Moralny aspekt wykorzystywania zwłok ludzkich




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska


Modern science and technology offer several options of dealing with a human corpse, other than a traditional funeral. It seems that the range of available choices will widen with time. Each step of the way involves a question of decency and respect for the corpse. Making a human being and human dignity a point of reference for moral judgment, and acknowledging a special status of a corpse and its parts, as a thing closely connected with a person, one can approve of only such deeds that do not threaten a person’s dignity by subordinating it to other purposes. Those deeds should help a person to grow in love, life and health, to know oneself. The situation when a human corpse is treated as a means to an end that does not concern a person must be seen as despicable.


Słowa kluczowe

moralność, etyka, człowiek, osoba, osoba ludzka, zwłoki ludzkie, sposoby traktowania zwłok, szczątki ludzkie, obrzędy pogrzebowe, pogrzeby, ciało, dyskusje, badania pośmiertne, transplantacja, śmierć, godność ludzka, uprzedmiotowienie ciała, morality, ethics, human, person, human person, human corpse, cadaver, ways of treating corpses, human remains, funeral rites, funerals, body, discussions, post-mortem examinations, transplantation, death, human dignity, objectification of the body


Studia Gdańskie, 2007, T. 21, s. 427-440.


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