Śpiew i instrumentarium muzyczne w Księdze Psalmów. Studium leksykograficzne
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Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska
The article by Robert Kaczorowski tells about the music in the Book of Psalms which is a collection of the most beautiful religious songs. Israelites from the Old Testament times did not use the notation in contemporary understanding. That is why it is difficult to reproduce the ancient music. But at the beginning of every psalm there is a suggestion about melodies or instruments which could be used. The paper shows us that folksongs were these melodies which were the most popular with singing psalms. And the most popular instruments there were string instruments: kinnor – lyre, nevel – harp; apart from that: tof – tambourine and szofar – horn.
Słowa kluczowe
Biblia, Pismo Święte, Stary Testament, Księga Psalmów, Ps, muzyka, śpiew, instrumenty, muzyka hebrajska, pieśni religijne, psalmy, kultura, kultura starożytna, instrumenty starożytne, język hebrajski, Bible, Old Testament, Book of Psalms, music, singing, instruments, Hebrew music, religious songs, psalms, culture, ancient culture, ancient instruments, Hebrew
Studia Gdańskie, 2002-2003, T. 15-16, s. 41-54.
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