Pomocniczość jako zasada przyznawania świadczeń z systemu pomocy społecznej. Perspektywa pedagogiczna




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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum


In our times by design a subsidiarity to which many fields of study are appealing, is fundamentals of the social order especially from the field of the social science and legal. On land of pedagogy categories of the subsidiarity and the help were also developed, their theoretical assumptions along with the practical implications. This notion was settled not only in the context of pedagogy, but also the social policy adjusting tasks and functioning of the system of the welfare. Exactly a subsidiarity understood as the prevention is nature of the contemporary welfare, and in the time withdrawal of situations justifying using from the welfare, supporting persons and families in efforts aiming at satisfying the essential needs and enables them to live in conditions suiting the human dignity. Therefore the kind, the form and the size of benefits should be suitable for the difficult situation of the practical person or the family which is justifying providing assistance.


Słowa kluczowe

principle of subsidiarity, welfare, family, support, zasada pomocniczości, dobrobyt, rodzina, wsparcie, pedagogika, pedagogy, świadczenia społeczne, social benefits, system pomocy społecznej, social assistance system, pomoc rodzinie, family assistance, pomoc socjalna, public assistance, pomocniczość, subsidiarity


Studia Ełckie, 2020, T. 22, nr 4, s. 469-479.


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