Wychowanie do czystości w ujęciu Karola Meissnera




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Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska


In his numerous publications on human sexuality, K. Meissner presents his wide experience of a physician and a theologian, enriched by the teachings of the Church. The quantity of his works and the growing demand for them proves the relevance of the question of chastity. It also proves the crisis of the modern man in his personal reference to sexuality. This crisis, discernible in society, results from a secular vision of human sexuality, which is promoted by the media and which does not refer to the values involving this field. The sphere of human sexuality must be properly shaped in the process of education. According to K. Meissner, it is important to base it on moral principles and the proper formation of understanding of one’s own sexuality. Only so formed can the man experience his sexuality in the right way and avoid getting addicted to sex, which may result from the sexual education promoted by the modern secular society. Thus the education of young people must be marked by a special concern about developing in them the attitude of a giver, since only this attitude excludes abusing another person for one’s own egotistic pleasure. If the egotistic attitude is developed already at young age, it has a negative effect on the whole adult life. And that is why young people must know how to react, if overwhelmed by weakness they get addicted to sexual experiences, and how to define their self-portrait of a man or a woman.


Słowa kluczowe

Karol Meissner, cnoty, czystość, seksualność, wychowanie do czystości, „milczenie seksualne”, wstyd, wstyd płciowy, przyjemność seksualna, uzależnienia, życie seksualne, Kongregacja ds. Wychowania Katolickiego, Katechizm Kościoła Katolickiego, virtues, purity, chastity, sexuality, upbringing for chastity, sexual silence, shame, sexual shame, sexual pleasure, addictions, sex life, Congregation for Catholic Education, Catechism of the Catholic Church


Studia Gdańskie, 2005-2006, T. 18-19, s. 173-188.


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