Rodzinne formy opieki nad dzieckiem osieroconym
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Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
Opieka nad dzieckiem wychowywanym poza rodziną organizowana jest w formach instytucjonalnych (placówki opiekuńczo- wychowawcze typu socjalizacyjnego, interwencyjnego i wielofunkcyjne) oraz w formach rodzinnych (rodziny zastępcze, placówki opiekuńczo-wychowawcze typu rodzinnego i rodziny adopcyjne). We współczesnym systemie opieki nad dzieckiem osieroconym podkreśla się prymat rodzinnych form wsparcia oraz pracy socjalnej z rodzicami dziecka, w celu umożliwienia mu jak najszybszego powrotu do domu. Rodzinna opieka zastępcza daje szansę dzieciom osieroconym na rekompensatę negatywnych skutków sieroctwa, gdyż zapewnia lepsze, niż w formach instytucjonalnych, warunki dla rozwoju psycho-fizycznego dziecka.
Child care deprived of the family is being organized in institutional forms (institutions of care and education of socialization type, emergency and multifunctional) and in family forms (foster families, institutions of care and education of family type, adoptive families). In the contemporary care system of the orphaned child the primacy of family forms of the support and the social work with parents is being underlined, to enable him the fastest return home. A concern for integral bringing up a child and compensating for experienced earlier traumatic effects are the basic task of a foster family. Family children’s homes and Children’s Villages perform the major part, because they provide care for they siblings. Adoptive families compensate for adverse effects, for they accepted the child forever. The family foster care gives the chance to orphaned children for the compensation of adverse effects of the orphanage, as it assures better than, in institutional forms, conditions for the development of the psychophysical child. The child can carry its essential needs out not only physiological, but also the need of safety, membership and love.
Child care deprived of the family is being organized in institutional forms (institutions of care and education of socialization type, emergency and multifunctional) and in family forms (foster families, institutions of care and education of family type, adoptive families). In the contemporary care system of the orphaned child the primacy of family forms of the support and the social work with parents is being underlined, to enable him the fastest return home. A concern for integral bringing up a child and compensating for experienced earlier traumatic effects are the basic task of a foster family. Family children’s homes and Children’s Villages perform the major part, because they provide care for they siblings. Adoptive families compensate for adverse effects, for they accepted the child forever. The family foster care gives the chance to orphaned children for the compensation of adverse effects of the orphanage, as it assures better than, in institutional forms, conditions for the development of the psychophysical child. The child can carry its essential needs out not only physiological, but also the need of safety, membership and love.
Słowa kluczowe
adopcja, dzieci, dzieci osierocone, placówki opiekuńczo-wychowawcze, rodzina zastępcza, rodzinny dom dziecka, wioska dziecięca, rodzina, opieka nad dzieckiem, opieka nad rodziną, opieka zastępcza, adoption, children’s village, family foster home, foster family, foster care facilities, institutions of care and education, children, orphaned children, family, child care, family care, foster care
Studia Gdańskie, 2011, T. 28, s. 173-184.
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