Katechizować w duchu nowej ewangelizacji




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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum


The author of the article “Catechization is the spirit of new evangelism” refers to the teachings of the Church, especially those of Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis. She indicates the need for catechetical revival so that the everlasting truth of the Gospels can be conveyed to young people in a way which is better suited to contemporary mentality and the conditions that we live in. The first paragraph, entitled “New evangelism” explains the concept, referring especially to the teaching of John Paul II. Paragraph two, entitled “Catechetical renewal” points to the need for in-depth understanding of catechesis, for being open to contemporary youth and to the need for revival of the Christian identity. The third paragraph, entitled “How to stand up to the task of the catechetical revival” points to the main aspects which are essential in the process of revival; these are: awareness of the mission, responsibility for one’s own formation and opposing egoistic acedia. The last paragraph, which concludes these scientific considerations, is entitled: “Teaching religion as a way of achieving sainthood”. The entire article indicates the need for a fresh look into catechetic activities, which is necessitated by cultural changes.


Słowa kluczowe

katechizacja, ewangelizacja, nowa ewangelizacja, odnowa katechetyczna, młodzież, tożsamość chrześcijańska, nauczanie religii, świętość, catechisation, evangelization, new evangelization, catechetical renewal, youth, Christian identity, teaching religion, sanctity


Studia Ełckie, 2014, T. 16, nr 4, s. 523-543.


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