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Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
For over a hundred years the issue of kitsch has been discussed by historians of art and its followers. The concept of kitsch has evolved over the years and lost the rigid boundaries. Attempts to determine what could be called a work of art, and may be included in the field of kitsch, has caused various difficulties. There are several concepts indicating the characteristics of kitsch in relation to particular realities. Also in the field of sacred art there are creations which are far from the canons of art, approaching both its form and content to kitsch. The liturgy is the very demanding “space”. Approved for it may be only those works of art that are characterized by compliance, real beauty, theological correctness, and are far from inappropriate splendour. The major place in liturgy is the temple built around the altar, which is a domus ecclesiae. Therefore, the requirements of the rules and traditions of canonical sets of requirements for the creation of the architectural design of future temples. Also the altar – the place the most import ant in the liturgy, along with the sorroundings is worthy of special attention from artists, as it is the symbol of the cross on which Christ has made its most perfect sacrifice. The presence of religious paintings both in churches and private homes should be characterized by their beauty and theological correctness, so as faithful praying in front of them direct their thoughts toward God and let people worship Him. Among the vestments and vessels used in the liturgy we cannot miss their beauty and theological correctness. In the article’s conclusion, based on the result of an earlier analysis of legislation and in relation to the various examples cited for the use of human products in the liturgy, the author points out the qualities that should characterize the work of sacred art. All these raise the thesis that the boundary between art and kitsch appears where it breaks away from the work of theology and liturgy, it is the artificial product, it loses its uniqueness, it does not cause deep feelings which make the recipient closer to the true beauty and does not meet the requirements of the law to preserve the beauty and avoid the of splendour.
Słowa kluczowe
sztuka, art, sztuka sakralna, sacred art, kościoły, churches, kicz, kitsch, liturgia, liturgy, przestrzeń sakralna, sacred space, ołtarz, altar, obrazy, paintings, szaty liturgiczne, liturgical vestments, naczynia liturgiczne, liturgical vessels, sacrum
Liturgia Sacra, 2011, R. 17, nr 2 (38), s. 437-449.
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