Family Forum, 2011, T. 1

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    Sich auf das Alter einstellen solange noch Zeit ist
    Virt, Günter (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2011)
    The content of the paper concerns the reflection on the responsibility for aging from the individual-ethical point of view, as well as party from the socio-ethical one. In the empirical aspect, there will be presented the science currently particularly important for getting old, namely genetics. In terms of anthropology some values of aging will be considered for human dignity, freedom and historicity. Single ethical realizations concern generations’ contract, learning how to shape time - especially social time - a central task of a family, erotica and sexuality in old age, integration of their own life story and biblical interpretation of these tasks.
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    Werte-Wandel – Wert-Klärung – Familien-Werte
    Renöckl, Helmut (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2011)
    The causes of considerably increasing call for “values” lie in accumulation of changes and in impenetrable number of offers in all aspects of life. The problem is that most often these are merely the calls for values or that values are “containers” enclosing everything possible. Thoughtful interpretation of values may help go out o f the widespread indifference. Consciously evaluative dosage of resources, such as deference, time, power and money may contribute to the quality of our lives. Values as conscious or unconscious indicative standards and leading ideas of individuals and groups are characterized by current beliefs and by epoch-making paradigms in the background. Progressive program of modernity with methods of research, quantification and disposal has been authoritative so far. The program was very effective, and the possibilities of life of the contemporary society were significantly expanded. Together with the achievement of its goals, the epoch-making paradigm loses its meaning and mobilizing force. At the same time, it is seen what issues have still been open. So now we find that with the modem paradigm and it is necessary to show values leading into the future. The culture of life worthy of man needs effectiveness not only measurable in numbers, but also beauty that cannot be defined, and good free interpersonal relations. In many places, especially since the global financial and economic crisis, there have been shown dead ends of egocentric domination and seizure. It should be reminded how fundamental for us in our life is the size of the interpersonal and transcendental relationship. Sooner or later, the elementary questions, which aremarginalized, appear: is there any sense and hope in my life, in our world, any sense and hope behind the whirl of life coming to the fore, beyond the threshold of death? Changes of values and the interpretation of values in our unusual breakthrough time apply to families. A lot of issues are in the state of breakthrough in family life: here the forms become multiplex, a lot of issues are getting relativised recklessly. Actually, the meaning and value of family is growing, not lowering, in the breakthrough time. It is not to be missed that families in earlier times were more stable than today. Remembering more stable families from former times makes the wish for them to come back understandable; however, it is not realistic. Deep changes of the course of life, the roles of gender and patterns of relationship mean breaking with the traditional culture of family. Thus, there emerge critical transition stages which cannot be stopped, but at best can be guided. Further development o f family culture is not only for families, but for the society as such, of the greatest importance. Very important facts that are marginalized in today’s “lifestyle” may be still met in families: valuable life is based not only on money, success, entertainment and well-being, but what is indispensable is to stay together, and also recognition, acceptance, benevolent correction and willingness to give.
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    Donum vitae – eine theologisch-ethische Deutung des Lebens als Gabe und exemplarische Ausfaltungen
    Lintner, Martin M. (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2011)
    The concept of life as a gift is considered one of the basic theological categories of Christian interpretation of the man. The given paper, starting from the specific life experiences of donating and basing on the philosophy of a gift, particularly enriched by Emanuel Levinas’s thought, is to work out elementary theological expression of understanding life as a gift and check their theological-ethical implications. Interpreting life as a gift means adopting it as an expression of the original “yes” that God spoke to me over my life and answering to Gods “yes” as to prove that I accept my life as a gift fully devoting myself. Accepting life as a gift in love devotion is the particular imitation of Christ. On the base of three current issues – unwanted childlessness, adopting a disabled child, as well as organ donation the results are realized and bioethical meaning of understanding life as a gift is shown.
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    Hat Familie Zukunft? Analysen und Perspektiven aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum
    Marschütz, Gerhard (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2011)
    The number of families is waning; and what is more, they are smaller and smaller, less stable and diversified. Nevertheless, desire for family in young people is extremely high. Politicians and people of the Church emphasize the importance of the family for the future of the society. But, does the family itself have the future? Demographic data seem to speak against it. They prove (l) declining and biographically held off propensity to marry, (2) increasing number o f divorce and (3) decreasing number o f births. In consequence, they speak about pluralisation of life forms, in addition, family life forms are constantly decreasing compared to non-family forms. From the point of view of the sociology of the family, multidimensional modernization processes of the past dozens of years constitute a basic attempt to explain these family turning points. Changed courses of w om ens biographies, who are not focused only on families anymore, completely changed living standards of today’s families, and also ways to start a family. The question is whether structural, cultural and individual processes of pluralisation expressed in social transformations in their immediate consequence mean that in future an ordinary family, that is married parents who with their own children live in the same household, will become a borderline case and will be replaced by an unexpected mixture of family and non-family life forms. Some sociologists interpret it in this way and they cannot see that from the individual perspective an ordinary family isn’t treated as a borderline case in any way, but it is considered to be a regular case. In this way contemporary family transformations should be treated as a symptom of difficulties that allow to live the family life in the context of contemporary society. It is a challenge for the integral family policy which in the best manner possible would counteract the “structural ruthlessness” of fashionable social systems so as to find suitable conditions for craving for a family. First of all, there is a need for a new assessment o f family benefits and a new division of family functions according to gender. The economic burden for people who undertake the parental responsibility should be also taken into consideration as a hindrance to a new family and should be overcome. Success of the family is determined by the external and internal general conditions. Specifically family logic of self-love, which allows both marriage partners and children to discover unempirically a form of humanity, should be shaped and deepened in a responsible way. It is there that the matrimonial and family form of life is deeply rooted, it is what makes the family united and what determines its success. The family is never a system which is shaped by external conditions, but it is shaped from the inside as well.
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    Is there a future for the private sphere? The complex bond between the public and the private in the light of fertility trends in Hungary
    Kovács, Gusztáv (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2011)
    The aim o f this essay is to demonstrate the complexity of the bond between the private and the public in Hungary today. It also intends to find directives to strengthen the position of the latter. This can be done best through the analysis of the current status of couple-relationships, fertility, the raising of children, and work within and outside the domestic sphere. It will show the enormous discrepancy, which lies between ideals and reality: Hungarians have a high estimation for the family and marriage, but at the same time only a few can turn these longings into reality. The high estimation and the longing for a life in family could serve as a solid basis for future social policy in Hungary, but only through supporting the harmonization of the relationship between the public and the private sphere.
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    Praca ojca za granicą a problem wychowania dziecka
    Wojaczek, Krystian (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2011)
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    Spowiednik wobec antykoncepcji. W 40. rocznicę opublikowania encykliki Pawła VI „Humanae vitae”
    Orzeszyna, Jan (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2011)
    One of important moral problems that priests in confessional encounter is the question of using contraception. The Church has always taught us that contraception is an intrinsically evil action and moral offenses in this area are objectively speaking seriously sinful. There are such spouses who want to be faithful to the teachings of the Church, but they cannot meet their requirements. This is particularly true when there appear difficult and exceptional situations that disrupt the regularity of the intercourse, when natural family planning is hindered or seems to be impossible. A confessor, while meeting in the confessional Catholic spouses who experience difficulties in a sexual sphere, but who honestly want to keep the teachings of the Church, should give them advice which will gradually encourage them to move forward on their way to sanctity o f their married life. Giving them advice, he should apply the pastoral law of gradualness which will make them aware that having the determination to break with sins and constant, though gradual aspiration to achieve full reunification with the requirements of God’s will, despite a moral decline, they are still on their way to God.
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    Status i znaczenie rodziny dla gospodarki w ustroju wolnorynkowym
    Fel, Stanisław; Furtak, Anna (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2011)
    Family as a historical category has undergone many transformations in the course of history; these transformations were characteristic of various eras. Despite the change of the meaning and model of the family, it has an irreplaceable role for the modem system of the free-market economy, which expresses itself especially in the creation and development of human capital. Human capital considered as the main factor of economic development finds nowhere else such a favorable environment for the emergence and development as in the family. It entails, however, a necessity of bearing considerable costs to ensure its members a better chance of success in professional and social life. As a result, this situation is rebound on the demographic structure of society, because parents reduce the number of children by reason of the necessary input as they want to invest in the ’quality’ of their children’s human capital. Based on the demands for social justice and having regard to the future fate of the aging societies, it is necessary to undertake appropriate action on the grounds of social policy. These activities should be focused in particular on the equitable distribution of burdens, and thus opportunities for the social and professional success of individuals and families, the success that leads to a higher level of social and economic development of the wider community.
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    Ewolucja pojęcia rodziny. Aspekty teologiczno-etyczne
    Machinek, Marian (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2011)
    Contemporary changes in family structures, and first of all changes in social mentality and perception of the importance of family relationships, undoubtedly bear the evolution hallmarks. This concept does not necessarily mean a change for the better, but it may also identify the degeneration and the change o f adverse quality. There is no doubt that appreciation of woman's role and impact, emphasis put on the equal dignity of the spouses, the necessity of their mutual respect and subjectivity of children are the steps in the right direction. However, the attempt to redefine the concept of the family without taking into account the type and quality of bonds between parents (whether they are married or not) and aiming to treat any kind of adult relationship (regardless o f their gender) to whom children are assigned as a family should be considered a highly problematic trend. It contrasts with the essential elements of the Christian perspective on family. The starting point of Christian reflection on the family is, on one hand, God’s pre-intention towards the man included on the first pages of the Bible with the covenant marriage as the main element, and on the other hand, a kind of anthropological realism which perceives fragility and threats of this primary and natural communion. However, irrespective of accepted assumptions, there is no doubt that the stability of the family whose key element is a permanent heterosexual relationship between parents becomes a prerequisite of the successful socialization of the young generation. In this sense the future fate of the society depends on durability and quality of the family. All attempts of relativization of the family should be considered as disquieting, beginning with promotion of informal relationships up to attempts at giving privilege to same-sex relationships and granting them privileges analogical to those enjoyed by the family. Concern for the family is one of the most important responsibilities of the state, therefore one o f the elements o f restoring its proper social status is demanding from the government not to confine the family policy only to pre-election promises.
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    Relacje w Kościele domowym
    Landwójtowicz, Paweł (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2011)
    Giving a family the term of “domestic Church” or “domestic sanctuary of Church”, the Catholic Church refers to Christ’s promise: “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (St. Matthew 18,20). At the same time it accepts the fact that the family, which lies at the root of the sacrament of marriage, is a specific community, whose significant element is the presence of God and whose goal is the prime of life in the communion with God and with each other. Thus, we may speak about a dual type of the relation taking place in the domestic Church: firstly, the relation between God and people and secondly, interpersonal relations. The perspectives on the family relations in the context of the Church presume their divine- human character. Such a presumption implies the need for complying not only psychological, but also theological-pastoral aspects of family relations. Such theandricity, on one hand, gives the chance to define the ideal of marital and family life and, on the other hand, protects from separating it from ordinary everyday life, from what is human. Moreover, it enables to experience the redemption every day while living together in the family communion and creating relationship with each other and with God. In this way a specific character is inflicted on every catholic family which is provided with an enormous privilege, because intensifying and caring about interpersonal relationship allows for not only leading a happy life in the worldly dimension, but also for attaining eternal salvation, already lived through the reality of earthly existence. In the above context the question of interpersonal relationships in the domestic Church is becoming important because of their preventive quality – protecting and developing this human communion, but in difficult and critical situations it may become a base for therapeutic actions undertaken to heal a marriage or family. What are the theological reasons for recognizing the great importance of impersonal relationships in the domestic Church? How to develop, how to care about the mutual relations as to make them protect and enable people living in families to pursue their existence in the sense of fulfillment (prophylaxis)? How to work therapeutically basing on the relationships between members of the domestic Church when crisis and doubts concerning further life in the communion appear? They seem to be important questions, because there is continual need of reflection searching for motivation and applications for a modem family exposed to dynamic changes in social relations (in the micro and macro social dimension), changes that take place in observing the role, tasks and forms of the existence of the family and also changes taking place in the relations within the family It is important to see and value the role and strength of interpersonal relationships, especially with the divine-human perspective of the domestic Church. The aim of the paper is to show the importance of relations in the domestic Church as the essential factor in creating and developing family life. Religious implications have been shown to understand the relations in the family, so as to introduce the value of the relationship in creating the life in natural and supernatural dimension, and also to introduce the strength of relations healing difficult and critical situations appearing in the course of the common existence.
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    Charakter relacji rodzinnych a dobrostan psychiczny
    Krok, Dariusz (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2011)
    This article reviews theoretical and empirical advances in research on the character of family relationships and subjective well-being. The concept of subjective well-being is defined in accordance with the traditional approach as a category that includes a cognitive evaluation of one’s life and the balance of positive emotions relative to negative emotions. This term has received a growing interest in the psychological research on human happiness reflecting the perpetual human tendency to search for factors that contribute to our quality of life. The relations between family relationships and well-being are presented in three dimensions describing the following interactions: husband – wife, parents – children, and among siblings. The analyses of husband – wife relationships suggest that these interactions affect their well-being at multiple levels. Although the relations between marriage and subjective well-being is well recognized, the effect sizes are rather small. It is a result of other factors moderating the relations e.g. social classes, age, culture, timing of live events, social expectations. A well-established findings regarding parents and children point out that the parents’ relationships of support, warmth, and intimacy positively influence their children’s well-being. Family relationships are changed from more hierarchical relationships at the beginning of adolescence to more egalitarian relationships by late adolescence. The research on siblings shows that better relationships with brothers and sisters lead to better adjustment during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Even after controlling for level of parental and peer support, greater support from siblings is associated longitudinally with higher levels of emotional and social support and better adjustment. The results point at positive connections between siblings’ helpful and affirmative relationships and their well-being.
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    Współczesny kontekst społeczno-kulturowy wychowania seksualnego. Próba diagnozy
    Glombik, Konrad (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2011)
    The process of sex education is set in a concrete socio-cultural background which includes such phenomena as the trivialization of sex, the tendency to call in the question of the moral norms concerning the human sex behaviours, the cybersex and the spread of the principles of the theory of gender. The author analyses the influence of the contemporary socio-cultural life’ phenomena on the process of the sex education and presents the problematical issues occurring in the field of education in a form of questions. The contemporary socio-cultural context of sex education is probably not to be changed. Therefore it is necessary to search for such methods and ways of the youth’s education that will shape mature and responsible sex attitudes and behaviours. In this paper, which is an attempt to diagnose the contemporary socio-cultural background of sex education, the reader does not find solutions, but rather questions by means of which the author encourages and provokes to search for the solutions. These questions arise from the confrontation between the catholic principles of the sex education and the contemporary problems in the field of the sex behaviours and education. In the last part of the article some positive elements of the contemporary aspects of the sex education are presented which outline a more optimistic view of the process of the youth’s sex education in our times.
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    Najbliższe pokrewieństwo a wielka rodzina w Biblii
    Dąbek, Tomasz Maria (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2011)
    In biblical Israel family relations were very important. God created man in the image of Him self – male and female (Gn 1:27). The woman is a helper suitable for man (Gn 2:21-23) and both are the unity. The children are continuation of the life of their parents (Si 30:3-6). Twelve tribes were descendants of the twelve Jacobs’s sons and all Israel was one great family. The family duties were sacred as the holy war (cf. Dt 20:5.7; 24:5). God was for Israel as father or mother (cf. Dt 1:31; 8:56; Is 66:13; Hos 11:2s), redeemer of His debts (gōʾēl, gôēl – Is 41:14; 49:7; Iz 59:20; cf. Ps 19:15). In the New Testament Christ lived in the human family, but He taught that His true family are those who hear the words of God and put them into practice (Mt 12:46-50; Mk 3:31-35; Lk 8:19-21; 11:27s). No one who prefers father or mother, son or daughter to Jesus is worthy of Him (Mt 10:37; cf. Lk 14:26). He is opposed to divorce (Mk 10:2-12 par.) and ritual traditions opposite to help to father and mother (korban – Mt 15:4-6; Mk 7:10-12; Lk 18:20). His doctrine will be a cause of dissension in the families (Mt 10:35s; Lk 12:52s). In the Church of Christ all are brothers and sisters (cf. Ac 1:13.15s; 6:3; 9:30; 10:23; Rm 1:13; 8:1; 16:1 Co 1:1.10; 7:15; 9:5; 16:11s.15.20; 2 Co 11:8; Ga 1:2; 1 Th 1:4; 5:25-27; 2 Th 1:3; 1 Tm 5:2; Phm 2; Jm 2:15) as adopted children of God (Rm 8:15-17), brothers and sisters of Jesus – "the eldest of many brothers" (Rz 8:29). He is our Redeemer (Tt 2:14; cf. Mt 20:28; Mk 10:45; Lk 21:28; 24:21; Rm 3:24; 8:23; 1 Co 1:30; Ga 3:13; 4:5; Ep 1:7.14; 4:30; Col 1:14; Heb 9:12.15; 1 P 1:18) – by His Blood. The biblical references from "The New Jerusalem Bible", Garden City – New York 1985.