Chrystocentryzm. Dialog Kościoła i świata




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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


The most profound Catholic – (from kat’holon „concerning the whole”) – understanding of Christocentrism is not (and cannot be) an impediment to the Church’s dialogue with the world, faith and culture, theology and art. It is not a problem in interreligious dialogue either. If there are barriers, this means that we are just starting on our way, that all sides undertaking dialogue need to be cleansed. Jesus Christ is on everyone’s side, he is not against anyone. The fact that God has loved man so much that He became a man is the most fundamental basis for the framework of understanding and unity. And it is our future.


Słowa kluczowe

chrystocentryzm, dialog, dialog Kościoła i świata, Kościół, świat, teologia, Jezus Chrystus, chrześcijaństwo, teologia chrześcijańska, Konstanty Michalski, Karl Rahner, Wcielenie, chrystokształtność wiary, chrystokształtność kultury, wiara, kultura, Christocentrism, dialogue, dialogue between Church and world, Church, world, theology, Jesus Christ, Christianity, Christian theology, Incarnation, faith, culture


Verbum Vitae, 2004, T. 6, s. 277-239.


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