Roczniki Teologiczne, 2020, T. 67, nr 10
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Pozycja Family Values of Contemporary Ukrainian Youth in Across-Cultural ContextYablonska, Tetiana; Artyukh, Oksana; Gorbaniuk, Julia (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)Family transformations in different countries have both common tendencies and differences that are reflected in young people’s perceptions of the family and family values. The article purpose is to analyse the family values of contemporary Ukrainian youth, taking into account the cross-cultural context. The performed analysis shows the similarity of family development trends in Ukraine and other European countries: moving away from the traditional family model, experimenting with other forms of relationships, postponing marriages and births of children etc., which is reflected in the family values of youth. At the same time, young people believe that an ideal family is rather a family with traditional structures and with a partner-type relationship, but with a certain imbalance in role distribution. The striking differences in family value perceptions characteristic for boys and girls testify to the significant influence of gender stereotypes. Keeping some of the traditional views, Ukrainian youth are actively experimenting with new forms of partnership/family. Young people’s perceptions of the family are contradictory: the idealized traditional model is combined with their willingness to experiments; the focus on partnerships is mixed with gender stereotype influence.Pozycja Rodzina migracyjna w perspektywie transnarodowejSzyszka, Małgorzata (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)The aim of the article is to discuss the functioning of transnational families through the perspective of the transnational perspective. This new approach to families separated by international migration underlines the importance of two features: the spatial separation of family members and a sense of community. Thus, the consequences of international migration are not considered as a crisis, but as a new reality changing the quality of family life. The article discusses the new organization of family life in transnational families. It points out the importance of family practices for building family life. The family practices are processual, fluid and adapted to the needs of family members. They are embedded in daily rituals and confirm “familyhood even across distance.” Parental roles are also changing. They are redefined and reorganized. New parenting (distance parenting) involves continuing to care for children and building emotional closeness, despite spatial distance.Pozycja Family as a Determinant of Aggresive Behavior in Children with Intellectual DisordersRudenko, Lilia; Fedorenko, Svitlana; Fedorenko, Myroslav (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)The article talks about the causes of aggressive behavior in children with intellectual disabilities of different age. It has been noted that behavioral disorders in children with intellectual disabilities occur in 25%-84% of cases, and the development of both positive and negative traits depends directly on family upbringing and education in the family. The study of the social situation of development of children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities confirmed the presence of predominantly negative characteristics of the social, cultural, educational and professional status of families in which children with intellectual disabilities are raised, which can be a source of influence that contradicts social norms. Unfavorable conditions in families of children with intellectual disabilities, lack of behavior, disability of proper behavior from parents, demonstration of aggressive behavior in the family and ensuring its support also cause aggressive tendencies in the behavior of this category of children. It has been found that unfavorable family situation, conflicting in children with intellectual disabilities increases with age, reaching the highest level before adolescence. It is proved that negative perception of a child with intellectual disturbance of a family situation, lack of emotional connections between family members, feeling of rejection and rejection of a child by adult family members causes not only manifestations of aggression, but also formation of aggressive behaviors.Pozycja Christian Family as the Source and Propagator of Vocational CultureRabczyński, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)Building and transmitting vocational culture is among the primary duties of the Christian family. Vocational culture is composed of all actions supporting the work of awakening vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. Characteristic elements of this culture are: deep religiosity, awareness of the Church mission and the correct vision of vocation. The family builds and transmits vocational culture through a conscious and consistent process of formation according to Christian values and models of behaviour. It thus answers the general call to love and holiness. It is aptly named the Home Church, the first seminary, and the treasury of vocations. The holiness of families is the main condition for the growth and maturation of authentic vocations, and the most appropriate answer to the modern crisis of vocational culture.Pozycja Apostolstwo Dobrej Śmierci – historia i misjaKulik, Bogdan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)On July 22, 1908, Pope Pius X established the Association of Our Lady of a Happy Death as universal for the whole Church. On May 30, 1987, the Primate of Poland, Cardinal Joseph Glemp, approved the Polish Branch of the Association at the Shrine to the Virgin Mary in Górka Klasztorna. He also permitted the Missionaries of the Holy Family to carry out this work. The purpose of the Association is the propagation of prayer and preparation for a good death. The article presents in details history and mission of the Association, also called the Apostolate of Good Death.Pozycja Polityka rodzinna w Niemczech – podmioty i instrumentyKoperek, Jerzy (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)The family policy of the state is important in the fight against low birth rates. Germany, as a European Union country, has one of the lowest fertility rates, which is only 1.37. The country has a long tradition of making all public efforts to develop the family and encourage citizens to give birth to offspring. The article, focusing on social policy in Germany, presents instruments and transfers that are used by the German government to carry out family policy tasks in the fight against low birth rates. The analysis of family policy instruments in Germany was presented in the context of the following issues: subjects of family policy; state benefits for the family (family benefit [Elterngeld]; child benefit [Kindergeld], supplement for children [Kinderzuschlag]; parental leave [Elternzeit]; maternity benefit [Mutterschaftsgeld] and maternity protection [Mutterschutz]; help for women returning to work).Pozycja Obraz siebie u mężczyzn uzależnionych od internetu. Analiza porównawczaKomsta-Tokarzewska, Karolina (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)Self-image constitutes an axial element of the human personality structure that regulates their behaviour. It plays an important role in the self-regulation process. Internet addiction is a disorder, the main symptom of which is the loss of self-regulating abilities and control of one’s behaviour in relation to the machine, which is the result of, inter alia, functioning of mechanisms that distort self-perception. The following article presents the results of a comparative analysis carried out on a group of 70 men addicted to the Internet and 66 non-addicted men, within the self-image structure measured by the Adjective Check List (ACL) by B. B. Gough and A. B. Heilbrun. Research results indicate that there are statistically significant differences in the structure of self-image within both groups. Purposive sampling and small sample size (N = 136) limit the scope of inference, however, they have a significant application value, which is worth considering while designing preventive and therapeutic interventions strengthening deficit areas in addicts.Pozycja Formy wsparcia rodziny w aspekcie duchowo-religijnym na podstawie badań w Hospicjum Dobrego Samarytanina w LublinieKalinowski, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)A family care in a spiritual and religious aspects in experiencing existential difficult situation of the cancer in terminally stage of the relatives belongs to holistic dimension of palliative medicine and hospice care. A complementarity of impact of both determine activity in all fields of cancer illness: somatic, psychological, social and spiritual. All of them needs a teamwork with the adequate skills and qualifications, appropriate competence and experience. A subject of this article points out for spiritual and religious aspect of support the family member at the end of life loves one on the basis of own research in Good Samaritan Hospice in Lublin, Poland.Pozycja Development of the Agency of Ukrainian Children – Forced Migrants: Tasks of School and FamilyHalian, Olena (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)The article reveals potential influence of educational environment and conditions of family education on manifestation of pupils’ own agency in the context of contemporary Ukrainian realities, in particular, forced migration. Agency support is recognized as an important task of ensuring a vital stability of individuals and updating their personal resources, which are aimed not only at adapting to empirical, social, cultural and existential reality in which they live now, but also at their self-development. To achieve this aim the peculiarities of organization of educational environment and system of family education in changed conditions of life realization have been designed. Importance of providing psychological and pedagogical support for development of the agency of schoolchildren is substantiated. That can be reached by encouraging teachers to use a humanitarian approach in education and creation of children picture the world, where valuemeaningful attitude to multicultural space contributes to personal growth, and to development of individual educational trajectory for them, which makes possible realization of personal potential and needs by pupils in self-development. Parental influence is presented as an important factor for children to gain new experience of self-awareness through indirect approach in education, transfer of positive experience in overcoming difficult life situations, creating a situation of success in socialization of a child. Particular emphasis is made on cooperation of family and educational institution in identification of markers of agency, their manifestation in patterns of behaviour and values of children. The need to formulate a whole value adult attitude to a child’s desire to be an agent of change and self-change is emphasized.Pozycja Poronienie kliniczne jako niepowodzenie położnicze rodziców – aspekt biomedycznyGuzdek, Piotr; Guzdek, Sylwia (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)Clinical miscarriage is pathology of diagnosed pregnancy before the 22nd week of prenatal development of a child weighing less than 500 g. Every fourth woman experiences a procreational loss as a result of a clinical miscarriage. This type of obstetric failure is conditioned by multifactorial etiology of genetic, immunological, endocrine, morphological and anatomical, infectious, iatrogenic origins. The physiology of miscarriage allows making a typology of its clinical forms and on this basis distinguishing: threatening miscarriage, beginning miscarriage, ongoing miscarriage, complete miscarriage, incomplete miscarriage, retained miscarriage, cervical miscarriage, febrile miscarriage and septic miscarriage. The frequency of miscarriage indicates episodic and recurrent failures. The author of the study attempted to conceptualize clinical miscarriage and present its synthetic characteristics based on a review of the literature on the subject by employing the desk research method. As a result of the conducted analyzes the need to include the issue of reproductive losses in family education curricula and broadly understood prenatal education as a form of psychosocial prevention of obstetric failures and shaping positive social attitudes towards parents in mourning after miscarriage was pointed out.Pozycja Przemiany współczesnej rodziny w zakresie obyczajowościBrzeziński, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)The modern family undergoes various transformations at many levels: morality, tradition, or customs. The whole body of these customs, accumulated over centuries, has always been a great value and refuge for many generations. The times in which we live today bring many changes. The most important factors seem to be cultural, ideological, social or demographic ones. Given such changes, the family must not be a place where the life that begins in it is rejected and annihilated, parental roles redefined, with the duty to raise children transferred to mass media or dangerous ideologies. It is necessary to take action to protect the identity of the family, to build its unity and marital communion for the sake of man and the society in which he lives.Pozycja Maira P. Kabakova, Psichołogiczeskije osobiennosti kazachskoj siemji: Monigrafia [Psychologiczne cechy rodziny kazachskiej: Monografia], Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazachstanu, Ałmaty 2018, ss. 288, ISBN 978-601-04-3295-6Svet, Akhmettayeva (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)