Dobro wspólne jako cel uniwersytetu
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Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska
In the paper “university” is recognised as a community and institution where all sciences, humanities and arts are lectured. As every community has its own specific aim, called “common good”, the goal of university could be showed, too. Charters of University of Gdańsk and some colleges located in that city were collected and examined. The first and the most essential aim of university is to educate its students and lecturers. They should become self-reliant researchers and reliable citizens. Secondly, university cooperates with local community and with a state in economical and social development. Thirdly, it supports research and freedom of speech. Thus, every aim of university is connected with human being and its personal and social development. “Common good” of university is a person: rational and free being.
Słowa kluczowe
dobro wspólne, społeczeństwo, uniwersytety, cele uniwersytetu, zadania uniwersytetu, pracownicy naukowi, wykładowcy, studenci, kształcenie uniwersyteckie, edukacja, edukacja wyższa, nauka, common good, society, universities, goals of university, tasks of university, academics, lecturers, students, university education, education, higher education, science, study
Studia Gdańskie, 2002-2003, T. 15-16, s. 153-162.
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