Communio, 2018, R. 38, nr 1 (201)

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  • Miniatura
    I odpuść nam nasze winy, jako i my odpuszczamy naszym winowajcom
    Ratzinger, Joseph (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2019)
  • Miniatura
    Sakramentalne formy odpuszczenia grzechów
    Raczycki, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2019)
    The purpose of this article is to show the sacraments of the Church as a place where God forgives sins. This topic is particularly current today in the era of consumerism and materialism, when a man often chooses to exchange a confession of sins into being manifested in psychologists or psychotherapists, but he does not want to provoke reflections on his sins. A special place for the remission of sins is the sacraments established by Christ. Among them, baptism, penance, the Eucharist and the anointing of the sick deserve special attention. Four sacramental places for the remission of sins will be presented in this article.
  • Miniatura
    Pozasakramentalne formy odpuszczenia grzechów
    Raczycki, Kamil (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2019)
    This article is devoted to non-sacramental forms of remission of sins. In addition to the sacraments that have been established by Christ, there are other forms of reconciliation with God and purification of sins. They can be divided into two groups: liturgical and not directly connected with the liturgy. The first group includes all the elements of the liturgical celebrations in which the faithful profess to be sinners and ask God and brothers for forgiveness. This takes place mainly during the proclamation and hearing of the word of God, in special at penitential celebrations, in common prayer and elements of penitential mass liturgy. It is wrong to treat the sacrament of penance and reconciliation as the only way to receive forgiveness of sins, especially when it comes to venial sins. These sins are set free through participation in the Eucharist. There are also extra-sacramental methods for their eliminating. All of them, however, should be revived by faith, hope and love, they are to lead to the Eucharist.
  • Miniatura
    Przebacz nam nasze winy. Przebaczenie w świetle modlitwy Pańskiej
    Vorholt, Robert (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2019)
    Forgiveness in the Light of the Lord’s Prayer. The Lord’s Prayer, which the two evangelists Matthew and Luke pass on in slight variation, is the principal prayer of Christianity. The central theme of the prayer is the forgiveness of human weakness in front of God. The contribution leads to the exegetical-theological debate of precisely that relationship between creator and creature and the inherent tension between the encouragement and the claim of the People of God.
  • Miniatura
    Grzech – wina – przebaczenie. Kontury nauki o zbawieniu
    Stubenrauch, Bertram (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2019)
    Guilt «coram Deo» questions the human beeing’s ability to live. In contrast, forgiveness enables a process of new creation based on the event of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the church’s duty to support different ways of handling guilt, without occupying it theologically. Apart from civil requirements the church nevertheless must emphasize the metaphysic background of guilt and forgiveness.
  • Miniatura
    Odpuść nam nasze winy. Aspekt trynitarny
    Liszka, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2019)
    The meaning of the term “remission” is different from the term “forgiveness” Not only God but also man, every man can forgive. Forgiveness changes the interior of the aggrieved person, and thus changes the relationship with other people without directly changing their interior. Remission refers to different levels, both outside and inside. Prayer “Our Father” does not say about the forgiveness of sins, but about the forgiveness of guilt’s. Sin is a deed done by man, and only a secondary effect of this deed. This effect has been defined by the word “guilt” and has an external and internal aspect. The most external effect is the cancellation of penalties, it does not necessarily result in the erasure of guilt’s that can still be recorded in the personal file. This kind of remission of guilt’s is associated with free pardon or amnesty. It follows that a higher type of guilt’s forgiveness also erases the negative balance of the spiritual account. More higher degree of absolution concerns the ontic transformation. In the Catholic tradition, the remission of sins means the liquidation of evil within the human soul and the enrichment of man by grace, that is, the divine living reality. In the “Our Father” prayer, we turn to the first person of the Trinity, that is to God the Father. It is known, however, that all God’s actions are actions of the divine nature, that is, of all three persons. In addition, the action of God can be direct or through created beings: people, situations, signs, things, in other words, through individual people, the ecclesial community, sacraments and other salvific events. The sinner himself participates in a broader sense, asking for the forgiveness of guilt’s and accepting it.
  • Miniatura
    Usprawiedliwiający wymiar Eucharystii
    Lipniak, Jarosław M. (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2019)
    The purpose of this paper was to show the justificatory aspect of the Eucharist. This sacrament has got the positive and negative aspect. The Eucharist is a sacrament which makes true gradual justification through transformation of whole human “being” into the resurrected Christ what will be immortalized in the final kingdom in which the whole Christian life is included. This is splendid synthesis of the grace and cooperation of the human being, the sacramental and ascetic life, liturgy and life, presence and future. The Eucharist continues the process of justification initiated by the baptism. Therefore, it is a sacrament which in its repeatable character points out this healing effect of Christ on our nature, sick due to the sin. The grace of justification is being received in the Eucharist peculiarly. The sacrament of Baptism we take only once. We often go to the Eucharist, because we are people who usually offend God. Looking for the grace of justification we are trying to expiate for our guilt, that’s why we have to turn back, to be tired out, to overcome sin; all this will not be able to act against the sin, if we do not add to it the Eucharist, the only remedy for human evil.
  • Miniatura
    Felix culpa? Zur kulturellen Produktivkraft der Schuld
    Buschmeier, Mathias (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2019)
    The Essay raises the question why it is that literature is so full of narrations of guilt. It argues that literature performs an important function for communities by processing and negotiating issues, which could not be terminated by any social institution. Guilt is such a problem; neither law, moral theory nor religious rituals are able to dissolve all dimensions of guilt. are always left. However, communities need to handle such accumulating guilt, if not their unity and stability is at risk. Stories of guilt are a space, in which this is possible. With and in guilt we can discover a social force that permanently drives our cultural reproduction, because there is no social life without guilt.
  • Miniatura
    „Tyś, Jahwe, naszym Ojcem, Odkupiciel nasz to Twoje imię odwieczne”. Izrael prosi o odpuszczenie swoich grzechów
    Braulik, Georg (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2019)
    We are often involved in destructive social conditions which we did not originally cause, the reinforcement of which we however continuously contribute to. The Bible is likewise familiar with such enmeshment in guilt. In the Old Testament, Israel pleads for the acquittal of its collective guilt in Psalms of Lament. This article outlines the complex of problems surrounding the acquittal of collective guilt. Subsequently, it offers an interpretation of Isaiah 63:7-64:11, which is an emotionally powerful national (or communal) Song of Lament, rich in imagery and theologically both creative and radical. Its invocation of God, cited in the title of this article, establishes a connection with the Lord’s Prayer. The conclusion of the proffered exegetical considerations summarises the theology of Israel’s prayerful lament, beseeching forgiveness of their collective transgressions.