Santo subito – baeto adesso – Jan Paweł II na łamach prasy polskojęzycznej we Włoszech (2005-2011)




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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum


The aim of the article is to introduce the image of John Paul II in years 2005-2011 in the Polish language periodic “Our world” published in Italy by Italian publishing company for Polish society in Italy. The biweekly magazine, created by Polish journalists, devoted The Pope during the 6 years 33 texts in its paper version and many ones on the internet side. The journalists wrote about many topics connected with John Paul II: the celebrations of the anniversaries of His death, the trial of the beatification, the places which were named after The Pope, the cultural and artistic events which took place to commemorate Him. This topic, hopefully, can be interesting for people in Poland because, firstly, we just celebrate the beatification of John Paul II and, secondly, the magazine is rather unknown in our country and shows a part of everyday life of Polish society in Italy.


Słowa kluczowe

Jan Paweł II, John Paul II, Karol Wojtyła, papieże, popes, pontyfikat, pontificate, prasa, press, Włochy, Italy, prasa polskojęzyczna we Włoszech, Polish-language press in Italy


Studia Ełckie, 2011, T. 13, s. 257-268.


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