Mesjaństwo w Ml 3,1-5 i jego deuteronomistyczna korekta – studium egzegetyczno-historyczne
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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Based on a detailed analysis of Mal 3:1-5, the article attempts to depict a specific function of the socially engaged messianic movement that opposes the incipient crisis of the Judean society in the 5th century BC. As evidenced by the editorial addition in Mal 3:1b-4, the internal discussion went on among the Judean leaders who were concerned about the growing discontent among the population and the subsequent emergence of the prophetic current that with its eschatological and subversive claims could undermine a slow and delicate process of the reconstruction of the country under the watchful and effective control of the Persians. The editorial addition in Mal 3:1-5 reveals the attempt to incorporate the original prophecy of Malachi in the process of extinguishing the embers of the social crisis.
Słowa kluczowe
Book of Malachi, messenger of the covenant, social crisis, messianic problematics, eschatological prophecy, sons of Levi, wages of hireling, mercenary, Old Testament, Bible, exegesis, biblical exegesis, biblical studies, history, messiahship, prophecy, eschatology, theology, covenant, Book of Deuteronomy, exegetical analysis, historical analysis, Księga Malachiasza, anioł Przymierza, kryzys społeczny, mesjanizm, proroctwo eschatologiczne, synowie Lewiego, wynagrodzenie, robotnik na wynagrodzeniu, najemnik, Stary Testament, Biblia, Pismo Święte, egzegeza, egzegeza biblijna, biblistyka, historia, mesjaństwo, proroctwo, eschatologia, teologia, przymierze, Księga Powtórzonego Prawa, Ml 3, analiza egzegetyczna, analiza historyczna
The Biblical Annals, 2015, T. 5, nr 2, s. 375-403.
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