Gloriam praecedit humilitas (Prz 15,33). Księga Pamiątkowa dla Księdza Profesora Antoniego Troniny w 70. rocznicę urodzin

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Gloriam praecedit humilitas (Prz 15,33). Księga Pamiątkowa dla Księdza Profesora Antoniego Troniny w 70. rocznicę urodzin, red. Mariusz Szmajdziński, Częstochowa 2015.


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    Słowo wstępne
    Szmajdziński, Mariusz; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
  • Miniatura
    Gloriam praecedit humilitas. Biografia Księdza Profesora Antoniego Troniny
    Szmajdziński, Mariusz; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
  • Miniatura
    Wykaz publikacji Księdza Profesora Antoniego Troniny
    Szmajdziński, Mariusz; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
  • Miniatura
    Prace dyplomowe napisane pod kierunkiem Księdza Profesora Antoniego Troniny oraz prace recenzowane
    Szmajdziński, Mariusz; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
  • Miniatura
    Rozumieć i tłumaczyć tetragrammaton
    Baraniak, Marek; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    The Hebrew theonym, YHWH (JHWH), written as the four consonants transliterated to Latin letters, is considered to be a proper name of the God used in the Hebrew Bible. Although it is not certain when the Tetragrammaton ceased to be pronounced in this form, ultimately, the lack of its use resulted in uncertainty over the tradition of vowel sounds in the name and hence in its meaning. The magic-letter theory developed by J.M. Hoffman accounts for the lack of etymological derivation for YHWH by specifically claiming that the Hebrews appreciated the value of their newly-found vowel letters [i.e. matres lectionis: waw, he, yod]. The Hebrew writers, by the connection between the name of God and the vowel letters, seem to tie the idea of heno/monotheism to their works. It must have been overlooked that the names had meaning, just as words do. When the Israelites saw the Tetragrammaton – YHWH, they saw it as a reference to their God. In some contexts, certain connotations of YHWH are essential to the meaning of the text, while in other contexts, YHWH should be transliterated as a sign. Elsewhere still, only the word “God” could be substituted without any loss of meaning. There is no conclusive early evidence that this form was ever pronounced “Yahweh”, but there is plenty of evidence for similar theophoric elements in proper names in the Hebrew Bible and in early Hebrew epigraphic, thus indicating that the Tetragrammaton YHWH had its own vocalized form which religious tradition has preserved. Similarly, the phonetic transcriptions of the Tetragrammaton presented in some Greek and Latin texts from the pre-Massoretic period, bear witness to pronunciation strictly associated with the letters of the Tetragrammaton (i.e. ’Ieuô, ’Iabe). In conclusion, it is possible to propose the understanding of the Tetragrammaton as the word for the sign describing God’s character, but not necessarily his proper name.
  • Miniatura
    Nierozerwalność małżeństwa w Starym Testamencie
    Basiuk, Maciej; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    When asked about the possibility of divorcing wife, Jesus answered Pharisees: “Because of your hardness of heart, Moses permitted you to divorce your wives; but from the beginning it has not been this way” (Matt. 19:8). The Old Testament texts, beginning from Genesis, through Prophets and to the wisdom literature, prove that indeed the ideal marriage planned by God was indissoluble.
  • Miniatura
    Teofania inaugurująca Deuteroizajasza (Iz 40,1-11)
    Brzegowy, Tadeusz; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    An analysis of the structure of Isa 40 allows us to state that the verses 1-11 are the first literary unit of it. This poetic piece of Deutero- Isaiah is not easy to define in terms of genre. Frequently defining it as a story about the prophetic vocation is not satisfying because the character is very faintly visible. Similarly, defining a vision of God’s divinity or court shares the same difficulties. The centre of this part (v. 5) is about the revelation of the glory of Yahweh (kāḇôḏ YHWH), and at the end of the text, the Lord personally traveling to Zion as a Shepherd and Warrior. Throughout the whole story, one can continually hear the voice of the Lord (qôl), which means his speech and presence. This personal presence of Yahweh is shown by his breath, face, shoulder and lap (vv. 10-11). As Ps 114 shows the first Exodus as the great glory of Yahweh of Israel traveling from Egypt to the Promised Land, so the Second Isaiah writes about getting back the glory of Yahweh from Babylon to Zion at the head of the redeemed people. This Theophany will have its definitive fulfillment in the New Testament when the “voice from heaven” (ek fonē tôn ouranôn) will present Israel’s true Redeemer, the Lord’s Servant, Jesus (Mk 1:11).
  • Miniatura
    Tekst i interpretacja Psalmu 22,17c. Przyczynek do historii masoreckiego tekstu Biblii Hebrajskiej
    Chrostowski, Waldemar; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    The Masoretic text of Ps 22:17c with the expression “like a lion” (very strange in this context) differs from the LXX translation giving the expression “they pierced”. Christian translators generally follow the LXX reading, choosing the messianic interpretation of the passage. The question arises, what was the Hebrew original: did the original word end with a waw or a yod? The Masorah itself gives some help in answering this question, and especially helpful is the fragment of Ps 22 in the Nachal Chever text. The masoretic reading of Ps 22:17c consists of an example of the intended changes introduced by rabbis as the elements of their anti-Christian interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, removing here any possible reference to the crucifixion of Jesus.
  • Miniatura
    Troska o przybyszów i bezdomnych w Biblii
    Dąbek, Tomasz Maria; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    Quoted biblical texts of the Old and New Testaments show homelessness as a consequence of the free choice to leave for God no current place in one’s life situation and the loss of security related with that. Moreover, homelessness is presented as a punishment for sins, as a consequence of misdeeds or as a result of circumstances that are not in the control of the person experiencing it. The texts call us to help the needy, including the homeless. They reminded Israelites of their stay in the foreign country, Egypt. The New Testament teaches us that we are all pilgrims in the way to heaven. During the Last Judgment, sensitivity to the poor will be an important criterion. The Supreme Judge will identify himself with the poor. The man in a difficult situation (homeless) may realize that life on earth is not the end. Eternity depends on our present deeds. One can atone for mistakes by accepting the difficulties of one’s current life. They may be the result of previous bad choices. If one accepts them in peace, he may become a participant in the suffering of Christ and prepare to share his eternal joy.
  • Miniatura
    Obraz Jezusa Chrystusa w hymnach pasyjnych Pierwszego Listu św. Piotra
    Jaromin, Joanna; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    The Passion hymns presented in St. Peter’s First Letter (1:18- 21; 2:21-25; 3:18-22) focus on the passion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The first hymn primarily emphasizes the saving value of the suffering of Jesus and the truth of His resurrection. It presents Jesus as an innocent paschal lamb. It also indicates the pre-existence and worship of God. The second hymn emphasizes the attitude of Jesus according to the model of Isaiah’s suffering servant, Yahweh. The author shows first the sufferings of Jesus as an example for Christians suffering innocently and then underlines their sense of salvation. The third hymn stresses once again the fruits of passion and death of Jesus and His resurrection and emphasizes His pre-existence one more time. The Passion hymns show on the one hand the theology of the Passion of Christ, and on the other hand they also emphasize the importance of the resurrection and exaltation of Christ.
  • Miniatura
    Wschodnia brama zewnętrzna (Ez 40,6-16; 44,1-3)
    Jasiński, Andrzej; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    Ezekiel is one of Israel’s greatest prophets and theologians. The central event of Ezekiel’s ministry and the starting point of his theology was the fall of Jerusalem. The main aim of chapters 40-48 is to present an ideal picture of Jerusalem, the temple and the land of Israel in which Yahweh lives in harmony with his people. In Ez 40:6-16 we are told what was to be expected in view of man’s position at the gate, namely the measurement of the gate structure by which access was to be gained to the temple area. After the total measuring of the gate, Ezekiel provides two further details concerning the lighting and the decoration of the interior of the gate. In Ez 44:1-3, the prophet continues the temple tour from the preceding chapters (Ez 40-43). Ezekiel is impressed by the sight of the closed east gate. He declares, because Yahweh has passed through this gate, that it is henceforth barred to all human traffic. Yahweh will reside among the descendants of Israel forever. No enemy, either human or divine, will ever crash his sacred residence or remove him from his throne. Only Yahweh may enter from the outside.
  • Miniatura
    Mojżesz, Gilgamesz i rozwój pisarskich kompozycji
    Jasnos, Renata; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    Books of the Hebrew Bible were shaped in accordance with the customs of the ancient Near Eastern art of writing. This process differs from the assumptions of the Redaction Criticism and certainly does not have an analogy with contemporary writing processes. The composition, which is the Pentateuch of Moses, was formed, to some extent, similarly to Sumerian-Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh. This is evidenced by the characteristics of the composition, which was created in the way of specific writing activities.
  • Miniatura
    Tło początków Izraela
    Jelonek, Tomasz; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    In our conception the beginning of the Israel we will take by leaving the Egypt by a group of the Semitic slaves, whose more far fates will bring to the rise of ethnic community defined the name of the Israel. Leaving the Egypt took place in very characteristic circumstances which in the biblical interpretation were named by plagues sent by the God. Pointing the attention on the historical conditions of event itself and its interpretation, we enquire to the conviction that it concern the powerful geological cataclysm, which was the eruption of a volcano in the Aegean Sea. The same eruption began the end of the Minoan civilization, which echoes of tradition holds in the story of Atlantis, which are the source of the Plato’s dialogues. This is for the special moment, we should notice, that this convergence ennobles the being of the Israel within the universal civilization. From the beginning Israel itself is found in the essential and important moment of the mankind history. This observation possesses not only the historical, but the theological value, which is worth to be considering.
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    Słowo Boże kształtujące wspólnotę wierzących. Sięgając do bogactwa treści adhortacji Verbum Domini
    Jezierska, Ewa; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    The text highlights the role of the Word of God (in both the Old and the New Testaments) in shaping up the community of the faithful. This study is based upon the reflections of Pope Benedict XVI presented in his Apostolic Exhortation, Verbum Domini. Similar reflections appear in the teachings of the Holy Father Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii gaudium. The influence of the Word of God upon shaping up the community of the faithful is no less significant in the Church today.
  • Miniatura
    Qumran a Nowy Testament. Rzut okiem na historię badań w latach 1948-2015
    Kapera, Zdzisław; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    This is a summary presentation of studies on the subject of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament. The following periods were distinguished: (1) pre-Qumran, (2) years of excitement and fascination with the newly discovered scrolls (1948-1952), (3) the search for parallels (1953-1977), (4) the third battle of the scrolls and temporary abandonment of the field of research (1978-1990), (5) liberation of scrolls and prompt extension of research (1991-2000), (6) new directions of research and new scholarly tools (2000-2015). The results of the work of Polish biblical scholars are signaled briefly in the description of each period. At least a few publications are worth mentioning: Rev. Prof. Eugeniusz Dąbrowski’s synthesis on the subject (1960), Archbishop Henryk Muszyński’s monograph on thémelios (Fundament, Bild und Metapher in den Handschriften aus Qumran, Rome 1975), and Rev. Prof. Lech R. Stachowiak’s scattered studies on the ethics of St. Paul in the light of the Qumran texts. The matter of the scrolls and the New Testament was also discussed in numerous papers delivered at the International Qumran Colloquia in Mogilany and Cracow (1987-1996), at a colloquium in Lublin (The Catholic University, 2007) and at the sole special conference on Qumran and the New Testament organized at The Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw (2005). The article ends with general remarks on the Qumran documents as an irreplaceable corpus of texts from the time of Jesus’ nativity. They make it possible to reconstruct the Halakhah, calendar, feasts, and customs of contemporary Judaean society. They acquaint us with the Jewish apocalypse, wisdom, eschatology, and messianic ideas, revealing their views on the afterlife, angels and demons. On the basis of results obtained so far, we can speak about (as Jörg Frey does) “the fundamental Jewishness” of the New Testament texts.
  • Miniatura
    Katechetyczna interpretacja i aktualizacja orędzia nadziei
    Kochel, Jan; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    The article is an attempt at interpretive catechesis and revision of the address of hope included in the Apocalypse of St. John. The starting point is the blessing addressed to the lector (teacher) being the reader and guardian of the teachings and the listener (disciple). The catechesis of hope is reflected in the catechesis about happiness, the penance catechesis and evangelization catechesis, which is supposed to be new, not in terms of its content but in terms of fervour and means of expression. The address of hope, included in the last book of the Bible, evokes the image of an angel announcing to the world “the eternal Gospel” (14:6). The flying angel is the synonym of engagement in preaching the Gospel addressed to the people of all nations, generations, tongues and tribes and spread all over the Earth “so that all nations will hear it” (Mt 24:14-15). The eternal and essential nature of the address concentrates on Christ himself, who – as St. John Paul II taught us – “is to be known, loved and imitated, so that in him we may live the life of the Trinity, and with him transform history until its fulfilment in the heavenly Jerusalem” (NMI 29; cf. Ap 21:9-27). This invariable programme included in the Bible is the ultimate purpose and mission of catechesis, which should “put people (disciples) not only in touch but in communion (in intimacy) with Jesus Christ: “Only He can lead us to the love of the Father in the Spirit and make us share in the life of the Holy Trinity” (CT 5).
  • Miniatura
    Trędowaty, jego choroba i status w świetle nauki Kpł 13,1-14,57
    Kowalik, Krzysztof; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    The article discusses the legal provisions of the Leviticus ritual lepers. The first part addresses the matter of understanding disease in the Bible, showing its relationship with human sin. It speaks about the relationship of the disease with God and the world of demons. The second part presents the biblical terminology for leprosy. It indicates that the Bible understands leprosy as various skin diseases. Further, it discusses the presented cases of leprosy and groups them clearly into the classifications of a patient with leprosy as ritually impure or pure. It also indicates ambiguous situations, stressing that the exclusion element indicates a leper as standing on the border of death, deprived of participation in God’s promises. The last section shows the steps which led to the ritual cleansing of the leper. It shows the course of the rite of purification and sacrifices which bring about atonement. The article suggests the role of the priest as one who does not serve as a physician, but is aware of the ritual purity of God’s people.
  • Miniatura
    Zasadność relektury liturgicznej Pieśni nad pieśniami
    Langkammer, Hugolin; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    The exegesis today attempts to discern only the literal meaning of the Song of Songs. However, even Jewish interpretations hint at traces of religious lines of thought which then formed the basis for the use of the Song of Songs in synagogal liturgy. That line of thought is also seen later in the acts of early Christian piety. In the article, the writer investigates where and when they can be found. Furthermore, he provides a sound substantiation for his theses.
  • Miniatura
    Porneia a kult w Liście Jeremiasza (Ba 6) i Drugiej Księdze Machabejskiej
    Laskowski, Łukasz; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    The Epistle of Jeremiah and Second Book of Maccabees argue the paganism of prostitution in the temple and its immorality. The traditional approaches of classical scriptures, e.g. Herodotus’ Histories, are related to cult prostitution and polemics in religious, social and political contexts. The immorality of pagans, particularly pagan priests, are mentioned in both biblical books. The Epistle of Jeremiah condemned the profligacy in temples – the use of services of prostitutes and the robbing of the temple by the priests and their wives, just after the sexual relations were performed to honor the goods. In the Second Book of Maccabees is mentioned the licentiousness in the temple of Jerusalem in the epoch of Antiochus Epiphanes: intemperance and sexual relations in the shrine. These problems are also illustrated in the article by traditional classical data.
  • Miniatura
    Nieczystość seksu – biblijne zakazy dotyczące życia płciowego
    Majewski, Marcin; Szmajdziński, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    This is my next paper about impurity in the Hebrew Bible. In the previous papers, I discussed the legislation about dietary laws (clean and unclean animals) and impurity of death in the Torah. In this paper I examine impurity of sex. In each of these cases I propose my own hypothesis about the criterion for these cultic exclusions. The thesis is that the laws of impurity in the Bible are related to the paradigm of creation in Genesis 1 and the ideas contained therein. If the worship of the Lord in the Tabernacle has to reproduce an exemplary, paradisiac situation of man’s encounter with God, each impurity constitutes a transgression of Eden’s ideal order. Therefore, it cannot be tolerated in the sphere of worship.