The Baptism of Mieszko in 966: the Evolution of Scientific Theories on the Basis of Archaeological Discoveries




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


When Mieszko I went into the water of baptism he opened for the posterity the access not only to the family of the kingdom out of this world, but also to the family of nations of the western culture. His decision started the Polish state. The distance in time and scarce source material cause that the research process is still in progress. The author on the basis of written sources shows how scientific theories considering baptism of Mieszko changed and evolved. Confirmation or falsification of these theories is searched on the basis of archaeological discoveries. On the basis of the research to date the author presents how the main theories considering formation of Polish state based on the decision of baptism of the ruler himself were changing. After presentation of the Mieszko’s state in 966, main hypotheses concerning gene-sis, time and place as well as effects of the baptism of the ruler are pointed out. The theories changed due to the influence of reading sources, political events, comparative research performed through the years and, lately, on the basis of archaeological research and results achieved thanks to the use of the newest research technologies. The baptism of Mieszko was most probably on the territory of Gniezno state in 966 (maybe on Easter Eve). The effects of his decision triggered formation of Christian identity of the Polish state, however, the ruler had probably purposes which were less distant in time, including religious purpose.


Artykuł w języku angielskim.

Słowa kluczowe

chrzest Mieszka I, Chrzest Polski, 966 r., geneza chrztu Mieszka I, skutki chrztu Mieszka I, początki Państwa Polskiego, X w., historia, Państwo Polskie, chrzest, archeologia, odkrycia archeologiczne, nauka, chrystianizacja, chrystianizacja Polski, Polska, chrześcijaństwo, baptism of Mieszko I, Baptism Poland, year 966, genesis of baptism of Mieszko I, effects of baptism of Mieszko I, beginning of Polish State, history, Polish State, baptism, archaeology, archaeological discoveries, science, Christianization, Christianization of Poland, Poland, Christianity


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2017, T. 64, nr 4, s. 49-69.


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