Rola odbiorcy w interpretacji tekstu na przykładzie alegoryzacji Pieśni nad Pieśniami
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Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
The article demonstrates an active role of a reader in interpretation of the Song of Songs text. First of all the structural methods were used and the communicational theory of a literary work. Not only a knowledge of the language is a condition for proper text reading but also an acquaintance with literary conventions (genre and literary kind). On the other hand a convention imposes on a reader a certain type of behaviour in relation to the work. The most proper method in interpretation of the Song of Songs belonging to the lirycs, and in discernment of motives appearing in the work seems an allegoreza. But, becouse a reader has his own code (own experiences, cultural and religious qualifications), he actualizes and makes substantiation of a work on various levels. Therefore there are so many different associations-called styles of reception, connected with Song of Songs and its personages. A work is treated as a scheme with the so called "spots of indenomination", which is filled up by the reader with his own creativity as fare as the text permits. Then in the Song of Songs there is quite an ample sphere of activity left to the receiver. It appears however that the influence of the cultural, historical and religious tradition is so powerful, that associations which the Song of Song awake in modem reader are most often an allegorical associations.
Słowa kluczowe
komunikacyjna teoria dzieła literackiego, interpretacja, alegoryzacja, alegoria, alegoryzacja Pieśni nad Pieśniami, Pieśń nad Pieśniami, Stary Testament, Biblia, Pismo Święte, analiza literacka, elementy konwencji literackiej, konwencja literacka, poetyka, teoria literatury, konkretyzacja, komunikacja, odbiorca komunikatu, nadawca komunikatu, poziomy konkretyzacji, asocjacje, interpretacja alegoryczna, alegoreza, communicative theory of a literary work, interpretation, allegorization, allegory, allegorization of the Song of Songs, Song of Songs, Old Testament, Bible, literary analysis, elements of literary convention, literary convention, poetics, literary theory, concretization, communication, receiver of a message, sender of a message, levels of concretization, associations, allegorical interpretation, allegoresis
Scriptura Sacra, 2002, R. 6, nr 6, s. 109-135.
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