Kapłan sługa Eucharystii a jego niedyspozyjność duchowa




Tytuł czasopisma

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Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne


Tematem artykułu jest kapłaństwo Nowego Przymierza, wywodzące się od Jezusa Chrystusa, który w swoich Boskich planach pragnął, aby misja przekazana apostołom trwała aż do końca świata. Kapłan został tutaj ukazany jako sługa Eucharystii, która domaga się od niego odpowiedzi godnej daru i ofiary. Jest nią pełny i wielkoduszny dar z siebie, który znajduje swój wyraz w wiernym dążeniu do doskonałej miłości Boga i bliźniego. Zostało postawione także pytanie odnośnie kapłana, który ma sprawować Mszę św., a jest w stanie grzechu ciężkiego. Ukazano, że współistnieją dwa warunki, które będą wskazywać, że w danym momencie nie obowiązuje spowiedź tego kapłana, który ma na sumieniu grzech ciężki, a mianowicie: brak spowiednika i jednocześnie konieczność sprawowania Mszy św.

Reflecting the above subject it is necessery to begin with the definition of priesthood. Therefore, starting with priesthood in pagan religions, and above all priesthood of the Old Covenant the New Covenant priesthood was shown. It shows, therefore, priesthood that comes from Jesus Christ, who called the Apostles to preach the Gospel, and become priests of those who believe in Him. Jesus Christ in his divine plan wanted the mission of the Apostles to be passed and lastuntil the end of the world, which is why the apostles, and then the bishops, and priests in the Church have a specific task. In the name of Jesus Christ they are to preach His Gospel, the Eucharist is to repeat what Jesus did at the Last Supper, to forgivesins, and to watch over the flock entrusted in their care, the deacons are to do some of these functions and to assist them. According to tradition it is the priest who can preside over the Eucharist and so sacramental validity is significant. Christ established the Sacrament of Eucharist on the eve of His Passion and commanded the Apostles, to pass it from generation to generation: „Do this in memory of me”. The teaching of the Second Vatican Council was also pointed out in the above article. The vocation to sanctify others, is very closely related to the personal holiness of every priest, to which each of them has the duty to strive for. The priest has very specific reasons to acquire excellence, because he was consecrated in a new way to God through the sacrament of priesthood. He becomes a living instruments of Christ – Priest and acts in the name and person of Christ (in persona Christi). The priest should remember that the faithful have a specific right for the priest to find in him the man of God who knows God, and therefore must learn to grow in the spiritual life based on friendship with Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, in practice, the priests as men are subject to the temptation. Therefore, the question was raised about the priest who was supposed to say the Holy Mass, but is in mortal sin, what should he do? It shows also that there are two co‑existing conditions indicating at the given moment that the confession does not apply to the priest with the mortal sin on his conscience, namely: lack of a confessor and at the same time the necessity to celebrate the Mass.


Słowa kluczowe

apostołowie, biskupi, Kościół, diakon, Eucharystia, Jezus Chrystus, posługa, kapłaństwo, kapłani, duchowieństwo, prezbiter, sakramenty, grzech, niedyspozycyjność duchowa, apostles, bishops, Church, deacon, Eucharist, Jesus Christ, ministry, priesthood, clergy, presbyter, sacraments, sin, spiritual indisposition


Studia Gdańskie, 2010, T. 26, s. 97-108.


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