Family Forum, 2017, T. 7

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  • Miniatura
    Zwischen Ablehnung und Anerkennung. Katholische Stellungnahmen zur gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehe in Deutschland
    Goertz, Stephan (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    Same-sex marriage, which became effective in Germany on October 1, 2017, has met with mixed reactions within German Catholic Church. Does the new law violate the concept of marriage as is established in the constitution and in cultural tradition? The procreative aspect of marriage, which is emphasized by the German bishops, is undoubtedly socially beneficial. The magisterial critique of same-sex marriage tends to depict this institution as a social threat. If, however, the plausibility of this position decreases since same-sex marriages neither impair existing liberties of heterosexual spouses nor prove to be socially adverse, the general rejection of the legal opening of same-sex marriage will by no means be demanded from a moral theological perspective.
  • Miniatura
    Transgender issue in contemporary Iran: A theological reflection
    Franc, Jaroslav (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    The Islamic Republic of Iran is recognised as a theocratic political system with a touch of democratic elements. Since the last decade of the 20th century it is the only Islamic republic with sophisticated system for sex-change operations and procedures related to this issues. This unique situation was developed on the ruling of Ayatollah Khomeini concerning the Fereydoon Molkaras case. He was born as a man and later identified him self as a woman. Current legal regulation in Iran not just allows sex-change procedure, it is recommended and even expected by the religious authorities that anyone who identifies himself with the other sex than he was born with would undertake the sex-change procedure. The paper deals with the historical and theological context of the issue.
  • Miniatura
    Paradoxes and gaps of Polish regulations on the use of assisted reproductive techniques
    Kmieciak, Błażej (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    At the end of June 2015 the Treatment of Infertility Act was adopted in Poland. This legislation mostly refers to the problem of the use of assisted reproduction techniques (in vitro). Adoption of the law was considered by some experts to be a special moment. Finally, in Poland, the functioning of IVF clinics was regulated. The adoption of the Treatment of Infertility Act also met with criticism. Although the introduction of regulations concerning the functioning of clinics was considered as a positive action, however, it was also emphasized that legalization of these procedures would lead to the emergence of numerous problems. In Poland, in vitro - in recent years - has been implemented not only through the Act but also through the health scheme adopted by the minister of health and health schemes adopted by the councils of different cities (Częstochowa and Łódź). This paper attempts to analyse these documents. This analysis will refer to two key phenomena: a gap and a paradox. The aim of the presented reflections is primarily to show how the adoption of these rules can complicate the biological reality. The presented discussion and analysis will refer mostly to the Polish legislative reality.
  • Miniatura
    Acquiring courage to face the truth: shifts in attitudes toward child sexual abuse
    Karkošková, Slávka (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    In science, culture and morality, from a historical point of view, we can see gradual changes in attitudes toward the child sexual abuse phenomenon. While by the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century scholars as well as laypeople had a strong tendency to deny and minimize this socio-pathological phenomenon, by the end of the 20th century, thanks to scientific progress and public awareness raising, the society began to accept the cruel truth about child sexual abuse. This topic is no longer such a big taboo and people are able to speak more openly about it (especially through the media, social networks and nongovernmental organizations). Readiness to act – the courage to intervene, help victims and hold perpetrators accountable – is also changing.
  • Miniatura
    Die Situation von Familien und familiären Beziehungen in Italien und die Familienpastoral der Kirche, aufgezeigt am Beispiel der Diözese Bozen-Brixen
    Lintner, Martin M. (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    We Włoszech spada zarówno liczba małżeństw kościelnych, jak i cywilnych. Na poziomie krajowym liczba małżeństw cywilnych przewyższa obecnie liczbę małżeństw Kościoła. W dodatku rośnie liczba separacji i rozwodów, a także drugich (i trzecich) małżeństw cywilnych. W maju 2016 r. prawnie uznano partnerstwo tej samej płci i partnerstwo „de facto“. Ogólnie we Włoszech doszło do głębokich zmian w realiach życia w partnerstwie, małżeństwie i rodzinie. Chociaż mogą być postrzegane jako kryzys tradycyjnej formy rodziny oraz jej wiarygodności, są one w dużym stopniu tolerowane i akceptowane społecznic. Kościół włoski dotychczas reagował na te zmiany przede wszystkim poprzez intensyfikację wysiłków mających na celu wykwalifikowane przygotowanie do małżeństwa z jednej strony oraz, z drugiej strony, przez rozwijanie szczególnej duszpasterskiej troski o „rodziny poszkodowane“, czyli małżeństwa i rodziny w trudnej sytuacji lub takie, które zawiodły. Jak pokazuje przykład diecezji Bolzano-Bressanone, w której odbył się diecezjalny synod w latach 2013-2015, praca duszpasterska w przyszłości musi wykraczać poza obszary wykwalifikowanego przygotowania do małżeństwa i towarzyszenia parom i rodzinom, zwłaszcza w przypadku małżeństw zranionych czy nieudanych, a więc intensywniej zajmować się kwestią tego, jak wierni żyjący w nie-małżeńskim partnerstwie mogą być wspierane duszpastersko i ja k mogą być bardziej aktywnie angażowane w życie Kościoła.
  • Miniatura
    Future anxiety as a predictor of the fear of childbirth
    Zdybek, Przemysław M.; Haimann, Monika (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    The fear of childbirth is an emotional phenomenon, the mild symptoms of which are felt by most women, independently of their condition and stage of their pregnancy. The fear of childbirth is a variable which according to most research results has a negative influence on procreation decisions, the course of pregnancy and the childbirth. A group of Polish women (N = 350) was examined. Woman participants were invited for research by gynaecological clinics. They filled in the questionnaire which includes Fear of Childbirth (Putyński, 1997), Future anxiety (Zaleski, 1996) Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999), obstetric and sociodemographic questions. The regression analysis has been made testing to what extent the obstetric, sociodemographic and psychological factors explain the occurrence of the fear of childbirth. The obtained data make it possible to differentiate the temporal orientation, future anxiety, as psychological variables having the biggest influence on the fear of childbirth.
  • Miniatura
    Marriage, friendship and (civil) partnership: cultural phenomena or predefined entities? A biblical discourse with society
    Friedl, Johanna (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    When, on 30 June 2017, German parliament voted in favour of a hill which became known in the media as the so-called “Ehe für alle” (marriage for all), a significant role player in European society expressed itself on a matter which can be debated from the point of view of either shifting or fixed societal values. This contribution wishes to explore the question of the basic decision between shifting cultural and fixed socio-ethical viewpoints from a biblical stance. Hermeneutic realism calls for the realisation that the arguments to be presented will be informed by a reading which is influenced by the community in which it is set. Catholic social doctrine has been famously, for some observers rather notoriously, tasked with defining the concept of marriage. Which stance may be taken by an exegete amid so many contemporary points of view?
  • Miniatura
    Sprawozdanie z Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej w ramach Zjazdu Stowarzyszenia Teologów Moralistów. Implikacje teologicznomoralne adhortacji „Amoris laetitia”
    Kłos-Skrzypczak, Aleksandra (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
  • Miniatura
    Sacramental marriage and love versus irregular unions. Reflection on divergent interpretations of the 8th chapter of the Amoris laetitia
    Balák, René (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    The theological and moral debate, focused on the new theological proposals, brings controversy not only into the area of methodology but also in the content of the problem. Therefore it is necessary to ask questions about to what biblical foundations the theologians, who bring in these new proposals, want to appeal. By drawing in to the comparative method the author shows the lability and discontinuity of new proposals, which diverge from the theology of creation as well as from the evangelical message of marriage. In moral sacramentology the issue of marriage was being reflected in the context of vocation of spouses to holiness, where fidelity is connected with indissolubility as a way of life vocation. The transcendent vertical dimension of the sacramental marriage is essential to marital communio personarum, while the new theological proposals level out sacramental marriage to being something ideal and impossible, which is not suitable for every person who was called by God to married life. The sacramental marital union is, however, a divine plan, which spouses are to realize in the spirit of sacramental love whose characteristic features can not be realized in the so-called irregular unions. People in such unions can not logically receive the gifts of grace, for what they are based on, Christ has clearly condemned as evil. Christ’s words of truth about marriage are to be the reference to theological criterion for the merciful approach to this negative phenomenon, as well as to persons who find themselves in difficult situations that are not morally good.
  • Miniatura
    Obraz rodzeństwa chorego psychicznie a dobrostan rodzeństwa zdrowego
    Brudek, Paweł; Steuden, Stanisława; Warda, Agnieszka (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    This article is concerned with issues related to mental well-being by healthy individuals with siblings who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia or depression. The purpose of the research project was to find a link between the siblings personality and cognitive assessment of their illness and the psychological well-being of siblings. The study involved 30 individuals whose siblings were mentally ill. Measurement of mental well-being of healthy people was done by The Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWB) by C. D. Ryffand C. L. Keyes. The perception of a real and perfect picture of the sibling's personality was characterized by H. Gough and A. B. Heilbums The Adjective Check List (ACL), and the evaluation of the disease was made using S. Steuden, K. Janowski and A. Wardas The Scale of Evaluation of Siblings Mental Illness (SOCOB). The results of the research revealed, among other things, that healthy siblings have a negative image of their mentally ill brothers and sisters. The generalized sense of well-being of a healthy sibling is higher when it shows more positively the image of the siblings personality. The assumption that the divergence between a real and ideal personality image will result in lower well-being by healthy siblings has not been confirmed by the study.
  • Miniatura
    Korzyści płynące z rodziny zakorzenionej w małżeństwie sakramentalnym – perspektywa Amerykańskich Biskupów Katolickich
    Kłos-Skrzypczak, Aleksandra (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    In the opinion of some sociologists contemporary American society is best defined by the term “single nation” Over the years, the number of marriages has drastically decreased, while the percentage of children who were bom in unmarried relationships (civil union or domestic partnership) has increased. Only 30% of Americans bom between 1980-2000 say that marriage and family are one of the most important issues in life. Young people say they are too young, independent and busy to marry. Considering these statistic data, the Catholic Church in the United States is taking steps to encourage US citizens to enter into sacramental marriages. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops talks about marriage as a “language of benefit”, referring to religious, health, and mental issues. What’s more, the American bishops claim that it is up to all US citizens to care for young people to marry. In their arguments, bishops refer to economic issues, which are affected by the growing number of single mothers.
  • Miniatura
    Towarzyszenie duchowe małżonkom i osobom w sytuacjach nieregularnych w świetle adhortacji Amoris laetitia
    Kmiecik, Barbara (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017)
    In the paper, a source analysis of the spiritual counseling of accompaniment to sacramental spouses and people in irregular situations has been taken up on the basis of post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris laetitia by Pope Francis. The concept of accompaniment is a leading term in subsequent chapters of the document. The meaning of the concept of accompaniment and the character of counsel presented by the Pope are introduced. Then, subsequent contexts of the counsel taken up in the exhortation were characterized. The issue of the accompaniment is discussed in relation to spouses and it involves subsequent stages of the development of love and situations requiring special attention. The key to caring for children and integrating with the Church community also includes the issue of accompanying and discerning those who are in non-sacramental relationships, defined as irregular situations and in complex situations as well. The relation of the accompanying counsel to the moral evaluation of the conducted people was also defined. Discussing the forms of pastoral practice, the purpose, scope, competence and means of providing community and individual assistance that are adapted to needs and life-sustaining problems, were identified.