “create are a privileged locus of the new evangelization” (EG 73). The Pope also noted that “this challenges us to imagine innovative spaces and possibilities for prayer and communion which are more attractive and meaningful for city dwellers” (ibidem). Responding to the Pope’s appeal, the author of this article addresses the issue of the future of the pastoral ministry carried out in the cities in the spirit of the pastoral conversion and missionary pastoral ministry (EG 25; 33-35). at the beginning, he presents the chosen sociological determinants concerning the urban pastoral ministry (1), then he describes the theological grounds of the urban pastoral ministry, pointing out to the teaching of the Magisterium regarding the pastoral conversion and missionary pastoral ministry (2). The final result of his reflections is depicting the lines of action which would lead to the renewal and development of the pastoral ministry in the cities in Poland (3).
  • Miniatura
    Szkolne lekcje religii w dobie zdalnego nauczania
    Kopiczko, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2020)
    The analysis of the issue of school religion lessons, implemented in the distance learning system, allows for the formulation of the following conclusions. First, it should be remembered that the school religion class is part of catechesis. In Polish pastoral conditions, it can be said that it is even a valuable and important element of it. Secondly, while implementing remote teaching of religion lessons, the priority is still the goal and tasks of catechesis, which implement the care for mature faith. Thirdly, the teacher of religion (catechist) should be competent in the field of the latest information techniques, and at the same time should be faithful to the kerygma. Fourthly, a teacher of religion (catechist) should take care of independent preparation of classes, appropriate selection of content, cooperation with parents, as well as be systematic and consistent.
  • Miniatura
    Katecheta wymagający – rola wymagań w posłudze katechetycznej na podstawie nauczania św. Jana Pawła II
    Rayzacher-Majewska, Aneta (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2020)
    Requirements in the modern world are not popular – also on the basis of teaching. However, as Pope John Paul II often emphasized, one should demand from oneself even when others will not demand. These words should include catechists in their work. They are supposed to demand from students, remembering to be demanding towards themselves. Requirements cannot be detached from love. Only a kind teacher who is kind to the student carefully guides the development of the pupil. The issue of teaching requirements – including religious teaching – is important today because of the language of record of purposes. It focuses on knowledge and skills requirements. Catechists additionally in the latest program assumptions have indications regarding attitudes shaped in the catechetical process. Both in the parish and at school, the demanding catechist – from himself and from others – is a credible witness to the truths he proclaims.
  • Miniatura
    Bibliografia piśmiennictwa duchowieństwa diecezji ełckiej w latach 1992-2017 (ks. Stanisław Jóźwiak, ks. Tomasz Orłowski, ks. Jacek Uchan)
    Guzewicz, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2020)
    The article presents the literary output of three priests of the Ełk diocese (Stanisław Jóźwiak, Tomasz Orłowski, Jacek Uchan), representing one of the disciplines of theological sciences – moral theology. The bibliography concerns the years 1992-2017.