Family Forum, 2020, T. 10

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  • Miniatura
    Rodzina z wieloma problemami w optyce polityki społecznej
    Duda, Małgorzata (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)
    Background: Permanent adaptation of families to the social and normative transformations occurring in Poland makes many of them unable to fulfil their needs. Regardless of the fact that most of them are no different from their predecessors, it has been observed increasingly more offen that they are coping much worse in a crisis situation, what is more, the occurrence of another crisis, makes everyday life impossible. Among many reasons for this phenomenon are cultural changes, high level of urbanization, development of information technologies, isolation and individualization of life. In multi-generational families, alongside strong neighbourly ties, it was easier to obtain support. The emerging problems were noticed more quickly. Objectives: Today, young families, which are devoid of models and alienated from their natural families, can benefit from various social policy instruments, dedicated to the family and its individual members. The potential risks of social policy, seen as almost unconditional support, will be indicated, particularly, in the absence of permanent evaluation of benefits and flexible modification of the rendered assistance. Methodology: This article constitutes a review of the available forms of family support within the national social policy. The author refers to studies by researchers, reports commissioned by the MRPiPS (Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy), as well as data available in databases of GUS (Statistics Poland) or CBOS (Centre for Public Opinion Research). Recommendations for assistance that is both, effective and does not cause dependency, are based on the method of the use of the family’s own resources. Conclusions: There is a constant need to make the employees of the social support system more sensitive to the fact that persons/families benefiting from a wide offer of institutional assistance are at risk of partial and, in time, total dependence on this assistance. Working with families with multiple problems should be based on the experiences of their members and reinforcing their sense of agency in shaping the future of life.
  • Miniatura
    Moralna odpowiedzialność rodziców za szczepienie dzieci – czynniki modyfikujące w realiach polskich
    Morciniec, Piotr Jan (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)
    The research context: Childhood vaccinations are a boon to the health of individuals and the epidemic protection of a society. The observed rapidly-growing phenomenon of parents avoiding vaccinating their children requires an in-depth research in terms of their moral responsibility for non-action. The research objective: To verify the research hypothesis: A significant influence of the factor modifying parents' approach towards protective vaccinations for children may diminish their moral responsibility for failure to accept mandatory vaccination. The research method: Desk research was used in the research, i.e. the analysis of existing data, taking into account the available documents, research and publications, and their confrontation with the criteria of evaluating human acts, especially in the field of current obstacles. Results achieved: The analysis confirmed that the appropriate intensity of obstacles (especially insuperable ignorance and fear), often due to deliberate disinformation of anti-vaccination movements, significantly reduces the parents’ moral responsibility for refusing to vaccinate their children. Conclusions: The most effective mechanism for preventing vaccine rejection is a targeted and holistic education of parents and society in the field of vaccinating and vaccines.
  • Miniatura
    Niektóre predyktory osiągnięć szkolnych u badanych uczniów
    Napora, Elżbieta Wiesława (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)
    The aim of the study was to point to the determinants of school achievement in adolescent students. To answer the research question which predictors can explain school achievements in adolescents divided by gender, data was collected from 81 subjects using the Pressure Measurement Scale–PMS–18, Family Relations Questionnaire (FRQ) and the average semester score was taken into account. The obtained results showed that for boys’ school achievements, apart from their high resilience, the dimension of relationship with their mother, autonomy-control is also significant.
  • Miniatura
    Przekonania młodzieży licealnej i akademickiej na temat osób starszych – perspektywa familiologiczna
    Kanios, Anna; Szluz, Beata (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)
    In accordance with current demographic trends, i.e. the lengthening oflifespan and the growth of the proportion of seniors in the overall population, the functioning of the elderly is increasingly becoming the subject of analytical studies. The purpose of the article is to illustrate the convictions of people at different stages of adulthood about the functioning of older people in the family, taking into account differences in perception between school and academic youth. A research problem is: What are the convictions of people at different stages of adulthood about the functioning of older people in the family and are there differences in perception between school and academic youth? We used a survey by A. Kanios, M. Czechowska-Bieluga, A. Weissbrot-Koziarska, R. Krawczyk, P. Zielińska. In 2018/2019 the research among 1084 junior high school and students from Polish voivodships (Opole Voivodeship, Silesian Voivodeship, Podlasie Voivodeship, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Lublin Voivodeship, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, Masovian Voivodeship, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, and Podkarpackie Voivodeship) was conducted. The research allowed to show beliefs of high school and academic youth about the elderly from a familiological perspective.
  • Miniatura
    Rysunek rodziny w percepcji żon doświadczających przemocy i żon niedoświadczających przemocy
    Stelmaszak, Aleksandra (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)
    The main issue of the presented paper concerns the perception of marriage by wives who experienced violence from their partners. The marital relationship was presented by women by means of Family Drawing Test. The research included a control group which consisted of women who have not experienced violence from their husbands. The study involved 60 women (30 who have experienced violence from their husbands and 30 who have not). The survey was conducted by the use of The Family Drawing Test created by M. Braun-Gatkowska. Because of the representativeness of the groups, the research was conducted in the Specialist Support Centre for Victims of Domestic Violence in Opole. In order to verify the posed hypotheses, the following statistical methods were used: the Student’s t-test for the analysis of quantitative data and the chi-square test for the analysis of the qualitative data. The results indicate that women who experience domestic violence perceive their relationship in marriage negatively. Moreover, victims of domestic violence pay special attention to the lack of a proper communication in their marriage relationship and evaluate their relationships with their husbands more negatively than the wives from the control group. However, women who experience violence from their husbands assess their relationship as satisfactory, but not unambiguously positive. The presented study is only an introduction for further and friture research, since the phenomenon of marital violence requires a deeper exploitation.
  • Miniatura
    Kobieta-matka vs. kobieta nie-matka
    Ruszkiewicz, Dorota Alina (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)
    The problem was solved in the qualitative methodology. The purpose of this study was to study women’s reflections on motherhood and childlessness. The main research problem was included in the question: Do childless women disproving the thesis that maternity is a fulfillment for a woman and the best capital for the future have any arguments for the thesis and what are they? In-depth interviews were used. The research has shown that for childless women not of their own choice, maternity is indeed a fulfillment and capital for the future. They fully agree with the values of maternity indicated by women in the role of a social mother (thanks to children they experience a lot of joy in old age or sickness they get children’s support, they will never be alone, children give a sense of life), and like they perceive childless life alike. Another view on the “free from child” life is presented by women without children.
  • Miniatura
    Polish Adaptation of Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire For Older Persons (MSQFOP)
    Brudek, Paweł Jan (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)
    The article outlines the results of academic endeavors to develop a Polish adaptation of Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire For Older Persons (MSQFOP). The results obtained using the Polish version are comparable to those obtained using the original research instrument, which proves that the Polish MSQFOP scale adaptation can be successfully used for research purposes. The scale consists of 24 items covering four dimensions: Communication and expression of feelings, Sex life, Health and Affiliation. The scale testing procedure involved a research sample consisting of 832 people. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was .94 for the entire scale and oscillated between .68 and .94 for the subscales.
  • Miniatura
    Doctrinal and Model Conditions of Family Support. International Recognition
    Żukiewicz, Arkadiusz (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)
    The article raises the issues of social activity aimed at supporting families. In particular, reference is made to the classic concepts of political models of the state organized according to the principles of liberalism, socialism and socliberalism as the middle ground between the first two. On the foundation of political assumptions, proposals are built of model family support arranged in three different circumstances of state governance. Three respective models of family support are outlined, which refer to the liberal, socialist and socliberal assumptions. Each of the models is discussed, i.e. the incentive, the caring, and the partnership model. The concept of family support models can be a tool for the analysis of real models which are applied today in the countries with a family policy in place. It is the product of many years of research conducted in countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, England and the United States.
  • Miniatura
    Cooperation between religion teachers and police psychologists in the prevention of domestic violence
    Zellma, Anna (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)
    This article aims to show the importance of cooperation between religion teachers and police psychologists in preventing domestic violence. The method of analysis of the literature and state documents (e.g. the law of education) is used. The conclusions were presented in a synthetic way. It has been noted that the cooperation of religion teachers with police psychologists serves to eliminate risk factors that can lead to domestic violence. The parties must therefore remain open towards one another, be ready to engage in dialogue and share knowledge and experience in the area of the prevention of domestic violence.
  • Miniatura
    Transformation of family ties
    Sorys, Stanislaw Andrzej (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)
    The family and the family ties it creates shape the attitudes and behavior of a person who grows in it. They also have a decisive influence on the character of the family that they will start in the future. The values acquired in the family home will enable him to build and strengthen family ties, largely based on his own and family experiences. The context of the research was the modem family, which, despite the many transformations that have occurred within it as a result of cultural and civilization changes, is still an inseparable element of human life, with a leading and leading role in the development of a child, at the same time defining its worldview as an adult. The aim of the research was to show the changes occurring within the mutual relations between the family and the individual from the time perspective from the period defined by the so-called “Late modernity” or “postmodern society” up to the present (postmodernity). The author shows that the current shape of the family, which many researchers refer to as its crisis or even collapse, is the result of a long process involving changes in mutual obligations and at the same time the desire for individual development of members of that family. This leads to the rejection of existing forms and ties, the loss of traditional beliefs, knowledge and norms, and the creation of a new type of social bond. The scientific method was applied in the form of multi-station ethnography (Marcus 2003), which is a method of conducting research in conditions of discontinuity of cultural formations, when supra-local factors influence the situation in a given locality, causing various “practices, anxieties and ambiguities” (Marcus 2003, p. 170). The conclusions from this study were that the family, despite the weaknesses shown, is still an important institution for the individual. It is also the only institution that is able to defend an individual against negative aspects resulting from postmodernity. Therefore, in the policy of the state, it is necessary and necessary to pay more attention to the transformations of the family bond in the constantly changing socio-cultural conditions, in which the role of the traditional family is diminishing.
  • Miniatura
    Social Processes Affecting Families in Rural Hungary. New Forms of Poverty in Minor Settlements
    Ragadics, Tamás (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)
    Rural poverty appears in several European regions, particularly in post-socialist countries effected by a rapid transformation of socioeconomic system. The aim of this paper is to describe some crucial processes triggering the transformation of family life in rural Hungary by means of a research conducted in the South Transdanubian region. In the background of this research, there is a broad network of researchers and social experts working for better understanding of deprived populations’ attitudes and motivations in minor settlements located far away from developed centres. We hypothesize that the situation of poverty is connected to impedimental forms of norms and behaviours. We used qualitative research methods to explore some pressing problems and challenges from the viewpoints of local experts and mothers of families connected to local social systems. We also aim to examine family attitudes to the labour market, services and consumption, the most important factors effecting socioeconomic conditions of deprived social groups. As a conclusion, we can state that complex education and mentoring programs are necessary in the field of conscious family planning and in the development of self-care skills.
  • Miniatura
    The Prosperity of the Family – the Future of the World and the Church Individual and Social Ethical Connections of Marriage and Family Life in Contemporary Western Culture
    Šrajer, Jindřich (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)
    From a historical point o f view, it can be argued that the cultivated arrangement of the relationship between man and woman, the support of the institution of marriage, and therefore families, have always been one of the important requirements of individual cultures and religions. There is also a close connection between the state of society (and the dominant requirements in it) and the form of personal and family life. In the Western cultural space with the decisive ecclesiastical discourse, the view of marriage and the family was not spared from one-sidedness and problematic practice. The current magisterium of the Catholic Church remains critical of some contemporary trends and phenomena, including the questioning of the very institution of marriage and the family. At the same time, it remains open to new challenges in this field. The article aims to critically reflect on some issues related to the current situation of marriage and the family, especially the individual and social ethical context of married and family life in contemporary Western culture. Using a reflection of the findings of selected authors, especially of sociologists (Lipovetsky, Beck), the article demonstrates the reality of problematic „points" of the present time (marked by magisterial texts by Pope Francis) and their connection to married and family life. It thus verifies the thesis that the preconditions for marriage and the family are currently weakened in the Western area. This state of affairs include even the institutions that want to invoke the necessary personal and social responses to the problematic situation. Although the study does not capture the full range of issues and problems currently associated with marriage and the family, it does demonstrate that marital and family relationships in contemporary Western culture are conditioned by a number of factors. Those cannot be fully influenced by the individuals directly affected. The study points to the crucial role of politics, including its responsibility and to the exclusive role of the Church. The Church can, in many respects, increase respect for the institutions and bring a concrete help to the people. The result of the study is an emphasis on the fact that, in the current situation, it is not easy for individuals or families to maintain their own integrative values. It is not easy to withstand the pressures from the outside, to not succumb to the vision of success offered by the majority society. It is also problematic that the focus of politics is not predominantly on the family but, above all, on the immediate interests of the individual. Politics is irresponsibly undercutting itself in order to get into favor of individuals. The conclusion o f the study confirms the validity of the magisterial belief that the prosperity of the family is crucial for the future of the world and the Church. Marriage and the family are natural communities that correspond to a persons anthropological setting. They allow him or her to find his or her own identity. They are a guarantee of the humanization of the person and society, a protection against deformations of the individualistic or collectivist type.
  • Miniatura
    Changes in aggression and stress in perpetrators and victims of domestic violence due to the “Blue Cards” procedure
    Rogowska, Aleksandra Maria; Kardasz, Zofia; Wicher, Sebastian (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)
    The research aimed to examine changes in stress and aggression syndrome among victims and perpetrators of domestic violence while participating in the “Blue Cards” procedure. The study participants were 30 female domestic violence victims, ranged in age between 21 and 58 years (M = 4,33; SD = 9,19), and 30 male perpetrators of domestic violence aged between 22 and 56years old (M = 36,97; SD = 10,06). Aggression syndrome was measured using the Inventory of Psychological Aggression Syndrome (IPSA II), and the stress level was assessed by the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10). The prospective study used a test-retest procedure. Both aggression and stress were examined in the whole sample of 60 individuals twice: at baseline and six months after the “Blue Cards” procedure was introduced. Participants have rated self-report aggression syndrome and stress, and also they have assessed the aggression syndrome of his/her partner. Nonparametric Wilcoxon signedrank tests have been used for test-retest comparisons. The results show that active participation in assistant activities decreased the level of stress in domestic violence victims and their perception of perpetrators’ aggression syndrome. The “Blue Cards” procedure may be considered an effective method of supporting victims and preventing domestic violence among perpetrators.
  • Miniatura
    Reorientations on the educational integration of Roma children in the Czech Republic
    Nowak, Beata Maria; Kaleja, Martin (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)
    The article is set in the social context of the Roma in the Czech Republic. The subject of the analyses are inter alia, the phenomenon of school segregation, systemic errors in the field of educational diagnosis and education of Roma children as a part of educational programs for students with intellectual disabilities. The aim of the article is an attempt to identify the routine with inclusion of Roma children in general education in the Czech Republic. The primary research method is the document analysis – optional legal documents, official school teaching documents and statistical summaries. Observational studies show that in inclusive education, on the one hand, there is an orientation on mastering Czech language by Roma children in both speech and writing, and on the other hand, a tendency to differential diagnosis. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has taken action to equip teachers with the knowledge of the native language of their Roma students and knowledge of the Roma socio-cultural bases, which allows to avoid misunderstandings and ethnic conflicts. However, concerns are raised by the high turnover of Roma children not completing compulsory schooling, their low participation in pre-school education as well as educating a large percentage of Roma children in educational programs for students with intellectual disabilities (the phenomenon of misdiagnosis and applications for transfer from mainstream education to the area of special education). A great support for the integration educational policy pursued in the Czech Republic towards Roma students attending universities are neurological research and development projects by scientific centers, identifying the needs and indicating the possibilities of including Roma children in the mainstream of general education. The research analyses carried out begin to require an urgent solution with social integration of the Roma courses in the Czech Republic, based on the current educational policy of the European Union towards Roma pupils and students. In this regard, it is necessary to set priorities by the Czech Ministry of Education and to make basic decisions with a focus on comprehensive support for Roma children in their development and education that includes them in the mainstream education.
  • Miniatura
    Testing psychological (GAM) model of aggression on the men’s sample. Substance addiction, steroids use, personality traits, free will, and temporal perspective as predictors of aggression
    Zdybek, Przemysław; Pysz, Magdalena Joanna (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)
    The study was carried out to verify how psychological models are able to explain the phenomenon of aggression among men. There is a lack of research that try to test many factors of aggression in a holistic way. We try to enrich the results of research on male aggression by recognizing to what extent factors that have not been studied so far, such as willpower, temporal orientation, or the use of drugs or steroids, explain aggression in the group of men. The sample of men (N = 131) was selected deliberately in terms of substance dependence, steroid use and being a free from substance. Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) was used to measure five personality factors. The Zimbardo Time Perception Questionnaire (ZTPI) and the Start and Stop Control Questionnaire were used to measure temporal orientation and willpower, respectively. Correlation and hierarchical regression analysis were used for the statistical analyses. The results confirm the impact of personality, willpower construct and temporal orientation on the male aggression. We did not found that steroid use can be connected with aggression phenomena, but results support the role of addiction. The research, however, has its limitations and the main ones are a small research sample and specific sample selection, which makes generalization o f the results difficult.
  • Miniatura
    The first decade of building a family friendly Hungary
    Fűrész, Tűnde; Molnár, Balázs (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)
  • Miniatura
    Patriotismus in der Familie: Wert oder Identität. Eine auf Forschungen der polnischen Mission in Deutschland basierte Studie
    Celary, Ireneusz Andrzej (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)
    The article discusses the subject of patriotism within Polish immigrant families in the context of socio-cultural conditions in Germany. The aim of the research was to learn about the patriotism cultivated within families and to answer the question: does it is a value and enables retaining national identity? The article uses the results of a sociological survey conducted in the Polish Mission in Germany. The collected bibliographic material was used for their critical analysis. Based on the results of the research, it be concluded that Polish patriotism, which has been verified by German social-cultural along with religious and relating to customs circumstances, preserves its genuineness and protects against nationalistic attitudes. Hence, combination of faith and Polishness remains deeply ingrained in Polish patriotism, representing authentic and universal heritage passed within the Polish families onto the next generations. Based on research done it could be confirmed that patriotism is cultivated within Polish families in German. Patriotism should be primary instilled within family thus parents shall combine both religious (education in faith) and national (culture and Polish customs) traditions.
  • Miniatura
    Stephan Ernst, Am Anfang und Ende des Lebens. Grundfragen medizinischer Ethik, Verlag Herder, Freiburg – Basel – Wien 2020, ISBN 978-3-451-38812-5, ss. 400.
    Podzielny, Janusz (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2020)