Życie konsekrowane w służbie poszukiwania sensu według Benedykta XVI
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Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu
Artykuł przedstawia znaczenie życia konsekrowane w służbie poszukiwania sensu według Benedykta XVI. W swoim nauczaniu papież zwraca uwagę na zjawisko współczesnego kryzysu sensu i wartości, a zarazem przypomina o wpisanym głęboko w naturę ludzką pytaniu o sens istnienia. Życie konsekrowane jest (i było od samych początków) poszukiwaniem Boga: quaerere Deum. Osoba poświęcona Bogu na własność stawia w centrum swego życia Chrystusa, „odwieczny Sens”, i całkowicie powierza Mu siebie. Zgodnie z nauczaniem Benedykta XVI życie konsekrowane, będące drogą specjalnego naśladowania Chrystusa i poddania Jemu całej egzystencji, jest świadectwem odnalezienia sensu życia i stanowi pomoc dla poszukujących go.
The article presents the significance of consecrated life in the service of searching for sense as viewed by Benedict XVI. The Pope shows in his teaching the contemporary crisis of sense and values; he also urges and reminds us of the sense of our existence – a question that is deeply inscribed into human nature. Consecrated life is (and has ever been since its very beginnings) the search for God: quaerere Deum. The person fully devoted to God sets Christ, “eternal Sense,” in the centre of his/her life and commits himself/herself totally to Him. Benedict XVI teaches that consecrated life, being a special way of following Christ and entrusting to Him one’s whole existence, is the evidence of finding life’s sense and constitutes an aid for those who search for it.
The article presents the significance of consecrated life in the service of searching for sense as viewed by Benedict XVI. The Pope shows in his teaching the contemporary crisis of sense and values; he also urges and reminds us of the sense of our existence – a question that is deeply inscribed into human nature. Consecrated life is (and has ever been since its very beginnings) the search for God: quaerere Deum. The person fully devoted to God sets Christ, “eternal Sense,” in the centre of his/her life and commits himself/herself totally to Him. Benedict XVI teaches that consecrated life, being a special way of following Christ and entrusting to Him one’s whole existence, is the evidence of finding life’s sense and constitutes an aid for those who search for it.
Słowa kluczowe
życie konsekrowane, Benedykt XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, papieże, sens, sens życia, poszukiwanie Boga, Bóg, kryzys, kryzys wartości, consecrated life, Benedict XVI, popes, meaning, sense, meaning of life, search for God, God, crisis, crisis of values
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2021, R. 29, Nr 1, s. 323-344.
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