Obraz człowieka a ideał chrześcijanina w wielkich Listach św. Pawła
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Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO
The main idea of the considerance is to pay one’s attention at the ideal of a Christian, on the basis of St Paul’s Great Letters (1 Cor, Gal, 2 Cor, Rom). People are really eager to face sanctity: with God, with a holy man. The sanctity constitutes a kind of a pattern, an exempler to follow for an ordinary person - an exempter of its magnanimousness. The very basic human values can be definitely called as the Christian ones, as God dedicated his life in the name of the values defendence. The Christian sanctity is absolutely not about any sort of suerhumanity. It is about unusual skills, talents which not everyone is gifted with. The Christian sanctity is an obedience based not on its own greatness, but on the one that lets God to be gifted by his greatness. People have extremely serious expectations from different religions. One of them are ready answers on tough questions, concerning human existence, which deeply move human hearts: what the final and the wordless mystery is that overwhelms our existence, which we take our beginning from, towards which we constantly head for. One of the answers can be found in the New Testament, which the Great Letters of St Paul’s constitute a truly important part of.
Słowa kluczowe
apostles, Jesus Christ, Christianity, perfection, ideal, love, hope, Church, holiness, life, human, image of human, ideal of the Christian, letters of Saint Paul, Bible, New Testament, biblical studies, exegesis, biblical exegesis, theology, biblical theology, apostołowie, Jezus Chrystus, chrześcijaństwo, doskonałość, ideał, miłość, nadzieja, Kościół, świętość, życie, człowiek, obraz człowieka, ideał chrześcijanina, listy św. Pawła, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Nowy Testament, biblistyka, egzegeza, egzegeza biblijna, teologia, teologia biblijna
Scriptura Sacra, 2015, R. 19, s. 231-254.
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