Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie, 2011, nr 16

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  • Miniatura
    Wolność w ujęciu Odo Marquarda
    Babiński, Jarosław (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2011)
    Odo Marquard is one of the most prominent German philosophers of modern times. He represents a sceptical attitude, referring to the Frankfurt School (a pupil of Joachim Ritter), and post-modernism. In his writings, he forms an original (and controversial) vision of freedom: "Human freedom is based on the division of authority". This argument derived from Montesquieu's thesis is the starting point for the present discussion of the importance of the concept of freedom in the philosophy and analysis of the current difficulties associated with him in the European tradition of thought. Marquard presents three understandings of freedom: freedom as a zero-determination, liberty to evil as an alibi of God and freedom as a positive determination of human conduct. Marquard is an adherent of the third concept, which leads him to the post-modern approach of anthropology and the rejection of the notion of freedom of classical metaphysics.
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    Kainici i Setyci (Rdz 4,17-26) – pytanie o kierunek rozwoju cywilizacji?
    Lemański, Janusz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2011)
    Gen 4,17-26 has been interpreted in the light of redemptive selection which concerns Adam’s descendants. The choice, however, is not made by God but by people alone. The Cainites and Sethites represent antinomies not on ethnic but on moral level. God does not exclude anyone but everyone can turn away from God. The Cainites reject the way of forgiveness based on God’s justice and they choose the way of fierce revenge (the case of Lamech) while Seth and his descendants respect God and worship him in the cult.
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    Religia i kultura – razem i przeciw sobie
    Liberski, Arkadiusz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2011)
    The life of man – from the beginning – is connected with culture and a religion. Thanks to them he creates the world, expresses his own interior and touches the transcendent truths. Religion and culture are closely connected with each other. They meet together in man. We live in culture and we open ourselves for God. God is a source of religion. Religion does not limit itself to culture but needs its language to transmit divine truths. Every culture contains religious elements and is fuller thanks to them. Relations between culture and religion took different forms in history: the collaboration, the fight, the domination of one over another. However, they were always someway connected with each other. The problem of culture and religion is one of the most important problems of man. Nowadays, it is especially current and important. It is caused by such phenomena as: the secularization, the religious pluralism, the development of the science and of the technology. Man today asks for God and seeks the answer in culture. We must however remember that faith, religion, the relation with God are something more than only the world of culture. Faith is the lively relationship with God. Culture is only a tool to build this relationship up.
  • Miniatura
    Wybrane aspekty antropologii teologicznej konstytucji duszpasterskiej Gaudium et spes 22. Soboru Watykańskiego II
    Bujak, Janusz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2011)
    This articles presents the anthropology of imago Dei in the Constitution Gaudium et spes of the Second Vatican Council. This anthropology is most perfectly expressed in GS 22: “The truth is that only in the mystery of the incarnate Word does the mystery of man take on light”. Many theologians, among others. J. Ratzinger, L. Ladaria, M. Gagliardi, emphasize the protological and eschatological character of the council’s anthropology. It means, that Christ was preannounced in the person of the first Adam and he is the “last Adam” (novissimus Adam) as well. Therefore we are created on the image of the first Adam, and invited to becoming on the image of the true and second Adam – Christ.
  • Miniatura
    Communio Kościoła według Jürgena Moltmanna – od wspólnoty podstawowej po horyzont nowego stworzenia
    Danielewicz, Zbigniew (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2011)
    The communio-oriented vision of the church has a strong tradition in the evangelical theology, and so is with Jürgen Moltmann’s approach. There is a couple of layers to Moltmann’s ecclesiological project. Firstly, he provides a way of reforming the church in Germany and is convinced that the key to the process consists in reorganizing the church into small, ,,base communities”, where all members know each other; the communities, rich in charismata, are tied together by mutual care and friendship. Secondly, he sees the eschatological communio of the church over against the horizon of the new creation. As such, the church will embrace not only the saved ones, but the whole of creation as well. It is the final phase of the history of salvation when ,,God will be all in all.”
  • Miniatura
    Najwyższa władza w Kościele a organy wspomagające ją
    Dullak, Kazimierz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2011)
    The study brings closer the hierarchical constitution of the church and shows the position of the collegial body within that constitution. To effectively and fruitfully serve within the church, the supreme church authority employs single persons and teams called to deal with specific issues. The mutual dependence of the teams mentioned above deserves special attention: it works both ways: dependence of the persons holding an office on the collegial bodies and vice versa.
  • Miniatura
    Teologiczna interpretacja lęku w Dialogach karmelitanek G. Bernanosa
    Jastrząb, Dariusz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2011)
    G. Bernanos is one of those few novelists who has raised – in a catholic faith perspective – an issue of fear. His last writing Dialogues of the Carmelites is a drama about fear experienced by a Christian in face of both life and death. H. Urs von Balthasar’s theological depiction of the question contained in his book The Christian and Anxiety helps us in an interpretation of Bernanos’ literary work. Combining these two texts: literary and theological we can notice again a confirmation of the fact, that the culture finds its fulfillment and inspiration in religion and religion finds its locus thelogicus in literature.
  • Miniatura
    Aktualność postaci św. Maksymiliana, kapłana i rycerza Niepokalanej, wobec współczesnych oczekiwań Kościoła
    Kosmana, Ignacy (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2011)
    By its very nature, Knighthood is written into the Christian life. This is shown by examples in Church history ages or not long ago. Without a doubt the early martrys of the Church were the first knights. During the Middle Ages, knights took up the sword to gain the Holy Land not just for territory but for the faith in the “large” sense. Latter and in modern times, between the two world wars, St Maximilian Mary Kolbe founded a knighthood in the form of Pia Unio and returned to the origins of Kighthood in the sense of martryrdom, he himself giving his life for the love of his neighbor. To be a Knight of Christ...a Knight of the Immaculate... is a heroic task. This is Christianityheroic without compromise. Questions to be opened to are: What has remained of the idea and character of Fr.Kolbe? On what can the Church depend upon? What can be expected from the MI-Knights of the Immaculate?
  • Miniatura
    Opowieści o św. Maksymilianie. Audycje w Radiu Niepokalanów 2009-2010
    Kosmana, Ignacy (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2011)
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    „Ja” w relacji do Wspólnoty
    Sienkiewicz, Edward (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2011)
  • Miniatura
    Kościół jako communio personarum w polskiej teologii uczestnictwa
    Sienkiewicz, Edward (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2011)
    Overusing the word community often leads to mixing this way of being with any other social structure. However, a community is such a relation of persons, in which the inner dimension of each of them is involved. Since only in such involvement of everyone creating the community, what enriches me, develops me, and strengthens me, develops and strengthens any other. The reality of the community is not excluding belonging to other groups, associations, if only the membership is not restricting the personal structure of all units creating the given community. A special place and at the same time a space of creation and development of a community is The Church of Jesus Christ, understood as communio of persons in Word, in the most full way revelating The Community of The God Persons.
  • Miniatura
    Współpraca szkoły z Policją w zakresie przeciwdziałania demoralizacji młodzieży
    Zellma, Anna; Wiszowaty, Edward (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2011)
    Currently, the Ministry of National Education pays special attention to preventative, educational and resocialization activities at school. School heads and teachers are obliged to prevent moral corruption of the young and to cooperate with the police. The aim of this article is to present cooperation of schools with the police. To begin with, the scope of the meaning of the term ,,moral corruption of the young” and the etiology of the phenomenon are described. One also points to the ,,actual extent of moral corruption of the young” as recorded in the police statistics. Then, the fundamental tasks of the school concerning prevention of moral corruption of the young are presented as well as the areas and ways of cooperation of school employees with the police on preventing moral corruption among the young.